Seoul escapade.


Jonghyun sighed as the sound of laughter came back to his ears. He usually didn't mind cheerful people around him, but one, he hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, and two, he didn't like the people who were exuding such exuberance. Part of him would've gladly stayed at home reading books, writing or watching some motivational speech, but the other part knew he would miss the opportunity of a lifetime if he just stuck to his habits. Plus, the trip was mandatory so unless he could fake to his parents that he was sick, which he couldn't, he didn't really have a choice in the matter.

He looked back into his book again after giving his surroundings a brief look only to find himself reading the same sentence over and over again. This is hopeless, he thought as he shut it close and let out a sigh of frustration. The next thing he shut were his eyes as he tried to picture his room and all the things in it that made him feel safe. The trace of a smile awakened his lips as his dog appeared in his mind, running and wagging her tail in excitement. He would've definitely felt a lot better if Roo had been there with him. Instead, he had to spend the next two days with his classmates. That meant getting no break from them as the trip took over their weekend. That was probably the worst part of having to go. But still, he tried to keep his spirits up as he thought about all the nice things he'd get to see in the city from which of course the national museum of Korea was the most important, as it was the core of their trip.

Being kids from a small town, they all knew each other and knew every spot of their area, which after years of being there, could get pretty redundant. Nonetheless, Jonghyun didn't have a bad opinion of his hometown; he loved the familiarity and calmness of the neighbourhood. Which was mainly why he had had trouble sleeping the previous night. He had never left the town and shivered any time he just gave it a thought. Of course he had dreams of exploring beyond what he had always known, but he was too fearful and insecure to see himself triumphant at the end of that risk. He was scared of what he didn't know and had always tried to soothe it with knowledge. He had been reading about Seoul and the specific area they'd be staying at over the last few days, but still, a clinging nervousness remained. He did feel lucky that he would get to experience this change of scenery whilst being in a supervised setting.

He finally opened his eyes as his ear caught the voice he least wanted to hear. He resolved himself to put in his earphones for the rest of the bus ride.  Don't worry, you'll be fine, he reassured himself as the music drowned the annoyance in the background. It felt like a whole sleeping night had passed when the bus finally came to an abrupt stop, waking the blonde up simultaneously. He had fallen in deep slumber without realizing it, which took him a few minutes to get back from. Other students were starting to get off the bus to pick up their bags and luggage so he waited patiently until they were all out to finally do the same. He easily found the three bags he had filled with distractions and necessities to keep him alive during their time here.

'Okay class! Gather around!' Their teacher, Mr.Choi, announced loudly.

Jonghyun took two steps closer as everyone else gathered before the tall man. He allowed himself to stare at their teacher as he was giving out instructions. He was very young compared to all the older men and women they had in their other classes. And what made his youth stand out even more was the fact that he was their history teacher. Jonghyun had instantly been hooked in his classes by the way he expressed himself and humbly displayed all the knowledge he had. It also didn't hurt that he was very handsome and charming. The few times the older man had acknowledged his presence by asking him a question, Jonghyun had felt his cheeks turn red and his heart beat faster. But right now, he felt soothed only by the sound of his voice.

They finally moved towards the guest house's entrance and piled up their stuff in a rack the attendants had reserved for them. They only had a few seconds to glance at the surroundings' magnificence before they had to head out again. As the teacher had just reminded them and as written on the schedule, they were visiting the museum right off the bat, so the rest of the day they could dive into more leisurely activities before going back home the next day. Jonghyun felt tingles of excitement ignite in his stomach as they started walking. The streets were packed with people hurrying this way or that way, making him have to move out of his way not to collide with some. He wasn't used to such activity and he had to take a few deep breaths not to let it overwhelm him. Everyone else was exchanging comments with friends on this and that, their voices picking up every time something unusual appeared in their sight. Jonghyun kept silent, having no one in particular to talk to, but enjoying the moment nevertheless. After what felt like a really long time, his jaw finally dropped, letting his mouth release a sound as he took in the façade of the museum. It was an impressive piece of architecture, stretching on quite a bit of territory, made even more breathtaking to him by the body of water surrounding it. He had never seen anything like it, and by the looks of the others, he wasn't the only one. Even Mr. Choi had to stop and gawk at it. Finally, movement animated them again and they found their way inside, taking in every little detail before they all passed the door. All, he thought, but as their teacher made his way back outside, he realized three of them were missing.

