
Keep hoping

Alone in the company car on his way home, he looked out of the window looking at nothing in particular. Listening to that beautiful voice singing some of his favorite songs, his mind was filled with that one person. One whom he had been in love with for a long time.

Years ago when Bigbang was formed, he met the sweetest, most adorable boy who captured his heart. A loveable boy who grew up to be a y beast yet retaining his adorable side. 'How ugly, how is he going to become an idol?' He would hear the YG staff say. 'How can those people not see his beautiful smile? And when those plump lips part, angels fly. Do they not hear him? Why is he judged just because he does not have a face that idols require?' He would think to himself.

When they had to stay in the dorm together, Seunghyun was more than pleased to share a room with that same boy. To see his smile daily, it makes his heart feel lighter too. He had not realised his feelings towards the boy had slowly changed, changed from a brotherly love to something more. He started collecting Bearbricks because the round face of the toy reminds him of a certain cute cherub face which cheers him up everytime he sees it.

Once, he kissed his cheeks on an interview because those cheeks were so enticing. He just acted on impluse. It was wrong, but it felt right. He was young.

A few years later, when he finally confronted the ache he feels everytime he thinks of the angel, he decides to move out. 'It's not safe for us, I have to think of the band.' So he does. Yet, staying away does not ease the ache of not seeing his favorite person. So, he picks up new hobbies, collecting chairs and learning art. Whenever he is alone during his free time, he looks at picures of beautiful art, forcing down his desire to look at picures of a certain angel. He goes out to buy chairs with images in his mind of how beautiful the angel would look sitting in them.

Each time the band meets, he unconsciously sticks to the angel, spending more time with him than the others. Making the angel laugh is indeed his favorite hobby. He initiates skinship with the angel just because he can't stop himself from touching him. His heart told him so.

He finally got to kiss his angel. Even if it was only for the parody for the concert. He got to kiss him, for real, on those plump lips. It was only for the short flim but he put in everything he had no words for into the kiss. He hoped that the angel would understand.

The angel had once told the press, 'currently, I love TOP hyung.' Distracted by that declaration, he quickly answered the questions thrown at him and said, ' I love Daesung too.' He laughed it away lik it was all fun and games and had even pretended to kiss Daesung. Only god knows that his heart was aching so much that he wanted to clutch at his chest. He didn't, instead he clasped his hand around Daesung's tightly.

When the angel had to go to Japan to start his solo career under a different name (a name which suits him well, D-lite because he IS delightful), he longed to go with him. His logic had won over his feelings. 'If I go and see him, I will realise he does not and will not belong to me. He belongs out there, to his thousands of fans.' And so he writes him a letter, putting all his feelings into those few words "To my beloved Daesungie".

Fate was not so kind to Daesung. He got into a second accident, killing a motorist. Daesung had locked himself in the dorm, refusing to step out of the door, or even to eat. Each day Seunghyun would visit him at the dorm, each time he was turned away. Yet he does it religiously, hoping that one day his favourite smile would return to the angel's face. More than that, he worried. Worrried that the sensitive soul would be so wounded that he might step on a path with no return. He could not sleep at night. He would toss and turn in bed with bad thoughts running through his mind and tears rolling down his face. Only when he exhuast himself, does he fall into a restless slumber.

Daesung was so broken that the only thing he would do besides staying in his room was to go to church and pray for forgiveness. Seughyun had figured out the days when he would go and he would stay at the dorm building waiting for a glimpse of that man he longed to see. He would stay hidden because Daesung does not wish for anyone to see him, not especially when everyone is calling him a murderer.

When the incident had finally blown over, he promised himself to never let Daesung go through anything like that again. His angel began to smile again, though it was less bright and less carefree. But at least he was still here, still with the band, still with him.

It seems that he had not been able to keep his feelings at bay.He tried but they had overflowed. Pictures and videos were popping up everywhere on the internet of him looking at Daesung lovingly. Looks of love, of pride and of happiness can be seen in the pictures. Videos of him touching Daesung, bullying Daesung and having fun with Daesung can be seen by anyone. Todae, they were dubbed.

Slowly but surely, Daesung seemed to reciprocate his actions. He started going up to Seunghyun to hold his arm, holding Seunghyun's hand. It makes Seunghyun happy. It makes his heart race. It makes him hope. Yet he keeps his cool hoping no one would discover what he's trying to mask. He got greedy. Even after concerts, when fanservice is not needed, he glued himself to the younger.

More recently, he had placed his hand on the small of Daesung's back. When he received no objections, the next time they were together, he grew bolder. He openly held his waist and even caressed it. Fans were taking pictures and videos of this public display of affection. Still he received no objections.

Time wore on, the ambiguous relationship between the angel and Seunghyun started to eat at him. He needed to know. Time is drawing close to his military enlistment.

'Can you bring me to the dorm instead?' He told the driver.

