Blindly Caught In Love☒


When Song Yunhyeong's sister has to move in with her brother and his friends, she was horrified. She knew what kind of reputation they had in school, tyrants. Troublemakers that liked to make fun of the teachers. And she wasn't all too pleasant to hear the news that she would have to live with them for the next couple of months. Her parents must have been crazy thinking that their daughter would be safe around 6 teenage guys with raging hormones...



"And before I knew it, I was blindly caught in love's trap, and I didn't even know it."










Song Yookyung

The perfect girl image. Yookyung has perfect grades, is never late for school, submits assignments on time and plus, a cute face to top it off. You could say that Yookyung was the teacher's little pet, never causing trouble. Even though Yookyung has the perfect good girl image, she is bored of it. And even if she didn't want to do her homework, she'll still do it because it would be eating her inside. When her parents decide to let her come back to Seoul to study, she is forced to stay with her brother, Song Yunhyeong and his group of male friends, and all of them were all troublemakers. Yookyung hated troublemakers.



A group of tyrants known well in the school, but not in a good way of course. Fans didn't scream over them nor did they get thousands of chocolates on Valentines day. Everyone knew who they were, and everyone got away from them.. why? Simple, because they were afraid of them...


Song Yookyung, freash, young and pretty. 

Song Yunhyeong, Lazy, overprotective, stubborn.

Kim Hanbin, Naive, bossy, just plain boring.

Kim Jiwon/ Bobby, too energetic for his own good, touchy, loud.

Goo Junhoe, weird Tsundere, too sassy to function, lazy.

Kim Donghyuk, decent, talks way too much, crybaby.

Kim Jinhwan, sings all the time, winks way too much, talks way too much.

Jung Chanwoo, the most normal out of all the maniacs in the house.











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ikonic_17 #1
I'm looking forward to it :)