
They were my surprise but now, they are my Life.

I walked down the stairs careful not to trip on my stilettos. GOSH i hate high heels! Have I ever told you how much i hate high heels?!!  Right. So now you know it. Yes I Hate. High. Heels. Urgh why does Appa have to assign to me my own stylist??

If I were given a choice, I would definitely just go with sneakers.  

" I hate these stilettos! " I gritted under my breath but loud enough for Min Ae Unnie to hear. Well what was I thinking?? She's just beside me! DUHHHH LeeNa~~.

She shot me a death glare. Motioning me to keep my mouth shut and continue walking.

" Heh.. Mianhe Unnie... Don't worry but I love your fashion sense though!" I gave her a flying kiss before rushing down the stairs still aware of my heels.

"YAH! Watch where you are going Kim LeeNa! Don't you break those heels! And please~ take care of your dress!! Its your birthday today for goodness sake... Aigoo this kid.." Min Ae shouted and run after me. 

OUH! let me introduce Min Ae. She's my personal stylist Appa assigned for me. She's my bestest Unnie and the most annoying stylist ever! But still, I LOVE HER. Without her, I think I'll ruin Appa's reputation with my choice of clothing you see. I prefer casual and comfortable rather then glamorous look. Due to Appa's reputation, I had to although I don't want to.

Ouh I soooo love to . *screeching* in my head.

"OOOWWWW!!~" I rubbed my cheeks hard after receiving that awful pinch from Unnie.  I pouted at her and sat on the chair at the dining table while she sat herself down beside me.

She's like family to us now. Appa considered her as his daughter already. That is why she now lives with us as she has no one else in this world for her you see. Ouh well ok back to topic. BREAKFAST!

" Wahhh~ Imo~ Is this all for me?? " pointing at all those delicious scrumptious breakfast laid out in front of me. 

Unnie smacked my arm playfully and told me to stop gaping my mouth like a goldfish. " LeeNa-ah... Its not all for you silly! Its for me too!" she laughed and quickly poke the first piece of pancake with her fork and put it on her plate.

I did the same too. Hey. I did'nt want to lose out and ended up not getting any you know..

" Aishh.. You two slow down! You might choke! Don't worry there is plenty more from where these pancakes came from.." said Imo worriedly and giggled at our behaviour.

True she is like our second Umma. She's our caretaker and our cook. Her dishes are simply awesome! Well a tiny bit more awesome then Umma's. Heeeeeeee~

"OUH! I've got sumting to give you Leena-ah!" Unnie said excitedly while putting back her glass down after sipping her glass of milk to wash down those delicious pancakes. She reached out to her bag and pulled something out.

I was eyeing her actions when she shouted, "Uh-uh~~ Close your eyes first!" not letting me guess what she wanted to show me. *Hmphff. How bad!* i frowned and thought to myself. I closed my eyes as instructed. Tapping my foot impatiently with my arms crossed.

"1....2...3....! Open your eyes now! Now!"

"OKOK! Geez Unnie relax!" I opened my eyes and see this blue rectangular box in front of me. I reached my hand out and opened it.

*Gasp* Its..Its.. Its a... necklace. Not any necklace but a beautiful one indeed! It has my name as Its pendant. Simple yet elegant. I took it out and Imo put it on for me. It was really pretty!

"KYAAA!~ I LOVE IT UNNIE! Thank you~" I kissed her cheeks and she wiped it away in disgust.

OOpppss i guess i gave her a wet kiss. Too wet for her! 

" You like it don't you?! Yes I know but please spare me that kiss! Yah~" I laughed my head off seeing her reaction. Still wiping off the lip gloss mark on her cheek.

We continued eating and giggling at each others jokes and talk. Even Imo was joining us for breakfast. Well actually I forced her to.

Its just that I don't like it if she eats in the kitchen by herself. She said its respecting her boss which is my family. I told her there is no difference about that.

She takes care of me so she deserves to eat in the same table as the rest of us. Even Appa and Umma talked to her about this. Besides what is the use for a huge, long dining table if its only for Appa, Umma, Unnie and me? She finally gave in and agreed. Like finally! 

Well its my birthday and Im in a really good mood that i actually polished off the food laid out on the table. Gosh. Talking about a huge appetite for a small girl like me. " Imo that was good. Thank you! " i pecked her cheeks.

"OMO! Your cheeks are so soft Imo! What beauty cream did you use?? Recommend it to me will you?? " I .

" Yah! You kid! Don't lie to your Imo! Im so old right now..." She retorted. I just chuckled careful not too laugh hard. I just ate for goodness sake. Don't want to ruin this lovely dress Appa bought for me do I? 

I walked around the house greeting my helpers whose busy cleaning the house. They bowed to me as I bowed back to them and I stopped them from bowing back to me. I don't like it if they treat me like Im some sort of a princess in this house.

Everybody's equal for goodness sake!

Maybe just maybe I should announce to everybody not to treat me like one so much. Just show respect to my parents that's all.

I was about to open the door to my balcony overlooking our house's garden for some fresh air when Unnie stopped me from behind.

"Kim LeeNa! Appa has instructed us to make sure that you do not step out from this house or even look at the garden.!" she came running to me panting. Gosh I wonder how she could run in those heels! And they are even higher than mine MIND you.

"WHUTT?! So Im suppose to rot inside the house all day??? " I said in horror.

"Well not all day you silly! Just awhile more. Hmm now is already 12 in the afternoon. So at 5 in the evening, you can go out." she smiled and dragging me off to the game room.

I counted with my fingers 1, 2,3,4,5..." 5 MORE HOURS?! and you say thats a while more???" I whined till we reached the game room.

"OUh come on don't be such a big baby.. you have two more hours to spend before getting ready for your p..p.. urgh nevermind." she cut herself off. She grab the game console and started playing.

What did she mean? 2 more hours? Which means I have till 2 to spend before getting ready??

OUh well whatever. I just shrugged it off and played along with her.

I can be such a slowpoke sometimes. "What is going on here??" I thought to myself.




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I love your story! ^_^ Are you an unnie or a dongsaeng? Ah, I think you're my unnie. Most of the people here is my unnie anyway. ^_^ I'm Anna. :D Can we be friends?
Unnie, like I said last night. I like your update. :)))) It's a Sweet sweet cheesy kind. :"> I think It's going to take a thousand years before you update again. :((
ImWeird #4
unnie..... XD hahahahaha mehh~~
Freakin hell...finally.<br />
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Yah...Aden is not a big mouth!! Helloooooo~<br />
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And FINALLY MINHO YOU stupid long enough...bloody hell
ImWeird #6
@unnie: it was random it came to me on the spot! I laughed like hell at my own writing! Yea2 u nvr liked minho hmph!
Goodness..hahah you know that I laughed so hard at the name onew used!!? Parents loved tEokki so much that they named him that!? <br />
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Goodness I laughed hard!! Imagin him being named Lee Teukki! Omg!!<br />
Actually..for some reason...I like Siwon more than Minho but...hahah I'm never on Minho's side even in reality.<br />
i also hate high heels! hehe! new reader!!
New reader here. :) I like your story. :) Are you from SG? :)))))
ImWeird #10
@unnie: haahahaha IKR!