His Smile

His Smile

People told me I wasn't good enough for you. People bashed me, broke me, and hurt me.

They called me an "anorexic, ugly, and boring" who has her head in books too much. Maybe so. My love for books has always been an escape for me. Entering a world without cruel words, judging, and beauty. That's what I can imagine when I read my books.

Around you, I never needed books, though. You were enough. It's like I was living a fairy tale. That's what I call our relationship. It was a fairy tale.

Being with you were the happiest moments of my life. Why? Your smile. You always smiled at me. Everyday, every hour, every minute. I always told you to stop "grinning like a fool, you pabo!" but you said you couldn't help it. "I make you smile", that's what you said. I cried tears of joy because that was the first time I ever heard something like that from anyone--that I caused them to smile. I realized, little by little, each day you made me smile. Then it became a habit. I couldn't go a single day without smiling.

You changed me but it wasn't meant to be. I'm not supposed to change. Our fairy tale wasn't supposed to have a happy ending. Why? Because of them. I couldn't allow their hatred towards me affect you too. I didn't it to destroy you and take away the things that make you happy. You said I "make you happy" but I know you couldn't live without the other things that make you happy. I'm just a place in your heart and that can be forgotten in time. Music? Never.

I'll always remember your smile. The smile that shined brighter than the sun, the smile that made my heart flutter and kept me happy, the smile that showed love, affection, and trust. The smile that kept me together, the smile that kept me from being depressed, the smile that erased the hurt, the smile that made me confident in myself, the smile that made me believe I could do anything.

I can do anything, which is why I'm doing this. I'm leaving Seoul, you, your fans, all the memories, the pain, the happiness--everything. Maybe I'm scared or selfish. But believe me when I say it's for and your happiness.

My thoughts are interrupted by my phone ringing.

I see your name and it must be the hundredth time you've called.

I pick it up with a sigh. "Yeoboseyo?"

"Jagiya, where are you? Why haven't you answered my calls?"

"Oppa, I'm leaving."

"Eh?! Why?!"

I sadly smile at his question. "We both know why."

"Forget them!"

"They just love you, oppa. Please, understand how they feel. And you love them, too! I don't want you to lose your fans and happiness."

"You're my happiness."

"But I can be replaced in your heart. Can music? That's your true happiness. The thing you can't live without, oppa."

"Jagiya...please, don't do this."

"I'll be fine, oppa. I'll always remember your smile and that will keep me going. I promise! I won't even need anymore books or fairy tales. I had my fairy tale and I have you to read in my mind."

"Please...don't leave me! Jagiya!"

My hurt breaks at the sadness in his voice. The tears.

"I love you. Don't ever doubt that. Keep smiling for me, arasseo?"

"How can I?"

"Please, promise."

"Is there any way you'll change your mind?"

"Ani. Just promise, oppa?"

"I...I promise. For you, I'll do anything."

"I love you, Jinki-oppa."

"And I love you. Always."

With tears falling down my face, I end the call. I end the chapter in my fairy tale.

As I look at the sun, I can almost see your face in it. Your smile. Your smile that I'll always remember. Your smile that I'll always carry in my heart.

His smile.




Thanks for reading! ^^ Sorry for any mistakes! I don't have time to correct them if there are any! OTL

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Chapter 1: /sobbing/ this hit me right in the feelz ;;n;; (btw, I also really like Adele's new song hello hehu)
Chapter 1: why did you do this to me? T_T this is sad enough, can you make it as a happy ending?