Chapter 7


Jungsoo POV

"Are you sure that you want to go by?" 

"I do, but we should hurry. I have to go back, I only got a few hours."

"Okay...Lets go then" I look at Hyukjae and he nods. 


We get into the car and he is just quite looking outside his window, he looks sad. It was nice to see them together agian, but to know that it was just for a second is still hard to accept. Let alone how it could be for him. 

"How was seeing her?"

"It was..It was nice, but hard. Seeing how much she is suffering, that breaks my heart. I just want to be with her every second, to support her like today. I just want to be with her"

"Just wait, she will remember and then you can be together again." He smiles a little, but is eyes are still looking sad. 

We arrive and he looks nervous now standing infront of the door he is looking even more nervous. He opens the door and slowly we walk inside.

Nothing changed everything is still the same, dust everywhere. I look at Hyukjae and he is looking at a frame of the two of them. He looks so sad so hurt, I put my arm around his shoulder and he puts the frame down. 

"I will just grab it for my mom and then I will go." He opens one draw and he wipes away his tears 

"I got it" He shows the keys that he is holding up "lets go."

"Don't you want to stay a little bit longer?"

"No..No..It..The memories, I can't...It just hurts to much."

"Okay, okay.." I put my hands on his shoulder and he looks up to me "We will go, we will go"

I see him put down all the letters he has written for her, looks aournd one last time and than smiles at me

"Lets go" 



Yaejin POV

"I am always here..."

I wake up and I sit up straight. I have been hearing this voice, these exact words in my head for the past days. to be precise, 4 days. 

I get up and the world is spinning underneath me, I wait for a minute and everything seems to be okay. How did they call it again, moving disoder? Or was it......

Yes I think it was.. A nice effect of my disease. 

I get dressed and it is time for hard work, for the pas days I have been to therapy and it is so hard, it hurt a lot the first day, but now it seems to go better, More than that it really works, I am able to walk again.. I might walk stocky and like a five year old, but I am walking. The doctor was pleasently surprised by my imporovent and it is looking good for now, if everything continues like this I might be able to achieve what i want

*                                                                            *

"What do you want to do today Ji?" Jungsoo came by again and I am happy to see him again.

"shall we go outside? I am longing for some sunlight"

"You also need it, you are so pale. But there is not really any sun yet....It is still not warmm" He makes a crying sound and I laugh about his silliness. 

"Here is your" He hands me my wite cane and it is still weird to use it. We walk outside and I step into the elevator. 

I can hear the people around us and even though I and also Jungsoo have been here almost eveyday they are still so surprised to see us. He locks our arms together and we walk out the elevator. 

"It is nice outside" I sniff in the cold air, cold but nice. "It smells like freedom," 

"It must be nice to be outside....Shall we get something to drink or eat? Something better than what you are getting." I nod and together we walk a bit further from the hospital.

"You can use your cane a lot better now." He lets go of my arm and I try to find his arm again

"Oppa~ Don't let go..." I pout and he chuckles


"It is comfortable walking with you beside me, it is still weird and.." I stop and focus back on using the cane. 

"Come we are here." He helps me get inside and we are now standing by the counter

"What do you want to eat?'

"The  entertaiment doesn't want me to eat any solid food, so do they have some smoothies or something like that?" 

"They want what!?" 

"Shuss" I quickly squish his arm and he stops talking.

"Okay..I will suprise you" He lets me to a seat and goes to order. 


I hear someone stopping beside me and when I look to left I see some color. I just bow and look back to my right and more footsteps are stopping beside me. Where is Jungsoo?  I clamp my hands around my cane and I try to stay relaxed. 


"Leeteuk oppa!!" They start to freak out and scream so loud that it scared me for a second.

"Yaejin?" They are now turning to me and I nod. They are screaming again and I can hear cameras taking pictures. I lower my head and turn my face away from the sound. I am so releaved that I am wearing sunglasses, this way they won't see the glassy look in my eyes. I hide my ....cane and they are now asking for photos

"Just a few..." I agree to the fans and Jungsoo helps me stand up and together we take with all he fans photo's 

"It was nice to meet all of you" I thank them and they are still freaking out. 

"Can you sign this Yaejin-shi" I hear a fan and I freeze...Sign...I look for the paper but everything is just one whole blur.

"Next time okay? We would like to spend some time together" Jungsoo apologises and the fans are telling us that they are sorry for intruding. 

They are leaving and Jungsoo helps me find my chair. I listen to the fans leaving and it is was nice to see them again, scary, but always nice to meet them. 

"Are you okay?"

"I am...I am just a bit tired" I smile at him and I hear him num

"I ordered you healthy smoothy." He guides my hand to my cup and the straw

"Thank you oppa"

"So why don't they want you to eat any solid food?"

"Weight, they don't want me to gain any weight. So to get all the vitamins I have been attached to the iv for the past days."

"That is...This is unbelievable, you should gain weight. You look...No offence, you are still very pretty~ But you are too thin, you are even thinner then Yoona, I am sure of it." 

"Jungsoo it is not that bad.."

"Not that bad? You can fit twice in you old clothes, you are just bones, have you seen yourself in the mirror?" He stops ranting and he takes my hand "I didn't mean it like that...I..I am sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry about, I know how you meant it. " I over him a sip of my smoothy and he likes it

"See I have such good tast" I almost sufficate in my sip do to his words and we both laugh

"Why aren't you taking you sunglasses of? Are you still uncomfortable?"

"Yes still a bit, more than that...I think it will look weird. " Jungsoo carefully takes of my glasses and it makes me feel a bit emberassed

"Are you not going to open your eyes?"

"Sorry has become a habbit to just keep my eyes closed, I can't see anyway..." 

"Your eyes are still pretty!" I open my eyes and I laugh

"Thank you"

We are enjoying our meal and it is so nice to be out of the hospital. Jungsoo has been chatting on and on and it is nice to talk to him, it always is.

"How is Jungkook?"

"He is good, busy a lot. He will be back today."

"I am glad that everything is good with you two. "

"Yes so am I" 

"Did you talk about Joongki? "

"No, but...I don't know, I don't think he shouldn't be worried about that, but I will talk to him"

"Arasso~ " 

"You know Seolhyun form AOA"

"Yes why?" 

"Well they are calling us competertors now"

"Yes I heard, everyone has been comparing you two. Who looks better, who earns more... Ridicilous...." 

"Yes I know, well the entertainment wants us to meet and has set up a date for us."

"Date haha what do you mean?" 

"Well they want us to show that there is no beef between us and that we are on good terms so I am meeting her."


"Later today, how late is it now?"

"Is now one p.m."

"Okay in one our I have to be there"

"One hour! Are you going like this?" I can hear his voice rising and I laugh at him

"Do I look that afwul? "

"No, but..Don't you just want to look on your best?"

"Fine...Do you want to help me pick something out?"

"I will make you look pretty"

*                                                *

"how do I look?"

"Good, just jeans, Jungkook plain tshirt and a jacket."  He describes what I am wearing and I nod, I can imagine what I look like. 

"Shall  I drop you of?" 

"I would like that." I get my phone, stick and I am ready to go

"what did the doctor say?"

"Well the entertaiment revieled my scedule to him and everything they wanted and he disagrees so much, but he will help me."

"You should make it easier for him, be a bit kinder and do what he says Ji..."

"I will try..."

He helps me get into the car and drives of smoothly. I open my window and let my hand go through the air. 

"Are you more comfortable to sit in a car?"

"Well it is still hard, but now not being to able to see helps."