He had to roll his eyes. Of course... He didn't know why Mr. Choi hadn't just exempted them from the trip. Every time it was the same thing. They had to manifest some sort of opposition to the given rules just for the sake of it. Most would admire them for it and others like himself would silently despise them for ruining the peace. Whilst he heard their teacher's voice get louder from scolding, the supervisor that had come along to assist him kept an eye on them. He had forgotten all about the balding man until now. He hadn't said a word to them and it was the same now; the only thing he gave them was a look full of scorn. After a few more seconds, Mr. Choi walked back in with the relentless troublemakers. Jonghyun couldn't help but look at their leading man, Lee Jinki. He didn't like him the most. The brunette still had a taunting smile on his lips as they started moving further in. A guide came to meet them and gave them an overview of the museum. Finally, the visit started. She brought them to the third floor so they could first see the religious and more traditional arts as well as some pieces of fine art. As the woman started giving out explanations on the eras to which the pieces belonged to, Jonghyun took out his notepad he had buried into the pocket of his sweatshirt. His pencil ran quickly along the lines and down the page before he had to flip it to catch up with what she was saying. He looked up every few seconds to admire the art and the history and to take in the full experience to which the architecture of the place contributed to. He couldn't be happier, but that happiness had to be caught short. The unpleasant sound of unsuitable laughter came back again before he heard lewd remarks which only created even more laughter afterwards. He saw Mr. Choi giving the three boys a dark look before he focused his attention back to the guide. From the corner of his eye, Jonghyun could see them and even though he was trying to pay attention, he was distracted by their agitation. He suddenly turned towards them as his peripheral sight had just anticipated a catastrophe. Jinki's hand had just curled around a sculpture and before he could think about it he gasped before a resonant Nooo came out of his mouth. Everyone turned around at the same time, watching as the sculpture wobbled on its plinth. Jonghyun held his breath as he was already seeing it fall down and crumble to pieces, but fortunately it didn't. Security guards started to gather around as an alarm resounded on the floor. Mr. Choi grabbed the boys and moved them away from the almost broken art.

'What happened here?' One of the man in uniform asked.

'I'm sorry, sir. Some of my students thought it was funny to touch iconic art,' Mr. Choi unreservedly explained.

Jonghyun bit his lip as Jinki and the other two laughed. This was not good.

'We're really sorry,' Jinki started. 'We just thought it was so pretty,' he derisively justified.

The man who had talked didn't even give them a look. Instead, he turned back to their teacher. 'You should keep a better eye on them. They're teenagers,' he reminded before securing his hands over his belt. 'We'll let this go, but we're keeping a close eye on you all,' he said more loudly so they could all hear.

Other visitors had turned to look at them and Jonghyun could feel the shame muster inside him. Why couldn't this had been like he had anticipated? Why did they have to ruin it all?

'Thank you sir,' Mr. Choi said. 'Apologize,' he then ordered to the culprits.

'Sorry,' they feebly said in sync.

The guards dispersed at every end of the floor and the guide who had just stilled in place all the while, slowly got back to her explanations. Jonghyun put his notepad back into his pocket. He didn't have the liveliness he had had before. Plus, he did feel a little self-conscious from having panicked so much at the sight of their stupidity. It was none of his business. Although, his intervention probably had just saved the school an incommensurable amount of money. Breaking that kind of art would've ruined them for sure. The rest of the visit went by pretty smoothly, the boys finally agreeing to keeping some peace.

When they came out though, the smile that Mr. Choi had kept up for appearances fell. 'Be sure that your parents and the director will be advised of your bad conduct,' he told the three who chose to remain in the back.

