YEAH. This is gonna be so great.

A Crazy Twist of Fate

It's been a week since than conference. It opened up to more opportunities for UKISS, as well as for me. Unexpected but, it really is. 




   After the conference, I received a call from an unknown caller. I picked it up.

"Yoboseyo?", I asked the person on the other line.

"Uhm, is this Kim Hyun Ri?", the person replied. She's a she. 

"Neh. But, how did you get my number? And who is this? Why are you calling me?", I asked, too curious of this conversation.

"Uhm, we actually saw the MV. The one with UKiss.", the person replied.

"Uhm, so...?", I asked.

"Well, we think that you have your potential in becoming an actre----" she was cutted off by me.

"WHAAAT? Actress? Model? Artist?", I screamed at the phone. I was obviously surprised.

I think that the caller must have inched her ear away from the phone because of my screaming. But instead of getting a lecture, I was actually surprised that she chuckled. 


"Yes, dear. Would you like to give it a shot?", the person asked me.

"Uhm. But would you mind telling me where you got my number?", I asked.

"Well, I got it from UKISS' manager. ", she replied.

"Can you please just wait?", I asked.

"Sure thing. ", she replied and I put the conversation on hold. 


I went to the room where their manager is. I found him sitting around and talking with UKISS. 

"Uhm, ahjusshi, by any chance, did you give my number to some sort of entertainment company?", I asked him.

"Oh, did they call you al----", he was cutted of again.

"Ahjussshhhi. Why did you gave them my numbeeeer?", I asked him.

"Eh... they said you have it. ", he replied.

"Ehhh?", I shrugged.

"You have the talent and looks. And so, I decided to give it to them.", he replied with  a cheeky smile.

"But ahjusshi, you didn't ask my permission.", I said.

"They keep on bugging me. And I have no choice. Plus, I really think you can do well.", he replied as he chuckled, as well as to the other UKISS members.

"YAH. Did you guys know about this too?", I asked them.


They just laughed. Geez. They didn't even tell me.


I continued the phone call and said that I'll think about it first. 





        It was a good morning. Beautiful indeed. Today was Friday, and come to think of it, it's UKISS' last day in our school. Our class prepared a party for them. So now, we're kinda busy setting up the classroom. Today, everyone was early. And of course, we have to finish these things before the UKISS' members arrive. 


I was assigned for doing the 'lettering' thingy on the blackboard. I went to get some colored chalks outside. As I was nearing back to my classroom, I saw Lee Min Hye standing at the wall near her classroom. By the way, her classroom is infront of ours. She was smiling and giggling all the while. She's talking with someone on the phone. I wonder if it's Kevin....


AISH. I told you Hyun Ri, stop thinking of Kevin,okay? Geez. 


And so, I just ignored her and went inside. I got some pink colored chalks and started to write UKISS. I decided to do a doodle type, for it looks cute. But as I was in the middle of doing it, I stopped. That's when I realize and think about what I should write. What should be good? 'Goodbye UKISS' ? No, no. Goodbye is a big no. Uhm, how about, 'Thank you, UKISS'. Uhm, that should be it. 


And so, this is the message that I wrote. 

     'Thank you UKISS. Thankyou for being a part of our family. Thankyou for being a part of our memories. The moment we spent with you will forever be treasured in our hearts. You'll forever stay in us. We'll miss you so much.  <3'


As I was writing that, I didn't notice that my tears were falling until my friends wiped it. 

"I'll be missing them so much. ", Yumi said as she hugged me.

"Me too. " Jae An said. 

"Of course, I'll miss them. ", I said as the three of us hugged each other. It's good to have friends, especially at times like this. 

"Enough of this drama guys, let's surprise them. They'll be here in any minute. " ,I said as I wiped their tears and they nodded. 


After a few minutes, they finally came. They were really surprised. Kibum and Alexander oppa were even crying. Aww. I'll really miss them here. 


We celebrated their 'Goodbye Party'. It was really fun but sad at the same time, 


"Uhm, guys. Did we told you about the special surprise after this show?", Alexander said.

"Yeah, the one you told us when you first came here. ", one of my classmate said.

"Yes, right. Actually, we've been planning a one week trip to some island with the class we've been with for a month. ", Kibum oppa said and smiled. 


Laughters and cheers were heard. 


ONE WEEK TRIP? OhMyGod. This is gonna be so fun~!

YAAAAAY. I was really happy about the trip, cause I'll be getting more time to spend with them.


"So, oppa, when is it?", Jae An asked, obviously excited.

"Tomorrow. ", Alexander said and smiled. 






Guys, I updated~! So, how was it? Comments please. :D I do love comments. :DD So much~!

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Chapter 52: PLS update... I need to know what happens!!! This is to good of a story to stop reading so pls update!!!
veran97 #2
Chapter 52: I LOVE your story!!! Even though I just got your story hehe :D
Can't wait for the next update :D
Chapter 52: Wanna read more so badly ~
So cute i LOVE your story!!!!
Kyaa so cute ^.^ KEVINNN!! <33333 update soon :D
ukissmekevin16 #6
This Story is so cute :)
KiseopLover #7
Yippie, Kiseop!! Lol~ it's been awhile though Kiseop gets a topic in ur story :) can't wait!! Great story :D
Leehui #8
Please update. ;) this story is nice
lhychii #9
I love this story. Please update ^__^