XVIII: Lotte World Part 3: The Chodings

☄mystique (everything is Unexpected)


Iseul POV

“AWWW YEAH!” Sungyeol pumped his fist in the air as we entered Lotte World. “I’M SO EXCITED!”

“Me too!” I cheered and clapped my hands. “Oh look! People recognize us!” I pointed to the crowd of people that were looking at us curiously and upon realizing who we were began screaming.

“That means only one thing,” he replied. “...FANSERVICE!” We both began blowing kisses and waving to everyone around us. “I LOVE YOU INSPIRITS!” Sungyeol hollered.

“I LOVE YOU...MYSTIQUE FANS!” I shouted. Remind me to think of our fanclub name soon, please.

“Where do you wanna go now?” Sungyeol asked me.

“I don’t know! Let’s ask the fans!” I suggested.

He grinned and nodded. “ANNYEONG EVERYBODY! I need to ask you a very important question right now! Where should Callie and I go first?”

“Shopping!” “That ride!” “Host a fansigning event!” Suggestions were being thrown all around and I smiled at them. “Horror house!”

“Haunted house?” Sungyeol repeated, a little anxiously. “Should we go there?”

“YEEESSSSS!” the fans agreed.

“A-alright! That sounds great!” Sungyeol finally nodded. “Are you up for it?”

“Uh...” I trailed off. Truth be told, I kinda hated haunted houses, as much as I loved zombies and horror movies (if that makes any sense). Maybe it’s because I’m actually IN the middle of the scariness and all, but yeah, I didn’t like it.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Sungyeol assured quickly seeing my nervous face. But not wanting to be a funsucker, I put on a fake grin. “No, no it’s okay! I’m up for it!”

“YAYYYY!” the crowd screeched as we approached the haunted house. There was nobody in line (is it really that bad..?) so we could get in anytime.

“Ready?” Sungyeol looked down at me. I nodded slightly. He could probably tell I was scared so he took my hand and squeezed it. “Don’t worry, you’ll be okay. You can walk behind me if you want.”

“B-but what about behind me?” I whispered.

“There’s the cameraman. He’s too big so anything scary won’t be able to pass him,” he muttered quietly. I laughed and felt my tension ease.

“Let’s go,” we walked in together, Sungyeol in front of me, but as soon as my eyes hit the darkness, I felt my heartbeat accelerate again. I couldn’t see anything and there was a little breeze in the room, giving me goosebumps. I heard creeks and evil howls of laughter in the distance. Unconsciously, I grabbed Sungyeol’s arm and hugged it.

I felt him stop and turn around to look at me. I then realized what I was doing and felt my face flush. “Uh...sorry,” I muttered.

“Nah, it’s fine,” he continued walking again. Oh dear, why I am I doing this? Chunji’s gonna see this and get so mad at me!

“BOO!” a ghost popped up in front of Sungyeol and we both screamed. Wait, did we both just scream? Suddenly, two more ghosts surrounded us from the side and began approaching us. My thoughts were scattered as I felt him sprint forward and screech, “AHHHHH!!!!!!” Oh man, how is he supposed to protect me now?

“Wait! Sungye—AAAAAAAH!” a skeleton dropped and dangled from the ceiling, scaring the wits out of us again. He ran faster and I tried as hard as I could to keep up with him. After what seemed like forever running in the dark and passing by gruesome exhibits, we made it out into the broad daylight. Our fans started squealing when they saw us (maybe they’re happy that we actually made it out alive?) However, Sungyeol didn’t stop there. He darted through the crowd of fans and continued running for his life. And unfortunately, I was still holding on to him. “What....are...you....doing?” I mused in between my heavy breaths.

“No talk. Just run!” he replied shortly. WHY?!?!? Finally, he turned into a less crowded area and slowed down. “Whew. Wasn’t that fun, Callie?”

“NO! My feet hurt now! I’m wearing heels!” I pointed to my worn out feet and pouted. “What was the point of all that?”

“Aw, sorry for that. Well, I wanted to run away from the camera, that’s all. It’s a lot of fun,” he scratched his head.

“But why do you wanna get away from the camera?”

“Because then I can actually talk to you and not have to worry about having everything broadcasted all over Korea,” he smiled. “So let’s start off simple. What’s your real name?”

