Her Story

Her Story

Disclaimers :Just so you know, not everything's mine.

The soft rippling of water dripping from bamboo can be heard all over the house.The koi fishes swimming freely like they care at nothing in the world.

Sakura stared at them intensely from above the walk-along bridged.She continued to watch as two of the fish mating and being lovely all that.She then felt jealousy bubbled inside of her.

'Why can't Sasuke be more like that?' She thought.

Yes,that's right. Sasuke and her is married.But they didn't act like it though.

He just came strolling one day in the park.That's when a coincidence we met.If not, she wouldn't be meeting him.They walk together and Sasuke helped Sakura carry her groceries.But as they came in front of her house,

"Sakura,will you marry me?"He asked.

Sakura was so shocked that she dropped her groceries and fell.She covered her face with both of her hands.She could feel Sasuke bends down and hug her.Sakura widen her eyes.Sasuke never did anything intimate to her like this before!So why?

"Sakura will you marry me?" He repeats again.

He took a step back and hold her shoulder to stand.She carefully wiped her tears away.She then looked directly into his eyes.


Sasuke's eye widen after that, and he suddenly hugged her very tightly.Was she imagining things? W-Was there emotions in his eyes? Like relief,love and is that sadness?

'He can't believe it.He thought all this time she hated him.'He was so surprised when she said yes.He then let go of her and laced their hands together.

She sighed.

After that, they got married and bought a new house.He still had the love and caring look in his eyes whenever he looks at her.But it wasn't until it was five months after that, he suddenly became cold.Whenever she tried to hold or touch him, he would snap and growl at her.He also would sometimes took out his sharingan at her.Slaps would always fill the house.

Where is the Sasuke I knew? Is it already gone or it's just me?

But,ever since that, she became used to the abuses.After that, some unlucky soul, spread some rumours about her and another guy.Honestly,this is why she didn't want to have a popular guys.It was inevitable,she guessed.Well, after that, Sasuke learns about the rumours and began to treat her even more harshly.Now,it's not just some words and slaps.It turn into a full punches and kicking.Sakura was so sad that she even kept it all from her friends and family.She visits one of her friend's house and watched as they chat happil with each other.

And now, look at her.Pathetically looking down at her own reflection.She snickers,

They say those who wait will truly reached it.

But it was true.She smiled, she still loves Sasuke even if the world is crushing down on her.

Long pink hair that reaches her thigh were pulled into pigtails.Her bangs were clipped to the side with a butterfly design.Her kimono consists of a white plain yukata inside with a marble peach layer covering it.She was pregnant, so she tied the pink ribbons above her stomach.

Suddenly,she was snapped out of it when a loud bang was heard.She then quickly, ran inside carefully for if she gets hurt, the baby will die.She ran inside silently.She slipped into her room and locked her door.

She then went to her bed and lied down.

She knew.She knew that it's Sasuke downstairs.He's always like this.Whenever somebody made him mad and stress, he would go rampaging in the house.

She whimpers when she remembers the first time he hit her.

It was when Naruto and Kakkashi talked to him about Sakura.They told him that he should care for her.He suddenly snaps and stormed off.When he went home, she was making dinner.

"Okaeri,Sasuke." She smiles up at him as he came up behind her.

She then frowned as she looked up at his face.It was emotionless like....Like the first time and when she ran to kill him! She looked into his eyes and searched for answers.

"Sasuke, are you okay?" She asked worriedly.'Strange,he had never been like this before.' thought Sakura.Sakura then gently raises her right hand and his face in her hand.He still looked at her calm and emotionlessly.She frowned.

It was then that she stare at his eyes that she realizes he was not looking at her.It was like he was seeing her as someone else and Sakura could see the burning hatred in his eyes.But for what?

He then harshly tugged at her right hand.The motion left her gasping and clawing at his hand.It wasn't because of the way he looked at her, but because the grip was really painful!

In each step that Sakura struggles, Sasuke would grip harder.

Sasuke then abruptly and quickly slams her right hand onto to the table.The action made her to scream and sink down the floor and tearing.

Sakura looked up and gasped as she saw the table was largely dented and crushed.She then looked up at Sasuke's face and fear gripped her like nothing before.Nothing could terrify her than the looks on his face.Not the time when he wanted to killher or the time when she almost faced death!

"S-Sasuke?"She called.

He just smirked and lifts her bloody right hand again.This time,he didn't slam it anywhere hard.No,he slammed her hand on the boiling hot frying pan!

She screamed bloody murder.Sakura continues to struggle to break free of his hold.

"SASUKE! STOP IT BURNS! SASUKEEE!!" She shrieked and screamed even louder when he pushes down harder until her hand almost feels like crumbling. 'No!No!NO!NO!NO!' Thought Sakura.

