Chapter 03: Replace


 Chapter three : Replace

Sometimes I am buying a newspaper

in a strange city and think

"I am about to learn what it's like to live here."

Oftentimes there is a news item

about the complaints of homeowners

who live beside the airport

and I realize that I read an article

on this subject nearly once a year

and always receive the same image.


To Kim Jongin, the roller coaster that is life, was exhilarating. It never failed to astound him with a sudden feeling of wonder or astonishment with just how unpredictable it could be at times, even more so when it struck him nefariously, without warning. Yet, he never stopped anticipating for life's thrilling adventures, waiting to enshroud himself in its deepest mysteries with the intention of being the first to decipher them. The perils that life withheld was no threat to him because he feared nothing, because he chose to revel in every aspect of it and live life to the fullest. To a man like Kim Jongin, that was what it meant to feel alive and right now he was feeling pretty good.


He wouldn’t wholeheartedly admit that his working hours were consistent, he wouldn’t exactly say he had it any easier than any other average working man he probably had it worse if anything and he wouldn’t lie by telling himself that his job was one of the most extravagant in the world. Simply because it wasn’t, it was far from it actually. The fact he liked coming home to the silence of the apartment save for the television running with Kyungsoo sleeping soundly on the couch was among one of the many things he would never come to admit as well. Jongin earned considerably through his job and honestly speaking, he could have actually afforded his own place if he ever wanted to, sharing wasn’t something he particularly fancied anyway.


However, living with the chef did have it’s perks in the form of equally messed up working hours shared between them and a generous supply of fresh food in the refrigerator which never dwindled, both of which to Jongin, were only plus points. Jongin was the proud owner of two left hands and he wouldn't deny the fact that he would probably set the kitchen on fire if he ever tried to cook himself a decent meal. Instead of eating instant noodles on a daily basis, having a chef who owned a series of five star restaurants around Seoul whip up three meals a day, was as good as it would get. Jongin from a year ago wouldn’t have thought that he would ever come home to actually enjoy his life, but maybe he had gotten accustomed to Kyungsoo’s fantastic cooking and the overall presence of the shorter his life somwhere along the lines Kyungsoo was a nice addition and Jongin liked to think that it would always be that way.


“So I didn’t know we had a guest coming over?”


Kyungsoo met his eyes with a quirked brow while nibbling on his bottom lip like he always did when he’s either nervous or hesitant. He looked down the hallway before meeting Jongin’s gaze again. “You see he’s not exactly a guest” the shorter confessed quietly and this time it was Jongin’s turn to raise both his brows to regard the shorter with a bewildered expression as he made a confused noise. “He’s my friend. He just needs a place to stay for a few weeks” the older continued with a quiet sigh slipping past his full lips. “He’ll pay for the stay” Kyungsoo blurted out as if to justify his statement but that wasn’t exactly the point. Sure, technically speaking it was Kyungsoo’s place but Jongin was his room-mate and he would have appreciated being informed before the other had actually gone and permitted someone to stay with them. The chefs explanation didn’t make Jongin any less confused, but it did fuel the little bit of frustration that was flaring up inside of him. Jongin had never been subtle about his emotions and he was the absolute worst when it came to concealing them. Kyungsoo could read him like an open book so it was no surprise that the smaller man continued his reasoning. “Jongin, he really needed a place and I know you don’t have your phone on you while working”


He did have a pretty good point and it would have sounded rather believable if Jongin hadn’t been a bit irked. This was his and Kyungsoo’s place, there was no room for some stranger who thought he could just welcome himself in because he knew Kyungsoo and more importantly why the hell didn’t he know about this friend Kyungsoo was talking about? Jongin practically knew everyone Kyungsoo normally spent his time with and honestly, Jongin was one of the few exceptions among them. Being taken off guard would be an understatement, the moment he realized that there was someone he actually didn’t know about. “I see” It might have worried Jongin a little and maybe it was evident somewhere in his tone because Kyungsoo added a firm but gentle “He’s a childhood friend, Jongin. Be nice okay?” Jongin wrinkled his nose in slight disapproval because he didn’t really want to be nice, but he didn’t have a reason to hold a personal grudge against whoever was staying with them either, simply because he hadn’t done anything bad and Jongin wasn’t an . Well, at least not most of the time.


Maybe, just maybe, he could bear with it.


After all, there was no harm in trying and it was for Kyungsoo. Him and Kyungsoo hadn’t started off as the best of friends right off the bat two years ago either. In fact, Jongin’s reasons for moving in with Kyungsoo hadn’t been born out of need or anything else but for the sole purpose of gathering information about the other. It was selfishness at its finest.


“Kim Jongin – I came to check out the spare room?” he started off, a perfectly practiced and natural pearly white smile donning his features.


“Do Kyungsoo” the shorter owl eyed boy answered merrily before gesturing for the other to enter.


I know, thought Jongin.


The deal with Jongin was that he wasn’t just a photographer working freelance jobs, there was something else about him that most people often missed if they didn’t pay close attention to him. He was a gossip reporter and the best at his game in the whole of Seoul. Jongin knew everything about everyone, an afternoon spent together over a cup of coffee with the said person or as Jongin would like to have referred to as the “target” would be sufficient enough for him to dig into every expanse of their private lives be it delving into dirty secrets, family issues or relationship affairs, you name it, he was just that good. As a reporter, the press didn’t want small time kids working their way in aimlessly with two legs and a camera, anyone could do that. They desperately needed people who were cruelly ambitious, in short heartless bastards with their eyes set on the prize and this was where Kim Jongin came into the picture. A ruthless twenty three year old with a pretty face the least reluctant to ruin lives and destroy careers, simply because Jongin had a job to do too. He had quite a winning personality being the charming and manipulative person he was, having a nice face just made his job all the more easier.


