The Day

A Crazy Twist of Fate



                         Yes, deep inside, I knew that I hurted his feelings. And up to know, I'm still angry at myself, for doing that. But that was probably the best thing. Somehow, he made a great performance during his musical. He showed a different side of him. Well, up to now, I still don't have any connections with him, nor the other UKISS members.


                       I'm trying to move on. And soon, I wish that I will. God, please help me.





Today. Yes. Today. Today is the day of my debut after two long months, which was kinda short, actually. But somehow, it seemed kinda long, since it was dull. From the day that I broke up with him up to now, there were never any connections between me and them. Well, today is Valentines. A lonely Valentine's Day for me. But well, should I call it a Single Awareness Day? Somehow, it makes me feel bitter inside. I miss him so much. I miss his voice, his calls, his text, his everything. Well, I better get busy right now.


             Well today, I performed at Lotte World. I filmed it there for this Friday's Music Bank. After filming, I went directly to the filming of Strong Heart on Inkigayo. I'm really, really nervous. Will the people be able to accept me? Well, I just trained for 3 months, and I might not be that good to them. Other artists even trained for 5 years or more before they were able to attain what they have in their life now. But somehow, I'm a little confident. Who knows that I already have a fan club? When I hear about it, I was very overwhelmed and very happy. Now I wish that everything will go smoothly for me. God please.




             After a few minutes, we already reached the set of Strong Heart. I went to my dressing room. YES. My dressing room. I was really surprised that I have one. I prepared myself and got ready for the variety show.


           After that, I waited for my manager to see if I'm already gonna enter the place. I prayed silently and nervously waited until my manager came and told me to go inside.


         I waited for my name to be called, and was surprised that when I entered, I heard tons of fans screaming for me. I smiled widely knowing that there are many people who came to support me today. It was very rejoicing.


          I sat at the place that they prepared for me. I laughed at the description below my name, "Kim Hyun Ri, The New Star to Shine". I guess that the Lee Seunggi-sshi heard me, because he asked me why am I laughing. I mouthed "None", and I quietly sat unto my place.  But the next thing I saw, was definitely the most shocking and hurtful thing I felt this day.


          The other guests were 4 of the UKiss members. Eli, Dongho,Kiseop, and Kevin.. I suddenly felt the pain, and it stabbed my heart into a million pieces. I wasn't able to see him in two months. And here he was, standing, and laughing like nothing ever happened between the two of us. We met each other's glances and I quickly looked away. And the worst thing, he sat beside me. Yes, beside me. I was a fool to not realize that a while ago. Stupid me.


          The program started. The MCs asked me tons of questions and I gladly answered all of them. I was also asked to perform my debut song, and I did it. They were very happy and congratulated me for a job well done. But there was also a shocking question, in which Hodong-sshi asked me.


 Hodong: Hyun Ri-sshi, aren't you acquainted with Kevin-sshi? I heard that the two of you were good friends, as well as to the other UKISS members. Is that true?

Hyun Ri: Yes, I am close with some of them. As for Kevin-sshi, we're not really that close right now. I'm kinda close with Kiseop and Eli oppa.


When I said that, I saw the sad look in his eyes. But when he saw me looking at him, he quickly turned back and smiled as if I said nothing.


Hodong: You are even calling them oppa. Wow, so I think that you're really close huh?

Eli: Yes, we are close.

Hyun Ri: I did film with them, Hodong-sshi. That's how we managed to get close.

Kiseop: Yes, we really got along with them after the filming, we even get to study for months in her school. That's why.

Hodong: Ooh, I understand. Well, uhm, Kevin-sshi, what do you think about Hyun Ri-sshi?

Kevin: Uhm, well. I think that Hyun Ri is a very talented girl. She sings very well. She excels in different fields too.


Somehow, I smiled when I heard that.

Lee Seunggi: So, it really seems that Hyun Ri-sshi is a very talented woman. Well, Hyun Ri-sshi, goodluck to your debut. And congratulations in advance. Hope that you'll do well. ay God bless you.

Hyun Ri: Uhm, thank you. I'll do my best. Gomowo.




              After we finished with the filming, the guys left quickly for their next schedule. I quickly ran to them.


Hyun Ri: Uhm, Kevin oppa.

Kevin: Yes?

Hyun Ri: Thank you.

Kevin: For what.

Hyun Ri: For saying all those good things about me.

Kevin: Well, you didn't lie about me either.

Hyun Ri: Thankyou. And, goodluck to your musical.

Kevin: Thankyou. See you.

Hyun Ri: Goodbye. See you.



And after that, he went to his musical with the other members.


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Chapter 52: PLS update... I need to know what happens!!! This is to good of a story to stop reading so pls update!!!
veran97 #2
Chapter 52: I LOVE your story!!! Even though I just got your story hehe :D
Can't wait for the next update :D
Chapter 52: Wanna read more so badly ~
So cute i LOVE your story!!!!
Kyaa so cute ^.^ KEVINNN!! <33333 update soon :D
ukissmekevin16 #6
This Story is so cute :)
KiseopLover #7
Yippie, Kiseop!! Lol~ it's been awhile though Kiseop gets a topic in ur story :) can't wait!! Great story :D
Leehui #8
Please update. ;) this story is nice
lhychii #9
I love this story. Please update ^__^