Trick Three

Destiny enters the game

Hyesung had no time to recover from his initial shock before he was engulfed to a hug and the room echoed excited ”Hyesungie¨” coming from the older man's lips.When it all finally registered to the singer's mind, the whole nighmarish situation, he soon was kicking Eric to the leg only to get away from the man.Like a child Eric was pouting before him, mumbling something about ”Hyesungie being a meanie.”

Hyesung ignored this and turned around. He would not, could not, think of sharing a room, even if to have another and better one soon , with this man. No way in Hell.

Ten minutes later Hyesung found himself back in the hotel lounge, if one could even describe it such. Nevertheless, he was back having the problem; where to spend the night. He was either to camp in the restaurant or share the room with Eric.

It was not that he did not stand the man, nor that he desprised him. Quite the contrary. He loved the man, with every fiber of his being. And that was the problem. He could not bare to loose his favc or composure in from of their leader, he could not let his secret out and be known. He had his pride.

The singer sat down on one of the couches at the lounge, looked outside at the window and tried to calm himself. The scenery was beautiful, just like the prochures had described.

If life had been different and if he had changes to endulge himself to something forbidden this surely would be a lovely location for a little holiday for lovers.

A small smile appeared to his lips, he was entitled to dream a little wasn't he?

However before he could indulge himselg to his forbidden little dreams he felt someone poking him on the shoulder. He didn't even bother to turn around, seeing Eric's reflection mirroring on the gleam of the window.

”Hyesung? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you...” Eric let it trail, he didn't know how to continue..

Truth to be told Eric had been so happy to see the singer here, it was like one of his secret dreams coming true. The dream of them being together as a couple and having a small secret vacation for lovers, just the two of them. But of course, it was just a dream. The sour face and the kick he had received rooted him back to reality. And when Hyesung had stormed out it had taken quite a while for Eric to register that he needed to run after the man.

Hell, if he had lady luck on his side he could at least spend a little bit of time with the person he was secretly in love with, even if it mean them to share a room and not talk. Hyesung was very good at not talking and being grumpy if he wanted to.

”I spoke to the manager, he told me what he offered to you. I'm really sorry, I know you'd want to be by yourself, but Hyesungiee, I'm not that bad to share a room with?? We did that before, long time ago. I don't ant you to end up sleeping here. It's not good for you.”

Hyesung was ready to bark an insult about Eric, but swallowed it when he finally looked up to the man and not just his reflection on the window.

The damn idiot had a puppy eyed look, like Gomdori had when it was begging to be scratched. It was a look Hyesung secretly adored and could not deny a thing for the older. But he would never, even in his deathbed to tell this to anyone. Besides, Eric was right. He would be utterly unhappy if he would end up sleeping here. 

”Ok, fine. But you either sleep on the floor or the couch.”

”Yey, I'm going to share a room with Hyesungiee again!”

Hyesung grunted. Then sighed. At least Eric agreed to this and now Hyesung would not need to sleep in the lounge. As long as he could keep his face straight, and Eric at bay he could survive the night. Or so he thinks. Just one night and then he could have his freedom and hell he was going to keep to himself for the rest of the weekend and not even whisper where he would be signed for the rest of the vacation. Eric could be a nuicanse in so many ways.

With a sigh he stood up, and grabbed his luggage pushing them onto Eric. ”Since you are so eager you can carry these for me.” Then he stomped back towards the room. He needed a bath. 

Two men sat at the lounge, further away from the couple. Both were wearing caps and sunglasses, the other hiding behind a newspaper, pretending to read it, yet their eyes were glued on the exiting couple.

The taller one picked his mobile, dialed a number.

”What took you so long? Report!” The distinctive voice of Minwoo demanded from the line.

”Sorry Hyung! Stage one completed. Sorry took this long, we almost blew it!”

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esluve #1
Chapter 4: What??????
arih04 #2
Chapter 3: Lol. XD all hail president of ricsyung shipper, Minu!!!

Cant wait for the next chapter
esluve #3
Chapter 3: Bhahahahah i guess the other is andy beside jinnie ..omg the members are ploting it all lol
Ricsyung honeymoon in advance kkkk
Chapter 2: President of Ricsyung fanclub named Lee Min Woo...say Manseeehhhh
can't wait for next chapter
Chapter 2: trust the president of the ricsung club to come up with the brilliant plan!kkk
Looking forward to more chapters!lol
Magalith #6
Chapter 2: Hahaha! Minwoo's idea is fantastic!
I love the start, very well written also! :)
Looking forward to read more~
rambell #7
Chapter 1: So curious as to how Eric appeared in the same location. That's not very secret now :D Looking forward to more!