
Butterfly Fly Away




They said when the time comes, love itself will knock on your door.


Another addition was added into the Kang's family tree the day Kang SeulGi was born. When her mother gently cuddled the little Kang into her loving arms, she knew her SeulGi was different from the rest when she saw the distinct mark on SeulGi's inner right wrist.

It was half of a butterfly.


SeulGi was five years old when she saw her first butterfly. To say that she was fascinated by the small creature was an understatement. The raw beauty from its wing enthralled SeulGi as she followed the butterfly around, reaching it with her bare hands. The butterfly had two different shades on its wings. One was orange, like the sunset. And the other one was a soft shade of pink, like the peonies.

As if magically, the butterfly flew and perched on her button nose, her eyes crossing in a comical way which made her giggle when she saw the butterfly in two. The butterfly flew away with SeulGi watching, when her mark itches.

Her mark was orange in colour instead of the colourless mark she had before. It was just like the butterfly she just saw.


"Mama?" A ten year old SeulGi called out for her mother, whom was knitting a scarf for SeulGi's father.

With a soft hum, SeulGi's mother stopped knitting and paid attention to her little daughter doodling on a paper. She noticed it was an orange butterfly in half, just like her mark. "Yes, Little Bear?"

"What is love like?" SeulGi asked, her voice soft with a tone of curiousness in it. She had set her Crayola aside, anticipating on her mother's answer.

SeulGi's mother let out a soft chuckle when she saw her Little Bear's eyes widened in excitement when she scooped her daughter up in her arms, very much like when SeulGi first came into her world.

"Love is..." SeulGi's mother paused, breathing in air as she tried to explain in a simple way for a ten year old what true love was.

"Love is not something you can see, Little Bear. Love is something that only you can feel, much like how you feel happiness and sadness. Love, is something that you share with everyone. There is many different kind of love, you see. The kind of love you feel for your family, your friends, your pet, your belonging and of course, your future soulmate. Each kind of love will be expressed in different ways. I know it sounds really confusing right now, but you will understand what love is like when the time comes. Love is what makes you generous, selfless, charitable. But love, is love. So, don't be afraid when you find love, SeulGi-ah."

SeulGi was listening intently, processing every word her mother had explained. But being a ten year old child, it was a little too much for her to understood. "But why would I be afraid of love?"

SeulGi's mother only smiled softly and kissed her daughter's forehead. "You will understand one day."


SeulGi was fifteen years old when she met JooHyun, someone rather peculiar where she shared the same interest with.

Both of them loved butterflies.

Going on a school trip was something SeulGi always looked up to because it was the only time where it actually felt enjoyable being around the teachers and friends. It was a time where she would be able to communicate with those around her. It only made the school trip a whole lot better when she was told they were going to a butterfly farm.

"Did you know we will be combined with DaeGu High School for this trip?" One of SeulGi's friend, SeungWan, asked her when they were boarding the bus.

SeulGi turned to look at SeungWan with a surprised expression. "Really? I have no idea about us going a combined school trip with DaeGu High School."

SeungWan rolled her eyes, flicking her finger on SeulGi's forehead, much to the latter's annoyance. "Of course you don't have any idea when all you do is snooze and hibernate in classes like a bear!"

"Hey! There's a reason why my Mom called me Little Bear! I acknowledge that, you know. It's part of my charming traits." SeulGi joked with a grin, earning her another eyerolling action from her bestfriend.

SeungWan only shook her head. "You're hopeless, Kang SeulGi."


"Alright, students! Just like how all of you were informed, we will be exploring the butterfly farm soon with the students of DaeGu High School. Now is the time for all of you to socialise with the othersand of course, for you to jot down your notes." A series of groan was heard from the students at the reminder of homeworks.

"Enjoy your experience, but don't make a shame out of yourself, you're representing your school's image here." Ms. Kim, one of their teacher had briefed them when they went into the farm.

