Meeting Ailee

Be True to Yourselves

Again, I don't own anything except for my things. By the way, before I forgot, this chapter will be very very short. 'Cause I have other things to deal with.

Discaimer: Will never own it!

It's a freshing day, when they were supposed to go to their training hall.Their boss had said something along the lines of,"-newbie". They were stunned and scared too. The stunned was for it was very rare for the boss to recruit a newbie after THAT.

They all suddenly groaned. They just hoped it's not a girl who can't even sing at all and the worst part......a clingy fangirl who wouldn't give up,....At all.


Or a fanboy/rich boys. 'Cause The fanboys would probably molests them right there and there.(no offence)..
And for the Rich boys....
They were terrible in singing. They probably offer a good high amount of money to their boss.They knew she love gambling.

But back to it.They would act as if they were the actual singers and wave them off like flies on poop.

When in reality, they . Like really really !

Well, on to the story. Where is it again? Yeah, about the fangirl.


Well, last time there's a newbie girl. Her name's Samy. She's about-,I think...23 years old. Well the gir-wait,scratch that-hag, had a platinum coloured hair(Probably dyed). While they were waiting for the hag, she suddenly barged in and jumped on Chanyeol.

They were very shocked and disgusted towards her.Do you know what she wears?

A white nearly-transparent no tie bra and very very short hot pink fluff skirt. When she walked, people could see her,um--parts. The hag didn't stop there, the hag smudge on heavy make-ups!

Each and every colour, from bright to dark. Her lipsticks were smuged a little, probably in a hurry.The blusher she putted on, was Absolutely TERRIBLE.There was very many bad mixed colours. There was pink,red,purple,black and blue.

How the heck did she have a blue blusher?!

They had a clear suspicions it was a punch to the face or some sort of expired blueberries pastes.Probably the latter.

Then, they finally got to get the ugly hag down.

Then, they shivered at seeing her face.It was more ugly than the first! So then, their boss came in and saw her.She clicked her tongue at her disaster - humiliality fashion and yelled for their attention.

"Alright, please stand in line."

Then, the hag glared at their boss. "Who do you think you are to order me and MY DARLINGS, you ahjumma?!"

They winced and they glared at the hag for saying that. It's nothing really but their boss would make them do the chores each months.

"! Who are you calling an Ahjumma, girl?! I'm 25! But I look younger than you!" Their boss hollered. Apparently, this hag must have not meet their boss yet.

"Who? I'm saying about you, of course! Tcham the one who look younger. And who do you think you are, ordering me.Me,me!" The girl answered back with smug and pride in her voice.

"You baboh girl! I am the boss, the manager of these boys and founder of this company and one who marks and heard all your auditions! I could very well fire and make all the companies reject you, and my name is Kim Shinye." She all but yelled. She then pause for breathing.

The hag, who act brave and all just now, were frozen in fear. Then, she finally sensed Shinye's aura. I-It was very powerful and and had the ruler's aura.

T-this--this is the boss?! She thought."

Suddenly, the hag apologizes and make all of her faked talents out.The girl claim to have a very goddess-like voice.

So, when they were putting her on record, they suddenly fell down. The girl's voice wasn't goddess-like. 
It was more for a high-pitch pig scratching it's throat!

So, of they go to the training hall. Like bullets being shot, 'cause you don't wanna know what their lady boss would do if they're late. Even the lazy Luhan were running very fast.

So, after the EXO members have ran 1 stairs, 2 hallways, 3 stairs and finally 2 hallways, they arrived. Panting as hard as the Olympics runner. Kai then walked and punch in the passwords required.

Then, the other members would go in. Some dragging, some about to faint.

"Aigoo, so tired! We've  been running all over the places and all we got is an empty room?!" Tao hollered.

Well, true to his words, the room indeed is empty.They all groaned and sat down.Their Lady-Boss must have been pulling her pranks again.The last time she did that, Luhan and Chanyeol got drunk and kissed each other.And so, after waiting for half an hour, they just decides to practice for their upcoming performance.

So how was it?Good?Bad?Extremely worse than worse? But anyhow, correct me if I'm wrong.

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