Semester break

What Do You Know?

Time flew by fast. In a blink of an eye, it has already been three months since college started. Jongup, Min and myself have been very busy that we barely see each other. I no longer jog every morning because college life is killing me! My assignments are never ending and sometimes our class will be extended to one or two more hours, depending on the lecturers' mood.


But I have to make this through. I am doing this not for nothing. I have to motivate myself everyday. Every time I feel like falling down, I looked back to why I first decided to go to college.


The reason is to have a better life. To help myself in the future. To help mom..


I received a call from the hospital last month. The doctor said my mom is much stable now because she had all the rest she needed and that I can cancel the surgery. However, the risk of my mom falling sick again is still high. I was happy and sad at the same time. I told the doctor that I needed more time to think and I will call him back when I made my decision.




The day I have been waiting has finally arrived. Its the semester break! Yay! I decided to visit my mom first in the hospital before heading home. I really miss my mom. If she was just fine, she would have came down to college to fetch me..


Not a second wasted, I made my way to the bus stop and waited for my bus. Min happened to be there too. I tiptoed behind her and poked her side which made her jumped and a small scream slipped out of her lips.


"Jari-ah!" Min stomped her foot and slapped my wrist. Some people turned their head towards us so I had to suppress my laughter to avoid being the centre of attention. I had to cover my face with both of my palms because Min was still angry.


"I really hate it when you do that!" Min shrieked but eventually she covered her face and laughed along with me in silence when she finally realised eyes were on her. We both kept quiet until our bus came. As soon as we stepped into our bus, Min could not hold in her laughter anymore followed by me.


"You should stop doing that in the public, Jari. Like seriously," Min brought up the topic again. I like to annoy Min because her reactions are always big and tickled my stomach. I then looked around inside the bus, hoping to see a familiar face. And yes, there he is.




He was looking outside the window and plugged in his earpiece. I figured he must be listening to Chris Brown's songs right now. I could not help but smile at the sight, even the sunlight fell beautifully on his face. As I was about to walk up to Jongup, we reached Min's stop and I turned my attention back to Min. Min gave me a quick, strong hug and reminded to text her when I reach home. I bid her goodbye and turned my head back to where Jongup was.


Unfortunately, Jongup was gone. Maybe this was his stop too. Maybe he lived in Min's neighbourhood. Lucky Min, she get to know where Jongup live. I should ask her where his house is! I pulled out my phone to text a message when suddenly a new text message popped on my screen. How ironic, it was Jongup.


"Are you home?" was written in his text. A smile crept onto my face and I replied "yes", knowing he would not know that I was in the bus with him and I still am.


"If you lie again, I will put a box of lizards in tour drawer next semester," Jongup tried to harass me. I had to laugh at that. Jongup knew I was afraid of lizards because I ran quiet far when I saw a lizard at the grandstand during one of our morning jogs. He had a good laugh at that time and his laugh was like a music to my ears.


I asked why did he assume I was lying eventhough I really am. I just wanted to have fun teasing him. A voice behind me sure startled me to death and I almost fell on my knees.


"Don't move," a male voice said. My eyes widen and I actually froze on the spot. I hesitated to look at his face or not but I decided not to, I was afraid I might make things worse. Am I really getting robbed now?!


"Bob your head left to right and don't stop," he said again but this time sounded a bit furious. I don't know what was that suppose to mean but I obeyed his words.


"Slowly!" His neck tighten and I did what he told me. Suddenly, his voice changed.


"Gom se mari ga han jibe isseo~" he suddenly sang the Three Bears' song. I turned around only to find Jongup holding in his laughter.


"Goodness! Jongup how could you!" I smacked his chest hard enough, not to the point I would injure him even if that was what I actually intended to do. But oh my goodness! We were not the only one on the bus okay! That one couple laughed at me. And the older guy too!


"Why did you do that!" I faked a cry but I was laughing at the same time. Jongup was dying of his laughter. He looked so adorable, I could not even bring myself to scold him even after he embarrassed me in front of 20 strangers.


"Well, you were lying," Jongup's laugh finally faded. I guess he had his revenge just now.


"I was joking. I was about to tell you the truth okay, but you suddenly pull up your 'robber prank' at me," I pouted unintentionally. Unconciously, Jongup pinched my left cheek softly. I froze at the contact, my eyes widen and my heart raced like crazy. I could not really believe he did that because it feels like a dream.


