The Chat

I'm a Loner

" Why do you have all those braces?"  Luhan asked me. 

"I was born prematurely so m spine wasn't complete and I can't walk without them." I explained. 
"Oh" Luhan said. "Have you ever tried?" He asked. 
"Tried what."
"Walking without your leg braces."
I thought for a moment. "No."
"Try then." Luhan said. 
"What? How?"
"I'll help you" he said as he unstrapped my braces and held out his hand.
I looked at it for a moment ten took it.  He slowly pulled me up and I was almost standing when my knees buckled and I fell flat on my face. Not a great start. 
I thought Luhan was going to help me up but he walked to the other side of the room and sat down. "What are you waiting for? Get up." He said. 
"Luhan I can't. It's impossible without any support helping me." I say. I try anyways. First I roll over to my back and sit up. Then I try holding onto the bed and I slowly make my way onto my feet.  
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sousou2222 #1
Chapter 1: I like this story plz continued for me plz