"Do you still get nightmares?"

"Let's talk about that some other time, oppa"

"Arasso, we are almost there Ji. How late are you coming back, I can't stay so if you want me to pick you up I can do that"

"Aahh arasso, mmm I don't know yet."

"Well call me when you are tired and I will come and pick you up"

"Thank you oppa that is so kind of you"

"Tss when will you learn, I am kind."

"I know, you are sooo kind"

"We are here Ji" He gets out and the door besides me opens and he helps me get out of the car.

"Are you nervous Ji?" I am clamping on to my stick and I am indeed nervous

"I am a bit.."  He holds my hand and squeses it lightly

"Are you nervous, because you..You can't see?"

"A bit...I am walking in a situation where I dont'know my suroundings, so it is a bit scary."

"It will be okay, come I will walk a bit with you." He puts my arm in his and he leads me to the intree of the FNC entertainment. 

"I have to go, I also have an appointment."

"It is okay oppa, thank you for bringing me here. I really loved the caffe you brought me too, it was a lot of fun"

"It really was, call me when you are tired and you want to come back"

"I will....Bye~" I give him a hug and I am sad that he has to go.

"Be safe Jungsoo! " 

"You too Ji!  Be careful!" I hear the engine start and there he goes. I sigh and I open the door, I use my stick and walk up to the reception, or I atleast think that it is. 

"Hello, I am Yaejin. I am here to meet with Seolhyun."

"Hello nice to meet you, yes I will lead you to her."  I can hear someone getting up and starts to walk, which way did she go? Right? I start to walk to the right and the footsteps stop and she must be looking at me now.

"Oohh..I will lead you" She starts to stutter and she must have seen mine cane. She puts her hand lightly on my back and leads me the way.

"It is in here, it was nice to meet you. I..I am a fan of you" I can here her emberasment

"It was nice to meet you too, thank you for your help" I smile at her "Do you want to take a photo?"

I hand her my cane and she takes a few photo's" She thanks me and she leaves.

Okay....I take a deep breath and look for the door, I find it and I...Where is my cane? I think back and I gave it to her. What should I do now? Okay...I should just try.. I blinck a few time, knock on the door and open it. 

I hear people talk and they all go quite noticing me. I feel a bit emberassed and I bow down

"Hello, I am Yaejin" I bow again and I can't truly see anything

"Hello nice to meet you, I am Seolhyun.  I have been longing to meet you, I am happy that I finally can. Come on in further.  These are my bandmembers" 

"Aah nice to meet you." I bow again and I try to walk further in. I bump into some objects, but I think that they didn't notice. Or I hope so. " 

I stop a bit infront of them, at least I think and I hear the door open behind me. I turn around and just bow.

"Waahh I wanted to meet you..." I recognize this voice...Is it..Ft island? 

"I am Hoongki, nice to meet you"

"Aah nice to meet you, I am Yaejin"

"We know..." They chuckle and they start to move forward I walk backwards and I bump into one thing and an other and I end up falling down. 

"Ahh.." I let out a sight and I can feel all the stares of everyone. 

"Hello, is Yaejin here?" it is the girl from the reception  "Oohh Yaejin.."  she walks over to me and helps me up.  

"Thank you..." I bow to her 

"I had your wite cane, I am so sorry." She hands me my cane and I unfold it. I feel at such ease having it in my hands again.

"It is okay, thank you for bringing them to me. " 

She leaves again and I can feel everyone looking at me, I try to figure out my suroundings with my cane and I move a bit forward. 

"How have you been Yaejin, weren't you admitted to the hospital again? " I can hear Seolhyun carefully speaking up and I don't really know what to say  "If it is to personal you don't have to answer, I am sorry to ask"

"Oohh no, don't worry. I am..I am doing better." I smile and they are all react positive to hear that.

My phone goes of and I quickly get my phone out 

"I am sorry" They don't mind and I answer.

"Yaejin speaking"

"Ooohh so formal, are we not friends? Are we not dating?"

"Hahaha oppa~ We are, I didn't forget. Are you back in Korea?"

"Good...I am home again, where are you? I miss you.." The last words he says in such a sweet tone, I start to smile from ear to ear and my heart pounds faster

"I am at FNC entertaiment, I am glad that you are home... I  missed you too" 

"When will you going home? Wait at the entertaiment? Shouldn't you be in the hospital? You said you were going to take is slow."

"I know...I am, I am still admited to the hospital. I just went out for a visit. I am taking it slow, I am doing less."

"Yaejin.. You are not taking it slow. Okay...I have to go and rehearse but when I am done I am going to pick you up and spend some time together and than I will drop you at the hospital"

"Hahah you are using this as an excuse aren't you, this is just an excuse to take me on a date"

"It is, I, Jungkook, am taking you, Yaejin, my girlfriend on a date. "

"Well you better take me on a nice date then" We are both laughing and I am just smilling like a idiot

"Okay, but take it easy okay? don't over due it, sit down, if you get tired call me. I will come and get you immediatly."

"Arasso, I have missed you a lot..."

"I you too....I have missed you a lot too..."


After talking to Jungkook I feel a bit more at ease, he always had that effect. I am a bit nervous to turn around, I can feel the questions in the air. 

"So how is Jungkook, how are you two." Hoongki ask me this bold question and I chuckle a little

"He is fine, but you should ask him that. "

"And you two?"

"We are good"

"What was it again? The 18-year couple?"

"Something like that yes" 

"Hoongki stop bothering her, Yaejin do you want to go and get something to drink?" Seolhyun comes forward to me and interrups him from asking anything else again. 

"I would love to" She locks arms with me and together we walk out of there. 

"We can sit down here." She guides me to a chair and I sit down

"So...What are your hobbies?" 


Jungkook POV

"Where are you going?" We are done rehearsing and I am ready to go to Yae

"I am going to see my girlfriend"

"Ooohh romantic" They are all gathered to hear my plan and I grinnik

"She is now at FNC entertaiment, meeting up with someone. She should be in the hospital, so I am going to bring her back and on the way do something fun. "

"Aahh your relationship is really bloseming" they are all cheering and it is so nice to see

"It really is." I smile and say goodnight to them and up I go to Yae


I am now standing outside the entertaiment and should I just go in or should I call her? I could surprise her... I head inside and someone walks up to me and I greet them

"Maybe you could help me find Yaejin?"

"Yes I could. Please follow me" She leads the way and leaves me infront of what seems to be a rehearel room. 

"Thank you for helping me" She confessed that she is a fan and she took a photo with me. 

"Your welcome...Jungkook-shi...You two are really cute together." 

"Aahh...Thank you" I thank her and bow one last time to her before I knock on the door and step inside. 

*                                            *

I am here with the members of Ft island and AOA and it is a bit awkward. They are asking me so many questions and all at the same time. I keep on looking at the door and I feel so uncomfortable. 

"You are very lucky Jungkook, you get to date Yaejin she is...She i" I look at him and his words and the way that he is talking about her is disguisting me. He stops midsentence and looks regretfull now. Everyone is now looking back and forth from him and me.

"I am sorry...I don't mean it in that way." He tries to apologize and I just nod


Luckily the door opens and the awkward situation fades. I see Yaejin walking in and she is smiling. I walk up to her and it is still hard to see her using the cane. Her cane reaches my shoe and she stops walking and walks a bit next to me.  When she is walking past me and her shoulder touches mine she stops and I can see her thinking. I try not to smile and I bite lightly on my lip

"Jagi" I say it softly and she turns to face me


"Mm" I answer to her and she smiles and wraps her arms around me

"You are here" 

"I am, I have been waiting for you" I wrap my arms around her and hold her closly. I burry my face into her shoulder, it is so nice to hold her again. 

