
You make me strong but I'm drowning in you

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The next day...

Returning to school took a lot of courage but it was not like he had a choice. His parents never did truly believe he was bullied. Their perfect son- smart, beautiful, capable and sociable. Their impression of him remained outdated. He had changed and they were not the least bit aware due to busy schedules.

Hongbin had lost his one confidant with the move. His grandmother would always be the one to encourage and console him yet he is all alone now. She had taught him the ways of a peace lover and so he had adopted the strife-free approach wholeheartedly yet he needed to learn to survive his tormentors. Matured beyond his age, Hongbin is never the kind to play truant because of silly matters like that anyway so he survived any ways he could.

Being a mild person who never fights back, he used to be so bloody good at debates. He could stand up for himself but he was too exhausted even for that. High school would pass soon enough, he just needed to stay low as well as remain strong and resilient.

Migrating to the other end of the classroom just so he can avoid being near the mere presence of the rowdy bunch, his plans to secluded himself was brought up by another notch. They did not even realise that he was there. Not until the end of the first lesson anyway.

Simply sweeping all the stationeries and books on his desk into his bag without a care for orderliness, Hongbin ran and he ran fast. This is just a phase and so he told himself. No looking back, not even to study at the library. He needed a literature badly but that can wait until he is more settled. He hated his own cowardice. It's as shameful as if he was actually being tormented.

Walking pass the mobile phone store just a little south of the school, Hongbin spotted Taekwoon inside. He was simply standing quietly in a corner while a bunch of incredibly good looking jocks fooled around him. They were obviously browsing through a phone catalogue and it hit Hongbin that he still owed his saviour a phone.

His saviour did not look particularly interested and before a phone model was even decided on, he was out of there. "Yah get your back in here Jung Taekwoon! How are we going to contact you without a damn phone?" The one with the most vivacious character half whined as he follows Taekwoon out.

"That's the whole point. So that you don't get to call me at 3am in the morning." Taekwoon responded with zero passion and expression.

Hongbin was not aware that he is rooted to the same spot and staring. It was too late and by the time he had realised, he was in the way. Taekwoon had stopped in front of him for a mere second, side eyeing him coldly before banking left and sauntering off. The other high school senior wearing the name tag "Cha Hakyeon" did not seem to mind the treatment he was receiving and continued his mostly one sided bantering.

"I'm so sorry about your phone!" Bowing a good ninety degrees, Hongbin almost shouted as soon as Taekwoon has his back turned towards him. His sudden outburst for an apology caught both the senior students off guard but before anyone could reply, Hongbin is scooting off in the opposite direction.

Reaching home and digging out all of his savings together with an advance of one month worth of allowance from his parents, Hongbin managed to return to the shop just before it closes. Getting the exact model that Taekwoon was using, Hongbin could feel regret overwhelming him almost instantaneously. How would he pass it to his saviour? That would his next challenge.


The next day...

The canteen was crowded as ever by the time Taekwoon managed to make his way there. Hakyeon had been a pain by insisting on discussing the recruitment drive details when he was starving to death. However, as the leader, he is at least expected to be present.

Hakyeon used to be leader of the club but had since decided to abandon the role to moonlight at the school radio station as dj. Taekwoon had quarrelled with him multiple times over his decision but threw in the towel since he could not allow the swim team to be disbanded just because there was no leader.

They have only just managed to make it to the national levels in the competition last year after all and though Taekwoon was formally from the soccer team, he had since given up his passion for the ball to continue running the swim team. He never regretted his decision. He may love soccer, boxing and composing music fervently but he loved the water just as much.

Lost in his own thoughts as well as the rowdy play between the two obviously gay for one another members namely Ravi and Ken, Taekwoon found his eyes fixated on a familiar figure seated at the furthest end of the cafeteria. The person is alone with ear pieces plugged in and face mask firmly in place and Taekwoon found himself wandering over subconsciously in an attempt to get a closer look at the pair of eyes he found so alluring.

They were so full of mystery but mostly sadness. Backing away quickly from the figure just as the other stands in preparation to leave, Taekwoon slinked back into his own seat. The latter seemed to be looking for something or someone as he scans the packed canteen as well so Taekwoon pretended to be minding his own business, yet his fingers are twitching as he finally settles down in the seat Hakyeon had managed to source for them.

Feeling a pair of eyes fixated on the back of his head, Taekwoon busied himself with his shoe laces. The person he had saved is definitely nearby since he can see him approaching from the corner of his eye. Incredibly cautious as the latter seem to hesitate, Taekwoon can't help but feel extremely conscious about himself as a result. He may look capable of chewing up bunnies alive but he is in truth, pretty harmless.

Feeling a pair of hands stuffed down his hind pocket, Taekwoon spun around expecting to find Hakyeon pulling off an immature prank but all he got was a paper bag shoved into his chest. His 'assailant' left just as soon as he came and Taekwoon would have caught up with him had he not been assigned to guard the table.

