Three Weeks

Part of Your World

Three weeks, and Taemin was up into that world.

Everything had gone differently than he expected. He hadn't seen Jonghyun at all in those three weeks. He had heard his name mentioned a few times, but he could never make anyone understand his interest in the prince, or his need to see him. Even Minho, who had come to understand him in his silence, didn't know.

The Theatre was a foreign place to him, full of customs and rituals and shows and a language that he didn't understand. But in those three weeks, he became accustomed to it all. Like Minho had said, he had found a home. Though it was a home he did not expect, and one he didn't plan on staying in for long. As soon as he found his way to Jonghyun, he would be gone from that strange world of words, music, and dancing.

Despite the strangeness of it all, Taemin actually enjoyed it there. He enjoyed the routine and the dances Kibum had taught him. Though he had only had legs for a short period of time, dancing seemed to come naturally to him. He memorized the steps almost immediately, and Kibum mentioned that he had a grace he had never seen before. All of that made Taemin feel good, but at the end of the day, the dancing left him exhausted and empty. Because that theater, as welcoming as it was, wasn't what he had come there for.

He just didn't know how to leave. After all, where would he go? Even if he could make his way to the palace, how could he get in? How could he even ask for an audience with the prince? His silence made him helpless and vulnerable in many ways, and he wished with all his heart that his voice had not been taken from him. But he knew that once he was with Jonghyun, it wouldn't matter so much. They would understand each other, as they always did.

In the short time that he had been there, Taemin witnessed more of humanity than he ever had before. He saw many of the rumors from under the sea confirmed. Humans were urgent. They rushed everywhere. They stressed themselves and stressed others, fighting against the impending deadline of their lives - which were so much shorter than the lifespans of the merfolk.

But because of that urgency, the humans were so much more alive. They lived life so strongly. He hoped that now being one of them, now having his life cut as short as theirs, he could learn to live as they lived.



As always before a show, the Theatre was chaos. At least to the unknowing eye, it looked like chaos. Taemin had come to learn that there was actually a well-organized system in all that chaos, and the people running back and forth with props and instructions were actually working very orderly and meticulously.

As a dancer, Taemin's role in the production was relatively easy. Unlike some of the performers, he had no words to memorize. All he had to do was dance, which came so naturally for him that it didn't stress him out. However, being in front of so many people was stressful. A bunch of humans no less. Humans who he didn't know how to impress or charm.

He had performed many times in the past three weeks, but only a few times in front of an audience. And never in front of an audience so large. Kibum had said that that was their biggest show of the year, that people were coming from all over to see it, that important guests would be filling those seats. He stressed that everything had to be perfect.

Taemin only hoped he would be.

"Hey, Minnie," Minho's voice called from behind him, interrupting Taemin as he stood there, watching all the chaos with a calculating eye. His friend walked up to him, adjusting the buttons on his shirt that he was wearing for his performance. Taemin looked him up and down, noticing how relaxed he seemed. Performing never seemed to bother the man. Actually, nothing seemed to bother him. He was always so carefree, which he noted often annoyed the stressed-out Kibum. Taemin enjoyed it though. It made Minho fun to be around.

"Ready for the show?" he asked him.

Taemin nodded, emphasizing the movement as he always did, in order to be better understood.

"There's a big crowd tonight."

He nodded again. His eyes went back to watching the production.

"A lot of important people will be here," Minho continued, "Rumor has it, even the prince is coming to see the show."

Taemin turned suddenly to face him, eyes wide with surprise. Really? He mouthed.

Minho chuckled, "Don't worry, he's a nice prince. He won't behead you if he doesn't like your performance."

His response confused him. Of course Jonghyun wouldn't do such a thing! Who would? Did such evil princes actually exist in that human world?

Taemin's mind went back to the matter at hand. Jonghyun would be there in that theater, within reach. He could see him for the first time with his human eyes. He could touch him. Jonghyun would know what he had done for him, what it would mean for the both of them. They were about to meet for the first time in months.