"When did you get here? Did you have to wait long?" She unwraps her arms from my neck and I notice that she dropped her cane to hug me. I grab it and hand it to her.

"Not long ago, I didn't wait long don't worry" 

"Okii" She smiles at me and I love seeing her dimples again. 

"Are you tired?" I study her face and she looks really tired

"Only a little bit" She tries to undertalk it and I can see that she is trying to hide it

"Okay, I should bring you back to the hospital"  she nods slightly "Okay.."

"I loved meeting all of you guys"

"Going already?" I look at Hoongki and he is mosty observing Yae. I feel my blood boiling, the whole of FT island is observing her in such a..Aaah.. I stand infront of Yae and they start to look flustered, they avoid my eyes..Ugghh, these boys are truly unbelievable 

"Yes we should be heading back to the hospital." Yae grabs my arm lightly and I interwine our hands and great the rest as well.

"Jinnie" We stop walking and Seolhyun walks up to us 

"Seolhyun" They hug and it seems that they have gotten a lot closer it seems. 

"It was so nice to meet you"

"Yes it really was. We should meet up some time again"

"We will, definilty" They giggling together and it is nice to see Yae smiling again 

"I will see you soon again" Seolhyun hugs her one last time and I grab Yae's hand again and we head on to the hopital 


"Thank you for picking me up"

"Ofcourse don't be so silly"

We walk together and it is nice to be in the open with her, the fans aren't against us anymore. I suppose the message that I wrote and she as well to apologize also helped. 

"Were are you taking me?"

"To spend some time together"

"Come lets go inside" I take her into the shop and I greet the owner and there are also some other customers

"Do you have my order ready?" Yae is smellin some candle and I have now some time to quickly talk to the owner

"I do, here it is. Is that your girlfriend?"

"She is" I stand a little bit straighter and I can feel my stupid grin.

"She is pretty, you two look good together. You are a good boyfriend"

"Thank you, she really  is. I am trying to be. Thank you again." I bow to her and walk back to Yae.

"Okay lets go" 

"Go already?" 

We walk out of the store and I see a nice little restaurant

"Let sit down here"

"where are we?"

"Just to have something nice to eat, what do you want?"

"A cup ot tea"

"Okay a cup of tea for you"  I order two cup of tea and some cake for us. 

"You look really good today"

"Today haha well thanks."

"You always look good" I give her a quick kiss and our order arrives. 


"I see that the treament and therapy is working"

"Yes it is, it is hard and hurts a little but it is working so it is worth it."

"Don't overwork okay.."

"Okay~ " 

"Do you remember when we were little and you gave me a carchain that you made by yourself" 

"Hahah yes I remember, it made it with our names on it" She looks a bit emberrased and it so cute

"Well, I made it for you this time" 

"You did what? " She turns to me and smiles

"I made it with our initials, I was looking for the one that you made, but I couldn't find it so I made a new one. For the both of us" 

I take her keys and put it on, she is smiling and I hand it to her.

"To bad that I can't see it yet, but when I will...I will thank you again"

"Okay Okay.." I give her a kiss and wrap my arms around her.


"I think we should get you to the hospital, it is getting late and you are tired" 

"Thank you...I am sorry that I am ruinning our date"

"You silly you are not ruining our date. Every single second was perfect. Every single second I  get to spend with you is perfect." 

"Every second with you is also perfect" Her cheecks are flussed and she smiles emberasslied


We are walking together and it is quite cold. I hold Yae closer, she is shivering. I take off my jacket and wrap it around her

"But then you will be cold"

"I am not the one that is hopitalized." 

"Fine, cheeky one" I chuckle and interwine our hands


"Jungkook...I want to talk about something"

"About what?" We stops infront of the hopsital and she seems serious


"What about him?" I feel myself getting grumpy 

"Joongki and I are close friends, real close friends" She empishases on the friend part 

"Friends... So him holding you close is okay then" I try not to get mad, but I am boiling.

"I am not saying that, I am just saying we are friends, you don't have to worry about that"

"Ooh good, I don't have to worry about you two being more then friends.. Good to know that, but I do have to worry about the fact that he might kiss or hold you anytime, who knows what that wil lead too."

"Sorry? Are you implying that I am cheating on you? Is that how you see our relationship?" 

 "let just put this aside, i have been trying really hard not talk about this"

"No.  No we are going to talk about this. What this you mean" She stops me from turning

"Okay..I see our relationship for the long whole ride, but... Jungsoo, Joongki...Even the gusy from FT island."

"What about them? What do they have to do with us?"

"I can't trust you. All these guys, the way they look at you and the way you look at them. The way you treat Joongki the way you treat Jungsoo. Are you dating them as well?! Huh!?"

"Are you insane...." I see falling open and I went to far. 

"Are you saying that I sleep with every single guy... I never met the members of Ft island before today...I...You...You are unbelievable"  

"I am unbelievable? I am not the one getting cozy with other people, you are the one that is getting cozy with Joongki. You are the one that is unfaitfull, you are the one that is unbelievable" I see a tear rolling over her cheek and I walk away.

"Jungkook.." I stop and I turn around

"Keep the jacket" I walk further away and I start to run.

*                                      *

I slowly open the door and walk inside...Like a robot I walk straight to my room.

"Jungkook, won't you greet us?" I walk back and they are all making jokes

"Take your shoes of Jungkook"  

 I take my shoes off and walk back to my room

"Where is your coat? " Jimin hyung speaks up and I close my door.

What did I do? I hear them calling me and I walk back to them. 

"How was it Jungkook?" They set down something for me to drink.

"What happened?" Jimin looks at me and everyone goes quite

"I... " I start to stutter and I start to think back to everything that happened, everything what I did is now settling in...

"I hurt her... I ruined my relationship" The tears start to roll and Jimin walks over to me and comforts me while I cry. 


"You said all those things to her?"

"I did... I wasn't thinking. She wanted to talk about Joongki and assure me that they are friends and...I just freaked out, I thoughed she was going to tell me that she liked him that they had something in the past and then earlier that they with Hongki..I...I just got mad and I said those things."

"I...I said those afwul things, you should have seen her. I am such an idot."

"You are, how could you have be-" Jimin stops Namjoon hyung from talking and tries to calm him a bit down.  He takes my arm and leads me away from the rest so we can talk more comfortale

"But why did you say all of those nasty things?" 

"I... I don't know. I was jus confused. I don't know what came over me, I just got mad. I thoughed back and I just got upset again and I just.... I ed up didn't I?"

"It wasn't the smart thing yes. She has been trough a lot, even though that she has been by you, she has trusted you even admist any rumor. "

"I know and now...I hurt her even more." I go with my hands trough my hair and I feel so helpless

"What shoud I do Hyung? I don't want to lose her"

"Talk to her, apologize to her. If you want to keep your relationship talk to her"


Jungsoo POV

Yae didn't call me... I check my phone again and no... Shold I drive to the hospital first? I think I should and if I don't find her I can always drive up to Fnc entertaiment. 

I knock on her door and a nurse walks up to 

"She is there, but... She looked quite.. Something must have happened." I thank her and quickly go inside

"Yaejin? Ji?" 

"Ju-Jungsoo" I see her crying and I quickly wrap my arms around her

"What happened?"

"Jungkook and I..."