Watching Hongbin disappear through the cafeteria door, Taekwoon subconsciously reaches into his pocket and pulls out the content within. A letter and a lollipop. Opening the paper bag gingerly, Taekwoon is feeling incredibly burdened all of a sudden to see the exact same model of his deceased mobile phone within.


A day later...

It is a wonderful afternoon. The sun is high up in the sky and the rooftop is empty. There is wind but the velocity is fine. The gentle breeze and surprisingly scenic view of the soccer field from the top is what Taekwoon loved about this part of the building.

The privacy he gets is a plus point. Hakyeon hated the sun so tanning there with Taekwoon was a big no-go. The senior student can finally concentrate on reading the letter.

There is nothing much written on the crumpled piece of paper. Just some stuff about how he is greatly appreciated for saving the latter’s life. Taekwoon could not help but smile a little at the neat handwriting and occasional use of “:)”. His name is Hongbin and Taekwoon mouthed the name repeatedly before popping the lollipop back into his mouth.

The candy is cappuccino flavoured and Taekwoon wondered briefly how the latter knew he loved coffee. He knows he is being watched but he only knew since he was also watching Hongbin. He could not help himself. Hongbin simply did not seem like the type to be so downcast and reclusive. The way he would cover his beautiful face and bow his head wherever he went made Taekwoon feel a queer bit of sadness.

Scribbling some words of encouragement on a piece of paper he had casually ripped from Hakyeon’s notebook:

"Look up so that you may see when they are coming. Look straight so that you may be able to face them. Tighten your fists so that you may punch. Lead. Cross. Hook. Uppercut. Use them well!

Those guys deserve every bit of pain they are gonna get.”

Then, making his way to Hongbin's classroom and slipping the note between the workbook stashed beneath the desk, Taekwoon is tempted to head to the back and throw some punches at the bunch of bastards who had dumped Hongbin into the pool but who is he to interfere?


The following day was a great day for Hongbin. Taekwoon's pretty much violent filled reply was something he hadn't expected but the words meant a lot to him. It was as if someone finally saw that he is miserable. Someone feels angry for him. Someone is encouraging him to stand up for himself in a different way. This thought itself did wonders for his taunted soul.

Hiding the precious note in his wallet, Hongbin smiled for the first time in ages. Dimples sinking in deep beneath the mask. Picking up his pen and writing a short reply, Hongbin folded the paper and slipped it into an envelope.

Making his way to the pool as soon as school is over, Hongbin is looking forward to seeing Taekwoon. The person who had saved him did more than just saving him that day. He represents a form of emboldening and Hongbin is feeling a lot less lonely just knowing that Taekwoon had acknowledged his situation. He needs to stop victimising himself if he wants anything to change at all.

Hongbin was almost skipping too happily for his own good but all mirth was lost the moment he hears the all too sickeningly familiar voice of his new arc enemy. "Happy? Going for a swim? It seems to us like you enjoyed the swim." The voice sounded deafening.

Stiffening as he watches the duo approach him with apprehension, he is quietly thankful that there are only two of them today. A voice inside his head is egging him to pull some serious punches today if they were to try pushing him into the water again. It's not as if he did not stand a chance. They are no doubt bigger in stature than he is but he could take them out with the four basic punches he had been secretly learning online ever since Taekwoon mentioned them.

Standing upright, Hongbin struggled with the temptation to run but quickly decided he would face them squarely. He had been a pushover in the past but he will no longer tolerate anyone trying to harm him. Not to the extent of wanting to murder him at least. He did not deserve this kind of treatment. He had sacrificed enough. Too much in order to avoid attracting the attention of any bullies in this new school. He knows had tried his best so he will not go down without a fight this time, not especially after Taekwoon had inspired him to stand up for himself.

He was stupid to think anyone would be able to help him in the past. Waiting for someone to see that he was in pain and deliver him from his suffering. Why hadn't he thought of fighting it out with the bunch from before? Bygones will be bygones. What is important is now. What he does now will determine if he gets to pass the rest of his days in peace or in fear and misery.

“Right hook!” Punching the leader square in the face the moment the man reaches for him, Hongbin elbowed the other latter in the gut as hard as he could. “Uppercut!” Not allowing the main bully to reel from the nosebleed, Hongbin punched him in the jaw again while chanting the moves like they were magic spells.

Stomping on the feet of the other bully who now has him in a tight hold, Hongbin punched him in the jaw as well. Nevertheless, his victory is short-lived. They were obviously used to fist fights and Hongbin ended up being the one on the receiving end pretty quickly.

Grabbing Hongbin by the hair and dragging him over to the pool from where they are at the exit, Hongbin screamed and shouted like a nutcase for the first time in his life. He can hear his own desperation and helplessness yet the adrenaline is making him numb to the fear. He sounded angry as well and that is not necessarily a bad emotion.

