First Day

Dancing to His Rhythm


Out of breath, he threw the door of the registration office open. "Great, Seunghyun, just great. Late on the first day." he sarcastically complimented himself. It was past 9 o'clock, classes had started already and he didn't even have his schedule. Technically he was supposed to pick his school ID up during orientation week last week so he could get access to the university's system, the system that was now holding his schedule hostage, but he had had more important things to do, or should he say hotter boys to do, so he had kept putting it off until it was too late. Why waste an extra trip, when he could just pick it up today? Granted, he had planned to show up well before classes started, but had forgotten how much torture waking up in the morning was. Why did it have to be so early? Was the school administration just having a cruel laugh on their expense? Sadistically watching the pale zombies writhe in pain as they brainlessly dragged their lifeless bodies into the building every morning.


"Good morning." he sent the registrar's secretary an awkward smile as he bowed politely.

"I'm here to pick up my ID." he announced in a slightly guilty tone, knowing full well that he was way too late.

"Better late than never, I guess." she chuckled while playfully scolding him with her eyes, secretly checking him out. It had its perks to be handsome, that he couldn't deny. He sent her a subtle wink in the hopes of expediting the process. Whether it was working or it just wasn't that big a deal, he didn't have to blink twice before she had his ID ready for him, hot from the press. The photo could have come out better, but it could also have been worse. He sent her a thankful wink, causing her cheeks to redden slightly, before heading for the door.

He was almost out when he realized, he needed his schedule. He was flirting with the idea of skipping class, but figured it was better to show up late for your first class than not to show up at all. He sighed and doubled back. He was still not a hundred percent convinced this school thing was the best idea, having had very long arguments with himself about it, some of them ending not so prettily. There had been this one time, when he ended up not speaking to himself for a week. He had never really been the school type, his memories from high school all but fond. When he finally got out, it was the first time he had really felt free, the first time he had felt like his life was his own. And on those steps, in front of his old school for the very last time, he had sworn never to return to the world of academics. But somehow he had ended up here, convincing himself that an art school really wasn't a school at all. Stupidly, he had believed it for a second. Or maybe it had just been wishful thinking. Either way, there was no turning back now.


Oh, hey..” he smiled awkwardly on purpose, sure to mix in a bit of cute to sell it better. “My schedule..” he started, but she cut him off, quietly giggling.

Give me your phone.” she held out her hand, her cheeks redder than ever.

Ehm...” he hesitated, not really sure what was happening.

Give it!” she playfully ordered, sass lining the tone of her voice. Without thinking, he obeyed, handing her his phone. Somehow he got the feeling he was going to regret this. She held the phone up so he couldn't see the screen, busy doing hopefully something that didn't entail turning his phone into an explosive weapon. You never knew.

There, that didn't hurt so bad, did it?” she cheerfully chuckled, returning his phone. She had installed the school app, which had everything he needed and more. Red letters flashed across his screen, reminding him he was late for class.

You're a peach, your vitamin C has given me second wind. Gotta bolt!” he waved as he ran out the door, following the interactive map of the campus with GPS abilities, leading him to the right place. Technology, how did people ever survive without it?


Only getting lost twice on the way, he had finally arrived. Not slowing down, he burst headfirst into the classroom with a little bit too much style, robbing the teacher of the attention of the whole class.

Heh.. sorry I'm late...” he grinned sheepishly, sneaking to the back. Oddly nobody was sitting at a table, and even more strangely, there were no tables. Maybe he had been right, a school of arts wasn't a real school. He was almost excited to see what the day would have in store for him.

Are you planning on dancing in that?” a voice somewhere in the front sneered. He scanned the room, finding the source. It was a middle aged unique-looking man, his surprisingly fit spandex-covered body not doing anything to make his unique looks any less eye-catching. This situation was so ridiculous, he started contemplating whether he had woken up at all this morning, whether he was perhaps still dreaming, reminding himself that the arts attracted a varied selection of characters, which would make the whole process much more interesting, he hoped.

Uhm, no, I wasn't really planning on doing any dancing at all, to be honest.” he answered politely but with a sharp undertone.

That's a pretty counter productive goal to have in a dance class.” the guy raised one eyebrow, giving him a strange look. He wasn't sure if he was amused or extremely angry, somehow both were a very real possibility. Dance class? He whipped out his phone to check his schedule. He had been in such a hurry earlier he hadn't even bothered checking what class he was supposed to be attending.




Dance Basics 101


What! Ah, man, there had been some mistake with the schedule, how typical. Oh well, at least they couldn't write him up for being late when it was their mistake in the first place.

Sorry, wrong class!” he bowed before getting the hell out of there, thanking whatever forces of the universe for not having to take a class led by that spandex-weirdo.