"What did he do" 

Ji explained everything to me and she has now fallen asleep. I feel so bad that this happend, it really hurt her every single word he said. How could he say this to her? 

*                                   *

"Jungsoo you are already here" Yaejin walks up to me and hugs me "I have missed you"

"I have missed you too" She puts on a sweater and sits next to me

"I can't believe that you are walking on your two feet again"

"I know right, everything has gone better so quick.  I can see, well mostly, but it isn't black anymore and the therapy has worked so well. Do you know what the doctor said"

"Do tell me, what did he say"

"That he is glad that I choose for this treament since it has and is working so well."

"I am glad as well. Also, I heared that you are going to train again."

"I am...I have to finisch my routine for the gaonchart awards before I leave for New York"

"When are you going?"

"I am going in three days"

 "Three days?! How are you? "

"I still have time to pratice in New York, don't worry. I will be fine"

"Does Jungkook know? " She stiffens up a bit and looks away

"What does he know? "

"That you are leaving. You have talked to him right?" She looks sad and shakes her head

 "We talked a bit"

"Really?  What did you say..."

"I told him that I just wanted to focus on getting better and that I wasn't going to receive any visitors so.." 

"Ji why would you do that?" I take her hand and she is looking down. Is she really done with him? Or does she just want to avoid the situation?

 "I just... I didn't want to talk about it yet, I jsut wanted to get better and start working again."

"Okay... You do have to talk to him, you can't avoid him forever that way you will end your relationship"

"I know.. I just... I will talk him okay, before I leave. But now, do you want to help get to sm and train?"

"You mean bring you and wait until you are done and then drive you back." She nods and puts puppy eyes on 

"Ofcourse I will! Get your things we are going" 

"What are you going to do today"

"Dance, a ballet piece. They still want to do the same as at the seoul music awards, so ... Yes.." She looks worried and quite frankly so am I. 

We are about to leave when the doctor rushes up to us. He has Yaejin's stick in his hands and I see that Ji isn't to appy about that

"Yaejin you should take this with you, I am glad to see that you are wearing your sunglasses"

"I thoughed that she could see clearly again?"

"She can see, but clearly not yet. She still needs to use this" He hands Ji her stick and her face drops

"Thank you, we will be back in a few houres"

"Take is slow Yaejin. Nice to see you again Jungsoo-shi" 


We arrive at SM and quickly sneak in and walk to a rehearsel room. She starts to warm up and I check my messages. Taemin wants to meet her?  I click on his message and he is funny. Asking me for permission to meet with her for his new album. 

"Ji Taemin wants to meet with you for his next album"

"Really? Okay I would love to help him."

 "Are you sure?"

"I am, don't worry" she acts quitly and I text Taemin back. and a few seconds later the door flies open

"Jinniiee"  Taemin is standing there and runs up to Ji to hug. Yaejin and I are looking at each other both surprised and shocked

"You are going to help me,  thank you!" 

"I will help you, but put me down first"

They start to talk about his new album and he wants her to choreapograph a dance for him, he keeps on talking and persuading her and from time to time she looks at me and smiles. I smile back and we start to pull ugly faces. 

"I will help you Taemin, but now I have to choreopgraph my own dance"

"Shall I help you? I will help you. We will both help you" He looks at me and nods, I look at Ji and she winks at me

"Okay you silly you and Jungsoo oppa can help me" I chuckle and she smiles at me. I feel my stomach fluttering and I quikcly look away. I never felt like this before.... I look back at her and I study the way she is warming up. 

She starts dancing and Taemins sits down next to me and he goes on and on about his album he is so excited.  Ji phones rings and before I can take it he pickes it up 

"Jinnie it is Jungkook calling" He answers his phone call and Ji slips

"Dammit" I quickly stand up and get to her

"Are you hurt? Where does is hurt? Can you stand?" I start to ask her a lot of questions and she schuckles at me

"I am fine, I was just surprised"  I help her stand up and it looks like she hurt her ancle

"Does it hurt?" I touch it lightly and she takes my hand and makes me stand up straight

"I am fine, I am not hurt. Don't worry, I just slipped, nothing more" 

"Arasso.." I look at Taemin and he looks a bit surprised, I feel myself getting mad

"Taemin do you think that it looked a bit all right?" She puts her hand on my arm and talks to Taemin, he puts the phone down and starts to talk again.

"It is not his fault" Yaejin sits me down and she squishes my arm lightly. 

"Don't blame him, not his fault" She smiles at me and goes to Taemin and I look at her. 

She is smiling and making sure that he doesn't feel guilty. Her phone buzzes again and it is Jungkook calling again. Should I? 

"Who is calling? " 

"Jungkook, do you want to answer?"

"No I have to finisch this dance" She quickly walks back and avoids my answer


"Thank you for helping Taemin, I will help you next" Taemin walks off happy and I hand Ji her jacket

"You can't avoid him forever. You are not only hurting yourself, but you are also hurting him."

"Jungsoo, I really don't want to talk about it right now."

"then when? You can't avoid it forever. "

"What do you want me to do? "

"What do you feel, what do you want to do. You have to make a descision in what direction you want to go"

"I don't know what I feel" She puts on her jacket grabs her stick and thn stops to turn around to face me

"I don't know anything anymore. Something is missing here..." She points to her heart and her eyes are watering up

"Did someone come and visit me when I was admitted to the hospital?" 

"Noo" I say it quickly and I try not to look surprised. How could she? Was she not asleep? 

"Jungsoo  I don't know what to do... I don't know what to say to Jungkook. I don't want to hurt him, but he did hurt me...I don't want to lose him..." she looks to the ground and I hug her

"You have to talk to him and together you two can figure it out."

*                                                  *

"So this is the last day of you in the hospital. I can't wait for you to be back home" I wrap my arms around her.

"I am coming home" We are both cheering and the doctor and her mom walk in,  we stop cheering and I feel so emberassed 

"You can go home, be carefull ni New york. I contacted the hospital there and at the dance company you can also recieve certain treament. Don't forget to go and when you come back come straight here."  He leaves and her mother walks up to us

"You are going home" We are all cheering now .

"What do you want to do now? For your last minutes in Korea? "

"Ooh I am coming back, I am not leaving for ever" she gives me a cheecky smile and I 

"I know, so where do you want to go"

"I have to see Taemin I am almost done with the choreograpy, just the finisching touch"

"Okay lets do it"


"Your cane Ji" She pouts at me, but takes her cane with her. We quickly go inside and find Taemin. 
They start to go over the routine and it looks amazing. She is now done with Taemin choreograpy and is now working on her own.

"Okay you two out. " She puts on her point shoes and looks at us


"Yes, I will show you later. Go out oppaa~" She tries to push me out and I turn around and her arms go around me

"Look out" I hold her up and she looks surprised at me

"Go, I want to surprise you"

"Okay, call me when you are done." I give her a kiss on her forehead and I walk off. 


"How has she been the past days?" Taemin offers me a drink and he sits down 

"She is doing better, still stuborn, but she is recovering" 

"I am so happy about that. "

We talk a bit and a pair of arms wrap around me.

"Are you done training?" I put my hand on her arms and she nods

"Lets go" We greet Taemin and I can see him looking surprised at us and than looks at me with a puzzeled look

"Taemin the dance looks great, if you have any problems or questions call me okay?"

"Okay.." He stamble the words and  I take Ji arm and we leave. 


"where do you want to go to now? Do you want to go and drink something?" 

"Well...I am leaving tonightt so.. Can.. Can we go and see Jungkook first and than go for a drink?"