Then it all stopped. He anticipated being dunked into the water and was fully prepared to pull the bigger student along with him but nothing happened. It was as if time had stopped and the vice like grips on his bicep and hair is gone instantaneously.

"No one is dying in my pool. Not the other day. Not today." The prominent voice was soft but low instead of the usual airy. This time, the threat in it is real and dripping malice.

"Mind your own business you son of a . I suggest you walk away while you still ca." Blood is everywhere before the bully could finish his sentence. On Hongbin's shirt. Splattered across the life buoy hanging nearby.

Taekwoon had begun punching the living daylight out of the duo like a professional boxer and that was probably the most magnificent sight Hongbin had ever beheld. It's not that he liked gore or was particularly into blood fest but the duo got what they deserved and more. Taekwoon delivered and sent the pair half running half crawling out of the complex in a matter of minutes.

A hand then rested on Hongbin and his epistaxis was wiped from beneath his nose by a big warm thumb. His ears are still ringing from where the other bully had punched him but the pain did not matter anymore when another hand worked its way there as well to rub off the blood dribbling from his bleeding ear canal.

"Idiot." Taekwoon grunted. "Why did you come back here?" The senior student remarked and Hongbin simply continued to stare into his god-like face. Hongbin would have otherwise gotten down and started to worship Taekwoon and the ground he walked on if he hadn't remembered the reason for coming to the pool at the first place.

Pushing the now bloodied and crumpled letter into Taekwoon's hands, Hongbin was going to run off but the same pair of strong hands are now on his shoulders holding him back. Proceeding to read the letter aloud in a strained voice, the bigger latter was muttering as if talking to himself. “Thank you for your encouragement. I will do well from now on so you wouldn’t need to pull me out of the pool again.”

Staring at Hongbin with the most poker of face, Taekwoon fished the new phone out of his pocket and placed it on the side bench. Then, stripping off his uniform top revealing the endless broad shoudlers and muscular biceps beneath, the latter grabbed Hongbin by the wrist and pulled him into the water.

Yelling on his way down, Hongbin could feel his heart threatening to pop right out from his throat. However, as soon as he hit the water, Taekwoon's strong arms are around his waist keeping him afloat. Reassuring pats to his lower back to calm him down so that he did stop struggling. Taekwoon is slowly guiding him with his feet, parting the tensed lower limbs and steering them to move in repeated circular motions.

"Now tread." Taekwoon whispered into his ear and Hongbin flinched.

"I can't!" Panicking as soon as Taekwoon lets go of him, Hongbin started to cling onto the bigger latter. However, instead of bringing him to safety, they started to stray further and further away from the side of the pool. Hongbin started to contemplate letting go of Taekwoon altogether and making a break for the railings but his joints are not cooperating.

Watching the distance between him and safety grow, Hongbin let out an adorable squeal and Taekwoon found himself unable to control his facial muscles from moving upwards into a smile. "Please! I won't come back here anymore!" Pleading for Taekwoon to spare him whatever he was planning on doing, his pleas fell onto deaf ears.

"Tread." Taekwoon ordered him once more and hooked a leg around Hongbin's leg manipulating it into moving. The latter finally followed the instructions and it took him merely a few tries to finally be able to stay afloat by himself. Taekwoon had almost clapped on seeing Hongbin finally buoyant. The next step is teaching him to swim but that can wait. Hongbin must be tired. It's been a long day after all.

"Come find me here. Tomorrow evening." “You will never drown again even if you lose the fight.”

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Leobinship #1
Chapter 4: This is the most fluffy and sweet story! )))))))))))
Chapter 4: You made me feels so many feels and I'm drowning in you
Chapter 4: This is sooo beautiful..seriously leobin are too much angelic pure beautiful partner^^
Chapter 4: Good lord how is English not your mother tongue and you write THIS well I have so much appreciation for you rn istg I love you and your stories so much
Chapter 4: I wanted to write about something like this since the LR interview, but seems like you beat me to it hahah. I loved every single chapter. the build up and how damaged hongbin was and how much Taekwoon saved him. and also, how it wasn't pressing anything and going with the flow. it was so perfectly written, along with the intriguing back story to both characters and the actions on their behalves. I loved it!!
Altariaaa #6
Chapter 4: It was really cute :33
Chapter 4: It was a really interesting read. It was visually stunning and the characters were cute ;)
Chapter 4: I love it!!!! So sweet and cute.
I'm glad that Taekwoon not only saved Hongbin but also taught him to fight for himself. I totally agree with Taekwoon.
I'm drowning too. In your fic. Save me! LOL
Thanks a lot. Upvote indeed
Momoleee #9
Chapter 4: This was soo well written and sweet!! Ahh thankyou~ you did an amazing job!!!
Chapter 3: I am loving this story. I really really like that Taekwoon is not only protecting Hongbin but that he's teaching him to protect himself. And I'm very glad Hongbin is finding his old self back. Good job!