Girls Over Flowers



“I can't believe you're not meeting up with her, Just the other day you we saying you were starting to see her differently and now? What's holding you back?” Dongwoo hummed, his eyes glued to the brand new large flat screen infront of him. His parents had made a pretty good check that they up and spent in a day but Chansik didn't blame them, he understood how tempting these luxuries were. It was just the two of them today, Jinyoung had a date with a girl he knew in his finance class he'd been debating asking out for the past month.


“I said I misjudged her, that doesn't mean I'm going to go on a date with her.” he tried to focus on the lame action movie but he was having difficulties following the plot if there was even a plot to be had.


“Are you nervous?” Dongwoo questioned, ignoring Chansik's statement completely.


“What're you talking about? Of course not.”


“I mean it's not like you've done this before- really Amber will be the first girl you've gone on a date with, completely understandable you'd be nervous.” Dongwoo looked over and patted Chansik's shoulder, “you're ing up your chances with her though, you chicken out on the first date and you're screwed.”


Chansik rolled his eyes, “I'm not nervous hyung, I'm just not interested.”


He didn't looked convinced but he let it slide, “Fine, but standing her up will likely result in you getting put back on her hate list, I say bite the bullet, take her out, wine and dine her then let her down easily.”


“I'm not afraid of her.”


“Is that why you keep looking at the clock? Four is ticking closer and closer.” Chansik tried to will himself not to look but he had to, he peered up at the ridiculously large oak clock and felt his nerves scream at him- ten minutes to four, his obsessive need to always be on time put him on edge. He wasn't going though, he owed Amber nothing and the clouds in the sky made him believe it would rain today... Would Amber be waiting in the rain for him? No, of course not, she was probably just planning to trick him our something.


“Let me tell you Chansik, girls hate getting stood up, it's a big no no whether you're interested in her or not, she's gonna retaliate... at least call her or something, tell her you got called into work or you missed your bus, anything man.”


“I don't have a cell phone let alone her number- she'll get over it.” Chansik brushed Dongwoo off and focused back on the tv.


“It's your funeral man.”


But he didn't bring it up for the rest of the movie which ended at about five forty. He stood up and stretched and let out a groan, “I should get going, I've got lots of homework tonight.” Dongwoo nodded, his normally jovial appearance gone, he kept his eyes on the tv as though he were ashamed to look at Chansik, “See you around hyung... look, she's spent the last few weeks treating me like a second class citizen and I'm supposed to just jump into her arms the moment she asks me out? She's still the bad guy here, she's still a snotty little brat who treats others like crap and I'm not going to bow to her feet simply because she tells me to.”


“You do what you think is right Chansik.” Dongwoo stated, not looking towards his friend.


“She's hurt people hyung, she's made kids leave school because...”


Dongwoo looked up, his eyebrow raised, “Remember when you first moved here? Remember how lonely you were?”


“I didn't hurt people because of it...”


“We're not all as noble as you Chansik! Normal people make stupid mistakes based off emotion, not reason. You for one always claim people can change yet you won't bring yourself to believe in someone because they've hurt you?” He stood up and motioned towards the clock, “Do you really think you're so high and mighty to think of yourself as the good guy? It's nearly six Chansik, is it the longer you leave her out there the more justice you've been given? Who's the bad guy right now?”


Chansik bit his lip and shook his head, “She's gone by now.”


Dongwoo placed both hands on Chansik's shoulders and gave his a stern look, “You better hope she hasn't.”


Stepping out of Dongwoo's apartment, though he was still resigned to just go home, he noted he was only a mile from Seoul Tower if he went left, if he went right he'd be a block from his bus stop. She wouldn't be there, she'll have gone home by now, right? Chansik turned left and reasoned with himself he'd just take a look and catch a bus home from there, the exercise was good for him anyways. He started out in a walk, he told himself again and again that she wouldn't be there but every time that went through his head he found himself soon jogging, then running, then full out sprinting towards Seoul Tower.


“Oh.” He had been wrong. Standing there trying to get relief from the rain under a statue was Amber who looked deflated and lonely. He could turn away now, he could leave and say tomorrow he'd been busy... he could leave but he knew that wasn't an option now that he'd seen her. Pulling his umbrella from his bag he opened it up and walked to her, stopping by her side and holding his source of protection over her, “Sorry I'm late.” he mumbled, guilty.


