Breaking Down the Walls of my Heart

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Andrea has always been strong. Not just in strength but also in spirit, personality, and strong-headed. She began training under her father in his business and now she is one of the most powerful ninjas in the world. Her first assignment is in Seoul, South Korea and she is hired to protect none other than EXO. In her job she had to build a wall around her heart, she was always taught not to trust anybody. But will she let that wall break down for one of the memebers? or is this just a matter of doing her job?


"No, you can't leave me like this! I was sent here to protect you, but you protected me from something much worse than what you had to face!"

"What's that?" He asked with a ragged breathe.

"Myself. You've broken down the walls of my heart and saved me from ruining my own life!"

"I'm glad that i could have such an affect on someone's life. You'll need something to remember me by then" He said as he reached underneath the neck of his shirt.

He pulled out a necklace and hands it to you. He starts coughing and you can see he is coughing up blood.

"We need to get you to the hosptial and fast!"

"No, I'll be alright. i want you to know......i think i love you"

He told what you've been wanting to here for awhile now. That someone loves you, sure your dad has told you he loves you, but it's just not the same. Now there's a chance you could lose him.

"Kyungsoo, did you call an ambulance?!"

"Yes, they should be here any minute!" He replys.

"Did you here that? An amublance should be here any minute, so i need you to hold on for me. Can you do that?"

You get no response and his eyes are closed. You put an ear to his chest and you can still hear a faint heartbeat. You sigh a little in relief but you know he wont last much longer. You listen carefully and can hear the sound of sirens. Thank god, the ambulance is right there! You don't know if he can here you but you tell him to hold on one more time and climb into the ambulance behind the stretcher.


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attxck #1
cute story!