Final Part

The Other Woman

“The marks humans leave are too often scars.” ― John Green, The Fault in Our Stars


Tiffany POV

It becomes an everyday routine for the past six months. I watch her go back and forth to her apartment and her studio before going back to my life.

It brought clarity to me how unreachable, she is. I still have her. She still has me. All I can do is staring from afar.

Our home had become frighteningly quiet.

The marriage dwindles from a year of awkwardness and hate to a year of pure friendship to a year of genuine love and to a year of insecurity and refusal that led to bitterness and loveless. It comes down to a meaningless marriage.

She tried, I tried.

We never got passed a night without argument.


“You’re home,” I nods quietly and let her take my coat and briefcase. I took a quick shower and found dinner, serve neatly on the table.

She joined me at the table despite already having hers earlier. No matter how late I am, she will join me at the table.

“Father wanted to have dinner.” She announced.

I stop eating for a while. Dinner with our family had become a painful, awkward routine, so I mindlessly nod.

“Be early tomorrow, your dad going to join us too.”


We fall into another painful silent. I ate as fast as I could to get in bed and sleep for another more day of my miserable life.


I was home a little late for her liking. Sharp glances and unhappy stares aim at me. I saw my dad and her father talk in the living room and her mom with her in the kitchen.

“Tiffany,” The two men greet me.

“Father,” I nod at my father in law and hug my dad. “Dad.”

“You work too hard,” My father in law commented.

“I’m sorry she got my gene,” My dad jokes.

The two men laugh and I excuse myself. I took a quick shower and join them at the table.

“I didn’t get to ask this,” My mother in law looks at me warmly, “How was your holiday?”

“Seriously mother? It’s been six months since she comes back,” My wife stares at her mother and chuckles.

“Yeah, how was your holiday?” My dad chimes in with my father in law looking at me intently.

“I found what I looking for and what I wanted.” My answer was short and laced with meaning.

“She returns to me,” Bora added. “That’s all matters.”

I see her eyeing her father sternly.


“It's a metaphor, see: You put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don't give it the power to do its killing.” ― John Green, The Fault in Our Stars


That night, we lay in our bed like a stranger.

“Have you ever regretted this?” Bora asked.

“I regret your insecurity and your refusal,” My answer coated with anger and disappointment. It was evident in my voice that I was far from being nice.

“I will never be secure,” She says sadly. “I took you away from Jessica and make you watch her marrying your best friend.”

“I no longer love her. Years ago I learned to loved you.”

“Is it becoming a past tense for you?”

I didn’t answer her, instead I left the bedroom and spend the rest of the night in the cold and darkness of my study room.


I was more or less becoming a living zombie. Every day of my life consists of coming very early to the office, working and coming back to home late at night.

Sometimes an outlier disturbs my routine. That morning the outlier that brought happiness to my life appears.

I found a painting tube with no return address to me.

I open the tube only to be greeted by a rough drawing of me sleeping almost with a thin sheet covering my private part.

There was a long quote from one of my favourite books behind the drawing.

“Poets often describe love as an emotion that we can't control, one that overwhelms logic and common sense. That's what it was like for me. I didn't plan on falling in love with you, and I doubt if you planned on falling in love with me. But once we met, it was clear that neither of us could control what was happening to us. We fell in love, despite our differences, and once we did, something rare and beautiful was created. For me, love like that has happened only once, and that's why every minute we spent together has been seared in my memory. I'll never forget a single moment of it.”

I know you know which book this comes from. I never regret anything. Remember me as a figment of a past memory as I will treat you the same.

Don’t watch over me anymore. Go back to your life. We are not meant for each other. You can’t be my Noah and I can’t be your Allie.


Deep buried emotion evoked inside of me. She is saying goodbye to me.


My mind mentally screams no.

I left the office that day, shutting off everything as I make my way to her apartment.

In the dark, I sat on her chair, waiting for her to return.


And baby

It's amazing I'm in this maze with you

I just can't crack your code

One day you screaming you love me loud

The next day you're so cold

One day you're here, one day you're there, one day you care

You're so unfair sipping from your cup

Till it runneth over, Holy Grail


I sat calmly in her chair as I hear the familiar rustling of key. I heard the soft gasp as light from the lamp undo the darkness.


I didn’t break my stares at her.

“You need to leave,” She looks at me face full of determination. I can’t let her go.

“Why should I?” I exclaimed defiantly.