Jongin knew how to treat people right with all his perfectly masked hello’s and how do you do’s that worked its magic on those people who needed someone to open up to. He was the kind of guy who wasn’t afraid to get comfortable and leave the next morning after he got his hands on what he wanted. Jongin was a handsome man with a beautiful face by those who saw him that way, but it was a face that people seemed to easily forget once he disappeared into the crowd, could it get any better? Jongin could easily be described as cruel and he wouldn’t deny it if he was accused to being, because he had been cruel the moment he had moved in with Kyungsoo too.


“Have you heard about that Do something Do Kyungsoo was it?” Taemin questioned, eyes trained on his camera while he nudged Jongin’s side, silently asking for the other to pass him the microfiber lense cleaning cloth.


“Who hasn’t? Just another typical rich kid rebelling” Jongin responded nonchalantly, handing the said piece of cloth over with a scoff while he looked through his camera, adjusting the angle and checking if the zooming functions were working properly as he aimed the the camera at different areas around the park.


“No one knows why he did it though” The petite blonde continued, leaning his back on the bench they sat on, fascination and curiosity hinted in his voice as he gingerly wiped the lense to his camera.


“Not for long” Jongin muttered under his breath inaudibly, not wanting his workmate to hear as he clicked the shutter. He captured a picture of a girl crying because the boy with her stole away her stuffed bear.


“Why did you do that?” Jongin thought as he stared at the display, though the question was directed towards something entirely different in his subconsciousness.


All Jongin wanted was to figure out why the son of such a renowned and affluent family would throw away his inheritance, all for the sake of going to a culinary school. Honestly speaking, there was nothing special about another rich boy rebelling against his parents wasn’t that the norm these days? but at the same time it made no logical sense and Jongin wanted to know the reason behind Kyungsoo’s actions. Initially to Jongin, the issue hadn’t been worth much to look into, but it did when it had been the talk of the town for over a week or maybe two.


Why had Do Kyungsoo been so special?


Why was he the only thing people kept talking about on the streets and at work places?


Why was he talked about in the bars and clubs which Jongin frequented to get intel?


His interest piqued even more so when he came to know not a single person had been able to successfully uncover the young masters true motives. It had Jongin feeling itchy all over because even he struggled to find the god forsaken reason. To make it worse, his usual sources were at a loss as well. The Do’s were just terribly secretive, they would take their secrets to their graves and getting something out of them was quite hassle. Naturally, aside from professionals like Jongin, most reporters had a tendency to keep away from them since they were untouchable. Jongin was already pretty big in the reporting business but something like this was just what he needed for his big break, he would climb to the top in a heartbeat and probably stay there for a long time if he was able to find out Kyungsoo’s secrets.


For once in his life however, Kim Jongin was about to call quits himself, considering the fact he had no leads on Kyungsoo’s story. That was when one day he found out Kyungsoo had finally moved out of the Do estate and into a three roomed shared apartment in Hannam. Jongin jumped at the opportunity, he thanked every deity in existence upstairs and his luck because Kyungsoo was also looking for a room-mate. Of course it was a given that no one normal could afford the rent and even Jongin had to pay through the nose for it, but no price was too big to pay if it meant he could get upclose and personal with his target. The photographer would be lying if he didn’t admit to his motives being nowhere near good. Jongin didn’t need the place, he needed nothing from Do Kyungsoo but his story. Now that was something Jongin needed, no, he wanted it and he was going to get his hands on it one way or another. There had to be a solid reason behind it all, something twisted, morbid and dark Jongin assumed Kyungsoo's story would be nothing different from what he's come across in the past, but Kyungsoo was a Do and that was all that mattered.


Well, in reality the truth was, Jongin had never been so wrong.


“I just don’t want to be looked down on. You know how it goes right?” Kyungsoo spoke softly, his back turned to Jongin and a hand on his hip while he stirred some gravy in a pot. “I don’t have to lift a finger and just like that, I get to inherit from my parents easy”


"What's the point in that?" the shorter questioned with an amused shake of his head.


He had been so wrong because save for the love and passion he had for what he did best, Kyungsoo had no other reason for his little stunt of dropping his claim on the family business and that was cooking.


“I’ve seen how people look at me. Trust me, I’ve heard a lot too” Kyungsoo laughed quietly as if the past didn’t mean a thing to him anymore. “I just want to prove to those people who underestimate me that I can get by perfectly fine without Jongin, could you pass me that salt?” Kyungsoo requested, his concentration fully directed towards what he was cooking even while they were chatting as he taste tasted a bit.


When a very taken aback Jongin complied Kyungsoo continued, oblivious to his reaction. “without mooching off my parents. I have skills I’ve spent my entire life honing. I’m proud of what I’ve learnt and I intend to put them to use. If I don’t isn’t it the same thing as wasting half my life for nothing?” he finished.


It took a while for Jongin to believe it but after that one night and as strange as it might have sounded to himself or anyone else, all Kyungsoo wanted to do was cook. He was just an innocent youth misunderstood by society due to his status, when in reality he was nothing but a young man chasing after his dream, it was definitely something precious about Kyungsoo. Jongin had been stunned into silence and he couldn’t get a wink of sleep that night after he realized the truth behind it all, the truth he had been searching for. From then, Kyungsoo had slowly crept into his heart, into the little cracks in Jongin’s wall made of lies, secrets and pretty smiles he had pulled on like a mask to get what he wanted when he wanted it. Kyungsoo had crept into places in Jongin’s soul that he didn’t even know existed with his sincerity and devotion towards what he loved.


