The Fall

The Legend of Zelda's Romance

Apparently I'm stuck a little... It's alright. I'm way pass this story right now so I have to catch up. When I go back to my father's place, I'll just use the Shikah (did I spell that right?) Stone in Skyloft...



"C'mon Link! I won't wait forever!" I called out to Link, also the only person who I've liked. Once he finally reached me, he was panting, holding his stomach. "You're so lazy. You can't even run faster than me." I teased with a light smile. We were on the Light Tower, the top, to be precise. "Now all you have to do is jump and land in the center of that circle. It's alright, the sailcloth will break your fall and you'll just land. If you were brave, you'd wait until the last second to pull out the sailcloth." I explained. "Now go on!" I pushed him off the edge, and I was amazed at how quickly he reacted. He landed without a sweat, also being a little daring.

"That was perfect, Link! Lets go riding!" I shouted out, jumping down and calling my Loftwing and dashing out to the sky. I slightly caught Link running off the edge and calling his Loftwing, following me. This is prefect. The best day of my life... I thought with a big smile. I looked back at Link, a deep loving smile to him.

Then an explosion went off, slowly me in. My Loftwing tried to fly out, but we couldn't get out. Link tried to reach out to me, but we fell in before he caught me. I screamed, slowly blacking out. I long lost my Loftwing before I lost consciousness.

I fluttered my eyes a few times before sitting up, trying to figure out where I was. "I-Is this Skyloft?" I asked, not sure where I was. "A destiny awaits you." a voice said, making me jump and turning around, seeing an old lady with long hair, which was braided and amazingly swaying side to side (like it's hypnotizing someone...). "E-excuse me?" I asked, unsure what she meant. "A great destiny awaits you, young maiden." she repeated. "What destiny? Don't I belong back in Skyloft?"

"But your journey belongs here."

"What journey?"

"You must be purified."


"Go to the two sacred springs to become purified. Then you shall be a true maiden."

"A true maiden? I'm just Zelda, I'm no maiden."

"Oh, but you are."

"...Okay. I'll become a true maiden, but only if I see Link."

"You shall. You must hurry, though. Destiny is not patient."

A somehow, I was able to agree and start my 'journey'. As long as I got to see Link, I'll do anything.

Holy crap. I'm so sorry guys. School's a real pain and my mind is so lazy. I'm so sorry this took forever to finish. I'll try harder to write more often. And thank you guys so much for waiting patiently.


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