The Other Side


People fall in love in so many ways. Everyone will always have a faller. It’s inevitable. For Jungkook, it came in the form of the girl in their school bus. How she lingered in his mind after he noticed her at the opposite end. How boring and unspectacular that time was. How she and him were always the ones left at the back every time. Questions started to go on and on in his mind. After all their silent rides together, it wouldn’t be as hard to approach her, right?


A story about love itself and how it springs and blooms inside the hearts of many. Gradually. Constantly.




I jolted awake when I heard a loud whisper of swears. I looked to my right and saw her fiddling with her phone. Suddenly, she stood up and slowly walked to the aisle to the driver. Even though it was quite shaky, she had managed to reach the very end. I couldn’t quite hear the whole lot of their conversation, but it seems that there was an emergency because the bus came to an immediate halt. The girl went down looking worriedly while clutching her phone in hand and ran rapidly. Then the bus started moving again until she came out of my point of view.


That’s the last time I’ve seen her for the past weeks. She’d been away for quite a long time now and I don’t know when I’ll see her again or ever hear from her again. I could've sworn that I should've gone down and went after her, but what else could I do? 


I don’t know why her existence influences me just like that. Or why she’s the one I’m mentioning right now instead of other people. Why would I be talking about just a girl in a bus in the first place, right? I’d be very glad to tell you about her while I wait here in my same spot in this boring vehicle for the same person over again.




This is a work of fiction. I do not own anything except the story itself and the OCs. I wish I owned BTS but nah. Anything that feels too disoriented with reality is just an effect of fiction. For example, school buses! IDK if there are even school buses in SK as most of the students go by public transportation, but let's pretend that it does for the sake of everything. 


As this is a foreword and most forewords do have other notes for the story. Well somewhat. Like how "The Lord of the Rings" had this long prologue that basically explains everything that happened in "The Hobbit". But this is not "The Lord of the Rings" so what gives? Anyway before I get out of context, I 'd just like to say that I had this idea pop in my head when I was riding home from school and there was the night sky and the traffic and everything else that's unpretty for some. I was really bored, so I kinda imagined this nonexistent Jungkook sitting there on the car singing "Lost Stars," because the mood was so fitting. That's it.


PS. I wrote this so the foreword would be a little longer. It's too damn short!


RATING: PG13. Contains curse words that may sound a bit off for some.

Lol sorry masabaw nakakabad-trip lels XD


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Chapter 8: Well someone loves jumping to conclusion and being an now, doesn't he?
iluvberrytart #2
Chapter 7: I love minjung's character because she is not a hopeless damsel in distress that falls in love with the male lead instantly. She has a very interesting personality and also not a total badass that tries to look or act all tough. Love where this story is going and looking forward to the next update!!!!!