It's you!?

Dance Dance!
Chapter 2

Days had passed.

*BUZZ* you woke up by the loud noise of the doorbell ringing, you rubbed your eyes, and looked over at your clock by your bed, it was only 2AM, *who can it be at this time?!* you thought to your-self, you got out of the bed, and took on your morning coat and slippers, and left the bedroom.
You reached the hallway and opened the door, you were shocked, in your doorway stood YooChun, he looked at you, “Mainhae, SiYoung-shii, I… I can’t sleep… can I come in?” he asked you with pleading eyes. You looked questioningly at him, “Yeah… Sure, come inside” you said, and showed him the way in, he entered the hallway, you closed and looked the door behind you, and went with him into the living room, “Do you want a cup of tea?” You asked him, he went over to the sofa and sat down, he looked back at you and nodded “Yeah… Thanks SiYoung-shii” he said, you nodded and went into the kitchen.

You wondered what could be wrong with him, he didn’t seem very happy, you were done making the tea, and went back into the living room, YooChun sad with his head buried in his hands, the same instants as you entered the room, he called out your name, “SiYoung-shii…” he said, still with his head in his hands, you slowly went over to him, placed the tea on the table by the sofa, you sat down on your knees, in front of him, and placed on hand on his knee, “What’s wrong…?” you asked hesitant, he looked down at you, it was clearly written in his eyes, that something was bothering him. He shook his head “It’s… ah… I’m sure it’s nothing” he said, paused and then continued “I’m sorry for bothering you with me troubles, SiYoung-shii” he laid a hand on your shoulder, you could see and feel how much it was trembling, you couldn’t help to think what was wrong, and what was bothering him, even though he said it was nothing you didn’t really believe him.

You looked up at him, you could see how hard he was trying to smile, “Shall we watch a movie?” he asked so suddenly, even though you were really tired and had to work later, you still agreed.
You found a movie and started it, minutes passed and suddenly you had fallen asleep.
Suddenly you woke up, the television was still on, and YooChun had fallen asleep right beside you, the clock was already 4:30AM and you were exhausted, you turned off the television, you went into your bedroom and found a blanket and went back into the living room, you covered YooChun with the blanket you found, and turned all the lights off and went back into your bedroom, and went to sleep, only seconds passed and you were in a deep sleep.

“Lolli lolli lollipop Oh neon naui lollipop
Lolli lolli lollipop oh lolli pop pop”

“Ah… what is this.... “ you said to yourself while rubbing your eyes, the music came from the kitchen *I must have forgotten to turn it off yesterday* you thought to yourself, you got out of the bed, you hurried and found your cloth for work, and pulled it all on, you wore a pair of cool slim jeans with worn pieces around the jeans and a classic white top and found your brand new Jacket you had designed yourself, it was a beige coat with creases on the bottom, you found your army looking pumps in the closet, and left the bedroom. You went into the kitchen to turn off the radio, and there you saw YooChun, you realized that you had forgotten all about him, “Good Morning” He said with a broad smile, he was all busy cooking breakfast, you looked over at him and bowed your head “where you going?” he asked, “Work” You just replied, you were still surprised, he walked over to you, grabbed you shoulders and pushed you forward “Well you can’t leave without having breakfast” he ordered, and you sat down by the table.

The both of you now sat by the table enjoying the breakfast, when suddenly the doorbell rang a couple of times, you rose from the table and went out to the hallway and opened the door, JaeJoong stood outside the door the one moment he would stare your door and the next moment the elevator door, “Hey, JaeJoong, what’s the matter?” you asked, he turned around to face you, “Have you seen YooChun..?” he asked and continued “He disappeared last night… and he hasn’t come back yet” he then said with worry in his voice, you smiled with your warm eyes ”Yeah, I have… he’s inside, come in” you said, JaeJoong looked straight into the hallway, the both of you went into the kitchen where YooChun was still sitting quietly and eating.

“WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN…?” JaeJoong suddenly yelled and hit his hand into the table, “WE HAVE BEEN LOOKING ALL OVER FOR YOU… DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED WE WERE!?” he kept on yelling, his usual warm eyes now turned really cold, and you could see the anger and worries in his eyes, it frightened you.
YooChun was shocked by JaeJoong’s action, almost scared, he looked over at you and found you just as frightened as himself, he looked back at JaeJoong and then down the table “I couldn’t sleep… so I came here…” he said sounding all innocent.
“Why didn’t you say so… you made us worry as hell…” JaeJoong complained, “Mianhae… Hyung… you were all exhausted and in such a deep sleep, I couldn’t bring myself to wake you guys up, I’m really sorry Hyung” YooChun apologized, “Aish… It’s okay, just don’t do it again, without leaving a note” JaeJoong commanded and sat down by the table, YooChun just nodded silly, and then there were a long silence in the kitchen, then suddenly “Wait… Did you sleep here then…!?” he asked, but before YooChun could even open his mouth to answer, you answered “Yeah, well he fell asleep on the sofa, while we were watching a movie” you said, JaeJoong looked at you, “Really, why didn’t you wake me up, I also wanted to watch a movie” JaeJoong complained sounding all cute, the three of you started laughing, just a minute ago JaeJoong was really angry, but now his kind hearted heart took over the anger, and now he were more jealous at him then mad at him.

