
My first crush.

You scratched the back of your head as you sighed. You were on the phone with Mia, She told you a story about something she was scared of as you tried to calm her down. "Don't worry Mia.. Winter break is here over two days! You know what.. if you want to.. we can have a sleepover!" "R..Really? You sure about that?" She asked you in disbelieve while you nodded through the phone. "Yeap yeap, plus i bet my parents won't mind it, since they are busy with they're jobs." You smiled. 

It gave Mia hope as she quickly nodded trough the phone. "Yes! then a sleepover it is!" She spoke with a happy smile. Mia is only child. She always wonders how it would feel to have a older brother/sister or a younger brother/sister. She is also the type to get easily scared no matter what. Even if you just screamed or cleared your throat she would already jump. She also talks pretty soft.

Her parents were business people, owning a high popular company, But you were very important to her since you were her best friend. Also, you usually protect her, You don't know why but it made you smile and proud. You do have two siblings.. Two older sisters they all moved out of the house. 

Making your mom a little broken, Men took them away haha, atleast that how your mom would explain it to you, you weren't that easy with boys and usually just looked at them and thats it, plus you were 17 which made your mom happy. It made her happy cuz you didn't had a boyfriend and didn't think that fast about marriage like how your other two sisters did. 

You only care about food, Internet, Family and Friends. You hung up the phone as you stretched yourself as you smelled something delicious. Is that... Pie?!?! You thought excitedly and rushed downstairs to see your mom doing the dishes and your farther watching tv while talking to your mom. 

Currently just the three of you were living and guess what.. You rather have it like this. Rest, peacefullness and warmth. You when't downstairs. To be honest; yes, you did miss your sisters but just kept quiet about it. "That rotten child.." You heard your mom saying as she mumbled and cleaned a glass. "Well... geez mom i love you to.." You said sarcastically which made your mom jump out of her tight as she hugged you tight. 

You blinked at her sudden actions but smiled and hugged back. "It wasn't meant towards you dear." You blinked again and was now even more confused as you sit down at the bar and smiled at your mom. They say that if you wanna know how you will look like in the future, you should look at your mom as you thought at the saying it made you laugh. 

"Well.. Who then mom?" Your mother sighed and closed her eyes and opened them again. "Your sisters might join us this winter break.." "Yeah so? that should be good news right?" You got excited by hearing that news. It's been 3 years since you lastly remembered being with your sisters, just warm and cozy as a happy family but after those 3 years.. everything changed so quickly..

Your first sister dated a guy she met at a club, she was basically drunk and well.. they maked out and the guy gave her a ride home. And soon they gotten known each other alot more and they married and so your first sister left.

Your second sister is basically dating a maniac no seriously. The guy creeps you out. They met at the cafe your parents have and he even kidnapped her yet she still agrees to be with the guy for the rest of her life and get a child, yes thats right they have a son!

You sighed thinking about it all and checked your phone. "See it on the bright side.. It won't be the 3 of us this year." Your farther respond as he stood up from the couch as he pecked your forehead and took a seat next to you. "I rather just have it the three of us.." You mumurred soft enough so that they woulden't be able to hear you. 

Your mom sighed and took out two pie's from the oven as they were freshly baked, it dragged your attention as you putted your phone away and watched it. Your mom looked outside and quickly rushed. "Oh! good in time!" She said and packed the first pie in and handed it to you. "Huh?" 

You raised a eyebrow as your mom was ready to explain. "The new neighbors arrived! please be kind as possible and send them this as a welcoming present." She said with a smile as you just nodded and stood up, obeying your mom and putting on some sandals and headed out. 

It's been awhile since you guys had new neighbors. You saw a big truck and boxes outside of their house as you coughed and arrived at the door, you lightly knocked on the door. A boy opened the door which made your jaw drop a little.. he was handsome yet seemed friendly as he smiled at you. 

You snapped out of it as you coughed a little and handed him the pie. "Here, its a welcoming gift my mom made, if you have any troubles or quiestions, don't be afraid to ring our doorbell, we live next to you guys." You said with confidence and pointed at the house next to them as the guy greacefully nodded and understood. 

"Heh, thanks, i bet my parents will be happy with this present. What is it filled with?" "Strawberries." "Nice.. Thanks!" The guy said and greeted you a goodbye and closed the door as you walked off, you dusted off your hands and walked back home. The only thing that was on your head right now was the boys smile. 

First chapter! hope you liked it! See you soon for chapter two! <3

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