You are my Love


Ambitious story of a boy who wants to be on top of everyone else...meeting myungsoo who almost have everything that he wanted will be his biggest rival.....and what if his biggest rival  is his secret half brother?....L.Joe showing interest at Hye Jin will be the biggest conflict of the two brothers...



  • he grew up in a really poor family (went to school through scholarship)
  • lives only with his mom who work in a small restaurant 
  • have good friends or also so called gang teen top
  • cold hearted


  • rich family (his dad owns a company and his mom owns a clothing line)
  • smart 
  • kind
  • have friends or group of elite kids Infinite

Park Hyejin

  • grew up in a good environment 
  • rich
  • friends with myungsoo and will soon get close to L.Joe without even noticing it...


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