“Because this is wrong. We are wrong.” She whispers sadly.

I stand up and walk close to her as she reflexively stepped backward.

“How are we are wrong?” I didn’t stop my pursuit in getting into her space, forcing her into a halt when her back touches the wall of her living room.

“Tell me how are we wrong?” I scream in her face.

“You’re still married.” She finally shouted back.

“I love you, not her,” I press my forehead against her, feeling the warm tears spilling through my cheeks.

“We can’t, I can’t,” She cries softly. “I can’t do this.”

“I love you,” I held both her arms above her head before placing my lips on hers.

“Tiffany, stops.” Her vain effort to push me away was muffled by my lips.

I see nothing as I kiss her fervently while straining her struggles. My hands make their way underneath her shirt, feeling her warm soft skins.

“No,” She still struggles to push me away as I pull away from the forced kiss in bid to remove her shirt off.

“Tiffany, please,” She plead as I carry her in my arms. I ignore her pleas and kick her bedroom door open before placing her gently on the bed.

“I can’t stop loving you,” I said to her sadly as I hover above her. “I can’t no matter how hard I tried.”

Something snaps in her as I felt her kissing me back in tears.

I woke up the next morning with her in my arms.



“You can't go back to how things were. How you thought they were. All you really have”

― Jay Asher, Thirteen Reasons Why


“Where were you last night? I couldn’t reach your phone. Joo Hyun said you leave the office during lunch.” I couldn’t look at her when there was guilt and a hint of happiness in my face.

Taeyeon said nothing when I left her apartment.

She let me kiss her and hug her before leaving. She even nods to my proposal to drop by her apartment after 5.

“Tiffany Hwang, are you even listening to me?”

I finally look at her.

“I’m tired.” I look at her bitterly. “I’m really tired.”

I was about to leave the house again when a pair of arm stops me.

“Don’t leave,” Bora painfully whispers.

It was the beginning of a dangerous game I play.


“How can you call it love when it hurt you so badly?"

"It was love because it was worth it.”

― Jay Asher, The Future of Us


It was one of those weeks I manage to sneak away and spend the night with her.

Having her, cuddling in my arms gave out a pure blissful happiness, the happiness that I have never felt in my entire life.

“We can’t do this forever,” She whispers to me.

“I know,” The choice remains clear to me. It’s just the matter of executing the choice and be brave for once. “Will you still be here, despite the suffering and the pain?”

“I will always love you and want you to be happy,” I saw the pain in her eyes when she utter her words, “Even if it’s not with me. I’m already at the edge of repulsion for even being in your arms.”

“Please don’t say that to yourself,” I close , preventing her from saying another bad thing to herself. “I’m at fault here.”

“It’s mutual.” She whispers. “I responded to your touch, I am as much at fault as you are.”

“I hurt too many people.”


“She was my dream. She made me who I am, and holding her in my arms was more natural to me than my own heartbeat. I think about her all the time. Even now, when I'm sitting here, I think about her. There could never have been another.”

― Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook


“You’re home,” I nod. I took a quick shower and join her at the table. It was one of those rare days where I manage to get home early.

“How was work?”

“Hectic, like usual,” I answer politely.

I sat on the table watching her cleaning the dishes. She was well aware of quiet stares. She took a deep breath and walk to our living room.

I follow behind her quietly.

“Say what you want to say,” She calmly said before taking a seat beside me.

“I can’t do this any longer,” I look at her in the eyes. “I can’t keep up the pretense of hoping that everything is okay with us. I lost hope in us years ago.”

“I’ll get pregnant for you,” My heart hurts a thousand times more at her attempt to save us.

“It’s not about that anymore,” I spoke to her gently. “You know it was over between us years ago. I stay for the sake of you. I stay because I too want this to work, but I can’t do this any longer.”

“Try harder, I won’t question your whereabouts any longer. I will be the perfect wife for you. I won’t annoy you with my insecurity.”

I kneel in front of her, holding her hand in mine.

“It had become unhealthy for us now.”

Painful realization sear right through her face.

“I know about her.” She whispers. “I thought if I kept my silence and my eyes blind, in the end you will always return to me.”

“I know you know about her. I fell in love with her, I tried hard to resist her, but she was different.” I sigh. “You know this didn’t end because of her. It has ended two years ago.”

“I know.”

“I understand if you want to take everything away from me. I just hope that you’ll find it in your heart to forgive me someday.”