Even though Mr. Choi's tone was cold as ice, they didn't seem to be moved one bit. It was probably because they were so used to those repercussions. Jonghyun didn't want to be bothered with all of that anymore and whilst they made their way back to the guest house to enjoy a meal, he put his earphones back on to help him fall into his bubble. Fortunately, the walk did seem to go by faster this time, which meant that he would soon be able to retreat to his room. By the moment they were seated at the dining table, his stomach was growling and he found himself wolfing down the hearty meals they brought before them. They were a pleasure for his taste buds; he had never tasted what he soon learned to be fusion cuisine. The mix of western and oriental flavors was quite exquisite and after all had disappeared inside him, he felt like he weighed a ton. He just wanted to sleep now.

'I see that everyone's pretty much done with their meal so I'm going to assign the rooms right now,' Mr. Choi announced once more in a loud voice.

Prior to the trip, they had been asked to form duos to share rooms. Jonghyun not having the guts to ask anyone had just waited to see who had been left. He gave the lucky guy a look. That one only had one friend in their class and that friend was best friends with another one, thus leaving him to be with him. It's just one night, he reminded himself.

'Due to some unfortunate events, which to be honest, I should've expected, I'm changing some duos,' their teacher revealed.

Jonghyun already knew what that meant. He saw Jinki look at Kibum, his best friend, and then at Taemin who had partnered up with a guy that sometimes joined in their idiocies. 

As expected, the latter duo was broken before he moved on to Jinki and Kibum. 'Kibum you'll be with Jun Hoe, meaning that...'

Jonghyun's eyes widened in fear. Jun Hoe was his roommate for the night. 'Sir...' he croaked.

'Meaning that Jinki is sharing rooms with Jonghyun now,' he finished in a satisfied tone.

Jonghyun felt the brunette's eyes on him. It's just one night,' he continuously repeated in his mind as he closed his eyes.

This was surely a nightmare.


Jonghyun tossed and turned for the millionth time. This time his head was facing his alarm clock. 8:30 pm. No wonder he couldn't sleep. He was used to going to bed 4 or 5 hours later. He had never liked sleeping early, but oddly enough, he was still a morning person. He just wasn't one for much sleep. But tonight, he was trying hard to get himself to get a few more hours in. Anything so that it could go by as fast as possible. He didn't know when the other would be back from the improvised detention the teacher had organized for them, but he didn't want to be awake when that would happen. He didn't want to have to exchange one single word with him. He turned another time and closed his eyes once more. Again, Roo came into his thoughts, and then his mother and sister. He missed them, even though he had only spent one day apart from them. He would usually be talking about the new things he had learned that day and in return, they would give him something to add to his knowledge. He felt blessed to be in such a loving family. He hadn't realized just how fundamental their presence was until now.

His heart started beating faster as he heard the door creak and footsteps on the wooden floor. He shut his eyes even tighter as if that would give more credibility to his sleep. He even found himself holding his breath and squeezing every muscle in his body so he wouldn't move. But then he had to gasp as he felt a sudden weight on him. The cry he had been about to let out was muffled by a hand on his mouth. His eyes widened as he saw the one he had been dreading towering his body. He tried to utter words but they all fell flat against his palm.  

'I don't want you to scream like you did earlier,' he finally said as he lowered his face over his.

Their eyes locked for a moment and Jonghyun was pretty sure the other could feel his heart thrumming inside his chest. He was seized by a fear he didn't understand.

Jinki finally took his hand off his mouth. 'That of a teacher made us write letters of apology to the museum and then we had to watch a historical movie he had brought with him, like... who the does that?' he openly complained.

Jonghyun's eyebrow cocked with disbelief. 'Really?' he let out instantly in a scornful tone, before retreating to chewing his lip.

'Don't tell me you agree with him?' Jinki retorted with a point of anger in his voice.

Jonghyun thought carefully about his response. 'Yes,' he finally answered.

