
Survive bts?
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Your P.O.V

*Yobo: one of the ways to call your wife our husband.

I’m just sitting on the couch eating noodles when…

“Yahhh!! Why don’t you ever do anything, your lazy, don’t have a job and your still not married!”

Blahblahbla, this is how it goes every day, I’m only 20 for god sakes! I just havent found my calling yet. The one yelling at me? That’s I just my lovely mother, in which eyes I do truly everything wrong. She doesn’t understand that I am doing my best, I’m registered on a lot of job application sites, and I have a lot of dates, not on free will, but I do go!

“What did I do wrong now?” I ask my mother, Co-owner of a cute little restaurant together with my dad. She turns around and I can see that she is angry, owh god here it goes.

“Your niece just announced that she is pregnant, again, and she has a good job, a great husband and is sweet to her parent, why aren’t you more like her.” I roll my eyes, I love my niece but why doesn’t she ever do something wrong, if she did I would look way better then now.

“Mommmm, I’m trying!! You’re the one th at made me so ugly! Because of you no man likes me!”

“You are not ugly …! And a lot of men like you, you just reject all of them all the time, why do you do that huh?” I sigh, bacause all those men are boring and only think of buisness.

“I.. I just don’t like them okay mom I mean…” ugh what do I say now rolling my eyes I am thinking about something to say that is not disrespectfull. Pling.  I look shocked at my phone, there it is, a job! Im getting al excited and forgot I was having a ‘fight’ with my mom I mean this is the first job that I got in weeks, I hope it is something for

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Chapter 1: I can't wait till things actually get going with this story it sounds really promising