After that, with teary and painfully time,she opens her eyes and stared horror-filled at her hands.Her hands was bleeding more and more.She could see all the muscles and tissues in her hand.And if you look closer, you can see bits of by bits her skin was burned,scratched,skins untangled from her hand and bits of skin on the boiling hot frying pan.

Sakura then screamed again as Sasuke twist her hand in a painfull way.

"S-Sasuke....p-please stop....!."

She stared up at him and was surprised to find that in his eyes had only coldness,burning hatred and amusement.
He stared at him as he continued to struggles.

"S-Sasuke.......p-please stop.....!." He frowned slightly as he thought of Itachi's strange genjutsu.

In front of him, was a picture of him holding down bruised and bloody hands of Sakura onto a boiling hot frying pan.

' No,it couldn't be the real Sakura.But...the style,featured,behavior and voice are all the same.How did he do that in just a short time? Is this really a genjutsu?' He thought.

He was out of his reverie as he realied he had hold Sakura's hand and roughly twist it behind her back.She screamed bloody murder.He frowned.

He, after that, still believing it was a genjutsu, pulled her and slammed her body on their wrecked and crushed table.Sakura's body curved upwards as she closes her eyes tightly and scream soundlessly.He watches as blood trickles down from to her chin. "S-Sa..s..-su..k-ke...." Strange, how did Itachi knows how to act like Sakura?!

She wants this to stop!

She can't take this anymore.Sakura can feels that some of her back bones are cracked and turned towards the wrong way.Her ribs was fractured a bit and her arms bones were slightly twisted.She definitely can't bear it anymore!

She finally opens her eyes and stared weakly at Sasuke as blood gushed out of and sprayed his face.

Angry and still not satisfied,Sasuke pulled her by her arms again this time and uses his chidori to slam it into her chest.

But before his hands could finally hit her chest,one of her arms got lose away from his hold and shielded her chest using her left arm.Her eyes then shot open wide bloodshot and she screamed like no sounds can cover her screams.

The crackle of chidori crackled loudly  in the air as it finally filled a hole in her arm and burned her chest skin.Sakura continued to gushed out blood from and wounds.Her eyes was flicking between life and deaths door.

"Hey Naruto?"Naruto and Sai stopped and looked at their ex-teacher.

"What is it, Kaka-sensei?" 

"Did you hear something like a scream from Sakura's house?" At that question, Naruto and Sai immediatly jumped start and raced down towards their friends house.Kakashi stared blankly at where his two ex-students former places and uses Shintenshin noJutsu to get there way faster than them.

Honestly, were their stupidity clouded their senses too much that they forgot they can use their jutsu?


As they came to a stop in frontof the house, they now can clearly hear the screams of bloody murders of Sakura.

"Sakura-chan!"The three man shout as they heard her screams faded into shrieks of death.


The door opens up loudly and the action send it off it hinges.Kakashi scanned the living room.

Nothing.There was only things crushed on the floor and dents.Suddenly,his ears picked up the familiar sounds of  crackling.Kakashi then instructs his students to go to go to one of the rooms.

*****************************************************************************************************As they got nearer and nearer, they came to an abrupt stop.

In front of them, was the scene of after Sasuke chidoried Sakura.They were so shocked that Naruto ran off and punched Sasuke's face.

Atthe sudden hit,Sasuke came to the real world again."Naruto?What are you guys doing here?"

He surveys them all and looked at his hands.He widens his eyes as he stared horror-filled eyes onto Sakura's body. There,laying on both of his arms was Sakura bloodied and wounded here and there.But what attract his attention was not her state, but the gaping hole in her left arm.

He stared fear filled in his eyes as Sakura looked at him weakly as her eyes light and dimmed as she was at death's door.Sakura then limply raise her right hand and cupped Sasuke's face and told him,

"S-sasuke.....I..d-don't-t...know...w-what's gotten i-into...y-you,but" As she about to continued, blood suddenly gushed out of quickly.

"R-remember.....t..hat......I.....l...ov....e....you...." At that statement, her eyes began to dimmed and tears gather at the corners of his eyes.

"S-Sakura! Ne,you're still alive right? Please answer me! Ne,you'll live and we'll be happy having a child right?Ne....Sakura?" Afterwards, his eyes suddenly shot open and his chest constricted painfully and he gripped his chest.


Sakura closed her eyes as tears began to gather.She had never done anything to deserve this right?

Then why?

'Please, Sasuke...Return to your old self.Where I can still see you smiles and have a fight with Naruto and Sai.' That was the last thought before sleep consumes her.

A/N:Ok, Iknow it's terrible but please bear me.

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Chapter 1: ah ;; i think if you keep practising, you'll get better at writing!