He now stands outside the familiar door, hesitating to press the doorbell. His mouth is dry, he feels cold yet he's perspiring like he just ran a marathon. His already stiff joints suddenly feels like they have fused together. His heart is racing faster than after a workout. He is too deep in this and he is so afraid of receiving an answer, one that might break him. Gathering his wits around him, he finally reaches for the bell. 'Who is it?' The beautiful voice sounds through the intercom. 'I-it's me. C-can I talk to you?' The door opens. The figure he longs to see steps out from behind the door.

'Hyung, come in. It's a little late for a talk but how can I refuse you?' A million watt smile flashes across the adorable face.

Seunghyun flops onto the sofa, arranging the jumbled words in his mind. He takes a sip of the water that was offered and begins to speak. 'Dae, we have known each for a really long time. You may or may not already know that I feel more than just brotherly love for you.' He plays with his fingers before talking again. 'I am enlisting soon, as you know. I want to, no, I need to know…' He leaves fingers alone and took Daesung's to play with. 'I need to know if I am the only one feeling this, this attraction. I need know, because we may have to part for 4 years. After that, no matter what happens, at least I won't have regrets knowing that I have tried.'

'4 years, hyung? Why will we be apart for 4 years?' The confused face staring back at Seunghyun makes him want to pat his head and kiss his forehead.

'4 years because 2 years for my enlistment and 2 for yours. 4 years but that is not the point.' Daesung heaves an audible sigh and speaks.

'Hyung, I have known for a long time. It is because of the band that I never approach this topic. Jesus, how can anyone not see what we have between us?' He intertwines his fingers with the ones that was playing with his. 'Hyung, I cannot and will not promise you anything because I cannot see into the future. However, I will say this, I love you. I did in the past, I still do at this moment but I do not know what may or may not change in the future.' With that, he leans in to peck on Seunghyun's lips. 'Gods, I missed that. I still remember your kiss from the filming and I had hoped that it will happen again.'

As Seunghyun leans in for another kiss, the door opens. Youngbae walks in and freezed with a terrified expression knowing that he had intruded on an important moment. 'Er… Erm… Don't mind me. Please just ignore me and continue.' Then he dashes into his room. Seunghyun and Daesung ends up bursting into laughter, that magical moment had broken since the door opened.

'Hyung, I need to think. Give me a couple of days. I will let you know. I promise.' He kisses Seunghyun again. 'Meanwhile, now that Youngbae is home, you need to go home. You know, in case anything that he doesn't need to know happens.' He wriggles his brows. That brings around another bout of laughter.

'I will go now then, no matter how much I want to stay. Private stuff should be done privately, not in the presence of others.' He smirks at his favorite person.

Seunghyun walks to the door and turns around for a kiss before walking out.

For 2 days Seunghyun didn't do anything. All he has on his mind is Daesung. Daesung, however, had not called or texted him.

Everytime his phone rings, he will panic, hoping to see something, anything from the younger. Can he call Daesung his own? Really, why did he not make things clear on that night? Having so many doubts now is really driving him crazy.

He hears his phone ring but it is not with him. 'Damn, where did I put it? , why is my house so big? I should have kept it with me at all times!' He finally locates the device on his bed, under the pillow. He sees that he has a notification in his mailbox. Once again his mood was brought down with disappointment as he opened the mail. It was from YG with an article attached. Reading through it, a single phrase jumped out at him. 'One or more members might enlist' it says.

His phone rings again. This time, finally, it is a text from Daesung. 'Hyung, did you read it?'

One or more members? And the text directly after? What does this mean? Can he keep hoping?

'Kang Daesung, you bastard.' He replies.

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LoneShiba #1
GOSH, I love the way you wrote so beautifully about them and years that passed, smoothly about feelings that turned from brothers to something more (I'm a er for stories with timelines like that lol, its my fave than just about a scene or one moment stuff).
Your story is beautiful. I really really do love it! And the topic is also amazing, about enlistment but rather than being upset or sad abou it , you made a beautiful feeling blossom in readers' hearts about the hope and the future after that ^^
Lol at me blabbering in comment, but i love doing long comments anyway so I hope you wont mind xoxo

And I'm truly happy thst daesung returned Seunghyun's feeling♡♡♡
Gosh, how I wish them 5 could go together for enlistment...

Thank you for the beautiful story ♡♡
pikachu79 #2
Chapter 1: I scrolled all the way down to find this little gem all forgotten by me though I had upvoted it some time ago....and reading it again nearer to The date makes this even more real...and set me thinking...but looking at things unfolding...ur story will remain a fiction...sigh..anyway enjoying ur stories all over...trying to avoid the sad ones though ;ppp
Chapter 1: This is exactly what I hope actually happens. I want Dae to go in next year. My biggest concern is him getting good voice fixed, he's never rested it and it needs surgery from his vocal nodules. This is was AWESOME I LOVE IT!!! I hope to see more stories from you, thank you so much!!
Spunky3012 #4
Chapter 1: So beautiful... does it mean daesung is enlisted to go with TOP... i hope for it to happen in real life where both of them will go together.. tq for the story..