chapter 17

My Love Story
“what do u want to talk about?” asked Henry. “umm…can u please help me?” asked Tiffany. “help what?” asked Henry. “can u please.. pretend.. to.. be my.. boyfriend?” asked tiffany. “really? Of course I want!” said Henry cheerfully. “umm.. thanks.. I just want to make Yoona sure that I don’t have any relationship with siwon anymore.” Tiffany’s face turns red. “hey, ur face becomes red!” said Henry. Tiffany then hit his shoulder and then go. Back to YoonWon… Siwon’s phone suddenly rang, “hello?” siwon said. “siwon, will u follow the singing competition?” asked the person from the phone. “I will not” said siwon. “siwon, just follow, n u don’t need to pair up with me.” Said Yoona. “no I will not..!” said siwon. “siwon! Please….” Yoona begged. “umm.. I think I will not win if u’re not there.” Said siwon. “I’ll watch u there!” said Yoona. “so? Who will u pair up with?” asked that person from the phone. “how bout Tiffany?” asked siwon. “siwon! This is Henry! U may not take my girlfriend!” Henry said. “I will not follow!” said siwon, he then hung up. “siwon! Why u don’t follow?” Yoona shouted. “I can’t let u be alone in the hospital!” said siwon. “I’ll be okay!” said Yoona. “u wanna hear me sing for ya?!” asked siwon. “uhh.. I want…”, she suddenly fainted again before she finished talk. Siwon shocked and immediately bring her back to hospital. “siwon, if u don’t want anything bad to happen to her, just do what she asks u to do for a few days.” Said the doctor. Siwon then go inside In her room… Yoona waked up, “where am I?” asked Yoona. “usually..” said siwon. “what do u mean?” asked Yoona. “forget it.. u’re in the hospital now.” Said siwon. “siwon, why I feel like u treat me as ur girlfriend?” asked Yoona. Siwon’s face turns red. “siwon, I’m just asking.. u love me as friends right?” Yoona asked. “umm.. don’t think bout it.. just sleep now!” said siwon. “but u…”, siwon hit Yoona’s shoulder before she finished talk. Yoona then sleep. Siwon then leave her coz he want to pick Henry and Tiffany up to the hospital. Chapter 17 finished 
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BabyblueGG #1
I really like Henry and Tiffany :) I hope Fany starts liking him <3
Mikaelah #2
Chapter 10: I feel so bad for them
Mikaelah #3
Chapter 9: Haha xD I don't a patient can go out at all
Mikaelah #4
Chapter 8: Cause he likes fany
Mikaelah #5
Chapter 7: Cause Tiffany is jealous okay?!
Mikaelah #6
Chapter 6: I see a secret love affair xD
Mikaelah #7
Chapter 5: What the heck Henry xD
Mikaelah #8
Chapter 4: Aw how nice
Mikaelah #9
Chapter 3: Then they fall in love drama happens xD
Mikaelah #10
Chapter 2: Siwon always saves her from trouble xD