She took one look at him and gasped, “What the hell took you so long.” She shivered, she looked pale as a ghost but also murderous- perhaps she was a ghost, one who'd seek revenge on him for standing her up.


“I'm an idiot.” he sighed then ducked away from her fist, “Yah!” he laughed then felt guilty when he saw how cold she looked, he deserved to get punched really, “come on, I'll buy you something warm.” he went through the cafes in his head that served cheap drinks that were acceptable to bring Amber to and settled for one he'd gone to with his mom when they'd first moved here.


“I'm asking for a large drink, “She grumbled and held on to his arm for warmth but also because she didn't trust her ability to walk.


“I'll buy you the biggest drink they have noona.” he held the umbrella over the shivering girl and held her freezing hand in his, he wished he'd brought his gloves, her hand were a worrisome blue color. Hopefully a warm cafe will change that. He turned down a road and found the cafe there, it looked off but the worry that she needed warmth now willed him to ignore it and head in right into the elevator.


“Are you sure this place is still in business, it looked pretty dark...”


Chansik shook his head, “the elevator works so-” the comforting light that had held so much promise went out and the lift stopped abruptly, “!” startled, Amber let go of Chansik's arm and began banging on the door, Chansik soon following her example. This was no happening, there was no way he was spending the night in a broken elevator with a half frozen Amber.


“worst date ever.” Amber mumbled a while later. She sat crosslegged on the floor messaging her ice cube toes to get some feeling into them while Chansik sat by the door banging his head against it. He'd made the wrong choice, he could be home right now and Amber probably would have gone home too eventually, that or someone far more capable of taking care of her would have found her. They'd tried everything, Amber's cell phone, beating at the door, they even had a fun little adventure involving Amber climbing on his shoulders and trying to escape through the top but all ended in failure. He was useless, he couldn't even go out for tea and coffee without having some kind of mishap, “I'm cold.”


there was that too. Looking over at Amber he noticed again how wore out and pale she looked. She needed to get warm soon or something serious like hypothermia could set it. Her clothes were drenched, his were somewhat damp but far better then hers, “take off your clothes.”


“huh.” she held her arms against herself.


Ah, that'd come out wrong. Chansik looked away and pulled off his coat and slid it in her direction, “you need to get out of those wet clothes, you won't get any warmer with them on.” he started ing his shirt and bit his lip, “Just do it noona, I won't look.” once he got his shirt off and passed it back to her he contemplated giving her his jeans as well but figured if he froze too he wouldn't be much help to them. He knelt down and rustle through his bag and found a beanie and threw that too behind them before going back to his search that led him to find the bottle of aspirin and packaged raspberry pastry he hadn't ate yet, “Are you dressed yet?”




He turned towards her and shook his head, “the pants too noona, you could become really sick if you stay in them.” he ordered, and turned away, busying himself with opening the pastry and twisting the lid of his water bottle off. When he'd turned back to her she was blushing and trying to hide her now bare legs under his coat, “good.” he said gently and placed a hand on her forehead. She was running a pretty high fever so he handed her an aspirin and water then the food, “Why'd you stay out so long, two hours in the rain, are you crazy?”


“three...” she mumbled through the pastry she was devouring.


“huh?” she'd showed up an hour early? She really was crazy, but then again the little part in his head that loved punctuality marked that as a favorable quality. He looked down at her, she was still shivering and even with the change of clothes she'd still be cold, “Ah, noona, don't be startled, I swear I'm not trying anything.” he felt more worried for her when she didn't saying anything, she just sat there shivering and nodding her head.


Sitting across from her he pulled one of her legs out with out a single bit of resistance and began to rub some life back into them. Once finished with that one he slid it back under his coat and pulled out the other frozen limb, eyes catching the scar that ran down her calf, “Where you'd get this?” he hummed while he coaxed heat into her veins.


“fire.” he figured she was just asking for more heat but she went on, “there was a fire, I tried to go back for my parents but they wouldn't let me.” She shivered and nestled deeper into the coat, “You have very warm hands Chansik... why're you so warm.” She sniffed then coughed a bit.