The brunette snorted. 'Of course you would. You're probably his or something,' he added in spite.

The blonde felt his whole face heat up immediately and could only bring his hands to his cheeks to somehow conceal his embarrassment. Why did he have to be so crude?

'Well his would've been more interesting than that movie, that's for sure,' he continued with a mischievous smile. Clearly, he was enjoying the reaction his words were creating in the other.

'Whatever,' Jonghyun uttered a few seconds later before he grabbed his covers again. He was going to sleep, as planned.

Jinki laughed. 'What do you think you're doing?' he asked as he took hold of them and threw them to a side.

Jonghyun's mouth fell open in shock. 'I could ask you the same question!'

The other snorted again. 'If we're going to be roommates, we might as well have some fun.'

'You have your friends for that,' the blonde squarely reminded.

'True, but my plan isn't going to work out if I go to their rooms. Teacher's keeping a close eye on us. We'd get caught before we'd even set foot out,' he exposed.

'Out? To where?' Jonghyun asked as anxiety rose inside him.

Jinki's lips stretched out into a devious smile. 'You'll see.'

The blonde just blinked. 'I'm not going anywhere,' he persisted as he clung to his resolve.

He threw his legs over the edge of his bed to pick up the covers the other had just thrown, but the taller one blocked him right away. He let out a sigh of frustration. He really wasn't up for stupid games. Actually, he wasn't up for anything that involved the other. Or that's what he was trying hard to believe, but a little part of him felt good from being recognized.

'I'm not going,' he repeated in a voice almost lowered to a whisper. His gaze moved down to the floor, not knowing if he'd be able to repeat those words again if he met his eyes. But he was forced to as the other pushed up his chin with a hand and dove straight into them. Jonghyun could feel the pleading in his dark eyes. He felt a warmth run through his body as he started to feel all his strength leave him.

'How are we going to get out without getting caught?' he asked, aware that by those words he was giving silent agreement.

Jinki's face lightened as he gave him a sincere smile. 'I think we'll have to get out through the window,' he exposed simply.

'Excuse me?' Jonghyun exclaimed in disbelief. 'Are you crazy? I don't want to spend the rest of the night at the hospital,' he pointed out as worst case scenarios ran through his mind.

'Luckily for us our room is on the second floor, it won't be too bad of a fall,' he teased before his shoulders shook from his throaty laugh.

Jonghyun was scared beyond words just at the thought of it, but he now really wanted to join the brunette in his adventure. He knew he wouldn't have had the strength to do it alone, so now was a golden chance to step out of his comfort zone.

He walked closer to the window and looked down. It probably wouldn't have looked too bad to a normal person, but to him it looked like a frightening distance. He quickly looked the other way, facing the other one again. Without thinking much, he grabbed the hoodie he had worn earlier and pushed it down on himself. He could keep the jogging pants he had on, he decided as he gave himself a look in the mirror nearby. Lastly, he took off his glasses and put them in their case. Case which he put in his right pocket, because he'd still need to see after jumping out the window.

'Can you see me?' Jinki mocked as he moved his hand before his eyes.

Jonghyun frowned. 'Yeah, I'm not blind,' he said, despite feeling disoriented by the sudden blur surrounding him.

The brunette laughed again. 'Alright, let's go.'

He pushed the window's lower sash up and looked back at the blonde. 'You first,' he indicated.

'Why?' Jonghyun reacted immediately.

'Because I know you won't have the guts to do it if you're alone up here,' he answered bluntly.

Jonghyun swallowed the lump of fear that had risen up his throat. That wasn't false... but, he knew he couldn't really trust him. What if he stayed up here after he had jumped? Nonetheless, he didn't voice his concern. He didn't want to be more of a wimp than he already was. Fortunately, the space left by the now opened window was wide enough so he could pass a leg through and then shift his body to the other side, leaving him straddling the frame for a moment as his heart menaced to jump out of his mouth.

