HERO \ 영웅



" A Hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself."

_ Joseph Campbell  


"Namjoon" , is a lonely hopeless guy who has been left by an orphanage when he was a baby. He knows nothing but a name, about his identity. Illegal underground fights are all he does in his meaningless boring life. "YoungMi" is also a miserable lonesome girl who lives a hard and poor life while suffering from an incurable disease ! When they first meet , Youngmi is trying to commit a suicide by jumping from an overpass and unbelievably Namjoon stops her !

But , how can an all-time loser guy become a HERO for someone else's life ?!


Hi Everyone !

This is not my first-ever novel but it's my first-ever fan-fic in AFF. First of all , I'm not native so excuse my English XD !

The reason why I decided to share it here , is you nice chingus and great readers so it's such an honor for me to have you as my dear audiences.

I wanna thank my dearest and beloved friend and sister Armitabang who has encouraged me alot in any aspect of life and mostly about writing !

For some reasons , I write this story in my native language (Which is not English) and Armitabang translates it to English for you dear readers. 

I believe It's totally a team-work of us two , so I hope it turns out even better !



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armitabang #1
Wow tnx for mentioning me sis^^
It was an honor translating such a masterpiece