He was suddenly apprehensive. It was like they were meeting for the first time all over again. Taemin didn't know how he would react to him then, and he didn't know how he would react to him now. Hopefully with the same hospitality and wonder he had the first time.

Taemin was suddenly concerned about his dancing. He wanted it to be perfect. He wanted Jonghyun to witness the best show he had ever seen.

"Hopefully the king won't come though," Minho continued, still adjusting his outfit, "That man is such a kill-joy. You didn't hear that from me though..."

Taemin was hardly listening, he was so happy. Minho noticed it eventually.

"Look at you," he said, amused, "Are you that excited to meet the prince?"

He nodded extra emphatically.

"Well then, I'll ask Kibum to arrange it."

He could hardly believe it. Everything was falling into place, so perfectly. Overjoyed, he grabbed Minho in a tight embrace. His friend laughed at the unexpected affection, but returned his hug with a pat on the back. "Okay, okay, you'll wrinkle my shirt."

Taemin pulled back from him, still smiling, still unable to keep the joy at bay. He silently thanked Minho, before leaving him there, going to practice his routine one more time. He wanted everything that night to be perfect.



It was so strange. He was shaking, and he couldn't understand why. Performing had never upset him that much. He was never that nervous before. He had never doubted his ability before then. But at that moment, it seemed like everything hinged on it.

Though it didn't.

At the end of the day, his dance would have little consequence. It wouldn't be the final act to seal his fate, or his love. It was just a precursor. Something he needed to do to get through the night.

But Jonghyun was there. He would see his dance. He would see his new body for the first time.

Taemin wanted everything to be perfect for him.

His first performance was coming. He counted the seconds until he would have to step out onto that stage, following after one of the veterans who had stolen the crowd. Taemin braced himself, took in a deep breath, and then walked up onto that stage.

He wanted to look for Jonghyun among the people, but there were so many faces, and so little time to try. Every pair of eyes amassed into one large sea of people before him. If Taemin thought about it too hard, it was intimidating. But he decided not to think about it. He only thought about Jonghyun.

And he danced for him.

He went through the entire choreography, putting all of his heart and his emotions into each movement. He couldn't look at the crowd as he moved, but he could tell they were captivated. He had entranced them, like Kibum promised him he would. However, there was only one person he wished to entrance, and he prayed with all his soul that he did.

He prayed that Jonghyun knew. That he knew who he was as he watched him. That he knew it was all for him.



Taemin felt unfocused as he stood back stage, listening to the applause that continued from the audience beyond the curtain. The show had come to an end, and it seemed like every person who had come to watch was pleased. They all enjoyed the show, and it was clear they still longed to for more, but the show was done, and Kibum was not about to give it to them. As he always said, leave the crowd wanting more, so they come back again.

Taemin was always exhilarated after a performance, but that evening, he felt different. He wasn't just exhilarated; he was anxious. Jonghyun was out there, clapping for them - for him. He was so close.

"Taemin!" Minho called his name over the loud voices. Taemin turned, and seeing his friend seemed to calm his erratic breathing a little bit. Minho took him by the shoulder, and without offering an explanation, led him from behind the stage to a quieter part of the theater. It was one of Kibum's lounges, a place where the commotion of the crowd seemed far away.

No one else was there; it was just the two of them. Taemin wanted to know why he brought him there, and it took Minho a moment to figure out what he was trying to ask him.

Minho laughed quietly from his excitement, still coming off the adrenaline from his performance. "Relax, you're about to get your wish," he said, adjusting Taemin's hair, before pinching his flushed cheeks.

He was a little bothered by his fussing, but before he could push Minho away, the door to the lounge opened. Kibum came inside, along with Hyerim and few other prominent people. Taemin stepped behind Minho, partially hiding himself from the sudden influx of bodies. It took him a moment to realize who the party of newcomers were.