But before he could retreat back to the comfort of his bed, he was forcefully pushed and fell as he lost complete balance. The fall was much quicker than he had anticipated he realized as the pain shot through him almost instantly after. A grunt left his mouth as he rolled himself to a side, trying to find a more comfortable position to be in. He wasn't sure he hadn't broken something so he didn't dare move for a while. Even as the pain subsided, he stayed still.

'You're fine,' Jinki voiced as he kneeled beside him.

Jonghyun slowly opened his eyes. He hadn't even heard him fall. He looked at him. He didn't seem to be affected at all.

The shock on his face must have been clear. 'It's not the first window I jump from. Most of the time, it was from a higher distance than this,' Jinki added as to impress him.

He did. 'Oh...' Jonghyun could only answer as he processed the thought. He finally brought himself to move, slowly of course, and when he saw that there was no trace of pain left, he moved up to his feet.

Jinki did the same before putting an arm around his shoulders. 'Let's take over Seoul,' he joked as excitement sparked in his eyes.

Jonghyun couldn't help but smile. He was excited himself now. 'Do you even know your way around?' he inquired as they started walking.

'Nope,' Jinki admitted. 'That's the fun part,' he completed with a wink.

The blonde shook his head in exasperation. They definitely didn't have the same definition of fun.

They kept walking for a few more minutes in a shared silence, staring in awe at the liveliness that kept on even at night. Groups of people were walking on the sidewalks laughing and talking, some of them holding suitcases others carrying schoolbags. They crossed a few streets where the action seemed the most intense and finally they stopped, Jonghyun only halting because the other just had.

'Look,' Jinki said as his arm stretched out to point. 'It's an outdoor drinking tent,' he then filled in.

'I know.' Jonghyun had briefly read about those in an article.

'Come on,' he gestured as he started running towards it, leaving no time for the blonde to protest.

'Damn it,' he cursed before following along. He arrived just in time to hear the other order two bottles of soju.

The barkeeper looked at them suspiciously. 'You're underage,' she noted categorically.

Jinki rolled his eyes. 'No, we're not,' he refuted as he slid a few paper bills on the counter. Clearly, it was more than required for the drinks. And clearly, the sight of them were having an effect on the older woman. A few seconds later, she took out the bottles and small cups.

'Thank you so much, ma'am,' Jinki said before he bowed.

Jonghyun was following again as the taller one guided him to the other end of the tent, where a small table was set. They sat in front of each other.

'Have you have ever had alcohol before?' Jinki asked slyly as he started pouring in their cups.

Jonghyun felt his cheeks heat up again. He had once and it hadn't been the best experience. His mother and sister had about it for a long time afterwards.

'Yes, I have but... I don't really like it,' he answered shyly.

'Maybe this time you'll like it better,' Jinki suggested before gulping down his first cup.

Jonghyun looked at his own with some disdain. 'I'll just drink really slowly.'

He brought the cup to his mouth, shutting his eyes tightly as he anticipated the taste. But his precautions all went to waste as the liquid immersed his nostrils, the burn making him pinch the bridge of his nose. He could hear the other cackle at the result of his deed as he tried to regain his composure.

He wiped his nose with the back of his hand before crossing his arms over his chest. Of course, he should've known. He had been brought along to be the object of ridicule. He would only ever be that to him, he started thinking as he shrunk in his seat.

'Hey,' Jinki called out as he gave him a push on the shoulder. But that didn't bring him out. He kept his arms crossed and his gaze away, his brows furrowed over his eyes. He could feel his eyes on him, but didn't want to give into the pressure.

'Come on, don't be sulky,' Jinki pressed after waiting a few seconds. 'It was just a joke.'

Jonghyun finally granted him a look. 'I didn't come here to be a laughing stock,' he strongly stated.

Jinki's brows raised from surprise. 'Woah, you're blowing things out of proportion,' he countered. 'I was just teasing... I mean, that's what I do... even with my friends,' he explained in a clumsy tone.