Suddenly your phone started to ring, you picked up the phone, it was your boss from the clothing store, she called to see if you were able to come in earlier because one of the other girls were sick, and they were really busy, you agreed and told her, you would be right there and hung up. “Guys, I need to leave now, they called from work, they need me, the other girl called in sick, and they are really busy” You said to the guys YooChun wasn’t done eating, and JaeJoong had just taken some breakfast too, they looked up at you with pleading eyes “Just stay and finish eating, but remember to close the door probably, see you guys later” you said and smiled, they nodded, you bowed your head and left.
Hours had passed, and you were exhausted, it was pay-day today and the shop could really feel that, you have had so many customers, and so many you had to help with styling tips and much more, it had really been a though day, but you loved your job and you loved fashion so it didn’t matter much. “I’ll see you on Wednesday then” your boss said and smiled “and once again thank you so much for coming in so early”, you bowed “don’t worry, I was planning on meeting early, but then my neighbor had made breakfast, and wouldn’t let me leave until I had eaten” you answered the two of you laughed, you said your final goodbye and left the shop.
You came outside the store the rain was pouring down, you realized you had forgotten your umbrella, you sat at the bench, with a hoodie covering his face, and an umbrella covering for the rain, you stood still for awhile just looking at him, it seemed like he had sat there for a long time, you shook you head and took your jacket over your head, to cover from the pouring rain, and started to run back home, you were about to pass the bench, when suddenly a hand reached out and grabbed your arm, “Did you plan on just leaving me here” a familiar voice said to you, you took a step back to take a closer look at his, but the hoodie covered to much so you lifted it a bit, to your surprise it was YooChun, “You’ve been waiting for me?” you asked and pointed at yourself, he nodded “I figured that you had forgotten your umbrella, so I came by” he then said, a smile spread on your lips, YooChun rose from the bench and held the umbrella over you so you wouldn’t get wet, you took your jacket back on, and the two of you walked back home.

Half way home YooChun suddenly stopped and looked at you “SiYoung-shii… can I ask you something?” He asked, you nodded while pushing him softly in the back, as a sign to keep on walking, you wanted to go home fast because of the rain, “It’s about the packet you got a few days ago… from that guy YooHwan, who is he?” he asked with big curiosity and stopped up again, this time you turned around to face him, “Ah Ricky, Micky’s younger brother? The two of them are my childhood friends, actually they were more like my brothers” you said with a smile “They always looked out for me, I think one of the reasons was because the three of us were all foreigners in another country”. “Ricky” YooChun mumbled to himself and looked down, “Where did you move to?” he asked, “To the US, we lived in Fairfax, ia, I moved there the year before them, and had no friends, but then they came, Ricky and I attended the same class, and it didn’t take long for the three of us to be like family” you said and laughed slightly, he just stood still and nodded.

“Why are you so curios? Did you think it was my boyfriend?” You asked him teasing, he just shook his head, then looked at you “~~~~, don’t you recognize me?” he suddenly said, his word shocked you, you didn’t understand what he meant, he grabbed your hand and looked straight into your eyes “~~~~ I’m Ricky’s brother… Micky… Micky YooChun” he said, “Micky…?” you stuttered, he let go of your hand and reached down his pocket and took up his wallet, he opened the wallet and held out a little, old picture, he showed it to you “See ~~~~, it’s you, Ricky and me, back then, when we were on camping with both our parents” he said, your eyes were filled with tears, but you held them back, or at least tried to, you could see his whole body shivering, you saw a tear slide down his cheek, he took your hand again and pulled you closer to him, then he let go of the umbrella and the rain poured down on the two of you, but it didn’t matter, he pulled you into his arms, and hugged you tightly, you could feel his tears sliding down your neck, even though it was raining heavily, you couldn’t hold your tears back anymore, and let go of them.

You had finally met your brother again, the only one beside Ricky you really trusted, and there were no way to put words on your emotion, you were so happy to have finally met him again.


puuh finally done XD
Hope you like it keke ~~
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New reader here, looks good so far. :)
New reader! Liking it so far! :D
Yeah hehehe finally :P<br />
<br />
New chapter is up, hope you enjoy it ^^
Awwww she finally reunited with him :)<br />
Update soon!!
Love it so far.<br />
Hope you update soon ;) AMD
lookig forward for the first chapter~<br />
update soon please~<br />