“I forgive you if you promise to forgive me too,” Bora finally relented to our impending separation. “It was short and painful, but it was amazing to be loved by you.”

“You can keep this house,” I stood up and hug her.


I pack my things and drag my suitcase out.

Bora cries softly at the sight of my suitcase. The finality it shows on our marriage.

“I’m sorry, I did loved you genuinely before.” I hug her for the last time. She looks at me and kisses me for the last time.

“I’m sorry too.”

“I’ll handle the announcement and our parents.”

“No, you handle the announcement, I’ll handle our parents.”

“They will hurt you with their words. I can’t let you get through that.” I still care for her despite the lack of love.

“It’s okay. It’s time for me to say no and stand up for myself.”

“Fine, you want to get Hyoyeon only or settles the divorce with two lawyers?” I ask her carefully.

“Just Hyoyeon.”


I left the house in relief. Finally free from all the pain and suffocation.


Breaking News

28th July 2014

The dream heiress couple called it quits. Tiffany Hwang and Yoon Bora announce their divorce after almost 5 years of marriage.

In a press statement, Tiffany Hwang quoted ‘It’s a mutual decision. We decided to end the marriages due to a personal reason that we wish not to share to the public.’ There were rumors flying a few months before that there was trouble in paradise when Tiffany Hwang abruptly left for a month vacation alone but the couple remains together up until today’s announcement.

The announcement comes as a surprise to family and friends of the couple. A close source to the couple quoted ‘They were doing fine and very much in love with each other. It’s really a surprise to me.’

Another close friend wishes the best for the newly separated couple.


“The world is not a wish-granting factory.” ― John Green, The Fault in Our Stars           


I engulf her in a tight hug when she opens her doors.

“I saw the news,” She whispers.

“It was meant to happen a few years ago.”

“How is she?” She asks, genuinely concern.

“In grief, but we both know it’s bound to happen sooner or later.”

“So what happen now?” Taeyeon look at me in concern.

“I want us to be together for real, but right now we have to lay low. I’m sorry for being selfish,” I look down, hanging my head low.

“It’s okay. I will wait patiently for you,” She cups my face in her hand and lightly steals an eskimo kiss.


Breaking News [Updated]

28th July 2014

The golden couple of Korea marriage reported to be broken due to third party involvement. A close source to the couple quoted, ‘Tiffany cheated on Bora. She wanted freedom and had fallen out of love. The third party identity still remains unknown.’ Yoon Bora reportedly tried her best to salvage her marriage with Tiffany but Tiffany remains firm to get divorced in order to be with her new found lover. Meanwhile the soon to be ex-couple parents are said to be devastated by the news.

“I haven’t met them yet. They haven’t come to talk with us yet. Please respect our family privacy in facing this difficult time.” Mr. Yoon quoted during the company press conference for the new branch opening.

“We wish to remain optimistic that they both will think this through and find it in their heart to stay together.”

Mr. Yoon appears sad and disappointed, but remains disbelief at his daughter in law alleged cheating accusation.

There are still no responses from the ex-couple press rep.


I choose to lay low after the cheating scandal and divorce news came out in the press. I did everything I could to protect Taeyeon identity.


[Updated News]

28th July 2014

Another hit and rumors coming out further fueling the divorce saga between the nation dream couple, Yoon Bora and Tiffany Hwang.

The marriage was reported to be a fixed marriage. Tiffany Hwang was reported to be in relationship with another woman up until the marriage between her and Yoon Bora. The union between the two was definitely not out of love.

A close source to the couple quoted ‘Tiffany was heartbroken when her family forced her to get married with Yoon Bora. She had been in a relationship with her former girlfriend from high school and she was Yoon Bora best friend. She felt the biggest betrayal from her wife.’

Meanwhile, Tiffany new lover was reported to be a young artist who was famous with a contemporary technique.

It was reported that the two met while on vacation.



“You look like hell,” Hyoyeon commented as I enter her office.

“I need a favor,” I said and took a seat in front of her.

“What is it?”

“Can we stop them from publishing Jessica and Taeyeon identity?” I close my eyes and massage my temple.

“I know somebody who can,” Hyoyeon pick up her phone and quickly said her order. “So what is your demand in the divorce?”

“Nothing. She can keep everything and I just want my position in the company and my shares. She can have everything we own,” Hyoyeon look at me in understanding.

