
things you said

I pressed further back against the sofa, Minwoo kneeling with knees on either of my side as he pushed closer. Our lips were locked tight, his body squirming violently everytime I fought away his tongue.

I held his waist down, one hand sliding up his back to hold his neck. I wasn't about to let this boy dominate this kiss.

He breathed heavily against me as we tilted our heads the other direction in hopes of a proximity closer than before, and something in me snapped.

I growled, pressing hasty kisses against his chin and down his neck.

He whined softly, mouth agape to gasp for air.

the sensitive skin around his collarbone, I bit down with a smirk. This was going to show if he picks out the wrong clothing for the day.

"Ngh..." Minwoo mewed, the melodious sound-

I jerked back, widening my eyes at Minwoo's state. Disheveled hair, stretched t-shirt and very flushed. He leaned against me and panted, cupping my face as he puckered his lips once more.

"No." I pushed him to the side as I stood up, running to the bathroom.

"What?" Minwoo yelled from the outside. "Bastard, what's wrong with you?"

I gritted my teeth to bite back a groan. Minwoo was a minor, but I was all about to lose control and take him there and then.

I watched my tented pants and let my hand slide over it-

"." I cursed. I was harder than I thought. "Minwoo, I'm feeling nauseous."

"Nauseous? What?" Minwoo yelled back in disbelief. "Wait, really?"

"Yeah, could you make it home yourself?"

"I'll get you medicine!"

"No." I bit my lower lip, undoing my pants as it throbbed painfully. "I'll feel better but I need some time to myself."

Minwoo probably stood outside, unconvinced, but I was dying for him to leave already.

"I'll visit you at night then. If you need anything, call me. I'll leave your phone outside this door." Minwoo sighed and it was almost inaudible through the door.

I breathed in sharply.


The next chapter is rated and I'm making it optional for you guys who aren't comfortable with reading it so don't worry, you're not missing anything /really/ skipping out on it.
Love to the 4 commenters <3!!

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Meanietrashdotcom #1
Chapter 53: Finally ;__; oh my gawd. they've been through those hard times, those obstacles, and end up with their marriage ;____;
Happy DongWoo shipper is in the house ;__; oh my gawd.
Thank you so much. You've worked so very really hard!! Hope for more DongWoo from you. Thank you thank you thank you!!!
ciahyun89 #3
Chapter 53: waaaah!! part 2 please author-nim^^
Chapter 53: I'll post an author's note here because I like that the story ended at 50 and I don't want to break that number lolz.
Thank you everyone for following this story whether or not from the start or midway on!
I hope you guys liked it and it was a little new for me to write in POV for an entire story but I managed somehow (although the was super embarrassing 'cause I'm like "I this this, I that that" and it was just really embarrassing lolz.

Since it's Donghyun's POV there are some questions unanswered so if you're just curious about Minwoo's side you can ask me and I'll answer them ^^
Chapter 50: I almost burst into tears. Idk how it's gonna go but rite now you let em meet and I'm happy as .
I love you. Omg.
ciahyun89 #6
Chapter 48: darn!!! why! tears almost spill in my eyes!!
Chapter 48: kkk I was writing the thing that i mentioned in my inbox and this came in like a wrecking ball and set those ing tears to my eyes omg omg
it hurts ing hurts ahuhuhuu :((( how dare him said those kinda painful words? ; ;
Chapter 46: I just had Americano. and yeh, I shouldnt either. the double updated chapters are bitter enough.
3 prompts to go ; ;
Chapter 44: Oh no... Donghyun really suffered... A lot. Minwoo, please realize something is off...
Chapter 44: the last 2 lines of the story brought tears to my eyes.
he must have been suffered. but he must still be loving Minwoo a whole lot, despite whatever he said...