He had realized it when Kyungsoo had woken him up in the middle of the night at three am with a clatter of baking pans making a tremendous impact on the kitchen floor. Jongin had jolted awake from his sleep that night and he was out of his bed in an instant, sure that someone had broken into the apartment. Instead of a burglar making a quick escape he found Kyungsoo sitting at the kitchen table, glaring at a couple of mini chocolate mousses, all of them decorated and plated to perfection. The kitchen looked like it had been struck by a tornado though, flour, batter, icing, and every other possible ingredient used to make pastries strewn across the counter. Kyungsoo looked like a wreck himself, his hair was a disheveled mess as if he had been running around the kitchen, his almost never dirtied apron looked like it had been the canvas for a four year olds painting but with food, and his hands were whitened at certain places. Spots Jongin assumed Kyungsoo had missed wiping off on his apron.  


Jongin blinked, stopping dead in his tracks. His eyes flickered to the clock that did, indeed read three am and then back to Kyungsoo who met his gaze with a small, defeated noise like he was two seconds away from crying.


“What’s wrong?” Jongin asked hastily, stricken by the look of utter desperation on Kyungsoo’s face and the beginning of tears b in the smaller man’s eyes.  


“I just can’t get them right!” Kyungsoo finally exploded, voice snapping and breaking as if he really was going to break out in tears. “Something about the taste there’s something off and I just know it. I can’t figure out what it is!” he complained, his strands getting a fistful of flour in it when Kyungsoo's tiny hand fisted into his hair in frustration. “I’ve made three batches Jongin, three!” he stressed, stomping his foot in a rather endearing manner Jongin noted. “I have to deliver these to my teacher tomorrow” the shorter almost whimpered, jarring Jongin out of his thoughts.


Jongin stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, listening quietly as he looked over at Kyungsoo having a meltdown. Strangely enough he walked forward before he slid into a chair, volunteering to help Kyungsoo with his dilemma as he spoke “Let me taste”


Kyungsoo’s eyes had gone comically wide and it didn’t take less than a second for the shorter to get Jongin a fork, fidgeting in his seat while Jongin tasted all three mousses on the table, all of which were different from one another. Truthfully, Jongin had no culinary knowledge and he couldn’t cook to save his life but he definitely liked the cakes and he did have an honest critique. “It’s the cinnamon in the last one. It goes well with the apples but not with the chocolate” Jongin spoke after swallowing the last bite.  


Kyungsoo stared at him for a couple of seconds in silence and then he smiled, wide, bright and honest.


Just like that Jongin realized that maybe Do Kyungsoo really just loved cooking,


and that he maybe Kim Jongin really liked Kyungsoo.


“Thank you, Jongin”


In the following months and after that little late night incident, Jongin had become Kyungsoo’s personal guinea pig, tasting various dishes that the other whipped up, sometimes at the most ridiculous of times ranging from two at dawn or seven at night. Kyungsoo, as time passed, had also crept deeper into the spaces in Jongin’s wall until the photographer was convinced that he was completely smitten by the chef. Kyungsoo wasn’t aware of it though and Jongin deemed it perfectly fine the way it already was. Kyungsoo didn’t need to know because he wasn’t prepared or willing to jeopardize their friendship just because of his feelings. He didn’t want things to change between them and if it meant that he had to pretend to clean his lense or check if his camera was working just to snap a few pictures of Kyungsoo sitting by the kitchen window with a cup of tea between his fingers, then be it. If it meant that Jongin was gaining weight and had to hit the gym a couple times more often over the week, then be it. He liked things the way they were.


“I love it, my compliments to the chef” Jongin kissed his fingers, shaking his head thoroughly impressed, though he was smiling through his internal struggle of having mushrooms in his mouth and Jongin hated mushrooms with the very essence of his being.


“Really? Oh, thank you” Kyungsoo beamed, followed by a shy smile. Jongin shuddered inwardly because of the taste of mushrooms on his tongue “I’m glad you like it Jongin”


“Of course I do” Jongin responded, ruffling Kyungsoo’s hair fondly before stealthily taking a swig of his wine to wash out the taste of white mushrooms on his tongue once Kyungsoo had his back turned to put away empty dishes.


“I’m your number one customer after all”


Kyungsoo looked over his shoulder to flash Jongin a radiant smile that made his heart flutter.


“You really are”


Even though Jongin sometimes felt like regurgitating everything he had consumed or even when had to eat a dish which consisted of every type of ingredient he hated, Jongin would still man up and finish it off to the very last bite just to praise Kyungsoo because he was worth every moment of Jongin’s momentary suffering. He would do anything, just to see Kyungsoo smile, but now, there was an addition to that life. Someone else had just entered the picture and Jongin wasn’t too sure if he liked it. Kyungsoo belonged to him after all, Jongin was accustomed to getting the shorters undivided attention for himself and the thought of him possibly having to share that privilege with someone else didn’t sit so well with him.


“I’m” he started and Kyungsoo cocked his head to a side, waiting for Jongin to continue. “I’m going to bed”


“Breakfast at eight” Kyungsoo joked, giving Jongin a light pat on his shoulder before he turned in for the night. Jongin watched the shorters fading back until he disappeared into his room before he heaved an audible sigh. He shook his head, trudging down the hallway and into his room after stealing a quick glance at the other door and for a moment, Jongin wondered what kind of person was sleeping behind that door.


It didn’t sit so well with him, at all.