When he saw Jonghyun standing in the doorway, he pieced everything together. And everything froze.

The prince was there, surrounded by his entourage of protection and prestige. Taemin had never seen him like that before - so elegantly dressed and thoroughly accompanied. He looked so different from the young man he would meet on the island. There, he had just been a human; here, he was the prince.

Jonghyun was someone who commanded respect and held power. Taemin had no idea he would feel so...small. He was a prince himself, and yet he felt so little.

"Please, your highness, make yourself at home," Kibum was saying, as he presented the room to his royal guest. For Taemin, everything started moving again. There were half a dozen extra people in there now, and several more standing outside the door. Besides Jonghyun, there were his guards, his attendants, and the woman that Taemin could only guess was his future queen.

The woman he didn't want to marry. The woman he didn't love. The woman he held so affectionately in his arm.

Jonghyun and his fiancée both turned to face Taemin and Minho as they stood off the side. He met the prince's stare.

He expected some sort of reaction, some recognition - the moment where fate and destiny would make themselves known. But there was nothing, except for Minho grabbing his shoulder and forcing him to bow, as he himself did.

"You'll have to excuse young Minnie," Kibum said, laughing awkwardly, "He's still working on his manners. Minho found him on the shore a few weeks ago, and I don't think he's quite recovered yet."

Taemin lifted his eyes to see the prince was smiling at him. The gesture was almost affectionate, "So this is the famous Water Boy they've been talking about at the palace?"

Famous? Jonghyun had heard about him? He knew who he was? And yet, he didn't know. His gaze was still empty. He still did not understand.

The prince extended his hand, and slowly, Taemin reached out to take it. It felt so weird, so different from the last time he had touched it.

Kibum and Minho were both watching him closely, as if to make sure he didn't do something wrong.

"It's nice to finally meet you," Jonghyun said.

Taemin mouthed his name. "It's me," he tried to say. But there was nothing.

"He's also mute, your highness," Minho explained for him, "He means no disrespect."

"Of course not," the prince concurred, before pulling his hand away. He turned his attention back to Kibum, and in one second, Taemin was forgotten.

"Can I get you any refreshments, your highness?" Kibum offered, and at the same time looked at Minho, indicating something with his gaze. Being so in tuned to everyone, Minho quickly deduced what he wanted from him.

"Excuse us, your highness," Minho said, as he took Taemin by the shoulder again, forcing him to bow with him once more. He then began leading him from the room. Not wanting to go, Taemin pulled away, but Minho grabbed him by the arm more firmly, nearly dragging him out of there. The two of them backed out of the room, past the guards who were standing duty outside.

"Come on, we can't over-stay our welcome," Minho explained.

Taemin was hardly listening. He wanted to go back inside and at least try to show the prince who he was. In the very least, he just wanted to be close to him. But Minho's grip on him was surprisingly firm, "Come on, I'm sure other people want to meet you too," he said, smiling once again. Before Taemin could pull away, Minho took him to meet the eager audience who obviously wanted another glimpse at the famous Water Boy.



It felt like hours before Taemin was able to finally pull away, before the crowd started to disperse and the people's curiosity was satisfied. He was finally able to break away from Minho. He traced his steps back to Kibum's favorite lounge, only to discover that it was empty. The guards outside the door were gone, as was Jonghyun and his party. He had left the theater, and taken Taemin's only chance with him.

But he refused to give up so quickly. Desperate, Taemin left the lounge and made his way to the nearest exit, hoping he might still be outside, hoping that he could at least catch one more glimpse of him. And to his surprise and relief, Jonghyun was still there. The prince was outside his royal carriage, talking to his fiancée.

His arm was around her still, just as the guards were around him still. A barrier stood between Taemin and the man he loved, but he was still able to see through them. He was able to watch the prince as he drew in closer to his future princess, as he whispered something soft into her ear, before drawing closer still and kissing her.