Her fever must be trying to break, her shivering was becoming worse. Moving so he sat against the wall, he pulled her into his lap from the cold floor, “hopefully that warmth holds up.” he mumbled to her, ignoring the freezing wall behind him. When her shivering finally calmed he let himself drift onto sleep with her, his dreams filled with the ocean and it's icy wrath.




“eh, what do we have here?” Chansik opened his eyes wide and froze at the site of several construction workers peeking their heads into the elevator. What was going on? Where- oh! Looking down he found Amber, she was still nestled into lap but it was obvious her fever long gone for she looked peaceful.


“Er, we got stuck and... dammit, this isn't what it looks like!”


there was no explanation to it, after the men and Chansik left to give Amber some privacy to put on her no slightly damp clothing they continued to pat him on the back and . When she stepped back out he excepted his shirt but let her wear his jacket and beanie, it was winter after all, and pulled her away from the cheering men, “Lively bunch they were.”


He looked down at her and saw her grinning mischievously at him. Huh? She wasn't mad? Brushing that away he fussed over her, zipping his coat to make sure she kept warm, “check your phone, do you have have service now?”


reaching into her hand bag she pulled her phone out and nodded, “my text last night to my driver just went through. He said he should be here soon.” She tapped a few words into her phone then slid it into her bag and looked back up at him, “Next time we do this, I decide where we get drinks.” next time? there was a next time? Before he could say anything she pulled him down by the front of his shirt and kissed him, “See you at school Chansik.” she said rather cheerfully as she danced around him to the limo that'd just pulled up.


Chansik watched her get into her car and waved back at her when she gave him an excited wave. What had he gotten himself into? The thing was though, he couldn't bring himself not to feel a bit curious about what will happen at school... School! Looking down at his watch he nearly yelped, he had an hour to get home and changed or he'd be late!




No one would know about it? Right? He'd just spent the night with one of the school's queens and he had no idea how that would effect things. Were they dating now? Chansik walked into school feeling sore from his odd sleeping position as well as a bit anxious to see Amber and see what she might do and say to him. Was that weird? One thing was clear though, Amber would be much better then Haneul.


Whatever he had been expecting it hadn't been the hallways fill with pictures of the two of them, one of him shirtless, another of him accepting his shirt from Amber then them kissing. They were pretty well taken pictures too, high definition, you could clearly see every freckle and blemish on his body, “Huh, I wonder who took these?” he mumbled out loud, a little alarm in his head bothered him- it was one thing if it was just of their kiss but the photographer took pictures before Amber left the abandoned cafe, that had to mean he had a stalker... one that apparently owned a really nice camera which wasn't shocking since he went to school with kid who were filthy rich.


“oh my god! You two are dating!” He didn't know who they were but a group of girls surrouned and began to jump and squeel, “Is Amber oppa a good kisser!”


“how was your date!”


“it's not fair, I saw Amber first!” he didn't much like Amber's fangirls he decided.


“ah, excuse me, I've got class.”


“But wait, are you guys dating?”


Chansik froze, unsure of what to say, “Yah, he said he needs to go to class and you guys should as well.” Amber slid into the crowd and fluidly pulled him away from the swooning girls. She looked ahead until they were away from the mob and beamed a mischievous smile that quickly became warm, “Here's your stop, Chansik.” she let his name roll and chuckled at the gasps from others, “see you at lunch Chansik.” she said his name as though it were her favorite word now.


“Eh, yeah, see you n-Amber...” he chocked out and tried to ignore the giggles from the on lookers as he headed into his classroom. He spotted Luna at the front of the class and hesitated, unsure if she would want him sitting next to her.


“Hurry hurry Chansik, class is about to start!” Luna called and pointed exaggeratedly to the seat next to her. Chansik noticed as he walked through the classroom to the front seat that his other classmates were staring, some in awe but others looked as though they would kill him. He ignored them and sat down next to Luna and got his work books out, “Amber unnie told me everything,” she grinned and bumped her shoulders against his, “you're a real hero Chansik, keeping her warm like that, such an honorable boy too.” she had a teasing grin. He wasn't sure how she did it but he had no idea how she ignored their classmates who were practically leaning on top of them to get some good gossip, the F4 must have plenty of practice being in the lime light.


