
Welcome home, Brooklyn Boy

It's raining hard and you're waiting for your bus to arrive.  Unfortunately, it's not coming 'til the next 30 minutes.  You feel so cold now because you're soaked from the rain coz of the strong wind blowing all the raindrops to your direction.  You've grown anxious.  You search through the depth of your bag and found your cigarette case. Damn.  You've ran out. 

You didn't realize that you weren't alone anymore since a guy arrived at the bus stop.  He seemed to have figured you out and offered an already lit cigarette.  You looked up to see his face, and you couldn't believe your eyes.

"Oh my, TOP?"  You couldn't hide the surprised expression you had.

"Oh, so you recognize me."  TOP is sporting a plain white T, jeans, long coat and sneakers.  With the messy, wet hair, he looked undeniably hot.  You took the cigarette, took two puffs and gave it back to him.

"Of course.  How couldn't I?  Thanks, by the way."

TOP took a puff from the cigarette and you watched as he slowly blew out the smoke from his mouth and nose.  He kept silent, watching the raindrops fall heavily to the ground.

"What are you doing here?"  You started,  "I mean, do you have an event here?  Are you here with the other members?"

You flooded him with questions and then he answered, "Why?  Can't I come here on my own, without any event?"

Hmm.. He can converse in English quite well, but a bit awkward coz of his accent.

"Well, it's just that, you're a busy man, a famous celebrity... and here you are, wandering the streets of Brooklyn, all wet and sharing a cigarette with a stranger.  Can I have another puff?

"Yeah, sure." He handed you the cigarette again and he started to talk as you puffed from it.  "That's the reason I'm here.  So many dramas back there.  It's just been too stressful for me lately.  People are demanding too much."  He glares at you as if referring that "people" to you.  Then he smiled playfully.  You smiled back lamely, you can't help it, he's just too adorable.


"So, you'e waiting for the bus too?" you asked.


"Just waiting for the rain to stop?"

"Eeehhhrr...yeah....? sort of."  He took the last puff from his cigarette.  You thought he was annoyed by your curiousity, coz he sounded like he was.  Both of you even fell silent for a while.

He turned to you and smiled brightly, like the sun has peeked out from the dark clouds, "I'm actually waiting for someone to take me somewhere."

Then your bus finally arrives.

"Are you coming then?"  You smiled back excitedly.

You rode the bus together, all the way to your apartment.


"Your place isn't so bad." He complimented, looking around while taking his shoes off.

"I know, right?  It's small but it's cozy."  You said proudly.  You weren't that appreciative to your place before,  but TOP has helped you pay attention to the details of your own home.

"It feels like home more than anything."  He smiled brightly again like he was finally in his own home.

"Why don't you take a seat while I make something warm to drink." you suggested.

"I'm all wet."

"Oh, yeah.  Hold on, I'll get you some clothes."  You ran quickly to your room to get a shirt and pajamma pants.

"Here.  I think these will fit you.  Bathroom's over there."

He went in, took a shower and changed.  You saw him come out and you felt so happy, you thought you could fly.  Maybe it's because he's wearing your clothes..or maybe coz you're home alone with him... and if you were really a TOP fan, just meeting him accidentally and sharing a cigarette, you could already die as a happy person...


"Are these your boyfriend's?"  he asked you while fixing his shirt.

"No.  Those are mine."

"Like, seriously."  He smirked while still fixing the shirt.  Then he raised his head to look at you.

You were wearing a large shirt, almost the size of a mini dress but loose, and a pair of pajamma pants that looked so "hip hop" on you.  He was stopped at the sight of you and could only utter, "You look.... comfortable."'

"Thanks, and so do you.  Coffee?"  You smiled and handed him a cup of coffee.

"Do you wanna sit outside?  There aren't any stars since it rained earlier, but the city lights can make up for it."  You lead him outside, in to the balcony.

"Wow.  This is amazing."  He said, totally in awe.

"I'm glad you like it.  It's the very highlight.  The one thing you shouldn't miss when you're here in my place."  You both sat down on the bench  then suddenly, he lied down, resting his head on your lap, while looking at the city lights.  You were startled and you froze.  Both of you fell silent for a couple of minutes.  Finally, he shifted his position, lying on his back.  He softly blew on your chin which brought you back to your senses.  You're looking at each other's eyes now, and then he spoke, "Can you pretend I'm your boyfriend just for tonight?"

Your brain couldn't process what your ears just heard, and so you just stared at him, looking puzzled in a daze.  He took your hand and placed it on his chest, closed his eyes and it was silent once again.


"A candle light can burn a house."  you mumbled.

"what do you mean?"

"I don't want to be that burnt house when you leave that candle lit."