Kissing her freely and willingly.

She giggled and tried to back away, but he pursued her, kissing her briefly yet again. And Taemin saw it in his eyes. Those weren't just obligatory kisses given to woman he was forced to marry. They were genuine, affectionate, full

Shocked, distraught, he could only stand there. He could only watch as the prince and his fiancée climbed into the carriage, before they were taken far away from that theater. And before the tears clouded his vision.



A/N: Sorry for that extremely late update! Life got in the way. lol Updates will be more regular from now on. Promise!

Comments are appreciated. :)

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Chapter 8 is finally up!


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Zazuow #1
Chapter 17: I know its been a while and you probably wouldnt planning to finish this story but..I just want to tell you that Im thoroughly frustated,hurt,pissed off..and finally sobbing really hard when I got to the " my name is Taemin" part like...seriously,it hurt so damn much !!
Gosh..I knew I love Jjong so much and he was my ultimate bias in shinee but in this fic....I realy realy feel for Taemin and want nothing more for Jonghyun to just regreting his whole action for the rest of his life !! Im sorry..I knew that this sounds so wrong considering the situation now, and I mean no offence to anyone who loved and still loves him like I do..but its just how this fic is making me feels right now!! Lol chest's just feel so heavy it might burst..
I enjoy the frustating as it is..and it wouldnt be a lie if I said I want more..but I respect your decision if you wont updated anymore. I just have to create an ending on my own..where Taemin finally found his happiness with or without Jonghyun in it..
Thank you for the masterpiece
Beavanity #2
Chapter 17: Ahhh this build up!!!!! I'm loving it!
Beavanity #3
Chapter 15: FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY! I can't wait for this, I love this story so much!
iluvbubbles_yay #4
Chapter 15: It's been over a year already, you say?! Crazy, how time flies... Thanks so much for updating though, such a great story, I've been hooked ever since chapter one all that time ago!
Ahhh HE FINALLY KNOWSSSSSSS I'm freaking out I love these big dramatic moments HONESTLY WHAT AN IDIOT NEVER SEEING IT BEFORE ISTG JONGHYUN. Such a good chapter, you made me feel manyyy emotions from the beginning to the end!! I was worried for a minute at the start there! But it's another cliffhanger ㅠㅠ Thanks for the update, so happy you haven't dropped it! <3
saae #5
Chapter 15: YESSS OMG!!! It's finally revealed!!! Slow Jonghyun is SLOW! Anyway, i wonder what's gonna happen with Taemin, OMG, will he die? Or will he lives, but in misery his whole life? I still hope for a happy ending, as unlikely as it seems, but at least i hope Tae will find his own happiness even without Jonghyun... I just can't see him suffer more T___T

Anyway, thanks for updating, i really appreciate it!
Chapter 14: Its 2017 and I'm still waiting for the update ;u; fml
sashaaaa #7
Chapter 14: omg this is so good but so sad so far ;w; please let jonghyun finally recognize poor taebaby D': can't wait for the update!
saae #8
Chapter 14: Gosh!!! I can see where this is going ughhh...
i already have some scenarios of the ending playing out in my head and none of them are happy orz
So hopeless...
The next chapter is gonna be the death of me...
It's Taemin's birthday tho... can't you make Taemin at least a little happier? hahah...
Poor Taemin... i'm so sorry Jonghyun but i've never hated your character this bad before T~T
If Taemin can't be happy, i wish Jonghyun will realize the love that he missed and regret his life forever, hahah... (i'm such a meanie... but it's only fair, okay :p)

Anyway, i hope the next chapter is soon... i want to just get it over with as soon as possible (if it's not a happy chapter) :p
ying9202 #9
Chapter 14: uhhh so i can vent my frustration here? thanks :DDDD


joytotheworld16 #10
Chapter 14: aw, why did it have to come to this point ;_; i'm holding out hope that the ending won't be completely heartbreaking, though.