Getting Ready..(Part 1)

They were my surprise but now, they are my Life.

Hey Guys!

I'm sorry I have to put it in two parts coz Its like super long! 

Anyway's enjoy!




[MinHo's POV]


Key hyung was wiping Taeminnie's mouth with a napkin. Wow he can be such an Umma sometimes. If Key hyung was a girl i bet he would make a great daughter in-law someday. 

I chuckled.

"Why are chuckling MinHo? What? Is there anything on my face??" Key suddenly said trying to wipe off some invisible dirt on his face.

I shook my head and continued to finish off my Double Chocolate ice-cream.

"Annyeonghaseyo.. Are you SHInee?" .. Someone recognize us. Crap who can he be? I look at this stranger. 

He's wearing a uniform. With his cap on his left hand. He looks like a chauffer.


Onew as our leader, stood up and greeted him back.

"Neh~ We are the Shining SHInee. You are?" he answered.. Must he say that quote? Gosh..

"I'm Chin Ho. The Kim's family chauffer. Mr Kim and your manager is waiting for you at the limousine. He has instructed me to pick you up and to follow me. Could you please follow me Sir?" He said with a smile.

Im right! Haha me and my observation skills. Good job MinHo.

OUH! In case you are wondering why Manager Hyung is already in the limousine, He arrived in Singapore two days ago to take care of preparations here.

He pointed his right hand out to the exit way in a polite manner. 

He took our luggage and placed them on the trolley.

I offered to help him but he refused.

"Its okay MinHo Sir. Its my job" 

"Just call me MinHo."I smiled.

"Neh~ You are just as humble as our little Miss. I'm sure both of you will get along quite well" he said smiling and continued to push the trolley and out the exit.

Really? We'll just see shall we?

I could see anticipation on the rest of SHInee's face. Including me, our heartbeats were going of the hook! 

Hmmm.. Miss Kim, I can't wait to see you. I smiled to myself as we entered the limousine.


[End of MinHo's POV]


[LeeNa's POV]


It's already 3 in the afternoon. 

"Unnie its already 3!. You said i have to get ready don't I? Why am I getting ready anyway?"  I was really annoying Unnie with my constant questioning. Well she's not answering any of it thats why i keep asking.

"Ouh yea! 3 already?! Hurry OUH MY you only have 2 hours to get ready! Let's go to your room to get ready. Let's just say Appa wants you all nicely dressed up for a simple dinner outside okay?" dragging me along. Hmm thats all? Okay fine im sastified with her answer.

"Aisshhh...okay okay but 2 hours is more than enough Unnie andddd there's no need for you to drag me there. I know where's my room F.Y.I.." I and ran to my room.

"Last one there is a  rotten tomato!!~~"I shouted behind my shoulder seeing her dumbfounded.

"Yah! Kim LeeNa ! We'll see who's the rotten tomato. Did you know I was number one for track and field?!" She seemed to snap out of it and ran after me.

"OUH ." i quickened my pace.

We reached my room. . I should'nt have raced here now Im all sweaty and yes Im the rotten tomato. T.T

Unnie laughed her head off at my defeat. I should have known better than to run in heels. She seemed to run in heels for her track and field back then! 

"Aishh..Im going to take a bath now Unnie." I said, defeated.

She nodded still trying to control her laughter. She must have loved the scene of me wobbling my way back to my room in this rotten heels.




Now I'm sitting on my chair, with Unnie, messing with my hair. I wonder what the hell is she doing to my hair??

She applied foundation on my face. I just had to close my eyes throughout the process. I swear i could feel myself falling asleep.

I had to endure this "torture". Why torture? 

Haha I don't like putting on make up. Especially if its heavy make up. Gosh i hope she'll just make it light and natural. I hate to look so plastic with all those heavy makeup. OMO! What if she puts on fake eyelashes on me?! OUH MY. I'll have nightmares!

I shrugged. I'll just let her have her way today. I love her too much. 


"LeeNa??~~ Where's my little pumpkin?? There you are." just then Appa came in. Popping his head in at the door.

"APPA!! Where have you been?? I missed you!" I came running to him with my arms wide. 

Hair rollers still stuck to my head, hair pins all over. Gosh what was Unnie trying to do to me??

Whatever. APPA'S HOME!

"Aisshh ..I was only gone for half of the day sweetie. Anyways Happy Birthday honey" he kissed my forehead and hugged me.

I was totally a daddy's girl but I'm not pampered okay.

"But still!..hehe thank you Appa.." I pulled away from his hug and pulled him to my bed.

I sat him down then I put my hands on my hip.

"What's all this Appa? Why do i have to get ready? Why do I have to wear that dress in the morning? Ouh it's beautiful by the way. I love it!~ " I somehow forgot my serious act and went screeching over the dress that he bought for me this morning.

Gosh I seriously can't maintain my act in front of Appa!