With SeungWan by her side, SeulGi couldn't contain her giddiness, squealing like a little girl on everykind of butterfly she encountered. "They are so beautiful!"

"I know, Seul. I have a very perfect eyesight." SeungWan countered. Nature was never SeungWan's favourite. "Anyway, I'm going to head to that side. You okay going alone?"

SeulGi nodded. "Hell yeah! I don't need a Debbie Downer by my side." She grinned and evaded a punch from SeungWan.


SeulGi was so lost in her own world, that she didn't see a person infront of her when she collided into a body. 

"Holy butterflies, I'm so sorry!" She then scrambled up to pick the stranger up.

"That is... quite alright." The stranger muttered as she dusted herself. SeulGi noticed that the girl infront of her might be her senior so she bowed in respect.

"Are you hurt? I was too immersed by the butterflies I didn't see you there." SeulGi explained, checking for any sign of injuries on the stranger.

The stranger's ears perked up when she heard SeulGi's fascination of butterflies, her eyes twinkling that it momentarily dazed SeulGi in place. SeulGi thought the girl had really beautiful eyes, and boy were they big and round. Unlike hers, she only has a pair of monolid eyes.

"Do you like butterflies?" The stranger asked, a small smile adorning her face.

SeulGi laughed and flailed her arms around which made the stranger giggled at her ridiculous action. "Do I like them?! Heck, I love butterflies! Butterflies are life!"

"I love butterflies too." The stranger said, and decided to tease SeulGi by flailing her arms as well, except with less enthusiasm. "I'm Bae JooHyun, a senior at DaeGu High School."

SeulGi grinned and JooHyun was unknowingly mesmerized by SeulGi's smile. It's like when she smiled, all of her features were smiling too. It was cute, JooHyun thought. 

"I'm Kang to the SeulGi, a junior at AnSan High School."


SeulGi was twenty years old when she had her first job at a coffee shop.

It has been only about five months since she moved out of her parents' house. Now, with a monthly income, SeulGi managed to live alone in the middle of a crowded city. Her apartment was nowhere near luxurious, but it was humble enough to be called home. Not that she has anyone to impress with.

Five years since she last saw JooHyun and there was never any sign of her. Not even any news. SeulGi figured that it would happened with the distance between their homes. And five years since her mark on her wrist never stopped tingling whenever she was roaming around the city.

She thought it was funny because it only happened when she was around JooHyun which she vaguely remembered.

Like her body system was set into an overdrive, SeulGi started doing what she was best at, which was serving people. SeungWan had migrated to Canada to further her studies. It saddened both SeulGi and SeungWan at first, but they knew they had to put their future first.

Despite SeungWan being abroad and all, they managed to keep in contact although they struggled with the time difference at first. With all those aside, both of them managed to cope, with SeulGi cheering on SeungWan whenever the girl was on the verge of giving up.

"Yah! Kang SeulGi! Get your head in the game! It's a full house today!" SooYoung, one of SeulGi's co-worker hollered from behind the bar counter.

Unlike SeulGi who only served the customer, SooYoung was the barista. A very good one at it. SeulGi was amazed by the girl's amazing ability to make different types of coffee beverage. Had it been her, she would've made the coffee shop she worked at suffering from bankcruptcy.

She was that bad at kitchen or just everything related to kitchen in general.

"Got it, SooTan!" She snickered when she saw SooYoung casted her one of her cold glare. It never affected SeulGi that much. SeulGi knew, under that harsh comments, was a very sensitive young woman.


"YeRim?" SeulGi called out when she saw a figure huddled outside her apartment room, rushing over quickly and saw that the figure was half asleep.

YeRim yawned when she heard SeulGi's voice, stretching like a cat as she stood up drowsily, much to SeulGi's amusement. "What time is it?"

SeulGi glanced at her wrist watch, before rummaging inside her bag pack for her apartment's key. "A little over 9. What brings you here?"

