The New Kid

Melting His Cold Heart (HIATUS)


Your POV

Class was just as uneventful and boring as usual. I couldn't help but zone off. It's not my fault Mrs. Park is just too boring to pay attention to. Suddenly I hear my name being called.

"Lee Mi-na? Would you like to tell us the answer?" Mrs. Park asked me. If only I knew what she had asked. The girl to my left managed to mumble 83.

"83?" I answered not sure of myself.

"Correct." I let out a sigh of relief and turned to the girl beside me.

"Thanks." I whispered.

"No problem." She returned with a smile and continued to listen to Mrs. Park. I debated between whether I should pay attention for the rest of class or not. I came to the conclusion that I would probably zone off if I tried to pay attention the rest of class.

As I zoned off once again I thought about the rumors of the new boy in school. For some unknown reason he transferred in the middle of the school year. I heard a bunch of people say he looked gorgeous, while others said he looked scary looking. I’ll have to decide once I see him for myself. I wonder if I have any classes with him after this one.

Abruptly my thoughts were cut off at the sound of the bell. I gathered my stuffed and walked towards the cafeteria for lunch. Hana, Onew, and Minho were already there waiting for everyone to show up. As I made my way to the table I saw my little brother, Taemin enter the cafeteria.

“Hey Tae,” I greeted him as he walked closer to our table. He smile and made his way to his normal spot at our table. Our table was circular and can fit eight people. When everyone sat at our table only two seats would remain empty. The only person missing at the moment was Jonghyun. Though, he usually showed up right after the bell rung so no one was worried about him.

The bell rung and with no surprise I saw a puppy-dino walking into the cafeteria. What surprised me was the kid following behind him. He had black hair with streaks of red. His clothes were all black. I wonder why a guy that looks like that is with the hyperactive puppy… They’re even talking together.

“Hey guys! This is my cousin Kim Ki bum, though he prefers to be called Key,” chirped the dino. Key, so that’s his name. Jonghyun sat down at his seat and Key sat next to him. He was right across from me. Now that he was closer I was able to observe that he had feline-like eyes. He also had the most adorable bushy eyebrows. Although all he wore was black, it was worn with fashion. He also seemed to have maybe five ear piercings.

Lunch continued as normal, but I noticed that Key was very quiet. All attempted conversations were either ignored or answered in one or two word answers.

“So Key, are you liking it here at our school?” I asked giving an attempt at getting him to talk.

“Yeah, I guess so,” He said indifferently. I sighed internally. What else to ask him…

“What are the rest of your classes? I want to know if I have any classes with you.” Instead of answering me verbally, Key just handed over his schedule. It turns out that he has Biology and English with me. Interesting, he’s taking English as his language as well. I wonder if he’s any good.

“I have Biology and English with you,” I told him in English to test his skills. I’m not that good at English, but I can carry out simple conversations.

“Oh cool, see you there,” He replied back to me in English as the bell rung signaling the end of lunch.


A/N: Hey guys! I know it's been a while, but I lost inspiration for this fic for a while. Though, I saw how people commented saying that they liked it and wanted me to update. So I'm meeting you guys halfway and rewriting this fic. Rereading this has given me new ideas and showed me how many mistakes I used to make XD
Hope you enjoy! I look forward to writing the next chap so that should be up soon... XD
(I also might try to update The Story of Us, for those who read that as well)

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How about this? I'll work to update my story and you update yours!!! I love this story!!! Pwease?!? ^w^
Omo, I'm on chapter 2 and i love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>W<~ Amazing story until now =D
Please update soon I would love too see what happens next :3
And No! :O
Why should Key brother commit suicide? T^T
That would hurt him even more than anything...
this story reminds me of shugo chara, this is a rlly good story, keep on updating
banapple195 #6
What an interesting story! Please keep this going! :)
Awwwh Key is opening up to her (:
ysluckystar #8
actually i don't mind. as long as you update. cause i'll read it. but i prefer to have often short-ish updates. but not so short, okay. keke. :)
ysluckystar #9
update soon! :)
LocketForever #10
@_KeyLean_ its a bit obvious XD so i think u DO no