Jongup's eyes widen too. He immediately pulled his hand away and scratched his non-itching head, looking somewhere else. I could feel my cheek heated up and so does his.


"Uh.. I-I'm sorry," he stuttered, pointing to my cheek and pinched his own cheek. He rather to act it out instead of saying what he just did. I tried my best to ignore his cuteness but he was just simply irresistible. God, give me strength around him!


"You dont have to," I replied with a smile. Jongup seemed glad to hear it from me and smiled back. Just at the right time, the bus almost reached my stop. I told Jongup about it and he nodded in respond. I pressed the bell and the bus immediately halted inside the yellow box at the side of the road. I bid Jongup goodbye but he ignored me. Instead, he followed me and stepped out of the bus too.


"What, I lived around here," Jongup saw my puzzled face and explained it to me without me asking. I nodded in respond and bid him another goodbye as I assume we were going to part here but he followed me again.


"Can you not," I smiled from ear to ear and tried to slap his 'cheetos' but he laughed and ditched my slaps. We started to run around a bit but I surrendered and rolled my eyes. We laughed and I continue to walk down the street.


"Where is your house?" Jongup asked, becoming my tail.


"I have to go somewhere else first, I'm not heading home," I replied without exactly answering his question. I have to see my mom first, Jongup.


"Can I come with you?" He offered to accompany me. I was not ready for this. I was not ready to be that open to anyone else other than Min.


"No," I blurted and he was taken aback. I sighed in regret, hoping I did not hurt his feelings or something. If only I could squeeze my brain to think faster on how to make things right. Ugh.


"Did you have a date or something..?" Jongup hesitated, I could barely hear him. I saw his smile turned upside down. How more innocent can he be?


"N-no, I mean.. I just have to go somewhere else first before heading home. And I want to go alone," I used the same answer without much difference. I hope he did not misunderstood me for dating again. If I were to date someone, maybe it would be him- Him? Really? I facepalmed myself internally.


"Okay then, I'll see you when I see you," Jongup seemed like he don't want to try again. He ended our conversation and his feet brought him away from me. I should make up to him tomorrow. Why did he act this way anyway? Was he.. jealous?


Without wasting any time, I jogged towards the hospital. At times, I would turn my back to see if anyone, especially Jongup, followed me or saw me headed there. I jumped into the elevator and pressed button 3, to where my mom's bed was. I almost hit someone on the way, simply because I was running. Sorry but I cannot wait to see my mom.

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jmayo81 #1
Chapter 11: He's back & ok for the most part. So it's a lie he's entangled in & the loan sharks don't even care! poor Uppie! I hope he can straighten it out. And yes, her momma is right, Jongup has put himself out there already & might be too chicken to confess, I totally think she should! can't wait for more, thank you for updating!
jmayo81 #2
Chapter 10: OOh my!!! what happened!?!? I hope Uppie is ok? he had just had a great night with her. Who did he fight & why is he not wanting to talk about it? hmm, can' wait to find out more, thank you for updating!
Chapter 10: nice chapter :)
jmayo81 #4
Chapter 8: Just as I supspected, Uppie is a sweetheart! this was a sweet chapter! thank you for updating!
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 7: Awwww, these 2 chapters, 1st with him following her off the bus & playing the prank (cute) but then showing his jealousy! thinking it was a date, I'm glad she opened up, but it was very sad about her momma T_T... thank you for updating! looking forward for more!
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 5: thank you for making Jongup athletic & smart! but he didn't run, because he didn't think she would.. hoo hoo hoo!!!! a little love connection! but how sad about her Dad, sister & now mom. hopefully, she'll open up to Jongup. Looking forward to see how this goes, thank you for updating~
jmayo81 #7
Chapter 3: I think I'd pass out if Uppie was that close.... aigoya, his shyness is sooooo adorable! <3
jmayo81 #8
Chapter 2: Ugh, this is my fear! falling in front of my crush! hahaha & that happened to her! but whoa 15-20 laps.. I'm happy w/ 4! lol :) really liked this chapter~
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 1: I just started reading the story, it seems very cute & I'm excited to read more. I also love seeing Jongup in longer fics than just one shots so thank you! and you write very well :) no need to apologize for English not being your 1st language!
gery17212 #10
Thanks for writing this. It's hard to find newer long stories with Jongup and OC.