“She demands nothing too,” Hyoyeon calmly stated. “But your father in law orders me to stop mediating your divorce. He doesn’t want me to submit your divorce application.”

“He was behind the news and rumors, right?” The look on Hyoyeon face confirms my suspicion.

“Probably, I don’t have proof.”

“My dad?”

“Your dad seems angry, but at the same time he felt guilty. He said he drove you to this,” Hyoyeon smile kindly at me, “He knows you’re not happy with this marriage, especially the day he saw you sobbing brokenheartedly at Jessica and Yuri wedding.”

“They want to meet us tonight.” I slumped in my seat.

“I wish I could help you, but you know my hands a tied.”

“I know.”



“What are you both trying to do?” He slams his fist to table. “I won’t allow this.”

“It’s our life, father.”

“You cheating ,” He pull my collar. I only look at him warily. “I trusted you.”

“Let her go,” Bora tried to pry her father grip away from my collar.

“She’s ruining our life. She’s hurting you.”

“No, father. We’re the one who hurt her.” Bora sobs.

“No,” Mr. Yoon let me go and held his daughter.

“Yes, we did, father. We did that the first time when we force her to marry me and left Jessica. I did it the second time when I refuse her request to begin a family and I certainly hurt her the third time when I begged her to stay in this marriage two years ago despite how unhealthy our relationship had become.”

“All I want is my own little happy family,” I whisper. “I’m sorry I hurt Bora. I’m sorry that I failed as her wife.”

“I’m going to destroy you and that ,” He raises his hand and slaps me hard.

Bora gasps at her father action. It’s stung. I can feel warm, itchiness and pain spreading at the right side of my cheek.

“That’s enough,” My father finally pitches in after in a long silence. He turns to face Bora and held her hand gently. “Are you sure about this, dear?

“I’m sure,” She answers my father with a sad look. “It’s over.”





I'm a grenade. I only brought pain to everyone around me.


Updated News

Rumours circulate around the identity of Tiffany Hwang first love. Netizen started to dig in her past life and found a few names that fit the description of her first love. Jessica Jung, now married to another of her best friends, Kwon Yuri rumour to be the first girlfriend. Tiffany Hwang appears to be less than happy during the wedding of the two.

Who is Jessica Jung?

All we know, she is a famous fashion designer. The latter keeps her private life tightly under wrap.


I sigh while reading the new news. I pick up my phone and dial the name I haven't contacted in a long time.

"Can we meet?"

My voice falters at her reply.

"It's all my fault."

"I'll see what I can do." I rub my head furiously.

"See you."


I saw the two people I have secretly missed, waiting for me. I didn't miss the sweet gesture exchange between the two. I smile to myself, feeling happy for both.

"Tiff, you look like hell."

I smile sadly as I took a seat across them.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't stop the headline. I try everything within my power to stop them from revealing your identity."

"It's totally fine, dude." Yuri replied with a shrug. "It's all in the past. We don't really care what they want to say. We're more concern about you though."

"Bora called me too. She apologized too, but I thought it's all in the past? We got over each other years ago. I'm happy with Yuri now." I smile at her happiness. "Is it true, though? The two of you getting divorce?"

I could only nod and heave out a sigh.

"It ended earlier than you thought, but we tried. I tried to hang on, but it's becoming too much." I hung my head low. "There are reasons why I stop hanging out with you two. I was trying to save my marriage." I chuckle bitterly and proceeded to tell them what happen in the past few years.

Jessica reaches to hold my hand and squeeze it gently.

"I tried everything to show her that I truly cared and genuinely loved her, but in the end her insecurity destroyed us. Her refusal to start family didn't hurt as much as her insecurity. I started to become bitter and it leads to resentment. I unconsciously begin to hate her and all the loved fades."

Yuri looks at me thoughtfully.

"The cheating allegation," She looks at me hesitantly. "Is it true?"

I close my eyes and nod.

"It just happens. She wasn't a fling. I just fell in love." I despaired. "I shouldn't have though. I only brought pain to people who love me. I don't deserve to be loved at all." 

"Tiff, you know that's not true. I understand what happens between you and Sica as well as Bora father’s action." Yuri pats my shoulder in bid to comfort me. "You didn't ask for any of this to happen. It wasn't your fault. Things can be a little sometimes. We know that half of this thing happened not because you want it too, but people tamper with your life."

The three of us know who she means.

"I'm trap."