'I can't buy that,' he thought, even though he did feel like the words were sincere. He finally looked at his empty cup and filled it on his own. A deep breath later, he took it all in. The burn appeared again, but this time in his throat and then in his stomach. It wasn't that bad this time. He filled it again, but waited.

'Your turn,' he said to the other.

Jinki blinked a few times before filling his cup. In a matter of seconds, it was empty again.

Jonghyun took another deep breath and welcomed the burn again, feeling calmer after letting it settle for a while.

The brunette downed another one, but as he was about to repeat the cycle, a hand grabbed his wrist. 'I wouldn't want you to get sick,' he observed, before getting up. 'Come,' he then said.

Jonghyun got up and followed again, uncertain why he was putting his trust into his hands.

They walked along streets that were getting emptier and emptier until they reached what seemed to be a more secluded part of the city. Jonghyun couldn't ignore the fact that they were far away from the guest house, but he pushed it to the back of his mind. He just wanted to enjoy the moment. He kept following, although leaving some distance between them. The chilly air had him crossing his arms again and hunching a little, but he didn't let it bother him. What did bother him was not knowing what was going on in the other's mind. He suddenly feared what would happen next.

He felt himself relax as the other lead them into a park they had just come across. They didn't have to go far to find a bench in which they both settled.

Jonghyun kept his gaze straight ahead as he felt the other's on his face. He didn't like how forward the brunette was. He had little restraint whereas he was the total opposite. Almost everything he did and said were well thought out and calculated, but tonight he was off with his self-control.

'Aaah, this must be the Marronnier Park,' Jinki suddenly pointed out as he looked ahead too.

Jonghyun's eyes widened in surprise. Indeed, a big marronnier tree stood high a few meters from them. He couldn't believe he hadn't noticed it right away. 'Oh wow... it's much more impressive than in pictures...' he noted out loud.

'It's funny that they keep calling it the horse chestnut tree,' Jinki added in with amusement. 'It's a funny mistake,' he completed while still looking at it.

'What do you mean?' Jonghyun sought right away.

'The people who fell upon this tree thought that it was a chestnut tree and also thought that the fruit it produced could cure horses from chest problems when it really was poisonous to them,' he explained as if it were common knowledge.

'Where did you learn that?' Jonghyun inquired with perplexity. But he didn't get an answer right away, only a dead-panned look which made him uneasy all the while it lasted.

'I'm not as dumb as you think,' Jinki remarked before looking down between his feet.

'I never said you were dumb,' Jonghyun immediately refuted.

The brunette snickered. 'You don't have to say it, I know what everyone thinks of me.'

Jonghyun was thrown by that sudden statement, but mostly by the look on his face. 'Does it... does it bother you?' he carefully asked.

Jinki sighed. 'I guess I don't care, I'd rather experience life the way I do than be appealing to everyone.'

'Hmmm,' Jonghyun silently acknowledged. He could understand that, but he just wanted for him to be less of a jerk sometimes.

'I know I've changed... a lot,' Jinki recognized. 'I'm sorry,' he then said as he finally looked his way.

Jonghyun met his eyes with surprise. 'Why would you apologize?' he sought nervously.

'I didn't forget us,' Jinki simply answered.

The blonde could feel the heat gather up in his cheeks once more. 'It was a long time ago... it doesn't matter,' he dismissed as he made a move to get up.

But he was held in place by a solid grasp. Jinki rose to his level. 'I still feel bad about it,' he pressed.

Jonghyun could feel sadness creep up inside him as he was hit with images of their younger selves spending time together. He remembered the utter joy and comfort he had always felt in his presence. Something he had done his best to forget, but that he sometimes couldn't help mulling over.

'Good,' he found himself saying with resentment. He started walking towards the sidewalk as he felt the sadness reach his eyes. He didn't want him to see him cry. That would be the worst.

Jinki echoed his steps, but to the other's relief, he gave him some space while he slowly tried to push down all those repressed emotions.

After a few deep breaths, the blonde allowed himself to look back. 'We should head back,' he said in a tone rendered husky from clinging emotion.