"Ofcourse, I think it is good to go and see him" I drive to Bighit and Ji is looking nervous.

"Are you nervous to see him?"

"I am, I haven't talked to him... Not really talk, just how are you, what are you doing at most. "

"You are scared aren't you?" I touch her shoulder lightly and she smiles a little

"I don't know what he is going to say, or what is going to happen"

"Just be honest." I park and she is fuzzeling with her hand "We are here, do you want me to stay here?"

"No, no..Please come with me" 

we walk in together and they tell us where he is.Yaejin seems so nervous. She stops before knockin and seems to be thinking.

"Should I take my glasses off, could you hold my cane? I should have left it in the car"

"Ji, you need your sunglasses to protect your eyes and you need your cane" 

"OKay...Okay..." She mumbles and I knock on the door. She grabs my hand and together we walk in and they are practicing. we watch them for a while and Jungkook doesn't notice us but the rest stops dancing

"Yaejin..." They wispher her name and Jungkook stops dancing, he looks happy to see her and wants to run up to her, but his eyes shift to our hand and he stops. I quikcly let go and Ji look at me. 

"I will wait here" I nod at her and take her cane from her, she grabs my arm and looks scared at me "I will be here, don't worry." 

"How have you been" Ji starts the conversation and Jungkook is still looking at her hand

"I am are you? I see that you can see again, that is amazing" 

"Mostly yes.. I am glad to hear that you are okay" She nods with her head and he opens his mouth but than closes it again

"I am really glad to see you again, I have misse-"

"I am leaving tonight." She stops him from talking and his mouth falls open


"I am going to New York, work. I toughted it would be better if I told you in person, so here I am"  I can hear in Ji's voice that she is hurt and mad. She still hasn't forgiven his harsh words

"You are leaving... You didn't come here to talk to me, but just to tell me this." He stops talking and the atmoshpere is ice cold

"You didn't come to make up... Fine, I hope that your trip is nice" I see that Yaejin is suprrised with his answer and so am I. I thoughed he would be less...less hard about it. 

"Look I am sorry that I haven't had much time to talk to you, but I have been busy and I haven't had time t come and really talk to you '

"But you have time to travel to the othe side to the world and go to rehearsel" 

"Look I am working again. Going to rehearsel may not be my choose but I still have to go. I am sorry if that bothers you so much" She starts to talk sarcatsic at him and they are both getting angrier and angrier

"Practising with Jungsoo and Taemin. I thoughed you didn't want any visitors, I suppose I am not important to you." 

"I have to go, my plane is leaving in 4 hours" Ji turns around and she is shaking

"Don;t walk away from me. We need to talk,  don't you think that you should apologize" 

I walk to Yaejin and look at Jungkook. I can't believe this, she is shaking and I hold her arm, she looks up to me and nods slightly. She turns around and takes her glasses off.

"I should apologize." She sounds angry, but I can hear in her voice how hurt she is

"You think you shouldn't?" 

"You are unbelievable. I was with Taemin because of his new album, I have been choreographing his dance. I was working. But for you I will be in his arms, I hope that makes you happy" 

"You what? Yae I am so- "

"Don't talk to me." She faces away from him and she tries to hold her tears. 

"You want to know why I am so close to Joongki or Jungsoo. They aren't as cold and mean as you, they don't hurt me, they support me, they help me they listen to me. THey are there even if it is late at night. But you... Any other boy but you is better to me...." 

The tears escape from her eye and she turns to face him, his eyes have wattered up aswell and he tries to speak again

"SO do tell me that you miss me, that you are sorry. But the fact that you said this, the fact that you hurt me and aren't there to support me is still there. "

"Yaejin I...I didn't now what overcame me when I said all those things"

"I do...Jealusly, the fact that yo don't trust me. You are so held up to check on my friend that you forget the fact that I choise you, I want to be with you. "

"But I"

"You know, there are so many great people around me, so many great people that are supporting me that somethimses I wonder why I am dating you... They don't hurt me, they stay with me during the whole night, trying to make me feel safe, support me, watch stupid things with me "

"You mean Joongki..." I can hear the bitterness in his voice and Ji face looks like she can't believe what he is saying

"Woow...Even now you are going back to that. Not only Joongki... Are you in love with him? You can't stop asking about him, that must be the reason that you are so cold to me" 

Her phone goes and she takes out her phone

"Don't answer, you are talking with me"

"Hello Yaejin speaking" She picks up and I can see Jungkooks face going dark

"I have to call you back. Haha I would love that, it is really sweet of you. Yes I will come before I leave. Thank you.. I will see you in a minute, bye oppa" She hangs up and puts her phone away

"Jungsoo oppa, do you think we can stop by Joongki He wants to celebrate that I am released form the hosptital and see me before I leave for New york" 

"Sure.." I hand her her cane and I don't really want to go to him, but she is right, he does take good care of her. I look at Jungkook and he can't believe what he is hearing, he looks hurt and doesn't know what to say 

"You picked up the phone for him...You are going to see him..." He looks so hurt and tears start to fall from his eyes. Yaejin puts her sunglasses back on and stops from walking away

"Yaejin...don't go... I am sorry..I am so sorry... Just... Don't go..Please..."

"You know, Jungkook-shi. I am going to see Joongki,he treats me well, he is kind, he is perfect." She walks a bit to him and he seems lost


"He is so pefect that I wonder why I am not dating him, you are right. Maybe I should be in his arms"  She walks to me and he can't stop his tears

"YA-Yae... Don't go, I am so-"

"You are sorry! I get it! Don't you understand that I would have been with you during any stupid thing, but.. Don't you get that you hurt me! I am.." Ji starts to cry and she wipes away her tears, I walk up to her and I hold her arm. 

"I am sorry... I also will be with you trough everything, every storm. We.. We have been together since we were born, I.. We are perfect, we can go trough every storm. Just.."

"I am going to see Joongki, I told him I would be there soon. Jungkook I understand that it must have been to much or you. I have to go"

"Yaejin don't push me away..." He walks up to her, but she avoids his hands.

"Yae...don't push me away" He tears up again and Ji turns to face me

"Can we go home..." She holds my hand and she is shaking again. I nod and she leaves first. 

"Yae! " Jungkook tries to follow her and I stop him. Ji walks on and walks out of here


"Let me o, I ca-can't let her go"

"Jungkook. " I stop him and he looks up to me

"I can't let her go...I lov her..I can't" He falls to his knees and he looks heartbroken

"Just give her time, she is hurt. Right now, even if it doesn't seem like it, she is trying to protect you as well. But.." I stop to calm down and let go of him

"You did hurt her. And she is right, Joongki hasn't urt her in any way, but she doesn't care for him in the way she does for you . If you want to make things up, you shuold give her time and then talk to her again. " 


I walk to the car and Ji is already inside, I can see that he has been crying and I quiklcy sit next to her.


"I am so stupid, I said all of those nasty things."

'You are hurt, just calm down and after you trip talk to him again"



Yaejin POV

I try not to snotter anymore and we arrive at the place that Joongki wanted to meet and Jungsoo doens't look to sure of this

"I need some distracting..." I smile at him and we both walk in

"Joongki" I smile at him and he hugs me tight.

"YAejin..." He lets go of me and looks at Jungsoo "Jungsoo"

"Joongki, I will leave you two"

"You don't have to go oppa" I grab his arm and he smiles at me.