Sehun woke up to the insistent ringing of his phone on the nightstand and he groaned when he realized that he had forgotten to drape the curtains the night before. Now there was light falling across his bed and directly onto his face. His phone was still ringing and Sehun cursed under his breath as he rolled onto his stomach to reach out to grab the phone and swipe the pad of his thumb across the screen with barely open eyes. His fingers fumbled with the device before he pressed it to his ear. “Yes?” Sehun groggily rasped into the device. “Why aren’t you at work?” the gruff voice of his grandfather greeted him from the other end of the line and Sehun sat up in a second like as if someone had zapped him with a taser. “Good morning grandfather, this is Sehun speaking” the blonde corrected, raking a hand through his bed head, grimacing when they got stuck in a few tangles. “Well?” his grandfather prodded sternly, expecting an answer to his previous question and Sehun hesitated before answering. “I I have to admit that I just woke up, sir”


His grandfather grunted and clicked his tongue. “That is not a good start boy. Do you not have any working morale? Do you expect the world to stand still simply because you are tired?” Sehun inwardly groaned but responded. “No sir” He could hear his grandmother say something in the background and he rubbed a hand over his eyes, massaging his temple with his thumb and index finger, trying to chase the sleep away and get his brain to function. “I will hurry on my way” He added to which his grandfather seemed satisfied “Good, I expect a report by the weekend” Sehun pursed his lips and then muttered. “Of course, sir” There was a brief rustling sound before his grandmother's voice greeted him. “Dear, how is the hotel?” she questioned, a hint of concern laced in her voice. “I’m staying with a friend, Nana” Sehun answered with a smile and she sighed in relief. “I’m glad, I was worried about you darling” Sehun shook his head though she couldn't see him before reassuring her a bit. “Don’t be I’m with someone close, but I have to hurry now” She laughed and Sehun imaged the way her eyes would crinkle, just like his own when he did plus a lot more wrinkles. “Alright sweetheart, work hard”


Oh, he would be working hard and it would most certainly be hard, but he didn’t have the heart to joke about it so he merely laughed along before saying his goodbyes while scooting out of the bed. The conversation had effectively rubbed off the remaining traces of sleep and Sehun was quick to zip open his unpacked suitcase that was still in front of the closet to quickly fish out his toiletries. He peeked out of his room, eyes travelling down the hallway first to the left and then right, but the apartment was strangely silent. Freshening up went fast because if his grandfather called it meant he was probably late already. When he went into the kitchen, Sehun was greeted with a curious look out of orbs similar in hue to that of chocolate. There was someone leaning against the kitchen counter, looking up at the blonde with an arched brow, cup leaning against his lips with his free hand on the newspaper and Sehun stopped walking immediately.


“Oh uh” he started, voice still slightly rough from sleep. “Hey. You must be Jongin?” the other man nodded with a “That’s me” before setting his cup down and tilting his head to a side “And you are?” Sehun cleared his throat silently, responding with a simple, “Sehun” the sun kissed man pursed his lips as if he wanted to say something not so nice, but instead he just muttered “Nice suit” before he went back to his coffee and newspaper. Sehun looked down along his chest, noting all the little wrinkles in the black fabric because of the way the suit jacket had been stuffed into his suitcase and he heaved a sigh, just nodding and muttering a quiet thanks. “Coffee’s over there” Jongin said, stretching his arms over his head with a groan once he was done and Sehun could hear his spine popping. He walked past Sehun, but not before giving him a quick once-over on the way. “It’s nice to meet you”


“Yeah, you too” Sehun said over his shoulder, already on his way to the coffee machine before rummaging through the cabinets in search of a cup. Sehun was glad Jongin didn’t plan on sticking around in the kitchen, some part of him knew there was this thick air between them and he was pretty sure the feelings were mutual on both sides. The coffee was hot, it was burning his mouth and it was a little bit too strong. Sehun was accustomed to too-strong coffee he always bought back at King's Cross station, so it was tolerable. It woke him up and that was enough. He nearly forgot the apartment key Kyungsoo had pinned to the fridge for him plus a sticky note with curvy handwriting spelling out Sehun’s name in neat Korean letters. Sehun all but flew down the stairs because taking the elevator wouldn’t be the best option. He was already punched for time, it was nine am and he really needed to pick up the pace or else his grandfather would have his head.


Not only was XOXO Fashions headquarters located in one of the busiest districts in town, but the skyscraper made of glass and steel was also one of the tallest buildings in Seoul. The sunlight reflected off the glass so brightly that Sehun thought he might have actually gone blind while looking at it. The building had been constructed a few years ago after Sehun's father expanded the business and took it overseas, it was completed just a few weeks before Sehun got shipped off to London. It was pretty clear that XOXO Fashion was one of the biggest companies in Seoul, everything in the building including the people in it had perfect hair, perfect faces and crisp suits just screamed money when Sehun entered the lobby with his briefcase in hand, a little bit out of breath. His shoes clicked across the marble floor in a steady rhythm and Sehun dodged the questioning looks from the reception before making a beeline for the elevator. He didn’t have time for all the introduction crap and he was in too much of a rush to care. He needed to be in his office as soon as possible and if it meant dodging people who were shooting him strange looks, well. The branch he would be managing had its own designated floor in the building and Sehun watched the flickering numbers on the display ascend until the metallic doors slid open for him to get off. Sehun's fingers slid over the silver handles when he pushed the shiny glass doors with silver letters reading “Exodus Fashion” in cursive letters.

A pretty girl was sitting behind the counter just inside and her head shot up to look at him, opening in slight shock when she saw him. “Oh my” she said and stood up, headset around her neck. “Are you perhaps lost? The meeting for the new employees is” Sehun cut her off with a hard stare and the girl fell silent while he placed his briefcase on the counter made of black marble in front of her. “Listen” he said with a smile. “I’m not a new employee” She regarded him with caution, expression unsure. “Are you a scout then?” she asked carefully, her tone soft and Sehun pointed at the wall behind her with his index finger. “I’m CEO Oh” The girls face grew pale at that and she bowed so quickly that her headset slipped onto her face, causing her to wince. Sehun watched it with a small smile and then said “I’m sorry I’m a little bit late”

“It’s” the secretary started and straightened again, blushing profusely from embarrassment. “We didn’t expect you today, sir” Sehun nodded slowly, drumming his fingers against the counter and answered “Well, the launch date for the new magazine is soon, so we need to work fast. We don’t really have time to stall” She nodded and Sehun held out his hand to her. “Just Mister Oh is fine” She took his hand and shook it once. “I’m Son Seungwan and I’ll be your secretary” the girl introduced herself formally. “Alright then, Seungwan, why don’t you show me where my office is?” Sehun smiled a smile a little bit too sweet for his own liking, but terrorizing his secretary on the first day of work would be counterproductive. She nodded quickly, almost running around the counter and dropping her headset before she pointed down the long hallway, all white with creamy light hues, gray carpets and glass doors on each side of the corridor where Sehun could see people working at their desks. It was a smaller office compared to most in the building, but it was a new branch and this was more than Sehun expected really because it was still bigger than some of the more senior branches offices.