Updated News

Who is this girl?

A blur picture of Taeyeon in a small caption shook my entire being.

The picture of the alleged woman in between Tiffany Hwang and Yoon Bora. No one is able to find out anything on the alleged mistress of Tiffany Hwang.


I make my way through his office not caring murmurs from the worker in our office.

"Stop." I burst into his office. "Stop whatever you're trying to do just please stop. I'm begging you."

"Sit." The older man gesture at the chair in front of his table. I obliged.

"What makes you think I will let you go just like that?" He said it calmly while jotting something down in the stack of file on his table. "You're talking about the life of my only daughter here?"

"It's our life. It's a mutual decision."  It's the first time I spoke against him.

"As much as I want to believe your word and Bora too," He finally lifts his head up and looks straight at me. "I also had you followed. I know everything, Tiffany."

"I admit I was wrong in doing that, but you forgetting something. Things had been long over between Bora and I." I clench my fist. "I don't want to hurt her anymore and this is the best."

"I will let you divorce my daughter in one condition."

"I'm willing to do anything."

"Give up your shares and your position in the company and in return you can divorce her. I will stop all the rumours and news headline."

My heart breaks at his demand. It was everything I had worked for.

"I will agree with everything but I have a request to you."

"You're not in a position to do that, but I’m willing to consider whatever it is."

"Leave Kim Taeyeon out. Don't touch her." I can feel my heart break again at my next word. "In return I will disappear from Seoul. I know Bora won't be happy about this. She will eventually find out and furious at you. So in return I'll disappear so she won't."

He smiles.

"I actually underestimate you. Too bad we're not a family anymore. Very well. I'll accept your condition." He put down his pen and makes a quick call. "I want you to disappear today."

I stood up and nod.


Money and power can do a lot of things. He settles all documents within a flash. All I need to do is leave. I take a last look on her, leaving a letter in her mailbox before taking a cab to the airport.


Updated News

Tiffany Hwang and Yoon Bora divorce finalized. The two officially divorce today. The ex-couple rep releases a short statement, 'The divorce had been finalized. Both parties agree to end the marriage on the ground of irreconcilable difference.'

In response to the alleged cheating, Yoon Bora personally addresses the issue. 'Tiffany did not cheat and yes it's true she have a girlfriend before we got married, but it ended before we got together. Tiffany had always been lovely and kind. It's unfortunate that we decide to split, but everything that happen is between the two of us. Please respect our private matters and please refrain from spreading rumours that Tiffany had cheated. I repeat again, she did not cheat on me.'

Meanwhile, Yoon-Hwang Corp releases a shocking announcement. Tiffany Hwang had officially stepped down from her role as CEO. The newly single again ex-CEO resignation came down as a surprise to fellow competitor. She was widely known as highly skilled and genius CEO in the field. The company, however, said the resignation did not have anything to do with the divorce. A new CEO will be appointed in a few days.

On the other side of the news, Tiffany Hwang reps only release a short statement regarding the divorce and the resignation. 'Thank you for all the years of support. I'm sorry for everything that happens. I wish everyone to please respect our private matters.' It was a short and ambiguous statement.


No one POV

A year later

Taeyeon finally make an appearance after a year of hiatus. She spent the year painting and laying low after the news came out. Although her name wasn't mentioned but a few people recognize her from the small picture and her company decides it was best for her to take a step back from the spotlights.

She greets people who come to her exhibition politely.

"Finally I am able to meet you," She was a bit startled by the tall woman sudden greetings.

She looks at her in puzzle.

"I'm Yoon Bora." A sincere smile and a hand extended to her. She shook the hand hesitantly.

"Kim Taeyeon."


"Don't be scared." Taeyeon sat stiffly across the tall elegant lady. She had hesitantly agreed to have a coffee with her ex-girlfriend former wife after her convincing persuasion.

"I'm sorry." Taeyeon finally found her voice.

“Don’t be. It was meant to happen either way.”

"If you meet her again someday, tell her to come back. Everything she gives up to divorce me and for your safety still belong to her. Tell her that."

Taeyeon look at the elegant woman in surprise.

"Stupid, she is stupid, but I understand her reason." She squeezes Taeyeon hand softly. "She truly loves you. She gave up a lot of things for you."


Bora word keeps on replaying in her mind. She took out the letter she had hidden deep in her old stuff.


Dear Taeyeon,

I'm sorry for everything. I love you. I'm sorry I have to break my promises. Be happy, you deserve to be happy.



