Chapter 5 Christmas Eve

Infinity Lies

The snow starts to stick on the road of Korea,

There, Christmas ornaments and decoration were filled in the shop,

What time is it?

It’s Christmas Eve.

Yoon Hee was sleeping peacefully on the couch; the photo album was laying flat on the floor with its pages opened. She then slowly woke up from her peaceful sleep, and head to the bathroom to wash up herself.

Several minutes later, she arrived at the orphanage where she usually went when she had the free time to visit the kids there. What surprised her most was Infinite also was there playing with the kids. Yoon Hee walks toward the kids and asked them to lead the way to the Christmas tree in the orphanage. She puts the present under the Christmas tree and informed the guider of the orphanage make sure the kids get their Christmas present tomorrow morning.

“It is surprise to see you here.” Sunggyu said while rubbing the back of his neck.

“Me too, do not know that Infinite will come to the orphanage.”

“Well, this orphanage means a lot to us, we grew up here.” Sunggyu said when they have a small walk at the backyard of the orphanage.

“Where are your parents?”

“Well, I don’t know, I was been told that, I was abandoned. They found me one night in front of the door of this orphanage with a letter.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…..”

“It’s okay. The others were also been sent to this orphanage because their parents died in a car crashed. However, the most tragic one was Sungjong, our maknae. His parents were still alive but they abandoned him because he was the unwanted child in their family.”

“Oh my, does he feel happy now?”

“Yes, but sometime, as his hyung, I got the responsible to take care of him, if anything happen to him, I think I can’t forgive myself for the rest of my life.”

After the long conversation with Sunggyu, the two of them headed back to the dining hall of the orphanage where the kids have their cookies that were given by their Infinite oppas or hyungs. They enjoyed the cookies with a happy smile on their face.

“Noona, will you like to join us after this for the Christmas Eve celebration at Sunggyu hyung’s penthouse?” Sungjong asked while gripping Yoon Hee’s hand.

“But I have something to do after this; maybe I will be a bit late, though I need to pack my clothes for tonight’s sleepover.”

“Okay, how about inviting us to your house, hacker girl.” L said.

Later, after bidding goodbye to the kids, they headed south of the road with their sports car, minutes later, they arrived Yoon Hee’s house that situated at the corner of the junction. They parked their car and went in her house casually; her house was now surrounded with snow because her house was situated in the middle of the forest. Usually, she used a shortcut to school.

After what she had packed for the sleepover at Infinite’s place, they got in their car and get to the grocery shop to grab some ingredients for their dinner.

“Hyung, can you make me cheesecake?” Sungjong asked after they arrived home.

“I can’t make it, ask someone else.” Woohyun said.

“Hyung, please, Sungjong want.”

“I will make it, but I need some helpers.” Yoon Hee barged in and said.

“I will help.” Sunggyu answered.

“Me too.”

So, L and Sunggyu went into the kitchen and help themselves with the utensils to make the cheesecakes for their upcoming dessert for tonight. The scene was funny because Sunggyu and L was fighting with each other when Yoon Hee pass them the mixing bowl, and Sunggyu accidentally broke the eggshell into the whipping cream though she already said crack the eggs first before mixing it into the whipping cream.

3 hours later, where there was lot of commotion happened during the making of cheesecakes. They kept the Oreo cheesecakes they’ve made in the fridge to keep it cool. Just then, Yoon Hee said at the back that they were running out of Oreo to make the ice-cream which Sunggyu suggested just now.

“Who wants to help me to run some errand?” She asked.

“Well, I can help you.” Sungyeol said.

“I will go with you.” The maknae followed.

“Well, the two of you make sure to bring back the Oreo biscuits that I had asked for and plus bring back the grape that was on the mart too.” Yoon Hee gave her instruction.

The two of them went out for the errands. The rest of them then set up the dining table and decorated Sunggyu’s house with Christmas decoration.

Out there, there was someone waiting for the chance to be closed up to Sungyeol and Sungjong.


 Pls make a comment after read....highly appreciated...

The interview maybe can't make at the time cuz Infinite members are busy casting in the fanfiction...

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