“This way, sir” Seungwan said while rounding a corner. “Shall I inform COO Park of your arrival?” She questioned. “Yes, please” Sehun answered with a curt nod. “I need to go over the launch plan with him as soon as possible. Please make sure every department chief gathers in the meeting room in an hour, I would like to say a few words to them and have a tour around the office to meet the staff” Seungwan nodded and opened the door to his office for him, tipping her head in the form of a bow as she did so. The room was neat and tastefully furnished in creme and black, the desk was a designer piece made of steel and glass like the building itself. There was a computer sitting on the right of the desk and a stack of paper that needed to be attended to on the left. “Thank you Seungwan, fetch COO Park for me asap” Sehun turned to look at her before reaching out for the door, ready to close it. Seungwan bowed once more before pivoting on the heel of her Louboutin pumps and Sehun closed the door without sparing a glance. His office smelled like new furniture and cleaning products, like it had been finished just the day before and maybe it had been, but Sehun was thankful for the chair behind the desk, smooth and soft under his thighs when he sat down to pull the stack of papers towards him. The fact that he needed glasses to read properly had bothered him a few years ago, but now it was almost normal to pull out the etui of his Gucci glasses, pushing them onto his nose as he braced his elbows on the table so he could rest his chin on his hands while reading.


The papers were reports of the different departments. There were a lot of numbers and dates, followed by sheet after sheet of employee names and positions with the business plan on the last page. Sehun didn’t even need to read it all in ten minutes because apparently COO Park was running a little late for his meeting with his boss too. The launch date for the new line of XOXO Fashion was in about a month, ready to be announced on the winter-spring show. More than enough time, if everything went smoothly. Sehun hadn’t even seen the drafts for the fashion line, but he trusted his company enough to be responsible enough to avoid being stuck with bull in the end. XOXO had never been about high fashion, but rather about fashion that could actually be worn outside the house and Exodus’ market entirely consisted of young people. Streetfashion to be exact, something stylish, practical and good looking which would appeal to the target audience. Being the youngest heir it was the perfect task to assess his capabilities and skill in management.


A knock on the door startled Sehun, making him look up over the edge of his glasses and when he called “Come in” the door instantly swung open and a tall man stepped inside a man, Sehun had seen just a day before. “Mister Oh” the man started to greet, but then froze when he saw Sehun sitting behind the desk, fingers still twined together on top of his papers. Sehun quickly got up when he noticed that the other hadn’t moved, walking around his desk to extend a hand towards Chanyeol who seemed to be stuck at the doorway. The motion seemed to rip Chanyeol out of his stupor and he grabbed Sehun’s hand to give it a shake, like the day before.  “COO Park, I assume?” Sehun questioned and then added. “Chanyeol, was it?” Chanyeol stared at him for a moment and then shook his head as if to clear his thoughts “That’s right. You’re Sehun Baekhyun’s friend” Sehun let go of Chanyeol’s hand “Mhm” he then walked back to his desk where he sat down in his chair and pointed to the other one in front of the desk. “Take a seat. We need to discuss the business and launch plan”


Chanyeol was moving slowly as if he was waiting for the of a joke, but when he sat down in the chair, his face smoothed out into a look Sehun knew all too well. It was a business face, crafted from years of experience working in the company. One didn’t become COO of a fashion brand just like that, even if it was just a side branch and this especially applied to such a renowned company such as XOXO Fashion. Sehun never imaged that he would run into Baekhyun’s boyfriend and quite frankly, Sehun could easily admit to the air between them being awkward. The little staring contest from the day before had sparked something dangerous between the both of them and here they were now Sehun was Chanyeol’s boss. “How about we start with the business plan hm?” Sehun suggested with a smile that was almost smug and Chanyeol’s fingers tensed on his knees before he leaned forward and Sehun slipped the page across the table so the other man could look at it. “We need to go over a few numbers, but as far as I could see you did a good job while I wasn’t here” Chanyeol merely hummed and looked at the sheet where Sehun made a red line under one paragraph, tapping the end of his pen against it. “But as good as your work is, this needs to be looked at” Sehun was well aware of the fact that Chanyeol was gritting his teeth and well, he couldn’t blame him. COO Park had been in charge for the past half year and now that Sehun was here, he took it all from Chanyeol in the blink of an eye.


He knew how that felt.


Chanyeol was texting someone again. Sehun noticed, he was standing right next to him in the hallway when the other man’s phone vibrated in his pocket and a side glance down at Chanyeol’s hands had him blinking a couple of times before turning his head away. Baekhyun. Of course he was texting Baekhyun, they were boyfriends after all. Sehun hadn’t meant to read along, but he had caught a glimpse and he had clearly read the words “When are you coming home?” So they were living together too?


They weren’t just boyfriends, but they were something more and were apparently living together too. Sehun balled his fists that were tucked into the safety of his pockets while smiling politely at the chief of graphics department, who was talking to him without breathing in between.


