
The End

Hi I'm back with another super short one piece. Hope you guys enjoy!



Jong Hyun sighs as he walks into his apartment. He is exhausted. He did the live show for Inkigayo today and right afterwards had a meeting with his company for his next project. He is definitely grateful for all the opportunity that has been coming his way but how he wishes he is on vacation with his girlfriend right now. His girlfriend, Kim Ah Young is currently in Europe with her parents. Jong Hyun misses his ray of sunlight. Usually when he is tired from work she gives him energy to keep going.


After getting ready for bed Jong Hyun checks instagram to if his girlfriend posted anything. To his delight she did. He checks the time and realize that he might be able to skype her if she answers. He tries his luck and Ah Young picked up after a few rings.


“Oppa!” Ah Young practically yelled once she saw his face


“I miss you.” Jong Hyun normally would have been too shy to say such words but he missed her too much not to let her know and god she looked so beautiful.


“Aww I miss you too oppa. Only a few more days before I come back.”  Jong Hyun felt his heart constrict at the thought of having to wait a few more days before she is in his arms. But just knowing that she is having fun and enjoying the vacation with her parents makes him feel a little bit better.


They continued talking until Ah Young needed to go. Jong Hyun quickly fell asleep right afterwards. The next day he woke up early having to go to the beauty salon before heading to promote his movie Enemies in-Law. During the movie promotion he saw a few jjongah couple signs. He loved it even though no one outside of their close friends and family members know about them yet. He honestly is surprised they have not been caught yet since they don’t try to hide it.


Thankfully after the movie promotion he did not have any other schedule. His manager dropped him off. He is planning on going to the gym since he got nothing else to do. As Jong Hyun walked into his apartment he could smell and hear that someone is cooking in his kitchen. It must be his mom. She comes to his apartment from time to time and cook for him even though he constantly tells her that she didn’t need to. As he walks in the kitchen he was about to call out to his mom but stopped when realized that the person cooking isn’t his mom but his girlfriend. Jong Hyun felt his eyes tearing up. He quickly walks to her and hugs her from the back.


“Oppa I didn’t even hear you come in.” Ah Young turns around but he kept his arms around her.


“I thought you weren’t coming back for another few days?” He asked still in shock that she is in front of him.


“Well my parents were feeling homesick and you didn’t seem too well when we skyped yesterday so after dinner we decided to come home early.” Although Jong Hyun is glad she is back he feels bad that Ah Young cut her trip short because of him.




“And I really missed you oppa.” Ah Young added before giving him a quick peck on the lips. Jong Hyun smiles.


“What are you cooking?” Jong Hyun asked


“Tofu soup. I missed Korean food like crazy.” Ah Young answered as she turned around to check on her soap.


“Any plans today?”


“Nope I’m planning on staying here for a bit since I don’t have to go back to work for another week. I even brought over my luggage”


“So I get you all to myself?” Jong Hyun asked as he nuzzled Ah young’s neck


Ah Young turns off the stove before turning around to face Jong Hyun again. “I should go away more often if it means you do more skinship.” Ah Young joked.


Jong Hyun gave Ah Young a mischievous smile before swooping her up “I will show you skinship.” Jong Hyun brought Ah Young to his bedroom. Safe to say Jong Hyun showed her just how much he missed her.   

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Chapter 3: Jjongah why so cute???? ^0^
goguma2228 #2
Chapter 3: I'm glad I found this story. It's 2018 and I still watch their episodes sometimes, I miss them ><. Anyway, I enjoyed reading this story! Thank you for writing jjongah story, author-nim. I hope you can continue to write about jjongah in the future, I'll absolutely read it. Have a good day! <3
Chapter 3: I hope to read more of your Jjongah works in the future. Fighting~
alfsecret #4
Chapter 3: Oh My God I really miss this couple so badly!
And now I imagining how if they're really get together, secretly dating, doing some skin ships :3
Please make another one author-nim :3
_Everlastingfriend #5
gusti_fitri #6
Chapter 3: No more super short stories...... Hope many thing can inspired you to wrote more another one shoot story of jjongah ❤
gusti_fitri #7
Chapter 3: More interesting and love it so much
Debzgurl #8
Loved it! More please.
dee_230208 #9
Chapter 3: Kkkkkk....i would like to say no comments for this short but sweet chapter...
Wish all this is true. I still have faith in them like maybe almost all of jjongaholics out there..
bebangjjong #10
Chapter 2: Daebak!pls write more!!super love it. Love you jjongah