"Mom told me to give you this. We're changing all the door locks tomorrow. Some of our tenants complained about the lock being easily picked or something." YeRim stated weakly, sighing while running a hand through her messy hair.

YeRim plopped down on the couch rather ungracefully once they entered the apartment with SeulGi chuckling at the younger girl's disheveled appearance. "You could've just hand the keys to me tomorrow before you go to school."

Turning around the couch sitting up, YeRim accepted a cup of strawberry juice SeulGi offered her. "Nah. I wanted to hang out with you. You're the only tenant where I can rest and relax with."

"Oh wow," SeulGi faked gasped, "So, I'm just a tenant for you?"

YeRim grabbed a pillow nearby and threw it at SeulGi's direction, landing square on SeulGi's face with the latter falling back with an 'oof' coming out of , both of them laughing. "You know what I mean."

"Tough day, huh?" SeulGi asked when she saw YeRim looking restless. Being the only daughter of the landlord, there was a lot for YeRim to handle. Especially someone of her age.

YeRim scoffed, casting SeulGi a sidelong glance with a crooked smile. "Oh please. I'm a tough cookie, alright."

SeulGi was aware that YeRim's crooked smile resembled SooYoung's evil smirk.



The tingling on her wrist.

It was stronger this time and SeulGi glanced around, silently hoping it was someone she wanted to see for years.

Of all the times, it had to be the times where she was taking her daily jog at a nearby near her apartment. Jogging around with no sense of direction, SeulGi would jog back to her starting point where the tingling on her wrist was more prone and stronger.

Resting on one of the benches, SeulGi wiped her sweat away with her forearm, the tingling on her wrist never fading away.

You're hopeless, SeulGi-ah, she thought and buried her face into her palms. SeulGi sighed heavily when the tingling got more and more stronger. She grunted in annoyance when the tingling magnifies to the point where it was itchy and stinging.

"Kang to the Seul Gi."

That voice...? Could it be?

SeulGi snapped her head up at the voice. There was no mistake to that voice. It was a voice she can never forget.

"Bae JooHyun."

The name slipped out so easily out of her lips it felt nice that she kept on whispering the name out like a mantra, chanting it over and over again with that same smile that captured JooHyun's heart five years ago.

JooHyun was the bolder one this time as she reached for SeulGi's hands, squeezing it. Her smile wider than any smile she offered anyone she only met once.
SeulGi then saw the mark on JooHyun's left inner wrist.


"So, you've always felt the tingling?" JooHyun asked, her fingers wrapped around the cup of coffee SooYoung made at the coffee shop SeulGi worked at.

SeulGi nodded. She was glad their reunion was not awkward, despite them never really actually talked in the first place. But their first meeting was forever engraved in their heads.

"I do," SeulGi said, "There are times where it was faint. I always hoped it was you because the only time it tingled was when we first met. I thought it was nothing at first, but apparently not."

JooHyun nodded, her fingers tracing SeulGi's mark. It was identical as hers, only different sides and colour. " too."

"Nice hair by the way. They're very... bright? Eye catching." SeulGi commented, gesturing JooHyun's blonde hair with a jerk of her chin.

She needs to stop playing with my fingers or I'm going to die young with this palpitations of my weak heart!

JooHyun laughed and nodded, combing her blonde tresses with her fingers into place. "It was kind of a dare from my friends, actually. But I thought it looked good on me, so, I decided to stay as a blondie."

"That... might be the reason why I couldn't find or recognize you all these while. I still like your natural hair colour. Not that you look bad in blonde, no but it's just that you look beautiful with your black hair damn it did I just say you're beautiful I totally did and you look pretty too with blonde hair so keep it that way or you know just dye it back but it's your hair your choice so oh gosh I'm blabbering aren't I?" SeulGi sighed, slumping into the chair she was seated on.

JooHyun only laughed, liking the way she affected the younger girl with her presence.


