XX: Breaktime

☄mystique (everything is Unexpected)


Jihae POV

When we got back to the headquarters, Ryul immediately pounced on us for answers.

Like, literally pounced on us. Poor Iseul was flat on the floor with Ryul clinging on to her, chanting, “HOW WAS TODAY? TELL ME!”

At least her “bagel girl” body can cushion the impact. Hehehe sorry unnie.

As soon as both girls stood up, Hye Su replied, “Interesting.” The rest of us nodded.

“And how so?” Ryul questioned. For the next 30 minutes, each of us gave a synopsis of our “dates” with Infinite. Our boss was getting more excited as the stories were being told, and by the time we finished talking, she was all jittery like she was going to pee in her pants soon.

“KYAH!” Ryul clapped her hands madly (clap clap clap clap mad man! I miss you Teen Top oppas~). “That just sounded awesome! Now that the boys know and like you—“

“Ahem,” So Eul interrupted.

Ryul sighed. “—with a few exceptions, we’re just getting one step further in this mission! Soon enough, they’ll be gone and Woollim will be crushed and sobbing at our feet!”

“Whooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!” Elise whooped.

“So since you each got to know an Infinite member individually, you can establish them as your prime target for this mission. Everyone for their own, okay? Make sure not to get jealous of each other,” our boss winked at us. Hye Su gagged. “And also, make sure they don’t figure out you’re a spy. Apparently, Woollim didn’t want to tell them anything about us because they just want the boys to think of them as their entertainment company, not spy center. And Woollim still doesn’t know that “Mystique” is really “Unexpected.” So don’t let the secret out, alright? You’re living a double life now.”

“How...complicated,” Iseul scratched her head.

“Only for tiny-minded people like you~” I whistled. Iseul kicked me and I smirked.

“Alright, I’ll give you guys a break for the rest of the day. Get ready for the weekend, though, you’re still gonna have to go on all those music shows!” Ryul giggled. “Must be fun being an idol, huh?”

“Yup!” Hanri gave her two thumbs up. So Eul rolled her eyes.

“Alrighty then, Minah’s gonna drive you home now. See you all later!” Ryul waved at us as we left the building.


Hanri POV


I wanted to go to Lotte World with Dongwoo oppa today. You had to ruin it all for us, though! So hmph to you!

I collapsed on my bed and groaned into my pillow. I sat up and looked at Iseul’s bed across from me. I was so tempted to steal her beloved teddy bear with the picture of her and Chunji on its belly and hold it hostage until she compensated. But then what could I get? It’s not like she could reverse time or anything.

“UNNIE!” Iseul called from the kitchen, dispersing my thoughts.

“What?!” I hollered back, putting some anger in my tone.

“Dinner’s ready! I made my special cheese ramen!”

Disregard all my previous thoughts. I LOVE YOU ISEUL. I hopped up from my bed and dashed to the dining table, where 7 scrumptious bowls of cheesy noodles were placed. I sat down at my seat and at the same time Jihae bounced into the kitchen. She inhaled the mouthwatering scent and smiled. “Iseul, you are wonderful,” she sighed dreamily.

“I know, right?” Iseul giggled. Hye Su, who was behind Jihae the whole time, rolled her eyes. “Yah! The rest of you, come eat!”

“’Kay,” So Eul replied from her room.

“I’m here!” Cheon Eun skipped in. “Ooh! Looks yummy!”

“Seriously?” Elise huffed. “Cheese is gonna make me get fat!”

“Since when did you care?!” Iseul placed her hands on her hips.

“...you’re right. Since when did I?” Elise wondered aloud before shrugging it off. “Anyway, I’m starved. SO EUL, GET YOUR OVER HERE!”

“Yah!” I heard some shuffling around before the thumps of her stomping as she made her way to the kitchen. “Be respectful!”

“Mehrong,” Elise stuck her tongue out at her. So Eul caught it and ran at her, but not before skidding a bit on the tile floor....and falling -first on the floor. All 6 of us gasped and surrounded her.

“Unnie, a-are you o-okay?” Cheon Eun stuttered as she did her best to refrain from laughing. The rest of us just bit our lips and tried not to crack up as well. After all, it was our short-tempered leader who just fell in front of us. But since she was our short-tempered leader, we had to keep our mouths shut if we wanted our heads to still be connected to our bodies.

So Eul kept a straight face as she planted her palms on the floor and pushed herself up from the ground. She smoothed her clothing and looked at all of us. She opened and muttered, “No one saw that.” She shot us all a challenging glare.