“I'm really not that great.” he had been the one who put her in that position in the first place, really keeping her from freezing to death was the least he could do.


“uh huh, well just so you know, if you break her heart, which you won't, I'll destroy you.” she smiled sweetly then giggled.


“eh, I promise I won't...” They were dating, weren't they? Why was he never given any warnings about these things, these girls could at least ask him if he wanted to date them. With that said he wasn't exactly heated up over it, just concerned that this elevated status as Amber's boyfriend could backfire and ruin everything he'd worked so hard for.


At lunch time Luna ushered him into the lunchroom, a place he'd only seen twice- during orientation and his first day. It was truly grand with marble and oak and had an air of sophistication. Luna led him up a winding staircase to a table that had room for six (though only Victoria and Amber currently sat at it) that faced the crowd of onlookers with large windows that show cased the garden below. It was all very showy and over the top but Chansik wasn't going to turn down free food considering he hadn't had time to pack a meal before he left. Sitting down across from Amber next to Luna he smiled at the large meal set up before them, “Wow.”


Victoria chuckled, “We had the chef's prepare a nice meal for the boy who helped our Amber, tomorrow it won't be nearly as grand.


“Eh, your guys really know how to show your appreciation.” he drooled and hesitated, not sure if it were a trap or not then threw caution in the wind. He piled food onto his plate and dug in, half listening to their conversation. He'd never eaten food this good, who ever made this better be making good money.


“Oh, chansik, I got you a present.” he looked up from his plate at Amber who was beaming at him. She lifted a pale purple gift bag up and held it across the table from him.


“Ah, you really didn't have to...” he scratched the back of his head before peeking in and gasped, “A phone?”


“Luna said you didn't have one, I got a new one recently but my old one was still pretty good.” he pulled the large smart phone from the bag and marveled at it, “Do you like it?”


He looked towards Amber who was thumping her fingers nervously on the table, “It's really to much, I mean I... I did what anyone would do, you don't need to get me anything.”


Amber blushed, her fingers stalling, “eh, it's just...”


“She wants to talk to you more often stupid.” Victoria chuckled, Chansik looked towards Victoria and wished he hadn't, she was enjoying the show.


“I can't afford it...”


“Sure you can, Amber's perfectly able to pay for it.” Victoria grinned and reached over and squeezed his arm, “Be a good boy and accept the gift.” he understood why guys did what ever she asked of them, she didn't seem like the type to take no and he didn't want to tell her no.


turning towards Amber who looked very small and shy, Chansik smiled and nodded, “thank you, I've really wanted a cell phone, I'll keep it safe.”


Amber brightened up, nodding vigorously, “I have my number and everyone else's already in there!” Would that mean Krystal's number was in there? Switching and unlocking it he went to the contacts and saw quite a few number listed under various nicknames he'd have to figure out on his own, Krystal was the simplest though, it was listed as 'Princess' that could only be her. As for everyone else, he assumed Amber was listed under 'Llama' because Luna and Victoria's were fairly obvious- Luna being 'Shorty' and Victoria 'Vic unnie~'. Himchan and Kyuhyun were also in there as well listed as brother #1 and brother #2.


“So how was swiping Amber's V-card.” Chansik chocked on his lunch and stared wide eyed at Victoria who hadn't lost her grin since he'd sat down.


“What's that?” Amber asked innocently, stuffed full with mashed potatoes.


For the first time since he'd sat down Victoria looked towards Luna who gave a conspiratorial chuckle, “You kept our Llama so warm last night she hasn't be able to think straight, maybe our initial thought that you were a was wrong, anyone who's able to leave such a lasting impression on their first time has got to be a magician or something.”


“We didn't.”


“”What're you guys talking about?” poor innocent Amber really had no clue, if he wasn't worried about their reputations right then he'd think she was pretty adorable.


“All alone, so cold, you took action and made sure she stayed nice and warm.”


“it's so romantic Vic unnie, I wish my first time had been with such a sweet boy.”


“You're a real keeper Gong Chansik.” Victoria noona was evil, Chansik decided.


“We didn't have !” he said that far to loud and it finally dawned on Amber as to what her F4 sisters were talking about.


“Yah! Ew! I wouldn't sleep with someone on the first date.” Amber scoffed.