Sehun’s head was already swimming from earlier, the line of people who wanted to talk to him seemingly never ending and while they bid their goodbyes to the quirky man who bowed to them several times - who was still talking - Chanyeol muttered “It’s not that easy, huh?” Sehun quirked a brow. “What? Is he always like that?” he asked, blinking while quickly walking away from the graphics office, smoothing out the lapels of his suit jacket. “Pretty much” Chanyeol just shrugged and guided Sehun down the other hallway with an outstretched hand. “I meant, it’s not that easy running a business. You don’t have any experience, do you?” the taller subtly challenged. “Enough to know what I’m doing” Sehun answered, sounding defensive and Chanyeol smiled to himself as if Sehun couldn’t see it out of the corner of his eye. It bothered him for just a second, but before he could say something else, Chanyeol was already pushing open the door to yet another office and Sehun stepped inside, looking around what seemed to be a photostudio.


The lights were switched off though and the only people that were inside the room were three guys at the back, chatting animatedly while looking through a couple of pictures on a large computer on a single desk. “Guys” Chanyeol called out and one of them winced so hard that he hit his head on the lamp on the desk, he cursed under his breath before turning around to glare at Chanyeol while the other two snickered into their fists. “Mister Park” the guy who hit his head addressed loudly while stepping away from the desk. “I told you we’re not done with the sample pictures yet! We still have another week for that” he immediately started off. “Not really” Chanyeol said briskly and the guy pursed his lips. He was definitely the photographer, Sehun thought, while observing the way the man crossed his arms over his chest with his nose upturned. “And why not?”


“Because Mister Oh here wants us to up the speed a little bit” Chanyeol informed the photographer kindly, but his voice was a little bit strained. He shot the man a warning glance, but the he was already talking while the duo at the back just laughed. “Then tell Mister Oh he can shove the entire thing” the photographer muttered. “Kim Jonghyun why don’t you” Chanyeol interjected sternly, speaking through his teeth. “Tell Mister Oh where to shove the entire thing yourself?” Sehun interrupted him and Chanyeol gave him a side glance at having his sentence cut short while Sehun stepped forward and held out his hand. “It’s nice to meet you. I heard your work will make the brand what it’s going to be. My father praises you a lot” Jonghyun instantly snapped his mouth shut and the laughter behind him only grew louder. One of the guys shook his head while the other tried to hide his face behind his hand and Jonghyun sputtered, face flushing “Oh, uh, yes! Your father. I met him once or twice, he’s


“Can you get the sample pictures down by the end of the week?” Sehun cut him off in a friendly manner and Chanyeol narrowed his eyes at him, but the gesture had something impressed to it than irritated. Jonghyun wasn’t easy to handle, Sehun had already been told, but he wasn’t scared of difficult photographers. Aside from designers they always were the worst.  “Sure” Jonghyun answered, still looking a little flustered and then called over his shoulder with a clap of his hands. “Luhan, why don’t you go change real quick so we can start with one set?” The laughter immediately died down at the mention. “What?” One of the guys in the back retaliated - apparently the one who was called Luhan - flashing Jonghyun a dirty look. “I’m off the clock since an hour ago!” The photographer whirled around on his heel and strutted back over to the desk, slapping Luhan on the back who glared in response. “Don’t even with that attitude right now Luhan. Mister Oh needs those samples asap” Luhan rolled his eyes but his heel and disappeared through a small door in the back of the studio, slamming the door close behind him. “Alright” Sehun said and snapped his fingers “That’s it, right?”


“If you say so” Chanyeol just replied and followed Sehun out the room with a small frown on his face.









Of all people, of all the Oh's there could have been in the world who could have been his boss, it just had to be the Oh Sehun. Chanyeol knew he was being stupid, but he didn’t exactly like Sehun. Chanyeol wasn’t the jealous or possessive type he was the exact opposite, but Baekhyun wasn’t touchy with just anybody and the fact that Baekhyun had even gone ahead and met this childhood friend of his for dinner, might have upset Chanyeol . The other man hadn’t done anything to him, but could someone really point a finger at Chanyeol and tell him he was wrong for disliking the other when Sehun had been practically squeezing the life out of his boyfriend right in front of Chanyeol and holding his hands the day before? Holding him just like he had been back when they were in high school, thought Chanyeol his lips pursed at the bitter memory.


“I’m open!” Chanyeol called out to Changmin, signalling that he was free after swiftly dodging past the player blocking him. Chanyeol was already at the three point line when the ball was passed to him and he wasted no time in tossing the ball towards the basket before the defense got to him.


He groaned when he failed to score. The ball hit the hoop, bouncing right off it instead and it went past the net surrounding the court itself. It fell onto the other side, bounced for a good few seconds and rolled for another few milliseconds before ending its journey by gently bumping into someone's shoes. Chanyeol smacked his forehead and those among the players present who knew what was up started cooing and catcalling.


A petite brunette who appeared to be doing his maths homework on the steps, had his text book opened at his side, workbook on his lap, a pen and calculator in hand. When the ball nudged his shoes the said boy put everything away to a side before taking it in his hands, looking sideways with an adorably confused expression.


Changmin whistled, slapping Chanyeol’s arm hard to which he slightly winced. “Would you look at that if it isn’t your lucky day. Did you miss that shot on purpose?”


“Just so that it would land at the feet ofZhoumi piped up from behind him, a cheshire cat like grin on his face as he continued from where Changmin left off dramatically.


Byun Baekhyun” the two of them mused simultaneously and Chanyeol threw a curse or two at them despite the crimsoned tip of his ears. “I’ll, uh get it” he mumbled before brushing past his snickering colleagues and exiting the court to retrieve the said ball.  


