Again, and Again


All warfare is based on deception. You meet Yongguk time and time again; you two are military pilots, just on the different sides of the war. In all these lifetimes, you never once managed to save him. (Or, the story where you and Yongguk are stuck in some messed up timeloop.)


In other words, I am sorry. I’ve been so stressed lately and have no idea what to do about it.

from tanktrilby's and called for you everywhere, an az ff i sort of stole.


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Fragezeichen #1
This sounds really interessting. Being reborn or whst ever this turns out to be, is something a lot of people write about. But you took such a gentle, poemlike and none the less dark approach. The high school timeline isnt too fluffy, its more like a careful dream. Which is much better :)

Do you know the movie skycrawlers? While reading i had this movie in my mind :)