


“Doesn't this look cute on me, hyung?”


“Ugh, that’s what you said the last three times. Can’t you say anything else?”


Taehyung pouted.

“Are you ready to go home or something?”

Yoongi sighed.


“Fine, let me just buy this and then we’ll leave, ok?”


“Wow! A new word!”

Yoongi glared at his boyfriend.

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i scream you scream we all scream for ice cream


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Chapter 3: Funny :)
Chapter 8: Ahah this one is Nice too
Chapter 5: This one is adorable
Oh godddd you are an amazing fanfiction author.... I just looove all your fics and can't wait for more... these drabbles are just so amazing and i'm like crying with the feels here
gaemgyu245 #5
Chapter 10: there is no such thing as enough taegi in this lyfe<3
Vivihyung #6
Chapter 10: YAAAS for more Taegi <3 Thanks for the update! (:
bebecea #7
Chapter 10: nice but too short :)
Vivihyung #8
Chapter 6: All of these seem like they could be the start of awesome one-shots but they're also perfect just the way they are c: Thanks for the update!
Vivihyung #9
Chapter 5: Aww short and sweet >.< Can't wait to read more! I love all these small taegi moments <3 Thanks for creating this :D
Taegi~~~~ <3<3<3<3<3