Yuri's Specialty

Fated Destiny

“MWO?!” Jonghyun said. “REALLY?!”

“Check for yourself if you don’t believe.” Yoona said.

Jonghyun stood up and started walking to the backyard.

Hssss. Taeyeon thought while wondering about something. I forgot where Sica is now. Where is she again? She thought.

She then looked at the way to the backyard. Ah! Sica’s at the backyard! Taeyeon thought. Andwae! I can’t let him get to the backyard!

“Aniya!” Taeyeon shouted.

They all looked at her.

“Wae?” Jonghyun asked.

“It’s just that…” Taeyeon started to talk, then bowed her head and thought of something. “Ah!” She said then raised her head back up. “What if Yuri sees you? She might just grab you and bury you alive.”

Jonghyun looked at the way to the backyard and shivered.

“Unnie, Yul unnie won’t do that.” Seohyun said.

“How do you know?” Taeyeon asked her.

“Unnie has hated a lot of guys before, she has also dug a few holes at our backyard and had made a list of names to be buried, but she’s never actually buried anyone.” She replied.

“Yeah, but like, she hates these guys the most.” Taeyeon said while pointing at the boys. She then looked at them. “No offence.”

“Unnie.” Seohyun said with a poker face. “She won’t do it.”

“You think so?” Taeyeon asked.

“I don’t think so, Unnie. I know so.” She replied. “She’s my sister after all.”

“Wait, she’s your sister?!” The boys asked.

The rest of the girls remaining in the living room, Yoona, Seohyun and Taeyeon, looked at them.

“Yeah.” Seohyun said. “Didn’t you know? I’ve been calling her unnie.”

“You call all of them unnies.” Minho said.

Seohyun looked at Taeyeon. Taeyeon sighed. She then looked at Jonghyun, who’s now not in his spot.

Taeyeon looked at Seohyun and Yoona and then sighed again and facepalmed herself.

Jonghyun made his way to the backyard.

When he reached the backyard, he saw Sooyoung and Jessica stopping Yuri from digging.

“Ya! Yuri-ah! Kumane!~” [kumane = stop it] Jessica said.

“No! I am going to bury those boys alive!” Yuri said.

“Aish. Sooyoung-ah.” Jessica said while looking at Sooyoung. Sooyoung then faced Jessica. Jessica then shook her head once to the direction of the house. “Go get Seohyun.”

“Ah, nae!” Sooyoung said and then let go of Yuri and then ran to the house to get Seohyun.

“Yuri-ah! We’ll die if you bury them alive!” Jessica kept on trying to stop Yuri.

“I don’t care. At least they’ll die first.” Yuri replied while continuously digging. “No one will know I buried them alive. I’ve learnt a lot from you and Taeyeon, you know.”

“What?” Jessica said, still trying to stop Yuri from digging.

“Sica, you’re business where you can get rid of people and not leave any witnesses or evidences gave me a lot of ideas of how to get rid of those boys.” Yuri said.

“Ya! It’s just a story that everyone at school in Australia reads!” Jessica said. “They’re not real!”

“Yeah, but how you do it at the story are really amazing!” Yuri replied.

Aish. Jessica thought.

Sooyoung just then came out of the house with Seohyun and her guitar.

Jessica then looked at Seohyun and noticed Jonghyun behind her. Jonghyun then saw her looking at him and they made eye contact. Jessica broke it first and focused on stopping Yuri from digging instead.

“Seohyun-ah, start.” Sooyoung told Seohyun.

Seohyun then started singing.


While Seohyun was singing, the second Yuri heard her voice, she stopped and looked at Seohyun. Then at Sooyoung and then at Jessica.

When Seohyun noticed that Yuri has calmed down, she stopped singing. Yuri then looked around with a little frown on her face.

“Did I…?” Yuri said.

“Let your anger take over you?” Jessica interrupted. “Yeah.” She said while nodding.

Yuri then looked at her hands and saw herself holding a shovel. She then looked over to the hole she was digging. She dropped the shovel.

Jessica grabbed the shovel and started putting back the dirt or earth that’s been dug up back to the hole.

When she has finished, she pushed Yuri inside the house, completely just passing by Jonghyun.

When they reached the living room, everyone looked at them.

Yuri is staring straight, she’s frozen.

Jonghyun has then just returned from backyard, through the kitchen and just to the living just a few meters behind Jessica and Yuri.

“Mission accomplished.” Jessica said then did two-thumbs up with a smile on her face.

Taeyeon and Yoona sighed in relief.

Yuri then finally sighed. “Okay, I’m sorry I went overboard.” She said.

She then ran into the kitchen.

“Ya! Is she going to start digging again?!” Minho asked.

“No, she’s going to the kitchen.” Taeyeon said. This is because, to get to the backyard, you’ll have to go through the kitchen.

“Nobody goes in here!” Yuri yelled from the kitchen.

“Ya! It’s the kitchen!” Minho said. “It’s filled with knives!”

"Why are you worried?!" Yoona asked.

Minho cleared his throat. "I... I'm not." Minho said, looking away.

“Relax.” Yoona said. “Yuri is not like that. Just let her be and don’t go in the kitchen.”

“But what if-”

“Just.” Yoona interrupted. She then sighed. “Let her be. She’s not going to do anything bad or something. Whenever this thing happens to her, she always goes to the kitchen. And we just let her be.”

“You seem to know a lot about each other.” Nichkhun wondered.

“Of course. We grew up together. Practically in the same house.” Taeyeon said.

“Wait, I need to get my camera.” Jessica just then said out of the blue. She then ran upstairs to her room.

“Why does she need her camera now?” Leeteuk asked.

“Seohyun-ah!” Yuri yelled from the kitchen. “Taeyeon-ah! Sica-ah! Yoona-ah! Sooyoung-ah!”

“Yep, we should go to the kitchen now.” Taeyeon said. “Come.” She told the boys.

“Why?” Leeteuk asked.

“Just come.” Taeyeon replied.

When they reached the kitchen… the boys’ eyes almost popped out and their jaws almost dropped.

They saw the counter table, the really massive counter table, was filled with food, it was filled with delicious looking food.

“Y-you made all this?” Minho asked.

“Hm-hm.” Yuri said while nodding, with a smile on her face.

“Waah~ How’d you do this that fast?” Minho asked, amazed.

“Yuri’s hobby is cooking.” Taeyeon said.

Hmmm… A girl who likes cooking? Kind of reminds me of someone. Key thought. But she’s the type of girl Minho likes, isn’t she?

Jessica then came to the kitchen, went pass through the boys, including Jonghyun, without even a single sign of nervousness and took a picture of the counter table with all the food.

They then tasted what Yuri made.

“Ya~” Key said. “Baa!” [baa = delicious]

“This is amazing!” Leeteuk said. “Waah~”

They all finished their food in amazement.


Why is she acting like nothing happened? Jonghyun thought.

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Chapter 1: please update soon
exotaeng9 #2
Chapter 14: Update soon
Chapter 13: Soowon~~~~
Annalise93 #4
@SooGen: Don't worry. I decided to change the way I update anyway >_<
more more..hehe
joycelee_1996 #7
seokyuuuu :)
Annalise93 #8