"Remind me again why I'm dating you?" SeulGi sighed as they went on an impromptu date, driving around aimlessly with JooHyun complaining that she was bored staying at home all day.

JooHyun giggled, leaning over to land a kiss on SeulGi's cheek by the red light. "Cause I'm your favourite as you are mine."

SeulGi gagged playfully, a huge grin plastered on her face. "Let's get some red bean ice cream, shall we?"

"Hell yeah!" JooHyun answered, obviously SeulGi's way of answering rubbing off on her.


"We've been together for how long, Hyun-ah?" SeulGi asked, watching her girlfriend devouring the ice cream she bought with a contented smile. Her girlfriend could be a child at times. Or all the time actually.

JooHyun stopped on her ice cream as she paused, thinking of an answer. "Four years? Almost five? We've been through a long way together." She shrugged.

SeulGi hummed. "Do you see yourself marrying me?" SeulGi asked, leaning forward as she rested her chin on her hands.

JooHyun smirked, the playfulness in her eyes dancing around and so contagious it made SeulGi wanted to just kiss her. "Are you proposing?"

SeulGi laughed. She pretended to think, which made JooHyun's eyebrows furrowed when she shrugged. "I might be," came the answer.

"Where's the ring? The flowers? The speech? I need a proper proposal, Kang SeulGi. A romantic one where you should sweep me off my feet." JooHyun chastised. She was secretly happy with the way SeulGi might be proposing her. 

Whatever it was with.

"That ice cream you so graciously devoured was my proposal to you." SeulGi winked cheekily, her face splitting into a grin. She was always grinning with JooHyun, and JooHyun was always laughing with her.

JooHyun raised her eyebrows and scoffed, "How romantic!" She then stood up to throw the wrapping paper away before sliding in next to SeulGi, throwing her arms around SeulGi's neck. SeulGi reached around her waist, pulling them closer together.

"Hey, you have to admit it was a 'hashtag relationship goals' moment we had back there." SeulGi made an air quotation.

JooHyun laughed, staring into SeulGi's eyes with SeulGi doing the same when they leaned in on the same time, their lips meeting as it molded into one another.

JooHyun pulled back, leaving a lingering kiss. "I don't care how you propose, Seul-ah. As long as we're together, I'm content. If that ice cream I ate was really you proposing to me eventhough it was nowhere near romantic, my answer is always yes."

"So, are you my fiancee now?" SeulGi asked, peppering JooHyun with kisses on her face and her lips.

"I might be," JooHyun giggled as she playfully nibbled on SeulGi's cute pair of ears.

"I love you tonight." SeulGi said, "I love you every other day but I especially love you tonight, cause you're my fiancee. So, you are going to get more love from me when you're officially my wife."

Leaning in to kiss SeulGi for her sweet words, JooHyun thought it was really touching for SeulGi to say that out loud. It made her felt special and needed. "I love you more."

What they didn't realized, was their mark conjoining together into one as a butterfly with a perfect pair of wings was imprinted on both of their wrists when their fingers wrapped tightly around one another.

It was a mark of their journey they were going to venture more together.










Leave your comments below! Anything so I know that all of you enjoyed it. (It would make me happier)

Mistakes are all mine, and mine alone.

Also, if you guys want some more of SeulRene trash, go to my profile. I have some of them /cough/ shamelessadvertising /cough/




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435 streak #1
Chapter 1: well that was too cute
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
Chapter 1: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
71 streak #3
Chapter 1: So cute
Chapter 1: uwuuuu can't handle my heart <3
seulrene_daze #5
Chapter 1: cUuUuUuUuUuTeEeEe
Chapter 1: migjht get diabetes hehehe thank you again author :D.
Chapter 1: Thank you for this beautiful fanfic author.
santa_ilhoon #8
Chapter 1: awwwwe

to much fluff

like the butterfly concept


nice author, haha write more juseyo