The brunette gave him a pitying look, which made him turn back in shame. 'Jonghyun...' he called out as he saw him pick up pace.

'It's not the right way,' he then indicated as he grabbed his hand.

Jonghyun shivered. It was just like before. His warm hands had always soothed the coldness of his own. He instantly felt comforted. Comfort which lasted a while as they made their way back. They were walking hand in hand as they used to when they had no care in the world.

'I'm glad you agreed to come along,' Jinki softly uttered as he squeezed his hand.

'Like I had a choice,' he snorted in thought. 'Well, it wasn't that bad,' he said instead. In fact, he had quite enjoyed it; he had missed him more than he could admit.

Jinki laughed. 'You're harsh,' he jokingly reproached.

The blonde couldn't help but smile. 'Just being honest,' he teased, which granted him a forceful push from the taller one.

'Hey!' he cried out as he retrieved his balance.

Before he could push right back, he was locked into place in a tight embrace. His body stiffened instantly, but he slowly relaxed as the other's hand drew soothing circles in his back.

'What are you doing?' Jonghyun finally asked against him.

'I'm doing what I've wanted to do for a long time,' he admitted as his breath tickled the other's neck.

Jonghyun sighed. 'You can't do whatever you want... it's not fair,' he said as he found the strength to push him away.

Jinki blinked. 'What do you mean?'

'You made a choice. I've accepted that I was too much of a loser for you so let's not make things complicated again,' he laid out as the huskiness rose again in his voice.

'I never thought you were a loser,' Jinki disputed. He took a step closer. 'It's just...' He sighed. 'We just weren't going down the same path...'

'Clearly,' Jonghyun sharply agreed.

This time Jinki started walking, leaving the blonde to follow again. They didn't hold hands anymore; they just walked silently, pensively.

Jonghyun didn't pay any heed to where they were going being too wrapped up in his sorrow. He had never thought for a moment giving in to this adventure would've left him in that state. He had been sure their past had long been forgotten by the other; that it was a relic from another life. Part of him was glad he had not been completely erased, but the other part resented everything it brought back up. He looked at his back and wondered again what was going through his mind.

With all that thinking, he hadn't realized they had found their way back to the guest house. His eyes widened as he caught sight of it. He stilled as they reached the entrance.

Jinki turned. 'I hadn't really thought how we would get back to our room,' he admitted.

He then looked away, giving a glance to the surroundings. 'Maybe there's some ladder in the...'

His words were cut short by the sight of their teacher opening the front door. He shot daggers at them before walking towards them. 'I can't believe you sneaked out,' he uttered with bubbling anger.

'Come on, get inside,' the older one ordered as he sharply tugged on the arms.

Jonghyun chewed his lip as he gave a quick look to the other. Jinki didn't seem bothered at all, as it was to be expected.

'I'm very disappointed, especially by you, Jonghyun,' Mr. Choi started when they both had settled at the table he had gestured at just a moment ago.


'It's my fault,' Jinki cut in. 'He didn't want to go, but I dragged him along,' he squarely exposed.

'I'm sure there is much truth in that, but the fact is that he still decided to follow you,' Mr. Choi coldly countered.

Jonghyun didn't need to refute that. 'Yeah, I did want to go.'

'Of course, I'll have to call your parents to tell them what happened. I'm sure your parents will be extremely happy to hear me again,' their teacher noted derisively as he looked at the brunette.  

'You're like family now, they won't mind,' Jinki bantered.

Jonghyun bit on his lip to prevent from laughing. He could see that had angered their teacher even more and didn't dare add to the fire.

'You'll also have three weeks of detention every day after school,' the latter added as he crossed his arms.

'What?' Jinki exclaimed in infuriation. 'That's not fair, you can't-'

'Would you like it to be four weeks?' Mr. Choi interjected.

The younger one shrunk back into his seat, his face still dark with anger.