"Then don't be..."  All of a sudden, the atmosphere became too awkward.  TOP sat up immediately and poked your cheek, "Oh, fangirl, why so serious?"  He said teasingly.

"I'm not, you thick-skinned idol!" You softly hit his shoulder and you started to feel comfortable again.  "Fine, it's official then!  Tonight, we're a couple.  But I have one condition."

"What?" he asked.

"Things must be decided by both parties.  Since this is the shortest of all short-term relationships, we must try our best to agree to each other's requests."  you continued.

"Whatever you want, beybeeh."  TOP responded, smiling teasingly.

Oh, the excitement you feel!  It's just too awesome.

"Owryt.  First off, I wanna call you by your real name, Seung Hyun-ah!" you flashed him a playful smile.

Then you continued on doing stuffs you wanted as a couple.  It's half past midnight now, but both of you don't feel tired yet.

"Seung Hyun-ah"


"How about taking photos.  Will that be okay?"

Without second thoughts, TOP answered immediately, "I don't see any problem with taking photos."

"Great!  Just sit there while I position the camera first."

You quickly stood up, grabbed your camera and positioned it on the right angle and set the timer.  He suddenly approaches you while you were busy setting up.

"Yah! What are you doing?  We have four hands altogether, we don't need to set the time."  He said in an annoyed tone.

"But Seung Hyun, we need to capture an angle that will look like we're in a public place, like a cafe, and as if my friend is the one taking our photo.  You know, like what fans usually do."

"Fan?  I thought we agreed that we're a couple...tonight?"  He sounded more annoyed than ever.

"I know, but if we take the photo the way you want them taken...  what if it comes out in the future?  It's going to be big news... for sure.  You are aware that you aren't some small scale celeb, right?  If this comes out, it will be a disaster." You tried to explain, feeling a bit confused.  You started to worry about something that's not yet even happening.

"Yah ____-ah!  What needs to come out will come out eventually."

He took the camera with his one hand, and pulled you closer beside him with the other.  "Now, smile if you don't want me to kiss you, it'll be a bigger scandal."  Both of you almost laughed at his statement, and then, click-flash.  The photo came out perfectly, and so you took another one, and another one ...and another one.


It's almost 3am now and you;re in the small liveing room watching MTV.  Your head is resting on TOP's lap, as you were lying sideways facing the TV.  You didn't realize you dozed off.

You woke up the next day and the sun greeted you brightly.  You feel great and your mood is up, as if you just had a beautiful dream... But somehow, you feel weird.  Something's missing ...or someone...

"Seung Hyun-ah!  Yah, Choi Seung Hyun... Seung Hyun --"

You searched for him but found a note instead.


The memories we made last night will not just be stored in my brain, but will mostly be in my heart.  I just had the best short-term relationship in my life, and I'm most happy that it was with you.  It's kind of an awkward break up, isn't it?  It's our secret, ok? ^^


Still, what needs to come out will find its way out in the future...


                                                                                                         Brooklyn Boy ^^


Upon seeing this, you don't know what to feel, or how you're feeling.  You froze.  You're happy, yet you're sad... but you still got a life to live.  And once again, you're back to reality...alone.

------------------------------------------------------------------18 months later----------------------------------------------------------------------------

You woke up late, but it doesn't really matter coz it's your day off from work.  Yessir, no worries at all.  You made yourself a bowl of cereal and milk, the TV and to your surprise, it's TOP in an interview... in an airport...? In New York...?

Reporter:" So TOP, you've finally wrapped things up with your latest movie, are you here to promote it or have you finally decided to to have a vacation here?"

TOP smiled, as he remembered something, then he answered while looking at the camera as if talking to someone in particular,

"I'm actually going home.  I hope I'm not returning to a burnt house since I left the candle burning."

Reporters: "What do you mean?"

                  "But you just got here..."

TOP's statement made a big fuss among the reporters, but he just smiled and walked on, in to his car.

You, on the other hand, felt so overwhelmed with happiness and you could feel the tears rolling down you cheeks.  It was just so hard to believe, but it was real.  "Didn't he forget about me? Could it be that he was talking about me?"  You thought.

You watched him on the television while the tears continued to roll down your cheeks, and all you could utter was,

"Welcome home, Brooklyn Boy"



==============HOw boring was that ..? -.-=====================

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sheldane #1
How sweet any sequel by any chance?
wow .. someone, or should i say, some two, actually read this?
haahaa tnx for your time reading this rubbish .. :')
totally, utterly boring.<br />
nah, i loved it!
salina_seunghyun #4
this story is good~~<br />
i like it when they took a picture and top said he wanted to kiss her...