I resume my seriousness and folded my arms still expecting an answer from him


"AND I've been stuck in this house for almost the WHOLE day.. Unnie said you did'nt even let me go near the garden. Now speaking of garden, why was'nt I allowed to go there???" I cut him off before he could continue and emphasizing the word WHOLE.

"I know sweetie.. I'm sorry okay? I want to bring you out for dinner as a form of apology. Okay sweetie?" he smiled showing me his aegyo.

WAIT! WHUTT???? Did he just showed me his aegyo??? He's in his 40's for goodness sake!

He rarely does that! Only during desperate times. Well desperate times calls for desperate measures. So this is a desperate moment for him??

I guess it is then since he's bombarded with questions by his precious daughter. 

He knew I could'nt resist his aegyo! He still looks as charming as he is during his 20's. Urgh! 

"Okay okay fine then. This is just foul play Appa." I pouted. He hugged me tight.

"Ha-Neul Appa, Leena has to get ready now." Unnie reminded him that I was actually getting ready before he interrupted us.

"Ouh right. See you later sweetie. Take care of her okay Min Ae?" He released me and hugged Unnie.

He loves her just as much he loves me. OKay he loves me more! Hehe


"See you Appa!" Unnie and me shouted as he disappeared out the door.

Right back to where we were. Urgh.


[End of LeeNa's POV]


[Nobody's POV]


One hour earlier outside the mansion, Mr Kim along with SHInee and their manager, arrived at the porch.

"WAHH~~ "Taemin was admiring the outer beauty of the Kim's mansion. His mouth open wide.

"Yah! Close your mouth before you start drooling and flooding Singapore!" Key smacked his arm.

"Key Hyung~ You are exaggerating~ " Taemin pouted rubbing his arm where it was smacked a few seconds ago.

"Whatever. Let's go. We need to rehearse." Key rolled his eyes following their manager and the rest.

"Already?? We just arrived!~" Taemin whined.

"Aisshh.. Its still early actually. Why not you guys take a rest at our guest house over there? Its all yours for the rest of your vacation." Mr Kim told the rest.

"Yes actually its still early. We'll start rehearsing at 3. You have practiced enough before this. Later on you just have to try it out at the stage. Now we'll rest for a while." SHInee's Manager told them.

" Lunch is actually waiting for you guys already. Go on now. " Mr Kim said smiling and told his servant to lead us there.

"Are'nt you joining us Sir? " Onew asked.

" It's okay son i have to see my daughter now. She must be waiting for me. I have'nt seen her since this morning. Enjoy your lunch." He left us and went inside his mansion.  

"Wow he's so humble and does'nt act snotty at all." Onew thought to himself



[Min Ae's POV]


She's dozing off already?? Guess i must have taken too much time getting her ready. 

I looked at my watch. Its  4:30 already?? 

I looked at my masterpiece. I mean her hair and make up. Duhhh

She's a natural beauty. I don't have to do much. Seriously? She does'nt need make up at all. Its just flawless.


"LeeNa-ah~~ You have to get ready. You have 30 more minutes before going out for 'dinner' " 

"Hmmm.. Okay Unnie..Where's the dress?" She groggily said.

I pointed to the bed.

"Blue! My favourite colour! " She seemed to perk up seeing blue. That always does the trick. Ouh and chocolate milk. Can't forget about that.

She walked to her bed and stood there staring at the dress.

"What's wrong? You don't like it?" I asked worried.

What if she hates it? What if she refuse to wear it? NOOO!

"LIke it? Seriously Unnie? LIKE IT?!" ...... OUH !



"I LOVE IT!!" Phew!~ She grabbed it and went to the bathroom.

This kid almost gave me a heart attack! Aishh..




"Are you ready yet LeeNa?? Come out already will you?? I want to see! " I called for her.

"Neh~ In a sec!" she shouted from the bathroom.


[End of Min Ae's POV]




Part 2 next! ^^

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I love your story! ^_^ Are you an unnie or a dongsaeng? Ah, I think you're my unnie. Most of the people here is my unnie anyway. ^_^ I'm Anna. :D Can we be friends?
Unnie, like I said last night. I like your update. :)))) It's a Sweet sweet cheesy kind. :"> I think It's going to take a thousand years before you update again. :((
ImWeird #4
unnie..... XD hahahahaha mehh~~
Freakin hell...finally.<br />
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Yah...Aden is not a big mouth!! Helloooooo~<br />
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And FINALLY MINHO YOU stupid long enough...bloody hell
ImWeird #6
@unnie: it was random it came to me on the spot! I laughed like hell at my own writing! Yea2 u nvr liked minho hmph!
Goodness..hahah you know that I laughed so hard at the name onew used!!? Parents loved tEokki so much that they named him that!? <br />
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Goodness I laughed hard!! Imagin him being named Lee Teukki! Omg!!<br />
Actually..for some reason...I like Siwon more than Minho but...hahah I'm never on Minho's side even in reality.<br />
i also hate high heels! hehe! new reader!!
New reader here. :) I like your story. :) Are you from SG? :)))))
ImWeird #10
@unnie: haahahaha IKR!