A New Life

Miles Apart

Shortly after take off, I gazed out at the beautiful tokyo skyline; my mind started drifting off to the memories I made just a few hours earlier.


"Whaaaat? Today's your last day already? I could have sworn you had at least a week left." my best friend, Ayumi, pouted.

I heaved a sigh and dropped my head onto my work scattered on my desk, "I don't understand why my mom decided to surprise me after our class trip with this news."

Right when I was starting to speak some decent Japanese and actually have good friends my mother decides that she's tired of living in Japan and wants to go back to our family in Korea. My parents have been seperated for a few years because "my father is a cheating bastard" as my mother says.

But now they have reconciled for reasons unbeknownst to me. I'm really curious as to why they got back together though; my mother isn't the type to just forgive someone who betrayed her. But I guess they would've reconciled sooner or later because it's not like they got divorced, right?

Caught up in my thoughts I was unaware that Ayumi had packed up all my school things until she pulled me out of my seat and out the door. I stared at her in confusion but she just pat me on the head and whispered something about making my last day here count.

We bought a few accessories, sang a couple of songs at a karaoke place, took pictures at a purikura shop, and ended up at Ayumi's house by the time school ended to say our goodbyes.

"Ji~ you better mail me all the time, okay? E-mail, snail mail, whatever! Just keep in touch!!" She said trying to keep a tough facade while shoving a cutely wrapped gift in my hands and then hugged me tightly.

"Ayu... Thank you!! I'll write as soon as I get settled in." I wiped a few stray tears from my eyes and smiled brightly.

As I was about to turn and leave I felt a pat on my head and turned to see the last person I would exchange goodbyes with.

"Hiro, where have you been! Eun Ji is leaving in like two hours." Ayumi scolded her elder brother before reminding herself she had some snack for my trip.

"So... You're leaving already, huh? It seems like you just got here." He smiled with a disappointed look in his eyes.

I nodded and we stood there in silence for a few seconds before he hugged me awkwardly. He let go quickly as Ayumi came back with a bag full of goodies. She hugged me one last time before Hiro patted my shoulder and escorted me to the door.


Once we landed I quickly my phone and started heading toward the assigned baggage claim to see my brother holding a piece of paper with my name messily written on it. It's only been three years, could he really think I forgot him in that time? He didn't look any different in my eyes, just a little taller, a bit pale, a different hair cut and better clothes.

But apparently he didn't recognize me. He scanned the crowd with his eyes around 5 times and he still didn't see me even though I was the only one staring straight at him instead of the moving luggage. Figuring that he had already forgotten me I waved him down and hit him in the arm as soon as noticed me.

"Yah, You can't even recognize your own sister?" I pouted as he hugged me and apologized.

"Well, it has been a long time," He tried defending himself but I just brushed it off and pointed out my bags on the conveyor belt.

Before I knew it we were in his car already half way home.

"So, mom is coming next week?" He tried to make conversation but I ended up sounding uninterested because it was almost 2am and I just wanted to sleep.

"Yeah," I yawned, "She has some last minute things to do for work or something like that..."

I dozed off shortly after.


The next morning I felt something gently nudge my shoulder. "Eun Ji~ Time to get up, we have to go and finalize your transfer at school so you can start tomorrow!"

I waved Sung Gyu's hand away from my should and let out a few small grunts signalling that I was waking up. I rubbed my eyes while slowly sitting up in my bed as he gave me a 15 minute time limit and ran down stairs.

After the realization kicked in I raced to get ready and cursed him under my breath. He was not a person who liked to be kept waiting; he'd definitely leave me if I took too long.

He started to count the remaining 10 seconds in what seemed like slow motion by the open front door. I barely made it out the door at the last half second and dove into the front seat. He looked at my outfit once he got into the car and stifled a laugh.

"You're dressed like that for a meeting with the principal?" Sung Gyu raised his eyebrow at my appearance.