Well, hello again.” the secretary greeted him with a half-crooked smirk. Had she done this on purpose so she would see him again? Meddled with his phone to send him to the wrong class?

There's been some kind of a mistake, my schedule's all wrong.” he complained in a soft tone.

Oh. Huh.. hang on, let's see...” she adjusted her glasses as she showed off her superior typing skills.

Nope, it's all in order.” she concluded after a long session with the computer system. She turned the screen to show him she wasn't messing with him. And there it was, in black and white.


Student: Choi Seunghyun

Major: Dance


No, no, no, that can't be right! I applied for acting!” he exclaimed in frustration. If there was anything he couldn't do, it was dancing.

Hmm..” the secretary stood up and dived into a file cabinet, submerged for several minutes, she didn't even come up for air.

Aha! Here it is!” she shouted triumphantly, slamming the paper onto the table in front of him. It was his application. They both leaned over it and read it cover to cover.

See! I checked the box for acting.” relieved to have evidence, he pointed out the clear, black as night X he had made in the box beside 'Acting'.

Oh, honey, this box is the one for acting..” she pointed at an empty box on the opposite side of the word. “That one is for dancing.” her finger traced the checked box to the word 'Dance' that was on the other side of it.

Ah, seriously? Why do they make it so confusing? Are they hoping for us to screw up? Getting some more students for the dying art of 'Mime' through accidental box-checking? Poor ers showing up for music class only to get stuck inside an invisible box.” he snorted at his own wit in this time of adversity.

The secretary snorted loudly. “Yeaah, you are the only one this has happened to...”. She was clearly trying to be sensitive, but couldn't hold back how funny she found this.

Okay, so let's pretend I'm a disastrous klutz, can you just fix it, please.” he smiled tiredly, this was not the morning he had had in mind last night when he imagined how his first day of university would go.

Her smile ominously turned upside down. “Aigoo.” she sighed, shaking her head. “Sorry sweetie, but the period for switching majors, or making any schedule changes, is over. Besides, even if you could change it, the acting department doesn't have any vacancies, they're over capacity as it is. Aigoo, if only you had shown up last week, then we could've righted this wrong. It's too late now.” she shrugged her shoulders sympathetically.

Seunghyun's stomach churned. “So, what can I do?” he asked nervously, cold sweat starting to form on his forehead.

Well, as I see it, you've got two options. Quit, or embrace the dancer within. If you pass all your classes this semester, you can apply for a transfer this Christmas. Just register dance as your minor and you'll get all your credits transferred over, so you can still graduate on time.” she smiled encouragingly.


Seunghyun stood in front of the classroom door. Crap. Crap, crap, crap. Why was he so unlucky? Why did it have to be dance? Heck, even mime would have been better! Aisshh. Clenching his teeth, he locked his fingers around the door handle, forcing himself to open the door. He didn't want to go inside, but still he did, with his tail between his legs. This was his own personal nightmare, only there was no waking up from it.


Newbie!” the teacher shouted at him, nodding to indicate he should come see him. All the other students were heading out. He had managed to catch a full five minutes of class before it was over.

You need to demonstrate freestyle dancing next class. Everyone else showed theirs today, but seeing as you were late and not in the right clothes, I'm giving you a chance. And second chances only come around once, so you'd better bring it!” he looked at him sternly before storming out, leaving him all alone in the dance studio, only his scared reflection keeping him company.



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Flamestar18 #1
Chapter 8: Top get yo man??
TT______TT where are you?
ILuvToDae #3
Chapter 12: Ohmigosh. Bae doesn’t even realize that the winds are beginning to shift. I’m so freaking excited about where this could go!!!
Chapter 12: OOOO, Looks Like things are getting interesting. I so look forward to all your updates :)..
moon_swan #5
Chapter 12: This story always leaves behind a very light feeling, which I really like !!!! Thank you! I wait very much for Seunghyon to get his reward!
Chapter 12: I'm weak~~SeungHyun was right, I've forgiven him already...

I hope everything goes well, and SeungHyun doesn't end up hurt.

Seeing the update for this story in my made my day, I'm super grateful that you are not giving up on this story~I'm definitely Looking forward to the next chapter!
Chapter 11: Sometimes, YoungBae is a little jerk. SeungHyun didn't deserve to be treated like that. My poor baby..
moon_swan #8
Thank you for update!!! ^^
ILuvToDae #9
Chapter 11: Awwwwwww... Poor Seunghyun... What’s the deal, Bae? You’re better than this. Don’t be unkind.
Chapter 11: omg, the angst, my heart... poor hyunnie!!!!! IDK if I want him to give Bae a good what for or to just ignore him and pretend he doesn't exist either. Neither answer is the adult one, but , look what he did. Just cuz he's scared of not being in his gigantic wardrobe of a closet.

Rant aside, I love this update, I am always happy to see an update from you!