
Coming Home

“Here,” Hongbin said, tossing the duster to Hakyeon, “help me.”

“I get that you like things neat,” Wonsik spoke up, “but this is…..kind of extreme.”

“No it’s not,” Hongbin replied, “this is normal. Sanghyuk is coming home tomorrow and this place needs to look nice for him.”

“Why?” Hakyeon sighed, “I mean, he lives here after all. No need to impress him with a nice, neat dorm.”

“He’s been gone for a week,” Hongbin huffed, “this isn’t a way to impress him. It’s a way to welcome him home.”

“Oh,” Hakyeon smirked, “I get it now.”

“Get what?” Hongbin frowned.

“You miss Sanghyuk,” Hakyeon’s smirk grew, “you’re doing all this for him. Not sure if it’s to make him feel at home or to impress him or whatever, but it’s totally for him.”

“And why would I do all this cleaning for him?” Hongbin countered.

“You like him,” Wonsik shrugged, “we all know it.”

“Lies,” Hongbin huffed, “lies and slander.”

“No,” Hakyeon replied, “truth. Nothing but truth.”

“Well,” Hongbin scowled, “it doesn’t matter if I do like him. Sanghyuk…..he doesn’t feel the same way about me.”

“Says who?” Hongbin froze for a moment before turning to find Sanghyuk standing in the doorway.

“Sa-Sanghyuk,” Hongbin gasped.

“So?” Sanghyuk asked again, “who says I don’t feel the same way?”

“Um,” Hongbin looked around helplessly, but Hakyeon and Wonsik had already fled, “I…I thought you weren’t arriving until tomorrow.”

“Who told you that?” Sanghyuk questioned, “Because I told Hakyeon I’d be here today.”

“That ,” Hongbin muttered.

“So?” Sanghyuk moved closer to the older, “who said I didn’t return your feelings?”

“I never said I liked you,” Hongbin was quick to point out, “I just said that if I did it didn’t matter because you don’t feel that way.”

“So you don’t like me?” Sanghyuk asked, suddenly looking very hurt, “oh. Alright then.” Sanghyuk moved away, grabbing his bag and making his way to his room, “forget what I said, alright?”

“What?” Hongbin felt a flash of pain run through his heart and knew he’d messed up, “wait, no. I didn’t mean it. I do like you I just….”

“I knew it,” Sanghyuk turned around to reveal the pleased smile on his face.


“I like you too,” Sanghyuk said before moving to pull Hongbin in for a tight hug and a quick kiss, “a lot.”

Hongbin wasn’t sure what to say, so instead he just relaxed into Sanghyuk’s hold and hugged the other back.

A/N: yet another cute, fluffy Hyukbin.

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