

If a mirror reflected who you were then what if you were constantly dressing as someone you weren't? Would it still reflect you, or just who you were precieved to be? Cam was always very careful around Yoongi. With him, Cam was always female because that's what Yoongi wanted...a girlfriend. But they slipped up. They weren't quite careful enough. Do have any idea how painful it is to have to hide your true self from the person you love the most? Do you know how painful it is for the one you love to reject the real you? Do you really?


He looked me up and down again, mouth slightly open the way it was when he was thinking about something seriously. The weight on my chest was becoming unbearable and I pinched back the tears that were threatening to fill my eyes. “Cam…” I swallowed; it felt like a brick. I didn’t want him to ask. Please don’t ask me. “Are you a girl?”

The dam behind my eyes broke and the flood was released. Thankfully, I’m actually a pretty quiet crier, so I didn’t sob obscenely and was able to keep whatever dignity I still had. He didn’t rush over.  He didn’t comfort me. Instead he stood where he was, stone faced like a statue and repeated his question.

“Cam, are you a girl? Or are you… a boy?”


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Chapter 1: Thank god for Namjoon! Yoongi just needed some sense slapped into him! I'm glad Yoongi could see past it though <3

Thank you for this cute story! Will you be writing a sequel?