"I will just give you two some privacy, get to catch up a bit" He gives me a small kiss on my head and walks out of the restaurant. I look at him and when I can't see him anymore I go back to Joongki

"ARe you excited to go back home?" HE pulls my chair out and sits infront of me

"I am excited"

"But.." He smirks at me and I laugh

"You do know me so well...I am a bit scared, I don't want anything to go wrong..."

"Just be careful." He takes my hand and looks encouraging to me "Just listen to your body" 

Joongki is now ordening for us and I look at him. He truly looks amazing,  real manly ordering like this. He notices that I am starring at him and I qucily look away. I shyly look back and he is still looking at me. He smiles at me and I smile back, I lean my head on my hand and watch hiim come closer

"What is wrong?" He sits down and takes my hand in his

"I fought with Jungkook" 

"You did? You two didn't make up?  Ooh sweety...What  happened?"

"I don't really know, I came to tell him that I was going to New York and he just became mad and started accusing me of cheating with Taemin and also you"

"What did you say? What did he say"

"He...I said that he was cold and.." I think back and tears come back "I told him he was cold and that he only hurt me and that Jungsoo and you treated me well, never hurt me and that is why I am so close to you guys. " 

"Don't cry" He takes my hand and I start to blink, aah stupid tears

"You are truly perfect..." I raise my hands up and remove my tears from my eye corner. 

"You told him that" He blushes and the look in his eyes has changed, new but familiar

"I .." I also start to blush and nod. He looks surprised and  starts to smile a littl. I hit him and he gets us something to eat

"What do you want to do next, with Jungkook" He stambles the next part 

"I don't know..and to be honest I don't know if I want to continue this circle of fighting making up fighting breaking up making up and..."

"But you care for him don't you" He looks with a pained face at me , like the words he is saying hurt him even though they might help Jungkook and I

"I do, I always have"

"You two need to talk and figure this our toegether. You two should find a way in the madness to balance everything. To find a way to stay together" 

"I am not sure if he still wants to..." 

"Look at me.." he takes my hand and smiles a little "The fact that he is fighting over this, that he is jelous, that proves that he wnats to be with you. He wants to be you only so...He sure wants to stay together with you" 

"I love meeting up with you" I squish his hand lightly and he starts to smile again

"I am happy that I am now finally able to."

*                                                                          *

I arrive in New York and I am happy to stretch my legs again. My manager and everyone else who came along grab my bags and I try to walk with this stupid cane. I truly dislike using it, it is so hard...Or atleast I still find it difficult to use it well. 

"You arrived! How was your flight?" I called Jungsoo and he is with the rest of Super junior 

"It was good, I am so glad to breath fresh air tough"

"What are you going to do,  don't forget to bring something for me!" Heechul takes over the phone and his sillyness makes me laugh

"I will bring something for all of you, but do send me what you guys want then"

"A grilfriend"

"Heechul I don't kidnapp sorry" I walk out the gate and it is filled with fans, the screams are so loud that it scares me for a bit

I try to walk and call at the same time and everyone is trying to get a hold of me, but when they see my cane the calm a bit down. It has become a 'hottopic' saying I have gone blind and many fans and also non fans have been shocked to hear so. 

I get int the car and we quickly drive of.

"I am sorry, it was a bit crazy"

"Are you okay?" Jungsoo is talking again and he sound concerned

"I am, they made way for me to walk. Or atleast I didn't bump into any one"

"How are your eyes"

"They hurt when I use them a lot and it still a bit blurry."

"Didn't the doctor also say that the more you use them the worse your sight wil get?"

"He did, but I still have to use my eyes"

"I know...Just keep your glasses on, use your cane and don't over work them."

"Arasso..I have to go, I am at the hospital."


Jungkook POV

I am still standing here. Jungsoo and Yaejin just walk way and I can't commprihant het what just happened. She left...She left..

"Jungkook are you okay?" Jimin is standing now infront of me and he looks concerned at me. I look at his eyes and I don't know how I am feeling 

"How would you feel.." He looks to the ground, there is no way how they could ever understand how I feel. 

"I just yelled and hurt my girlfriend all over again...How knows if she is still my girlfriend..."

"You both hurt each other, you two just need to talk. Really talk"

*                                             *

I go trough the articles and there have been new articles claiming that we have broke up, pictures released from us at new years, at a date and when we were fighting in front of the hosptial with her crying and me walking away...I click to the next photo and  I see myself crying at the busstop. as a zombie I go the thext one and it is her crying walking back into the hospital. 

I click the photo's away, I can't bear to look at it for a second longer. I click on the article claiming that we split up and it is almost to ridicilous to read...but there is some truth in it. What if we really broke up? I haven't talked to her since and I am to scared to contact here. I have seen pictures of her in New York, working, at the hosptial, at the dance company and I have been reading what fans have said, how she was when they met her, but I don't know what to say to her. 

I scroll down and Jimin ploffs down next to me.

"What are you doing? "


"You have been here for the past days just looking at articles ?" He looks surprised at me 

"Just call her Jungkook"

I look back at the computer screen and I am about to close it when I notice an other article

"Yaejin smilling again" I click on it and Jimin also moves closer to read it

"Yaejin spotted smilling again after half year" I read the article out loud

Yaejin and Joongki were spotted tegether at a restaurant, were Joongki succeded in making Yaejin smilling. Bystanders say that the two looked very comfortable with each other and seemed to enjoy each other company. This is the first time that Yaejin has been seen smiling in public since her accident..." 

I scrol down and I see pictures of her and Joongki smilling and him holding her hand and she is indeed smilling, for the past months she hasn't been photogrpahed with a smile.

"Seeing Joongki and Yaejin together spikes up the rumors of that Yaejin and Jungkook have broken up. This rumor still hasn't been confirmed by Bighit or Sm entertaiment and dispite of that is is nice to see that Yaejin is happy again." 

"Stop reading Jungkook, they are just gosipping." Jimin clicks the article away 

"They are right...She was smilling again...She does look happy"

"She also looked happy with you, they are just friends, close friends" Jimin starts to rattle and I just stop listening to him...His words might be true, but  my heart won't listen to it. 

Jimin leaves and I start youtuve to look for songs to record. and I think I found the perfect one. 'There is nothing like us ' 

*                    * 

"There is nothing like us, there is nothing like you and me

Together trough the storm"

I think back to our fight and this song just mathes up to evertything perfectly. I post it and it does feel a bit releaving. I have tried to contact Yae but every single time I just saw the photo's of her again and I just couldn't anymore. 

"Jungkook are you coming?" Namjoon peaks his head around the corner and I nod. 

*                                                       *

"When is Yaejin coming back?" Seojin plofs down next to me and I can see everyone giving him a look to shut up

"I don't know, I suppose today. She will be performing tomorrow as well" 

"Talk to her" 

"I will" The doorbell goes and I look on my phone. It is already late, 11 pm... I stand up and excuse me from the awkward converstion. 

I open the door and the first thing I see are two pair of sneakers and when I look up my heart stops... 

"Jungkook" Yaejin smiles at me and we are both standing a bit awkward

"Come in.." I open the door further open and she walks in.

"Yaejin, you are already back" Jimin hugs her and she smiles awkwardly

"Yes, I came here to talk to Jungkook" They nod and all leave us


"Did you come here straight from the airport?"

"I did, I wanted to talk to you..Well I think that we need to talk..." 

"I think so too...Sit down Yae" She thanks me and sits down, she looks so tired. She must have been overworking herself. 

"I am sorry" I speak my mind first and she is looking at her hands

"I shouldn't have said that any of it."

"But you are right.. I should be clear in some ways...I..It is just that I don't mean it in any other way than friendship. But I never thoughed to how it might seem to you." 

