Sweet Caramel Kiss...^^

Caramel Pudding I Love You


Nicole POV

“omma! I’m here~” I said happily to my aunt on the phone. Yes, I called her omma because she’s like my mother too…

I’m spending my 2 weeks holidays at the beach, which at my aunt’s house. It’s been a long time with my cousins…I miss onewoppa. He’s the best cousin ever! I smiles whenever thinking of him. ^^

“Nicole ah~” I can heard  Leeomma’s voice calling me from the car

“omma!!’ I excitedly run to the car and hug her

“let’s go home. It’s been a while.” She smiles and drove the car back to the house

As soon as we reached the house, I drag my luggage and drop it in front of the door. I quickly run upstairs to meet onewoppa. I silently creep at his door; I can only see his broad back.

“he’s been working out I see.” I whisper and tip toe to him nearer and nearer

“OPPA! I MISS YOU!!” I hug him tightly from behind, how I miss him so much.

“who are you?” a different voice said, not onewoppa’s voice. I startle a quickly let go of him and look at his face. HE’S NOT ONEWOPPA!! Who is he?

“yah yong ju ah. What are you doing?” onewoppa is standing at the door looking at him

“hyung…” that guy calls him

“KYAAHHHH!!!” I shouted and quickly run to onewoppa for hug. That guy scares me.

End of POV


“yong ju ah… this is my best friend at college, Choi minho.” onew introduce him to nicole.

“jung yong ju but call me Nicole.” Nicole shakes hand with him. Minho and onew is still chuckles over the incident making Nicole to blush in red

“stop it already oppa.” Nicole said looking down at her fisted hand

“come let go out and eat.” Onew said but Nicole stops him

“I brought cookies from home and sweet bread.” She handed out from her bag making both of them cheers in joyful

“you always have food inside your bag.” Onew laughs

Nicole looks at minho and blush…


The next day when onew and minho went to their college, Nicole begins to cook. Dishes for lunch and desserts. After the caramel pudding is done, she put it inside the fridge to let it cold and she goes out for a walk and shopping.

“wah~ this shirt is so cute. I’m going to buy it for onew oppa.” Nicole said while hugging to a blue colour shirt

“maybe I should buy for minho oppa too.” She grabs the same shirt with the same colour


Around 4pm, onew and minho come back from college.

“Nicole jung yong ju~” onew sweetly calls her but no answer

“she’s out maybe.” Minho said while opening the fridge and stun

“is there something to eat?” onew approaches minho who staring inside the fridge

“ca-caramel pudding~” minho took out one like the pudding is something precious. For him , the pudding is shinning and sparkling.

“omma must left this before she went to work.” Onew also take one

“this is so delicious~” minho eat vigorously stuffing everything inside his mouth

“slow down minho. There’s plenty more.” Onew take another one and give to minho

“I’d marry someone who knows how to make a caramel pudding.”Minho said while eating another 1

“go to any shop that sells this and propose her. Done!” onew grins

“it’s different.” Minho glare at onew

At 6pm, Nicole enters the house cheerfully.

“onew oppa~” she shows the shopping bag to him

“yah~ you went shopping?” onew take her shopping bag while she’s untie her shoes

“nae~ I bought oppa a shirt!” she gives the bag which contain the shirts

“really? Yahh~ I love you more.” Onew excitedly open the bag

“caramel pudding~ caramel pudding~ caramel pudding I love you~” Nicole sings happily making her way to the kitchen to eat the pudding but…

“oppa~!! Where’s my caramel pudding?!” she screams as soon as she opens the fridge

“ahhh~ minho ah! Come down for a while.” Onew calls minho and he comes down later

“wae?” minho ask innocently

“Nicole, ask him.” Onew point to minho and walk away to watch tv

“minho oppa. You finished up my pudding?” she ask bluntly and minho stares at her blankly

“you-your pudd-pudding?” minho stutter

“yea… I made it this morning.” Nicole pouts but minho stare at her without saying anything

“minho oppa? Oppa? Hurm… never mind.” Nicole drags her feet and slump her body on the couch with minho still watching her.


Minho POV

“yea… I made it this morning.” she pouts but I can only stare at her without saying anything

“minho oppa? Oppa? Hurm… never mind.” I guess she gives up and drags her feet and slump her body on the couch.

She’s the one making the pudding? A little girl like that? Nicole Jung Yong Ju… I’ll marry you someday. My heart is beating fast now. Is it because of the caramel? I’ve become sugar rush and adrenaline rush?

“my pudding~” she pouts while staring at the ceiling

“ack!” onew sudden noise makes me shock. Me and Nicole look at him who actually sleeping. So he just sleeps talking, and I turn to look at Nicole back.

“minho oppa.” She called me but glare at me. Maybe because I finished her pudding

“yea?” I answer her blankly

“oppa really like my caramel pudding?” she ask while pouting. Aissh…she’s really mad at me

“yea-yeah.” Timidly I answered her question

“I’ll make some again later ok?” she smiles meekly. She still upset I guess

“I still wanna eat caramel pudding.” She sighs. What should I do? How can I make her happy back?

End of POV


Nicole lay back and closes her eyes. Suddenly she feels something soft hit her lips, she parted her lips a bit and she can taste a sweet taste of…caramel. She opens her eyes, surprise with it and she sees minho in front of her, few inch away.

“min-minho oppa…” she said

“can-can you taste the caramel pudding?” minho stare deep into her eyes

“uhm. It’s sweet…” Nicole smiles shyly and minho smiles in relieve

“I love you…” minho bravely said to Nicole

“me or caramel pudding?” she cheekily ask

“both. Can I have you so I can have your caramel pudding?” minho smirk

“can I make you caramel pudding so that your kiss would taste like caramel?” Nicole shyly ask. Both of them smiles and minho kiss her again. A kiss that tastes sweet like a caramel.

Suddenly, a smack on minho’s head on the back.

“I WAS ASLEEP FOR A WHILE AND YOU KISS MY SISTER?!!” onew smack him with a book

“oppa. It’s not like that.” Nicole tried to defend minho

“not like what?! CHOI MINHO!!” onew chase him around the house

“hyung… I love-“ minho tried to say something

“you love what?!” onew pause his step

“I LOVE CARAMEL PUDDING!!” minho shouted and Nicole just laughs at the scene


“oppa! I make caramel pudding!” Nicole excitedly said

“wahh~ caramel pudding…” minho amusingly said

“don’t eat it choi minho!” onew stops him

“why?” minho absurd at his action

“I won’t allow you to have caramel kiss again.” he stuffs his mouth with the caramel pudding and walk away

“I have more.” Nicole whisper at his ears which making minho to smiles happily



this is what people call..

love at the first bite..XD

the real situation for me, me and my cousin best friend stays brother and sister....

well, caramel pudding is my signature dessert which i love to make it..^^

so do you wish to have a caramel kiss? i wish i can get a caramel kiss too..XD

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I love this!!! its so Sweet . I feel like I can taste the caramel in my mouth too. Now I'm craving for some caramel pudding. I love this story !
Lol thats soo cute XD
Panda_Jade143: updated! > <<br />
sha_alynn: thanx for commenting..^^<br />
ftifangirl: hehe..it's might be the sweetest kiss..XD
sha_alynn #4
This story make me laugh ! HAHAHA !<br />
It's awesome.<br />
Hope to see more from you ^^
Seems interesting~ <br />