“U-um....let’s eat!” Iseul jumped in quickly. The others gave each other a knowing snicker as they sat down.

“Alrighty, dig in, guys!” Iseul clapped. We all simultaneously picked up our chopsticks and began chowing down our noodles.

“MMMMMMM,” I hummed in between my slurps. “Shooo yummyyyy!”

“Dun tawk wun eatinn!” Jihae mused.

“Hypocrites,” Hye Su muttered. We all laughed (as much as we could with a mouth full of food).

In no time, we had all finished our meal. But obviously, we still weren’t full yet. Or at least I wasn’t. “Can we get dessert?” I asked my members.

“Yeah, I still have room here,” Jihae patted her flat stomach.

“Sure,” So Eul shrugged. We all stood to get up but then she added, “Wait.”

“What?” Elise questioned.

“We can’t just all go like that. We’re an idol group, remember?”

“Oh yeahhhhh,” the rest of us nodded. “So, let’s send 3 girls out?” our leader suggested.

“And the other 4 do the dishes!” Jihae cackled.

“Why so excited, Hae? Think you’re not gonna be one of them?” Hye Su smirked and nudged her. Jihae narrowed her eyes in response.

“Okay okay okay! T-game time!” Iseul perked up. “T-game” is short for “Team game” which was named by us so that we could split up into teams whenever we needed to. All we had to do was to lay out our hand palm side up or palm side down. People with matching hand sides would be put in one team. In cases where the splitting is uneven, we just work things out other ways LOL. (A/N: So yeah, keep that in mind for future references^^)

“Alright,” So Eul put one hand out and the other 6 of us followed suit. “One, two, three!” She, Han Ri, Jihae, and Iseul put palm side up while Cheon Eun, Hye Su, and Elise put them down.

“’Kay, looks like it’s us three!” Elise grasped her two unnies’ hands and hopped up and down.

“HAHA TOLD YOU SO!!!” Hye Su pointed at Jihae and cracked up. The latter harrumphed and stomped her foot in response.

“Whatever. Just GO GET FOOD! I’M HUNGRY!” I shoved them out the door and slammed it behind their backs. “Now, shall we get started on the dishes?”

“Please,” So Eul scoffed. “We’ll just wait for them to come back and do it. I know Cheon Eun will.”

“Psh. Taking advantage of your co-leader like that? Mean unnie,” Iseul scrunched her nose at her.

“Well, you guys do whatever. I’m gonna play a prank on them instead,” Jihae smirked.

“You know what? That sounds much better actually,” I nodded.

“Let’s get started, then! We don’t have that much time!” Hye Su added.

Funny thing is, they did end up taking a lot longer than we expected. But the reason behind it wasn’t anything to poke fun at.


Mini cliffie? Ahehehe ;D

Sorry if I sounded demanding by asking for comments. Just wanted to make sure you guys were alive! Glad to see you all back. Good luck with your studies and whatnot! I'm gonna be quite busy nowadays, but hey, just a few weeks 'til spring break! WOOTWOOT!

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I apologize for the slow updates! This story is NOT on hiatus, but I am kind of hitting a bit of writer's block here. Sorry, and please wait patiently! THANKYOU


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ahhhh why u no continue?
Wahhhhh, are you gonna update soon? :O
I miss reading this (;_;)
LOLOL "Mr. Elastic" XDDD
minstah #4
... I love how you made Jihae slam him into a tree repeatedly :DD LOL
AKKK they must kill the men!
I am very morbid OTL xDDD
minstah #6
... Can we smash them into walls? LOL 8D

I'm too lazy to comment an actual comment right now..
sorry :D
bye bye Elli :3
I'M COUNTING DOWN (sorta) hahaa
WAHHH, sorry for not commenting on the last chapter
AFF was being so annoying for a while 'cause of the messed up server o_____o
I can't wait for the next chapterrrrrrrrr
TOTALLY COUNTING DOWN FOR INFINITE'S COMEBACK!!! THE TEASER TRAILER MADE ME SPAZZ SO BAD! <3 Loved the chapter! Does Woolim know that they are Mystique? THe suspense! haha
Such a cliffhanger~ But love this chapter! <3
Lol....so much lol man. LOVE Hye Su and her spazz over baked goods. That and her cynical comments haha. Omo! Woolim spies! bout to hit the fan bruh! Hahaha :) Great chapter!