“Yeah, and seriously, it wouldn't make much since to have if we're trying to stay warm, the moment it ended we'd be sweaty and would probably freeze to death then.”


“Yeah, that and I would have killed him if he'd tried.” Amber and Chansik looked towards one another, nodded as if agreeing they were in this together then turned back to Victoria and Luna who were both holding back laughter before they blew.


“They're so precious!”


“So innocent!”


they leaned into each other, tears gatheirng in their eyes, “They're so perfect for each other.” they giggled in unison then separated and straightened up, Victoria being the first to speak, “We're meeting up tonight at a friend of ours club tonight, you in Gongchan?” What was with that nickname?


“er, well I was planning to go see my friend after school then I have work at four...”


“Friend? Is it the girl from...” Amber paused as though remembering the last time she'd seen Minah. She looked down and began playing with her food.


“Eh, yeah, I've been trying to get her to come back to school but she's, you know, terrified for her life...” He was in an awkward place where he wanted Amber to feel guilty but not really.


After a moment of think she popped her head up and smiled, “Maybe if I go along she'll agree!” that was a terrible idea.


“eh, that might be...”


“A great idea Amber, we'll all go, it'll be good for our classmates to see a former red card victim excepted back into society.”


He shouldn't have said anything, he should have said he was busy because now here he was standing outside Minah's fence with Victoria, Luna and Amber and he really wished he were dead. He didn't even know if she'd let them through let alone agree to go back to school. While he hesitated at the buzzer Victoria gently moved him away and pressed her perfectly manicured index finger on the com, “May I help you?”


“Yes thank you, could you please let us through to see our good friend Minah?”


there was silence on the other end before, “May I ask who this is?”


“Song Qian, you may know my father, he's responsible for the Bang's life style.” with out another question the gates opened allowing them entrance.


“wow... You're father's Minah's father's boss?” Chansik asked in awe as he walked along the Bang's entrance way.


“My father collects art and Minah's mother comes from a long line of painters, so technically yes.” Victoria waved her hands as though it wasn't a big deal, “I've seen some of Minah's work though, apparently whatever talent her mother inherited didn't pass along to her, poor dear, her parents force her to bring in her paintings every year to my family's art shows and every year my father rather brutally picks and prods at her work, I bought one last year simply because I felt secondhand embarrassment.” He wasn't sure if she were being nice or a snob at this point but he did feel bad for Minah, she cared so much about what other people thought.


“Is it the pony picture? I really like that one.” Luna hummed while she skipped over the cracks on the pavement..


“No, it's the one I labeled 'impressionist's sunset', apparently it was supposed to be realism but the poor dear really needs to learn to roll with what she's given, after this is all over perhaps I can help her with her marketing.” she waved towards the maid at the door who stared wide eyed at her as though she were the president of South Korea.


“Welcome miss Song, we weren't expecting you today.” Mrs.Bang looked as though she'd rushed to the door to meet them, “If it's about the portrait of your mother your father commissioned I'm not quite finished-”


“We've come to see Minah actually, is she around.”


“Minah? Do you mean our little Kei, she's still at her art club.” Kei was Minah's little sister, Chansik remembered Minah mentioning her talented little sister a few times.


“No, Minah, it's a social call really, we miss our good friend.” Victoria smiled and placed an arm around Chansik, “Is she here?”


“Ah, yes, she has company though, she and her friend are up in her room.” she still looked confused but they'd gotten into the house. Victoria lead the group to Minah's room, on the way they received several startled looks from Minah's servants when they saw Victoria, apparently her family was well known by the staff. Upon reaching Minah's bedroom door Victoria knocked then let herself in.


“Minah dear, it's so good to see you again.” Chansik entered in after Victoria with Amber and Luna behind him and found Minah sitting across from a handsome boy, both looking shocked and confused at the sight of Victoria.


“U-unnie, what're you... Chansik?” Minah's face was red, he wasn't quite sure if it was of shock or what. He smiled and gave a friendly wave that she timidly returned after she'd gotten to her feet along with her friend who didn't take his eyes off of Chansik, “Eh, where are my manners, this is Kim Wonsik, we've been friends since elementary school, he used to go to our school before he moved but he's moved back now so, so he goes to Shinhwa in our grade, he's been going for about a week now actually...” She looked down and nervously fiddled with one of the laces on her pretty lilac dress.