“Ah, this must be yours” Baekhyun - radiantly - smiled up at Chanyeol from where he sat when the taller male approached him. “YYeah, sorry about that” he started off to his embarrassment with a sutter, but Baekhyun merely shook his head. “Here” he attempted to give Chanyeol the ball back but the brunettes extended hands reeled back to his chest with a squeak when someone covered his eyes from behind him.


Chanyeol blinked seeing someone crouched behind Baekhyun. “Guess who?” Sehun whispered into Baekhyun’s ear to which the shorter male emitted a tinkling laughter. “Hun-ah, can you please?” Sehun obliged and moved his hands to wrap themselves around Baekhyun’s narrow shoulders. He rested his his chin on the boy’s shoulder with a huff before meeting Chanyeol’s gaze with an unimpressed and lazy look.


“I’m so sorry” Baekhyun apologized before returning the ball. Chanyeol shook his head and swallowed thickly as his heel, his heart heavy and near bursting from a mix of envy, jealousy and hurt. “Hyung!” he heard Baekhyun call and Chanyeol couldn’t resist the urge to subtly look over his shoulder for a brief moment to catch the sight of a shorter boy running towards them, snacks and drinks threatening to fall from his arms.


They were smiling so brightly the three of them were always together.


“How was it?” Changmin asked, but when he saw Chanyeol’s disheartened expression he knew what was coming. “Are they dating or something? He’s always around Baek” Chanyeol questioned, referring to Sehun, evidently upset. “I heard they’ve been going out for quite a while now” Zhoumi said with a shrug of his shoulders in an as a matter of fact tone. After that little piece of information, Chanyeol threw in the towel and called the game off early.


For the rest of his senior year, Chanyeol being the gullible person was was unaware of the fact that he had been lead on by a false rumor that Zhoumi had heard.


Now that Sehun was back, it would present problems because the other was not only his boss but he was also Baekhyun’s childhood friend and ex boyfriend. An ex that his lover was on phenomenally great terms with. Chanyeol had worked so hard to get to his position. He started off as a nobody, from a mailboy, to being an intern and then to getting promoted as the executive officer of XOXO’s secondary branch, it was like a dream come true. It was anything but fair how Oh Sehun just came along and snatched everything away from him. The reward he received after shedding blood, sweat and tears for years, gone, just like that. At the moment life , Chanyeol couldn’t put it in any other way. He hated that he was angry, he didn’t even want to be upset there was no reason for him to be and yet, Sehun got under his skin with such effortless ease. The way he walked around the office with his head held high and shoulders squared, going ahead and holding a speech in front of the entire office, not to mention making Chanyeol tour him around the premises like he was Sehun’s secretary. It was like Sehun was rubbing it in his face that he was Chanyeol’s boss and that he wasn’t the one in charge anymore.


He would never dare to say that the blonde was doing it on purpose, but it still rubbed him the wrong way. Sehun let him leave early but Chanyeol had refused to go. He went over a stack of papers for the upcoming announcement shooting and sent Sehun an email to inform him of the meeting with the designers on Wednesday. When he had nothing left to do, Chanyeol found himself sitting in his car, staring out of the windshield to where a sleek black BMW was parked across the spot from his on the parking lot.


Everywhere he seemed to look there was Sehun.


Sehuns office door left open.


Sehuns coffee cup in the small kitchenette the employees used for their breaks.


Graphic department workers running down the hall to speak with Sehun.


Now Sehun’s car right across from his and Chanyeol grit his teeth.


He didn’t exactly fancy a BMW, but it was a nice car and way out of Chanyeol's financial league. Another thing Sehun was rubbing into his face unbeknownst to him of course. Everything Chanyeol had worked so hard for was slowly slipping away from him, his position in the company and his self-confidence. Sehun had systematically ripped apart everything Chanyeol had already done for the launch of Exodus by working it over and he probably still was. Chanyeol with a small grim smile noted, while he pulled out of the parking lot, that Sehun was still sitting up there in his office because he had no one to come home to. He was probably staying in a hotel room that was devoid of anything personal and Chanyeol was not. He had a beautiful boyfriend to return home to with a home cooked meal probably waiting for him on the stove too. Sehun had nothing of that and Chanyeol was kind of satisfied about that he might have felt a little better. Sehun should slave over the papers for a change and Chanyeol would go home and cuddle with Baekhyun on the couch for the rest of the evening.


Their apartment was small but it was everything they both needed and wanted. Chanyeol rented it as soon as he had gotten the promotion half a year ago, asking Baekhyun to move in with him when they had gotten together. Maybe it was moving a little bit too fast, but who cared? They were young, they were helplessly in love and Baekhyun couldn’t afford a place on his own. Normally those thoughts gave him a hold, something to look forward to, but suddenly he was aware of the fact that there was someone else, someone who had even more than him. People said that money wasn’t everything, but love alone wasn’t much either, was it? If Baekhyun and Sehun had been so close to each other back then that they would go ahead and just hug the living daylights out of each other in the middle of a crowded cafe even after they broke up, then they must have been really close.


So close that every nice thought suddenly flew out of Chanyeol’s head and his grip on the steering wheel turned painfully hard. Sehun had more money than Chanyeol, he was young and good looking, he would one day be the one to inherit the entire company and become one of the richest men in Korea over night. What did Chanyeol have to offer compared to that? Compared to Sehun, he was a small light in a bright chandelier. If he remembered correctly, aside from being Baekhyun’s previous boyfriend, Sehun had not only been Baekhyun’s neighbour but his best friend too, right? They grew up together. He knew all of this. Chanyeol didn’t know what to do and where those thoughts were suddenly coming from, but it was enough to have his insides quivering with fear.


Never before had he felt this insecure about anything.


Sehuns entire existence seemed to mock him right now.


Coming back to Korea was one thing, being Chanyeol’s boss was the other and being close to Baekhyun the next.


What if they grew closer again?