'We're really sorry,' Jonghyun finally said. He felt Jinki's eyes bore into his face at those words, but that didn't faze him. He wasn't that sorry either, but it was the smarter thing to do.

'I do hope you are,' Mr. Choi said. 'Now, go back to your room.'

Both of them rose and slowly walked up the stairs. When the door to their room was finally closed, Jonghyun looked at him.

'Thanks,' he voiced in gratefulness.

'For what?' Jinki sought before pulling back his covers.

'For taking the blame,' Jonghyun specified as he did the same.

Jinki gave him an intent look. 'Well it was mostly true so...'

'Well I mean... I did want to go...' Jonghyun admitted.

The brunette paused. 'Really?'

Jonghyun nodded as he felt himself blush.

'Good,' Jinki acknowledged before jumping on his bed.

Jonghyun felt his heart beat faster. He definitely wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.


The next morning brought up all the unease he had been able to shed for the two hours he had slept. He woke up in panic as a hand shook his arm. He fell into the destabilizing eyes of the brunette.

'It's almost time to go,' he indicated with amusement.

Jonghyun buried his face in his hands as he tried to situate himself in time and space. He saw the other move away to his side of the room, as he finally looked around. Luckily, he hadn't scattered his stuff all over the place so he'd only need a few minutes to put it all back into his bags. His stomach rumbled; he needed to eat though.

'Look at your right,' Jinki suddenly said as he pushed a few of his shirts into a bag.

Jonghyun did just that and saw a bowl of rice coupled with a bowl of vegetable stew.

'Where did that come from?' the blonde asked to be sure.

'I don't know, I guess a magic fairy brought it for you,' he put out with dripping sarcasm.

Jonghyun shook his head while his lips stretched out into a little smile. 'Thank you,' he uttered for a second time. As the other smiled at him, he felt like it was just like the old times; when they only had each other. He wished their time alone could've lasted longer, but the scurrying around he could hear below them made him pick up speed. He rapidly finished his meal before finding some clothes to put on. In a matter of minutes, he was ready to go, only then noticing that the other had already left their room. He slowly went down the stairs dreading both the version of him he would found downstairs and his teacher. As expected, he found Jinki with his friends, laughing at whatever dumb remark one of them surely had made. He sighed. Yes, it was truly over.

He walked to the back of the group, making sure to avoid his teacher's gaze. After a few instructions were given, they finally all moved to their bus. Jonghyun threw his bags on top of all the ones already pushed into the luggage compartment. He froze as he felt his cell phone buzz in his pocket. He pulled it out and looked at the screen. 1 new text message.

He clicked on the notification.

Hey, guess who it is? ;) You should really lock your cell phone with a code. You made this too easy. Anyways, I have your number now. See you in detention! Hehehe.

Jonghyun looked up with a pounding heart. There were only a few students left outside the bus and the brunette wasn't one of them. He made his way in and as soon as he caught sight of him, he felt faint. Their eyes locked for a split second, before he settled in a seat. He tried to gather himself, but the same words kept running through his mind.

Maybe this truly wasn't over.

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Chapter 2: It's good to know they reconcile their friendship. It's better to do it now than never; you never know what you've got until it's gone.
Chapter 1: OMG! I just read this!! Troublemaker Jinki and nerd Jonghyun was so unexpected... I thought the trio would be JKT.. Turned out to be funny
Chapter 2: Re-reading this again and I love it <3
Chapter 2: This is soooo cute ! Omggg
vicistar #5
Chapter 2: jongyu so cute together ... i miss them <3
Chapter 2: It was super cute!! I'd wished for their relationship to end more romantically but, it sorta fit the story with it ending like it did. I really liked it!
Chapter 2: This is soooooo good omg!! I can't belive I'm only just now finding it! Your writing style is amazing just the way your words flow is :'') the best honestly. Thanks so much!!
Chapter 2: 11/10 amazing!!
jejera #9
Chapter 2: Can't wait for the next chapter ;;;
Chapter 2: i teared up;; this is so goood so lovely. love it so much!! thankyou for writing this