"Yae I also should have trusted you more... I know that you care for me, I...I shouldn't have doubted you. I just became jealous, I felt that you were closer to them and shared more with them than with me." It feels good to be finaly honest with her, there are a lot of thoughts that have been going unspoken between us.

"And I think that you are right... I was closer to them than to you, I shared more of my feelings, thoughes with them."

"Why? Why didn't you talk to me?"

"I am not sure..There were so many feelings an thoughts that were going trough my head and my whole situation. I was partly afraid that iit would be to much for you, that you were going to back off. That is why I talked to them more, they were supporting me and were there for me every single seconds."

"That is why you were pushing me away.. I would have been there with you, we grew up together you can tell me anything. I would have been with you trough every storm"

"Just like your song" She finally looks up to me and she has tears in her eyes

"You heared it"

"I did. Jungkook, how do we go on?" 

"How do you mean? "

"Cause I don't want to fight...I don't want to hear those words again I..."

"What do you mean? Do you.." I get up and I don't understand what she means, she doesn't want to break up does she? I try to handle my feelings and I blink so I won't cry

"I love you" I turn to her and sit one knee infront of her "I love you and I don't want to break up with you. I said things I don't mean, we did things we souldn't, but that will make us grow in our relationship."

"But is it not to late, can you forgive me for all my mistakes can you forget them" I take her hands and smile at her

"For the past days the only thing I thought about was you. How I hurt you, how I missed you, how musch I loved you. Ever since we were litle I wanted to be with you, be the one to hold your hand. I should be asking you, can you forgive me? "

"I do, I did, I already have." 

"I.." I smile and I can't control my feelings anymore "I want yout o be happy"

"You make me happy...You do, when I was sad, you always knew how to make me laugh"

"Does that mean" 

"I love you... " She cups my face and wipes my tear away "If you want to I would love to if you were to hold my hand for longer"

"I would love to hold your hand forever, if you" 

"I would love that" I smile at her and kiss her softly on her forhead.

"Stop crying" She laughs at me and I wrap my arms around her.


"I have to go" Yae tries to stand up, texts Jungsoo if he wants to come and pick her up, but I don't want her to go and I wrap my arms around her again. 

"Don't go~"

"I have to go and train, tomorrow is"

"I know, I still have a lot to ask you...How was New York, how did work go, did you hurt yourself?"

"I am not hurt, not anymore" She puts her ars around my neck and her words make me smile

"Jungkook promise if you are mad  or if something bothers me you will tell me, even if it might lead to us fighting"

"I will, I perfer fighting with you if it means us being together...You promise me that you won't push me away anymore, talk to me tell me your worries, your feelings. I can handle it, I can..."

"Okay..." I can hear her smile and she holds me closer "I promise.."

The doorbell goes and the other boys sneak in again. and I let go and we both wipe our tears away. She looks shyly at me and laughs, I tick on her nose and her smile goes of to her eyes.

"Is Yaejin here?"

"Yes, come in Jungsoo hyung" They all bow down and Jungsoo walks in and when he spots Yae he smiles again and he opens his arms and Yae walk sup to him

"Ji, you are home! Oohh I missed my little sister" He lifts her up and holds her tight "We were waiting for you, we have prepared something nice for you so you have to come quck." He puts her down and hands her her coat

"Your manager also gave me this" He hands her her stick and tries to smile 'You still have to use it, doctor orders"

"fine...I missed you too oppa"

"You didn't make her cry again Jungkook..." He turns to me and I star to panick, he looks so seroius

"Aah. no..N"

"Oppa,  he didn't..." She pouts at him and he wants to say something to me again and she starts pushing him

"Okay lets go" 

She pushes him trough the door and stops so she can say goodbye to me

"I will come by tomorrow than we can catch up a bit"

"You don"

"No objecting, I am coming..." I kiss her and she smiles at me


Yaejin POV

"You guys are amazing" they prepared a lovely meal for me and it is so sweet of them. 

"I am gald you like it"Jungsoo wraps his arm around my shoulder and we all start eating


"You look tired, you overworked yourself didn't you?" Everybody left and just me and Jungsoo are left now. 

"I might have...well atleast I can do my routine now and I know the words of the songs"

"You promised"

"I know"

"YOu were upset weren't you, you always dance or sing. How are your eyes, the doctor told you not to overwork. Did you go to the doctor"

"They hurt but I am okay. I can still use them. I will go and see the doctor tomorrow."

"How was New York?"

"It was okay, my feet hurt from all the walking and my lefs as well." 

"Did you walk in a lot of shows" He takes my legs and masages them

"thankyou. I walked in almot all of them and if it goes right I will be the one that walked in the most shows"

"Oohh I am proud of you" He looks happy at me 

"I am really tired though. It has been a tough couple of days."

"Well you were told to take it easy for good reasons, your body still can't handle all the presure you have been putting your body under. " 

"I know...It feels like I am going to fall down any second, but luckily tomorrow I will be able to rest again." I close my eyes and it truly feels like I am going to faint any second. 

"Come you should go and sleep" He lifts me up and I wrap my arms aroud him. 

"You are still so light, tinny...I will have to feed you more and more. You still look like you will break in two if I hold you to tight"

"I am working on it"

"Are you really? " He pust me down lightly and sits next to me, I put my legs over his and he is right, I am not really trying, the oppiste even I have been trying to lose more and more weight as well. 

"I know that you always found it hard to be critized over your weight, but you were never fat and now you shouldn't be losing any more weight, you should gain some and be ack on normal weight"

"I am on normal weight"

'Ji you are not, you are under weight, serious underweight" He puts his hands around my waist

"Look I can almost touch my fingertops together, I know that you want to show all the people that have criticed you, called you fat, tallentless and all ugly names that you are now thin and amazing. But you always have been great, amazing and beautiful" 

"I just want to show them that I am"

"That you all they long the be and never will be"

I nod and he pulls me closer. 

"Especially the girlgroups" He smiles at me cheeckly 

"Some girlgroups maybe" He ticles me and I give in "Yes fine, certain girlgroups yes, I want to show them that they may have called me fat once, but now I am thinner and my life is more perfect than theirs."

"Ooh is it"

"I have amazing friends, great family, I am on good terms with my boyfiriend and work is also going better. "

"Really great family?"

"Ehum, great brothers.." I smile at him and wrap y arms around him "You...I might not say it everyday, but when I was in the hospita. and yes I know it sounds cliché but I realised that everything can change in a second and I should thank the people I am gratful too before it is to late."

"You are truly becoming older and older.. I love you too silly" 

"Silly pff....Love you too."

"On an other note, Jungkook. Please do explain, you called me telling every reason to break up and not to break up, it seems you finally made a desision"

"Well I just realised that what he said was right...Only the way we both expressed our feelings and expressed the truth was wrong. "

"Is that the reason why you two are now on good terms?"

"Partly...You were right as well, we jut needed to talk and that is what we did." 

"I am glad that you two worked it out"

"So am I, I do really care for him" 

*                                                                *

"Are you writting in our diary again"

"My tea" I get up and grab for it, but I go to far to the right.."I still need some practise" 

"Here" He puts the cup in my hands "How is the writing coming along"

"It is going.." I put my diary awayand sit up a bit straighter

"You know pictures of you in the ballet company and in new york are already swirling around the internet"

"They never do give me break do they" I put my up of tea aside and Jungsoo ehlsp me "Did you see the clip of me dancing at the ballet entertaiment"

"I did, you were amazing"

"Well apperently there was a someone from twice, I think mina, well she apperently commented on me dancing saying it was horrible..." 