I had my hair in a messy bun and wore my school uniform from Japan with a cardigan, a scarf, leg warmers, high tops, and false lens glasses. I returned his raised brow and said, "I wear this style to school everyday. Maybe I could've picked something better if someone had woken me up earlier!"

"Hey, how do you think you got into bed? You fell asleep in the car and I had to carry you and your luggage to your room. Oppa isn't young like before, you know, and you're not as light as you used to be." He laughed as I hit him.

"Yah, it's called growing up, Oppa. It has been three years." I smiled at this. I haven't called anyone Oppa in a long time. And joking around with Sung Gyu made me feel like I haven't even been gone that long.

Once we arrived at the school he took me to the teacher's office and told me he'd meet me for lunch. He gave me his room number and new cell phone number before running off with another teacher shortly after the bell rang.

I checked in with the secretary and she motioned me to sit as she went into the next room to check on things. As she entered a tall boy exited with a michevious look on his face. As I analyzed his physique he caught me staring and when our eyes met he smile and threw out a wink before walking out.

"Baek Eun Ji?" The lady called from inside the principal's room and caught me off guard. Quickly, I scrambled to my feet and entered the room taking a seat in front of the principal's desk as I was instructed and waited for her to finish reading my file.

"Well, everything seems to be in order, Ms. Baek Eun Ji. Welcome to our academy, I hope you'll find everything to your liking, and I will call over a few of the student council to give you a tour of the school grounds." She said with a pleasant smile and handed my schedule to me.

I bowed curtiously and thanked her for taking time to meet with me. As soon as I got out of her office I was greeted with two smiling faces. Gong Chan Shik also know as Gong Chan, a first year and offical greeter, and Lee Jung Hwan or San Deul, a second year and student council secretary.

"So, Gong Chan and I will show you around. What was your name again?" The elder said.

"Baek Eun Ji." I smiled.

They started to fill me in on a lot of things that go on in the school, all the different groups, and how important it is to get into a specific thing. They were talking ten times too fast for me to keep up considering I spent so much of the last three years speaking Japanese (except to my mom). So I kind of just nodded a lot and tried getting the gist of it all.

"So, this is the student council room. We have the president, Jung Jin Young's office, and vice president, Shin Dong Woo aka CNU who is currently not in..." San Deul told me scratching the back of his head.

"But, our treasurer Cha Sun Woo is in and is more than happy to meet new potential supporters of our student council." Gong Chan said in an almost announcer like voice.

"You can call me Baro, and have you seen the latest proofs of our president Jin Young? We have different sets to fit your tastes, set A is a cutesy theme while set B is more of a cold, confident look." He flipped the whiteboard over to reveal a whole layout of photos labeled by positions.

I raised my brow in confusion at the people around me. I thought the student council were supposed to be here to guide the students and make the year a lot more fun. Not to take advantage of their good looks and make money off of it, right?

"You're scaring our transfer student." A voice said from behind.

I turned to face the boy in all of the pictures as he dropped a folder on Baro's desk. "Seriously," He took off his glasses and rubbed his temple, "How many times have I told you to stop selling pictures of our student council members?"

His sharp eyes glared at the treasurer and as Baro was about to answer the bell rang saving him as he quickly scurried out to pick up lunch. Seconds after that my phone buzzed and a message from Sung Gyu popped up telling me to meet him. I apologized to the members and took the map of the school out trying to find the Cafe to meet Sung Gyu.

As I wandered the halls I ran past a small group that stood out from all the other students. Their uniforms were messy, had a lot of accessories, and their hair didn't all fit the standard dark colors. I thought I recognized one of them, but I had no time to go back and chit chat.

I finally found Sung Gyu and took out the papers I receieved after my tour and started sorting it out with him.

"Well, what should I do?" I asked him while going through all the applications.

He just stuffed his face with food and shrugged, "Well... Since it's still early in the year they have club fairs three times a week. You can find something you like there?"

I decided to just go home early and sleep on it. Since tomorrow is my first day, it seems like I'll need a lot of rest to be able to keep up with this school. 

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