Beautiful You

Beautiful You

Dearest Baekhyun,


First things first, forgive me if I missed out any important details. I’m old and my brain don’t function as well as back in the earlier days. Well, I guess you could always hit me in the chest like you did but I ask for you to be a little gentler on me because those aren’t muscles under my chest anymore, haha.


Remember the first day we met? It was raining really hard and I had no umbrella. I couldn’t seek for shelter at any place because no shops wanted to house someone like me; someone who only depended on his old guitar and voice to make a living. But you appeared in front of me like a dazzling angel, holding your umbrella over my head, smiling that beautiful smile of yours. Have I told you how much I loved your smile? It was indeed more splendid than the sun, outshining all the constellations. Compared with light, you take first place, Baekhyun. I remember you told me to rest at your house. You probably might think of it as only a favour, but to me, it meant the world. You were the first person to show such hospitality to me. Nobody accepted me, Baekhyun. Nobody but you.


Remember our first date? I recalled being a little tight on money, but I wanted to have the best date ever together with you. I was afraid you’d leave me. But then you scolded me with that adorable face of yours, saying you do not need any luxuries and that being with me was more than enough. You don’t know how touching your words are to me, Baekhyun. I worked hard, but not enough to buy you a meal in that fancy Italian restaurant, not enough to buy you expensive gifts. You never once complained, and I realized, that no precious stone could stand as your rival, for compared with you, Baekhyun, all gold is a pinch of sand, and beside you, silver ranks as mud.


Remember that day I proposed to you? Oh Baekhyun, you have no idea how long I’ve thought and prepared for that event. I didn’t have that much money, but I did all I could to book a table at that Italian restaurant and I rented a nice tuxedo. I saw how happy you were when I brought you to the restaurant. You have no idea how many times I practiced my proposal in front of the mirror. Thousands of thoughts went through my head. What if he says no? What if he doesn’t really want to be with me after all? But I proposed to you anyway. I was literally sweating buckets when I waited for your reply. At that moment, I thought about what I would do if you really said no. Should I stand and walk away? Should I just pretend like nothing happened? But then you gave me the brightest smile and said yes. Honestly, all of the world’s happiness could not match up to mine. I wanted to just hug you and kiss you right then and there. I found someone I loved more than health or beauty; compared with you, Baekhyun, I held riches as nothing.


Remember our wedding day? I was lucky a big company wanted to hire me. Honestly, I couldn’t have done it without you, Baekhyun. It was a good thing that you told me to look for a stable job to ensure our future and I totally agree with that. After all, I promised you that you would live every day without worrying about not having enough money. I recall standing in front of the altar, with sweaty palms and shaking legs. I remember feeling sorry that it wasn’t a grand ceremony or anything, but you told me it was okay and that being with me for the rest of your life is all that mattered. You are the only one that could ever make me feel this way, Baekhyun. We said our vows and I sweared upon my life that I would never let you suffer in any way, to love you, to cherish you, and only until death do us part. For there is only one way into life, and one way out of it. You brought me back to life, Baekhyun.


Remember our first anniversary? I made it big and I earned enough to get us a trip to Paris. You looked so happy when we arrived, saying you wanted to visit the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Notre Dame and other places I cannot pronounce. Considering it was my first time out of the country, I planned to enjoy the Parisian experience as much as I can but your glowing face and bright attitude stole the show. You looked like a little kid and there was never a day you weren’t smiling or standing still. I was overjoyed seeing you like that, proud of myself for making you so happy. I remember that kiss on the Eiffel Tower. Everything was so perfect, and we were even accompanied by splendid fireworks. Yes, everything was perfect. You’re perfect, Baekhyun.


Remember our first fight? To be honest, it’s not something I want to dwell upon but then it made our relationship even stronger. I swear I did not make the first move. I did not know Mr. Kim looked at me that way. I was caught by surprise when he pinned me against the wall and started kissing me. I tried to push him away but he was too strong because he goes to the gym every day. My heart stopped when I saw you standing at the entrance, holding my lunch box. When you ran away, I wanted to chase after you, but Mr. Kim did not let me go. I felt so useless then, seeing the love of my life go away and unable to do anything about it. You did not allow me in the house that day. You shouted at me, crying, yelling me to leave you alone. You wouldn’t listen to my explanation. I really felt like dying when you said you didn’t want to see me ever again. You could probably live not seeing me but I wouldn’t be able to go on a single day not seeing that smile of yours. I tried every day to make you open the door but you wouldn’t. For a week, Baekhyun, I stayed at the sauna until the owner kicked me out. I felt like the old Chanyeol again, with no place to go. But then you showed up and told me that Mr. Kim had explained everything to you. You said you forgave me and to come back home.


There were a lot of things that you did to put up with me. I’m the happiest when I’m with you, Baekhyun. Sometimes I think to myself how on earth did someone who is so perfect like you get paired up with someone with so many flaws as me. Sometimes I think I don’t deserve you, your love, and your time. But every night you kissed me with so much passion, so much need that I think somehow, you must have loved me as much I love you. I honestly didn’t think we would go through so much together and even after so many decades, you’re still here with me. You still loved me, you still cared for me, you still showed me that smile, you showered me when I couldn’t shower myself anymore, you fed me when I couldn’t feed myself. I must have did something good in my past life to deserve someone like you.


I love you, Byun Baekhyun.


Happy 50th anniversary, my love.


Love, Chanyeol




Chanyeol set his pen down, looking out at the brown and yellow and red leaves floating here and there, gradually falling until they reach the ground. He was at the porch, seating on his wheel chair. He could faintly smell the scent of homemade apple pie and he closed his eyes, slowly taking in the wonderful scent. Chanyeol enjoyed the peace and serenity, until the door opened and Chanyeol hears the voice of his beautiful husband.


“Yeol, what are you doing outside? Do you want to catch a cold?” Baekhyun shouted, hobbling over to where Chanyeol sat with his walking stick. Chanyeol finds it amusing how despite Baekhyun’s appearance, he still had the same energy and radiance in him. Don’t be manipulated by the walking stick.


“That’s why you’re here, Baek.” Chanyeol said, chuckling.


Baekhyun then held up his walking stick and poked Chanyeol’s side. See? Don’t be manipulated by the walking stick.


“I’m not your maid, idiot. Now get inside before the pie gets cold. I can’t push you in because I’m old. Hurry up!” Baekhyun called and Chanyeol watched his husband’s back lovingly as he headed in.


Yes, you are the most beautiful person on earth, Byun Baekhyun.


“I love you, Baekhyun.”


“You know I love you too, old man.”


Baekhyun laughs, and Chanyeol thinks that was the most adorable laugh ever.




A/N: What I came up with in thirty minutes xD

I've been receiving some requests for continuing my Kailu oneshot called 'Until We Meet Again'. If you haven't checked that out and my other works, please do so! (shameless advertising here but oh wellz xD) If a lot of you want an epilogue for UWMA, I might just start writing one (I planned for it to be a one-shot tbh). 

Thanks for reading, lovelies!














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I love this a lot and do expect me to re-read it cause I just love it
TwerkYeol #2
Chapter 1: That was so adorable ≧﹏≦ ... good job author-nim...really loved it
Chapter 1: This is really sweet. 50th anniversary, and their love is still as strong as ever. Beautiful :')
jesselee #4
Chapter 1: Cuteeee ^~^