“Song Iseul,” I replied.

“Wah, pretty name,” he remarked. “Now you can ask me something.”

“Hmm...when your birthday?” I asked.

“August 27th. What about you?” he looked down at me.

“December 24th! In ten days!” I clapped my hands like a little kid.

“Oh, so soon! What do you want for you birthday?”

“Ani, ani, don’t get me anything,” I shook my head and chuckled.

“Whatever. I’ll think of something,” he insisted.

“Fine. So, who’s your favorite group member?” I smirked.

“Oh that’s easy. It’s L,” he grinned.

“Well, why?”

“Because he can put up with me,” he teased. I laughed. “Now, who’s YOUR favorite member?”

That question caught me off guard a bit. Not wanting to sound too much like a up, I replied, “Uh, I don’t have one.”

“No, of course you do. Everybody does. And I’m usually one of everyone’s favorites!” he bragged.

“Yeah, sure,” I rolled my eyes playfully.

“It’s true. I know it. So, who is it, Callie?”

“I just don’t have one.”

“Why? Is it because we’re not good enough?” I shook my head. “Or we’re too good for you?” I shook my head again. “Or is it... because you already like somebody else?” He wiggled his eyebrows.

I stopped in my tracks and blushed a bit, giving it away. I tried to look away, but he already spotted my red face.

“...so you like somebody?” Sungyeol repeated.

“Well...” I turned around to make sure the camera wasn’t there and when I saw that the coast was clear, I faced forward again. “...I have a boyfriend.”

“...Really? Who?” Sungyeol asked curiously. “Well, first of all, is he a singer?” I nodded. “Is he older than you?” I nodded again. “When did he debut?”

“2010,” I replied.

“Well, INFINITE debuted in 2010 too. You’re not dating any of my members, right?” he joked. I smiled and shook my head. “Hmm...Teen Top debuted then too. Is it somebody from there?” I slowly nodded. “Who?”

“Chunji,” I muttered as I picked at my fingers. A silence enveloped us and suddenly the atmosphere was very awkward. “Uh, so it’s my turn to ask now, right?” I attempted to ease the tension.

“...You’re dating Chunji?” Sungyeol finally spoke up.

“...Yeah,” I repeated.

“That’s...nice,” he smiled. “Aigoo, how cute, a rookie already has a lover,” he teased. For some reason, he wasn’t as perky as before.

“Well, I don’t want this to be all about me, so let’s move on,” I offered. He gave a small smile and nodded. “Like...OMO! THERE’RE ICE CREAM OVER THERE!” I squealed and sprinted forward. He chuckled and followed after me.


Sorry for not updating for a while! Kinda braindead right now, but I'm getting there^^ Might seem like a bunch of filler chappies are here, but don't worry, they're still part of the plot :3

I was talking to Min (xPikachuuu or Jihae to you all) these past few days and I discovered we both are 97-er's! :D What about you guys?


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I apologize for the slow updates! This story is NOT on hiatus, but I am kind of hitting a bit of writer's block here. Sorry, and please wait patiently! THANKYOU


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ahhhh why u no continue?
Wahhhhh, are you gonna update soon? :O
I miss reading this (;_;)
LOLOL "Mr. Elastic" XDDD
minstah #4
... I love how you made Jihae slam him into a tree repeatedly :DD LOL
AKKK they must kill the men!
I am very morbid OTL xDDD
minstah #6
... Can we smash them into walls? LOL 8D

I'm too lazy to comment an actual comment right now..
sorry :D
bye bye Elli :3
I'M COUNTING DOWN (sorta) hahaa
WAHHH, sorry for not commenting on the last chapter
AFF was being so annoying for a while 'cause of the messed up server o_____o
I can't wait for the next chapterrrrrrrrr
TOTALLY COUNTING DOWN FOR INFINITE'S COMEBACK!!! THE TEASER TRAILER MADE ME SPAZZ SO BAD! <3 Loved the chapter! Does Woolim know that they are Mystique? THe suspense! haha
Such a cliffhanger~ But love this chapter! <3
Lol....so much lol man. LOVE Hye Su and her spazz over baked goods. That and her cynical comments haha. Omo! Woolim spies! bout to hit the fan bruh! Hahaha :) Great chapter!