“we're here actually to tell you you can come back to school now.” He spoke up, Minah's head snapping up, “Alot has changed at school... Amber and I, we're...” Ah, he still wasn't sure if Minah had had a crush on him or not, would announcing the fact that he was sorta dating the girl that struck fear into Minah make her even consider coming out of hiding?


“Minah,” Amber spoke up, walking to the front of the group and going to the girl that shrunk away from her, “Er, I want to say I'm sorry, I don't really have an excuse for hurting you, excuses don't take back what's happened... just know that if you go back to school I'll make sure no one hurts you or treats you badly.” Amber held out her hand. Minah stared at it in shock and confusion, hesitated then gave Amber's hand a dainty shake, “To make it up to you, how about you eat with us tomorrow, it's the least we can do.” Chansik had never seen Amber really apologize to someone and it occurred to him she was doing it because of him, which probably would have concerned him that she was just doing this to get on his good side but he genuinely believed she regretted her treatment of Minah and possibly others who'd received red cards. He really wanted to believe that, perhaps he had done some good when he gave Amber a chance, she was starting to really show empathy towards others.


Minah gasped and held onto Amber's hand firmly now, “really? I-I can eat with you unnie?”


“sure, bring your friend as well.” Amber nodded as though it wasn't a big deal and stepped away.


She looked excited then paused, “Are you two dating?”


He wasn't sure how to respond but Amber seemed to, “we've agreed to a truce, we're friends now.” So they weren't dating? He didn't quite understand it but he almost felt disappointed, sure Amber hadn't said anything about being a couple but he'd just figured they were, he really did have a limited idea of this kind of thing.


“ok, well, I'll see you tomorrow.” she beamed and walked them out, the intimidating figure of Wonsik trailing just a step behind her. She'd never talked about this guy, he was muscular and hadn't looked away from Chansik since they'd gotten there as though Chansik were the most interesting thing around, not only that, he didn't for a second look at f4 which was a huge considering most people could never take their eyes from them. He didn't trust this Kim Wonsik, he didn't understand why but he didn't trust him.


They were out of Minah's yard and down the road when it occurred to Chansik he still had work tonight, “I'm gonna be late.” he gasped when he looked down at his new phone.


“Late for what Gongchan?” Victoria questioned as she entered her limo with the others following after.


“work, I've only got fifteen minutes to get there.”


Victoria chuckled, “Is that all, don't worry, just give my driver the address and we'll be there in ten.” Victoria wasn't exaggerating either, at five minutes til they were outside the toy shop, Chansik sat there in his seat grasping the armrest, he'd never gone through Korean traffic so quickly, “Have a wonderful day Gongchan.”


“um,” he looked towards Amber who smiled and waved goodbye, then unattached his frozen hands and stepped out, “Bye noonas, Luna...”


Once Chansik shut the door behind him Victoria and Luna turned towards Amber who kept her eyes on Chansik as he retreated into the toyshop, “what's this truce nonsense about?”


Finally looking away Amber shrugged, “We're not really dating are we, I imagine it'll take more then date in an elevator to get him to understand and trust me, I have been terrorizing him for the past month or so.”


Victoria hesitated, looking towards Luna for a moment to see if the other girl understood what Amber was saying then let out a strangled sigh, “You really like this boy then?” she didn't looked happy, she looked rather sad actually. Amber nodded.


“the second your dad hears about it though... he expects you to marry someone he approves of, and hate to break it to you Amber but Chansik won't fit the bill, you'll just end up hurting yourself and Chansik.” Luna piped in.


“I won't hurt Chansik.” Amber stated stubbornly and crossed her arms, “Dad excepted Hyosung.”


“Amber... Your dad excepted Hyosung because she was a brilliant girl who wanted to take over your family business, Chansik wants to be a doctor, your father doesn't get much out of that arrangement, your dad cares little about anything other then furthering the family business.” Luna looked grim, she knew what was expected of them in the future, they needed to marry rich, they needed to make good business decisions or they risked all their parents had worked for. Marriage was to further your career and if you gained happiness from it you were lucky.


