things you said over the phone

things you said

Minwoo stuck to his words, a lot better than I would like him to. I fiddled with my phone and caved in after two months of no contact.


I found myself beaming at his voice, suddenly losing my own.

"Hello? Hello?"

I tried finding my words but lost them in the myriad of English. Trying my best not to alarm him, I quickly repeated after him. "Hello."


I tried not to shudder at my name. I haven't heard him call me for so long.

"...sorry." I coughed out, knowing he was patiently waiting for me to pick up on the silence. "I wanted to hear your voice."

"Is that so?" He spoke lightly, his voice so soothing as usual.

"How are you doing?" I asked, laying flat on my bed to concentrate on his voice.

"I'm doing well." He replied simply.

"Keep talking, I want to hear you."

"My day's just about started, I woke up late since it's a Saturday." He spoke, the melody in his voice so calming. "I had breakfast with my parents and am now studying with a cup of coffee in the café near my house."

"When are your exams?"

"About two more months." He replied.

"You drink coffee?"

"I started, yes."

I couldn't be happy about remembering he didn't drink coffee when I realised he was changing in my absence.

"It's bitter but it helps me strengthen my resolve to study. Everytime I get distracted, I punish myself with a big gulp." Minwoo chuckled cutely.

I miss him.

"The cakes here are pretty nice." He added as if recommending it to me. "So when I do a good day of work, I'd buy some as dessert."

So, so much.

"..." I couldn't speak, tears falling too fast for me to stop them and gather my thoughts.

"...I think I'm doing very well though. I'm preparing really early compared to my peers and I did very well on a mock quiz earlier this week."

I was screaming at myself to say something, knowing Minwoo was ranting off because I wasn't picking up on the silence. But I couldn't find the words.

I want to see him.

I want to touch him.

I want to hold him.

Did he want to do the same?

"Oh, there is a little puppy that hangs around my neighbourhood and it resembles you."

"Minwoo..." I heard myself barely coughed out, shaky voice giving away my current state.

"...don't say it."

I choked on my words, frightened by his sudden change of tone.

"Is there anything else? Because if not, I'll be hanging up."

Minwoo was distant.

But just a few seconds ago he was telling me all about his day like I've always been-

Like I've always been there.

"...n-no." I stuttered, tears falling.

"Okay. Goodbye then."

I winced, the goodbye sounding more definite than I remembered it to be.

"And don't call me again. The next time you do, call me with the news saying you're coming back."

I dropped my phone as the call ended, my home screen of us two mocking me as I cried.

Minwoo...I miss you.


Thank you for the two comments :D!
Dun dun, this is the angsty arc XD

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Meanietrashdotcom #1
Chapter 53: Finally ;__; oh my gawd. they've been through those hard times, those obstacles, and end up with their marriage ;____;
Happy DongWoo shipper is in the house ;__; oh my gawd.
Thank you so much. You've worked so very really hard!! Hope for more DongWoo from you. Thank you thank you thank you!!!
ciahyun89 #3
Chapter 53: waaaah!! part 2 please author-nim^^
Chapter 53: I'll post an author's note here because I like that the story ended at 50 and I don't want to break that number lolz.
Thank you everyone for following this story whether or not from the start or midway on!
I hope you guys liked it and it was a little new for me to write in POV for an entire story but I managed somehow (although the was super embarrassing 'cause I'm like "I this this, I that that" and it was just really embarrassing lolz.

Since it's Donghyun's POV there are some questions unanswered so if you're just curious about Minwoo's side you can ask me and I'll answer them ^^
Chapter 50: I almost burst into tears. Idk how it's gonna go but rite now you let em meet and I'm happy as .
I love you. Omg.
ciahyun89 #6
Chapter 48: darn!!! why! tears almost spill in my eyes!!
Chapter 48: kkk I was writing the thing that i mentioned in my inbox and this came in like a wrecking ball and set those ing tears to my eyes omg omg
it hurts ing hurts ahuhuhuu :((( how dare him said those kinda painful words? ; ;
Chapter 46: I just had Americano. and yeh, I shouldnt either. the double updated chapters are bitter enough.
3 prompts to go ; ;
Chapter 44: Oh no... Donghyun really suffered... A lot. Minwoo, please realize something is off...
Chapter 44: the last 2 lines of the story brought tears to my eyes.
he must have been suffered. but he must still be loving Minwoo a whole lot, despite whatever he said...