"What she did? Were did you read this?" He takes m laptop and goes trough my history

"You shouldn't be reading such articles...Is it this one" I smile at him and nod

"Waahh unbelievable, but have you read this article? " 

"What article?" 

"Here about the backlash she has been getting for saying those things to you"

"That isn't fair as well"

"You alway fight with girlgroups"

"I do not... They always pick fiths with me"

"That is because you are close with us."

"Really, is that the reason that they don't like me"

"Yes it is, you are too close with Super Junior"

"Jungsoo you know that that is not the reason. You guys are the reason that many accepted me"

"Look the reason she propably said it is because she is jealous, isn't she a ballerina as well."

"No..She practices ballet, not a ballerina. and you might be right"

"I am right, just don't be mean to her, just prove her wrong. Maybe you too wil become friends."

"Maybe, don't get our hopes up. You always she the best in someone"

"I am not, just the good in you. You should go and sleep, tomorrow will be a long day."

*                                                       *

"I will see you tonight" Jungsoo is ready to go and I am also about to leave.

"Do you want me to dro you off?"

"No I will have to start driving on my own again so it is fine. And you are busy, don't worry about me. Go  to work"

"What? You are going to drive again, are ou sure that is safe, with your sight failing.." He hands me my stick and puts his shoes on

"Come I am giving you a ride" He puts a piece of bread in my mouth helsp me puton my coat and puts on my glasses 

"And no I am not taking no for an answer. Lets go"


"I will come by in my break, see you later"

"Jungsoo you don't have to come, you are already busy." /he gets out as well and rubs his hand over my head. 

"I will come by, there is always time for family" He hugs me and gives me a kiss on my forehead. 

"Go inside, be careful." 

"Arasso..Thank you for the rid"

"Call me when you are in trouble."

*                                                                     * 

"I come bearing gifts" Jungsoo walks in and I stop dancing

"Is it already 12 o'clock" 

"Have you been dancing none stop?" He puts down the food and offers me his arm

"Thank you. I must have been than." 

We sit down and start eating

"How did it go? Any pain, how is your sight"

"It is bairable, don't worry so much." 

"Can't help it." He smiles a little and hands me some of his food

"I am already full. Stop giving me so much food."


"Are you going already?"

"I only had one hour. I will see you tonight, how are you going to do that tonight?"

"I won't be going over the carpet, I will accept my award and than is when everyone will see me and after that I will perform 3 songs and sit in the crowd with everyone else"

"Okay, but are you going to be able to perform three songs?"

"Well I might not be able to walk after."

"You should take it easy now aswell, you can hardly walk now"

"I know, I will be carefull"  He grabs his coat and I am sad to see him go. I try to stop him from going and he lifts me up with out trying.

"Nice for you to company me" He walks trought the door and has me now lifted upon his shoulder

"Put me down this is kinapping" He puts me down and I tell him to turn around, he does it iwhtout quesstioning and I jump on his back for a piggyride

"I will acompany you"

"I like that" Toegether we walk for a little while and he lets me down

"I have to go, be carefull when you are dncing and I will see you tonight"

"See you tonight" 

*                                                *

I started practising again and  hear someone knocking on the door. I see flowers and than a head peaking by them

"you brought me flowers" 

"I did, I was walking by them and I thoughed af you and I juast had to give them to you" 

"So sweet" I walk to Jungkook and give him a kiss. He wraps his arm aorund me and lays the flowers down softly and wraps both arms around me 

"how do you feel?"

"Good, a bit tired. and you?"

"The same, tired, but being with you makes my day a lot brighter"

"AAhh so did mine" I give him a kss and he pins me around

"How is your dance going?"

"Good, is hard, but I know all the steps"

"Doesn't it hurt.." He cups my face "You look already in pain and you are just standing up"

"Just a little it will be fine, tust me..." 

I let go of him and back a litlle away.. I smile at him and he raises his eyebrow in curiosity

"remember what I once thoughed you"

"Aah the ballet dance move" He smirkes at me and takes his coat off and rolls the sleeves of his jumper up, and gives me the go look.

I start twirling and land pefectly in his arms, our faces so close and when he tries to kiss me I go away and than he lifts me up above his head. He slowly lets me down and his hands slip by my legs and he wraps his hands around my legs and I wrap them aroun his waist. 

"We should do this more often...I like this" He softly bites his lips and I put my hands  in his hair and he smiles at me. 

"We should shouldn't we"  

"We definitly should.." 

He walks a bit forward until my back touches the mirror. He carefully tries to find my lips, I carfully back away just enough for him not to touch my lips but just to carres them. 

"You know we never got to celebrate valintines day"

"I did give you a valintines gift"  He talks to me with a husky voice and I love his voice

"Nothing like us" i smile at him and he nods

"Exactly nothing like us..." He tries to kiss me and I slowlymove a bit away "You know..We could just hold a late valentine day..."


"I know how much you like valentines day and I really wanted to celebrate it with you, so lets hold a late valentines day."

"To start officially over and to celebrate us being together"

I kiss him and he looks surprised and kisses me before I can pull away. 

"Is that a yes?" 

"It is" I laugh and he kisses me again and I can feel his smile against mine lips. 

"Ughhughh"  We hear someone couging and we both look at the door. 

"We are sorry to interrup..."  I recognize Taemins voice and instead of embarresed i just find this situation funny

I look at Jungkook and he tries to hide his smile just like me. He slowly lets me down and he is bitting his lipe again . He quickly gives me a kiss and I giggle. 

"Well...Yaejin I came to ask about the routine, but I will come by an other time" Taemin came together with Taeyeon and Kai and they are looking at us amasued

I look at Jungkook and he pulls his shoulders up and I look back at Taemin. 

"What is it?" I nod at him and he smiles at me

"thank you, good to see you Jungkook" 

Taemin quickly dances it and I give him some corrections and is now trying to perfect it.

"I like this dance"

"Mmm that is probaply because I coreographed it.." He wraps his arms around me and leans his head on my shoulder, He ticles me and I put my hand on his. 

"I diffently like it because of you" I look at him and is is smirking at me and lean sin to give me a quick kiss

"Well I see that the rumors of you to broken up are false" 

"Umm..Yes they are" I smile and I can feel Jungkook hidding his face behind mine and he holds on to me tighter

"We have never been better"

"Well your cuteness makes me sick so I think we will leave you two alone" I chuckle and I can feel Jungkook smile.

"It was nice to see you guys."  I let go of Jungkook and hug Taeyong

"Lets meet up soon" She hugs me back and it iss nice to see her again, they all leave and Jungkook opens his arms and I run in to them. 

"When do you want to celebrate valintines day?" We are now sitting down  and our hands are intwined

"Soon...How about "

"2 days...Day after tomorrow" Jungkook looks excited at me and I nod

"I would love that"

I lean my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arms around me. and I feel happy, Jungkook makes me feel something that I felt long ago. I wrap my arm around him aswell and I am so happy tat we made up I don't know what I would have done if I lost him. He isn't just the person I am in love with but he is also my besfriend. 

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semmie #1
Chapter 5: Dear Readers,
In Chapter 5 I added some links, this is the link to the song.
I am planning on doing that trough the whole story, some songs will be sung by males, or groups, but it is about the lyrics.
I hope you guys like it, let me know what you think of it.

Thank you for reading my story! I really appreciate it.
Right now I have my finals, but when they are over I will update more often ^^
Let me know what you think ^^