“Maybe it's not such a bad thing Luna,” Victoria cut in, “It's her first love, it should be fun and happy, we can worry about all that later.” Victoria pulled an arm around Amber and squeezed.


Luna didn't looked convince but didn't say anything else, instead she stared outside watching as the world moved by. It was a waste of time, she liked to play and dream as much as any other girl but she didn't want to wake up one morning regretting the horrid choices she'd made simply because of a whim. Once dropped off at her home. Luna went straight to her room, ignoring her father's childish voice as he called to her to play with him and her little sisters. She walked into her room and froze, sitting at her desk was Himchan who looked bored as he read through a novel. She took a moment to let her walls down, to let herself pretend this was what her future would be filled of.


Coming home after a hard day to find the love of her life waiting up for her with that welcoming smile and that wanting stare. She could imagine it, their lives together, just the two of them away from it all, no responsibilities, no rules, just them loving each other for the rest of their lives.


Dreams were bad though, dreams clouded your judgment. Himchan wouldn't offer her anything, Himchan was the laughing stock of the business world, at least that's what her mother told her rather bitterly when she learned of their budding relationship. She felt sick thinking of it, of when she'd sat with her mother talking about the company and Luna finally getting up the courage to tell her about the wonderful man who was probably the only man she'd ever fallen in love with only to have her mother turn her nose up at the notion.


He was married, he wasn't serious, Himchan would never be worth more then a fling.


“Hey kitten, you're in late.” he smiled and stood up and came to her, circling his arms around her. She didn't want to believe her mom but she was right... Himchan, he wasn't serious about anything, she was probably nothing but a fling to him, just a way for him to relive himself of the stress of having such a terrible wife and... and most of all, she was just a rebound wasn't she, she'd never compare to the perfect Hyosung who had everything even when she was poor.


She'd never be good enough, “Yeah, I spent sometime with the girls and Chansik.” she pecked his lips and leaned into his hold.


“How is Gongchan, haven't seen him since I got here?”


“Good, Amber's inlove with him and he seems to care about her.” How long could this go on? How long could he stay away from his wife before they'd have to separate? She'd had flings with married men before but they were quick and painless, this time around it was filled with so many thorns.


“Good good, I'm glad she's found someone nice like him.”


it was a bitter annoyance to her that he didn't even understand reality, “It's to bad your father will never except it.”


Himchan pulled away and looked at her, “So what? Dad never excepts anything so why disappoint now.”


dreams were for ers and Himchan was the biggest er of them all, “It's different for girls oppa, he won't just let her date anyone, Your father likely already has an idea of who she'll be married to and defying him might cost Amber her dream of owning the family business.”


Himchan laughed, “Amber's not gonna drop Gongchan because dad tells her to, she's to much like me to do that.”


Was he stupid? Luna shook her head, “Amber's done everything she can to be loved by your father, she's nothing like you oppa, she thinks if she disappoints your father she'll lose more then just the company, she'll lose another family.”


“That's crazy.”


“Is it? He sent you off when you didn't do what he wanted, I imagine she's terrified she'll be excepting that same fate unless she does everything to win him over- you and your mother have loved her and treated her like family, your father doesn't even know how to let his son mourn his girlfriends death.”


Himchan stared down at her, trying to stay calm, “What's this about Luna? Are you ok?”


That idiot, “I think we should break up.” she pushed back her own alarm at her words, she didn't want this, she wanted that happy dream where they drank tea outside in a field of daisies and were happy.


“What? Luna, you can't... I'm,” he nearly tripped as he took a step back as though she'd struck him, “I'm able to breath when you're around.”


that sappy dork made this difficult, “My mother told me dating you would be a bad choice, you're married oppa and your wife is probably missing you... It would be better for all of us if you just went back to her.”


He looked lost, like a little child who'd been scolded, “I can't, Lulu, you... you were supposed to...”


“supposed to what? Himchan? Save you? Make your life good again? I'm not you oppa, I can't just ignore my responsibilities because they sound unhappy.” she kept herself incheck, she held onto the dark emotionless side of her that allowed these flings to end all the while the crybaby side of her was curled up crying her eyes out- she wanted to stay with him, she wanted to continue this dream and have a happy ending, “You can't live your life relying on others oppa.” she won't be like her mother, she won't marry a man like her father simply because he makes her feel like gold at the beginning only to grow out of him later.




