What If...


Up and rising Irish-Korean YouTuber, Kim Ciara was invited to join this season of 'We Got Married: Global Edition'. Her partner in this televisionized marriage? Well, rumor says that it is one of the EXO members. How are they going to survive the awkwardness of the pretend marriage, the crazy fangirls and a slow building affection for each other? Is it love or is it just the byproduct of filming as a married couple?


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The YouTube video started with the view of a room. All that was visible was half a bookshelf that had rows of books stacked along them with the occasional anime figurines. The other half of the shot was the pale persimmon wall with a map of Hobbiton stenciled onto it. A body could be seen flopping gracelessly into a soft pink rotating chair which rolled across the video with a loud yelp.

"Hello Internet! Ciara here!" The camera had cut to a girl who was grinning at the camera, waving with born hands. "Sorry about that. I wanted to very coolly roll into the shot but um... that failed miserably and I might have a bruise on my hip... so yeah." The soft voice was colored with a Northern Irish accent which sounded slightly out of place with girl's Asian looking features.

Another cut with the girl, Ciara clapping her hands together. "Sooo... anyways. Like the title of the video says, I have huge news you guys. Like 'some of you might strangle me in momentary fits of jealousy' huge." Ciara said, eyes widening to stare straight at the camera.

"So some of you may remember - or not!" Ciara staged whispered before grinning again. "That a few years ago, Kaidan and I had lived in South Korea to study at Korea University because of an year abroad option for our Liberal Arts undergraduate. If you don't remember any of this, playlist is here," Ciara pointed with both hands comically at the right where a small window popped up.

It showed a younger looking Ciara pointing with a jaw dropped in awe at the Korea University campus. "Which somehow led to me being invited to Hello Counsellor! Among other Korean broadcast shows." She pointed again with exaggerated movements towards her left where another small window popped up. This one showed Lee Yeong-Ja nodding, listening intensively as Ciara spoke animatedly.

Another cut as both windows disappeared. "And now I have the privilege to announce to our dear Mad Kisses that yours truly," Ciara grinned, moving a gesture toward herself as if she was doing as shampoo commercial. "Has been invited to film a nationwide broadcasting of a KBS show."

"Which means no more loud snoring infiltrating the walls of my room." A young male with piercing eyes and a devilish smirk said, suddenly appearing very close to the camera. Ciara yelled and started kicking out at the male intruder. Both of them disappearing out of shot with pained sounding exclaims coming from the other half of KSquare.

Ciara appeared in the shot again, flipping away strand of dark hair out of her face. "So before I was rudely interrupted by the liar of a flat mate-"

"You do snore!" Kaidan yelled in the background causing Ciara to glare at the person off camera.

"Like I said, liar." Ciara spat out without any heat. In fact she was grinning at her flat mate. "I got invited to join a KBS series so the next time you see me, I will be in Seoul, giving you guys behind the scenes footage of the filming. Until then," Ciara blew on her fist before bringing it close to the camera in a virtual fist bump. "Stay mad you guys." The scene out before it came back on again with a sheepish looking Ciara.

"Sorry. I almost forgot to mention which show I'm going to be go. Here's a hint." Ciara cleared and clapped her hands twice, trying and failing to hide the smile on her face. "Manservant!"

Kaidan ran into the shot, slapping a veil made out of toilet paper on her head ("Oye. Watch it!" Ciara laughed softly) and shoved a plushie of the Pokémon Bellsprout into her arms before bringing out a harmonica. Then he played a very short and a very bad opening tunes to 'Here comes the Bride'.


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yunjae23 #1
Chapter 1: Update pleAse can't wait for the next chapter
CheriLane #2
Chapter 1: Ahhh! This is so cute!

I think you captured the wgm feeling very well in writing.

Can't wait for the next chapter! Hope you update soon.
msgraxie #3
Chapter 1: Wahhh soo excited for the next chapter
sk8erpanda #4
Chapter 1: That was adoreable. I can't wait to read more