It hurt her so much that Tiffany left without saying goodbye. She had gone through her life in misery since she left her.



"Can I get a week off?" Taeyeon fidgets in her seat. She knew they won't let her off easily since she just comes back from hiatus.


Taeyeon snaps her head to the managing director in surprise.

The taller woman only chuckle lightly at her reaction.

"It's okay, Taeyeon. You can take a week off. I know the exhibition took a toll on you." She looks up from the document she's reading.


"I hope you found her." Taeyeon look a little taken aback at her words. "Relax, I know who you are. Tiffany is my best friend. I knew everything, including your meeting with Bora a few days ago."

"How long have you known?"

"Honestly, a year ago." Yuri smiles kindly. "I promise her to take care of you."


Yuri word replays in her mind.

“Tiffany gave up a lot of things. Some of it hurt her and the people around her.”

She listens intently at Yuri words.

“She gave up her first love for her father.” Yuri fiddles with her wedding band. “I marry her first love.”

Taeyeon look at her in disbelief. Yuri only smiles at her reaction.

“She gave up her dream of having a family when Bora refused to bear her child.”

Tears start to form in her eyes.

“Now she gave up all of her hard work for your safety.”

“What do you mean?” Everything starts to fall into places.

“For your safety and identity, she gave up her position in her company.”


Taeyeon stops short in front of the tulip farm. She had a wide smile spread across her face as memories of their first meeting replayed in her mind.

Slowly, she makes her way to the top of the hill.

She smiles widely at the sight of the elderly lady. Adele ran to her and hugs her tightly.

"Taeyeon, I miss you."

"I miss you too, Adele."

"Now look what you've done. You just make a 60 year old lady running."

Taeyeon laugh at the lady remarks.

"Come inside."

Together they enter the house which brought more memories into Taeyeon mind.

"Adele, where did you want me to put this?" The husky voice stops short, clearly surprise at the presence of the petite girl.

Adele looks at the two women and a look of understanding spread across her face. She clears .

"I leave you two alone then. I'm going to pay Mr.Cook a visit. I'll be back tomorrow morning." The elderly woman hastily packs her things leave the two frozen women.



Tiffany could not find the right words to say, she stood there frozen in her presence. The same thing goes on Taeyeon mind.

"I-I, hmm hi?" Tiffany stutters.

Taeyeon look at her with unreadable expression. Slowly, she closes their distance and a loud flesh meet flesh sound reverberated in the small room.

Surprise look plastered on Tiffany as Taeyeon small hand touches her face.

"I'm sorry." Tiffany whisper. She turns to face her and panic.

Tears were streaming down her face. Tiffany tried to wipe away those tears in haste.

"Y-you." Taeyeon couldn't finish her sentence as her voice trembles in tears.

Tiffany pulls her in her arms.

"I love you." Tiffany whispers over and over again as the shorter girl grip on her tightens.

Taeyeon breathes in her scent.

Suddenly everything is fine. Right there in her arms, where she belongs. Explanation can wait.

All she wants is her.

Her warmth.

Her smiles.

Her love.

Their love.

“I love you too.”

Eyes filled with love.



~Never give up on something you really want. It’s difficult to wait, but more difficult to regret.~

“We will always find a way back to each other.”

-The Vow-


The news release is my tribute to all online kpop news portal. 

How I love to read all those headlines especially the updated headlines. <-I'm trying to word this out without sarcasm, nah I lied. 


Bye~~I need my sleep

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Etincelle #1
Chapter 2: This deserves a sequel author, plsss 😭
Grimmer #2
Chapter 2: This is so beautiful. A masterpiece, really. I hope you'd write more :)
Chapter 2: u should write more btw.. :)
Chapter 2: wow i really really love this..thumbs up and upvote for you ~_-
xxi_alexa #5
Chapter 2: your story deserves more upvotes authornim!!!
this is so beautiful yet bitter and sweet, i love how you wrote and the flow of this story is amazing, speechless i really really love your story.
i'll go read and subscribes more of your stories from now on lol
Chapter 2: Nice story! I enjoyed reading this one~
Chapter 2: Nice story! I enjoyed reading this one~
LoonPrincess #8
Chapter 2: Oh gosh their family sure fak off... really?bora's father is something. You write so good.
HaiThar #9
All I can is that it's beautifully written :) hope you write more of these.