“Why're you still here? It's over, it's done, we have no future together.” she pointed towards her door, “Stop ignoring responsibility and go back to your wife oppa, I won't be your mistress anymore.” when he was gone she let the cry baby part of her win out, she curled up on her floor and just let the weight of what she'd just done hit her in full force. She wouldn't be her mother, she clung to that, she would find someone together and capable who she'd never have to worry about... she just wished he could be the guy she already loved and had always loved.


(AN- it's been a while, sorry about that... anyways, Himna or Luchan or whatever you call it won't end here, it's just, you know, a way for me to further the story so it's a bit closer to the original source... and apparently to kill myself too, I really hate writing either if them being sad, Himchannie being my BAP bias and Luna being the most loving human in real life -.- I'll try to get the next chapter out soon)

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adelliaar #1
Chapter 8: update again pleaseeeee ㅠㅠ author-nim~ 사랑해 븅~
adelliaar #2
Chapter 8: ah yeah.. changsik and amber... but will amber's dad support them? ㅠㅠ i hope soo
adelliaar #3
Chapter 8: ah yeah.. changsik and amber... but will amber's dad support them? ㅠㅠ i hope soo
Ambertastic_baby #4
Chapter 7: Ohhh Luna is creepy when she doles out threats but it's cute how much she cares haha.

And oh goSH does she care. That turned so dark so fast. Luna and Himchan's relationship is probably one of the more complex relationships so far (even despite the ending) simply because of the type of people they are. They both come off as extremely flighty people (moreso Himchan after reading this to be honest lol) but there's so much more going on with them (at least in Luna's case). She's obviously concerned about the future - not even just hers, but Amber's and most likely the other girls' as well. It's funny really, how the major player is the one concerned about that and recognizes that dreams are dreams and they rarely, if ever come true. Very nice development of her character!

And of course the elevator scene haha. It'll be interesting to see how their relationship proceeds, and the ups and downs of it because I refuse to believe it's complete smooth sailing from here lol. Just me and my flair for dramatics tho.

Super excited to see how Minah's reintegration into the school/story will play out, and LOL Kim Wonsik? Ravi? LOL. Yeah, definitely excited.

Can't wait for the next chapter!
Mich517 #5
Chapter 7: Squealing because this chapter is so cute >< and I feel sad that Luna broke up with Himchan :( but I guess it's for the best since he's already married...
Ambertastic_baby #6
Chapter 6: LOL Amber you absolute doRK. At least she's finally getting a move on lol, and so is he tbh - stop bragging about her to your friends, Channie lmao.

I don't really think I was expecting Krystal's decision so I was like "wait what giRL you gonna leave all your friends for this one guy?" but then again I also feel like she's letting herself choose her own path, whether or not it'll end up happy/good, and that's such a big step for these kids. Obviously they have free reign (e.g. the skipping classes and going wherever they want), but they're also tied to their families and their companies and just their /name/, and there's an obligation to continue the family business. But then you have Krystal who's taking a small step out of that to chase her own dreams (even if it's in the form of a person) and idk it's beautiful. Just like how Himchan is slowly stepping out of an obligation to be mourning and sad that he placed on himself, and letting himself open up even more to Luna.

Speaking of Himchan, what a great brother. And ahhh the allusions to Amber's past!!

Hope your fever's gone down, and that you feel better soon ;;;;

((Yeah, totally started rambling on and on oops LOL. Really enjoyed the chapter!))
Mich517 #7
Chapter 6: Such an amazing chapter ;-;
Amber is finally starting to soften up towards Gongchan :3 I find Tsundere Amber so cute lol xD
Ambertastic_baby #8
Chapter 5: Cackles, so many crushes so little time. I see you Luna, with that lil blush over Himchan. Speaking of which, bleSS. I love that dork, and yas B.A.P. needs more love.

I have to agree with doll_head below, I love that Amber gets jealous instead of being this, y'know, perfect being who doesn't have negative emotions. Makes her human, normal. But aw man, what are we gonna do with Kyuhyun and poor, poor Krystal. Not going to lie, I almost empathize with her the most so far LOL. Her life is just right now.

Loved the update!