My CRAZY-ly hot EX


One summer when Jinki was a senior in high school, he had,what he called a 'summer fling' with a cute sophomore named Taemin. Of course, as soon as summer's over, he broke it off with him, first, he wanted to focus in school, he was trying to get into a great law university. Second, Taemin wasn't that hot at all, just childlike cute. He could do so much better.

6 years later, Jinki was filling in for his lazy brother when he met someone familiar, Taemin, or his way hotter twin.


"B-but hyung, why?"

"Well, I wanted to focus on school, I think my future is like more important."

"A-ah I understand."


Inspired by Star World's new musical sitcom thing my crazy ex.

I watched the first episode and fell in love with the idea.

So I wrote this.

But from the 'dumper' POV.

Pardon the poster though I'm too lazy to order but I don't like no postered chaptered story ;;


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