What if Sehun was a better man for Baekhyun and Chanyeol would be falling short next to him?


What if Sehun intended to take Baekhyun away from him?


“You’re home early!” Baekhyun chirped happily from where he was sitting on the floor in front of the couch with his legs folded and a pen between his lips, sounding surprised. “I didn’t expect you to come home so” He broke himself off when he saw the look on Chanyeol’s face, just muttering a questioning “Chan?” before Chanyeol dropped his bag where he stood and lurched forward so he was kneeling beside Baekhyun on the floor, cupping his face and kissing him square on the mouth.


Screw Oh Sehun and all his money. Chanyeol had everything he needed.


“Hard day at work?” Baekhyun laughed when Chanyeol started nipping on his bottom lip and jaw, hands wandering down to his petite waist to pull him forward and into Chanyeol’s lap. “Terrible” Chanyeol whispered before he started to a hickey into the side of Baekhyun’s neck and the smaller man started to tremble in his lap, arms thrown around Chanyeol’s shoulders. “Missed me?” Baekhyun teased and Chanyeol just nodded, pulling the collar of Baekhyun’s shirt down to place another mark right on his collarbone while the brunette combed his fingers through Chanyeol’s raven locks. When Chanyeol was done with the mark, having it bright and purple against Baekhyun’s milky white skin he pulled back again, marveling in the sight for a moment before he surged upwards again, capturing Baekhyun’s lips in a kiss that was quickly escalating. Tongues were dancing and teeth wrer scraping against lips while Baekhyun started to rut down against him, rumbling out a small moan that had Chanyeol’s head spinning.


His hands were running up and down the smaller man’s sides, down to the hem of his shirt to pull it over his head and then toss it away, fingers dancing down his own front and starting to undo the buttons there. “Well, I missed you too” Baekhyun whispered in that sensual way of his against Chanyeol’s ear, giving his earlobe a little peck that made Chanyeol smile before they started kissing again, slipping further along the carpet until Baekhyun was all but laying on top of him. They were already grinding against each other, little noises of restrained pleasure filling the room and that was when Baekhyun abruptly jumped in his lap with a yelp, pushing himself away and up to give Chanyeol an incredulous look. He then looked down at the taller mans lap where Chanyeol felt his phone vibrating angrily in his pants.


“Are you serious?” Baekhyun asked, a little bit more than breathless when Chanyeol gave him a sheepish look and pulled the phone out of his pocket to check it. He sighed deeply when he noticed that it was work calling in. “I have to take this” he said slowly and Baekhyun huffed in frustration, slipping out of his lap and crossing his arms over his chest with a pout. “Alright, go ahead. I need to study anyways” The brunette huffed, gathering his shirt from the floor before slipping it back on, his breathing still erratic from arousal though he tried to look unfazed. With one last regretful look, Chanyeol got up from the floor and took the call, leaving Baekhyun behind in the living room before shutting the door to their bedroom behind himself.


Screw Oh Sehun and screw the company.




SUSHI: I don't even know what to say other than thank you and I love all of you guys so so much. The comments always make me super giddy and they push me to work even harder! Sorry for the long wait btw, but we'll be a little faster again~ all the love and hugs and kisses.

DEER: Hello dear readers. First of all, apologies for the late update. Thank you to all those of you who subscribed and commented and did we actually get some upvotes? cries a han river. Your comments really make our day and it drives us to do better so thank you so much. Please anticipate the next chapter xoxo.

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Chapter 4: Oh God i really missed this story. Hopefully you guys will update this once again. *puppy Baek eyes*
meghank99 #2
I can't believe I'm just coming across such a well-written Sebaek fic now, I thought I had obsessed over them all already! Your writing style is incredibly beautiful and unique! I hope you guys update soon. (: <3
fujoshiforever #3
it's been so long since the last time you uploaded.
I miss you guys, and your fanfic.
please come back soon ~~
Chapter 4: This story is really one of a kind, I don't know how else to phrase it - I really am in love with it. I was so happy when you updated and toda (finally) I was able to read the new chapter.
I can totally relate to Jongin's situation, I really dislike any kind of drastic change in my life and having another person take away the attention from your friend feels really awful and I am sure there will be conflicts between Kyungsoo and Jongin... And also Chanyeol, it's the same for him but he is also affected at work and to be honest I would also dislike Sehun really much even before knowing him well. He is a threat to everything Chanyeol has (Baekhyun and work-related) and even though I know he will probably find his own happiness in the end I already feel so sad for what he will have to go through once Baekhyun and Sehun grow closer again.
All I really want to say is, that this chapter really saved my day today, so thank you so much for writing this incredibly beautiful piece! I will patiently wait for the next part, and don't rush yourself! Take your time with updating :)
holy , this is so so good. I need more, legit I'm dying for more. This fic has all I'll ever need no joke. you're amazing with the way you write, the story is also pretty ing great. I don't think I'll ever get over this fic, and it's not even complete yet. it's just so good already. keep up the good work!! you're an angel <3
Chapter 4: Heartbroken //cries a river (╥_╥)
I really love how this feels so real and how you portray the characters! Your writing style is lovely and to be honest I wish more books I read were written that way. Also, I am really excited to see the rest of the characters and how they are related. This is really one of the best fics I have come across here ^-^ Kudos!
Chapter 3: This is really really really good !!! ≧﹏≦
Because first, it has my OTPs, SeBaek & ChanSoo. FTW !!! Love It !!! XDDD
Second, I don't feel like I'm reading, I feel like I I'm the character, seeing and feeling what he sees and what he feels, like I was reading my own thoughts(?) xD
and lastly, it has a really good flow of story and words that made my heart beat faster
Eeekkk... I fell in love with this right after reading it two hours ago so please continue !!! Fighting !!!
Chapter 3: I really love it!!!