Not What You Expected

Played, was an understatement!! He should know to read between the lines, it was pracically his part time hobby.

That didn't mean Sunggyu was less enclined to enduldge into something as trivial as a child play that mad woman was currently  orchestring with his unwilling help.It was just that he felt somehow attracted to the idea of messing with the media, as a kind of payback(he knew for a fact what a non-funded gossip could do to respectable company, whatever its profile).And this Yang lunatic was his perfect chance, which he learned turned out harder to ditch when the show supposedly ended.

As such, he was still trapped inside a luxurious black Sedan, while the said ....lady was on the phone, cooing what he guessed the fore mentioned Woosung into resisting the urge to flee his school compound.

At some point he found himself reaching for the car's doorhandle, only to be slapped away like a well mannered child, her scolding look almost making him gawk.

"Are you insane? You want to have your head ripped by those wolves?!"she motioned with her pretty head towards the reporters outside the stationed car.

If only she knew! Sunggyu huffed, barely touched by her caring act.

"NO, not you, Woosung.I was talking to...uhm...appa."she whispered the last word, not that it didn't have the great effect on Sunggyu on her side."Yes, I promised he'd be here today, didn't I!? We're on our way to your school , so I need you to be a good boy and wait for us, ok? Appa is very busy, as you know, so we wouldn't want to waste his time, right?"she cast a glance at him.

After finally ending the call with an endeering cheer, she nervously her dry lips before turning to him with a huff.

"So, here's the deal.As you might've guessed, I'm pretty much in a swamp and willing to....."

"Miss ...Yang, was it?"he stopped her with a raised hand."I've had the tiest last 10 hours, so you can imagine how unwilling I would be to any non-sense that you seem to be about  sprouting right now.So I suggest we part ways, before you do just that.It was fun, but too childish for my liking."Sunggyu tried again for the door.

"Wait, please."she grabbed his arm."I'll pay off any helping hand you'd give, just, please, hear me out first."

"What gave away any interest on my part?"he mocked.

"You're not that open minded, huh?"she kidded."Well, no judgement, here.I admit, I kinda tsunammied your personal space a while back,but it was mandatory.On my part."she stuck her tongue out at his glaring.

Could she be any more of a child herself?!

"You see....."

"I strongly oppose seeing anything regarding your childish behaviour."Sunggyu cut her."In fact, consider me reenacting the three wise monkeys as we speak.For the uptenth time, I'm not interested."he strongly took hold of her frail hand, removing it from him.

"What are your thoughts on acting evil for the greater good?" she stopped him in his track.

Well, she hit the jackpot!Like she read him, but of course,that was out of discussion.They'd only just met!It was preposterous to think otherwise.

"I wouldn't stoop to such games if the well-being of my son wasn't on the line.But,even if you don't know me,let me tell you:I would go through Hell and back to see that he doesn't waste any second weeping for a father that doesn't have any intention of making himself part of our lives.I need someone pretending to actually give a damn for a few mere minutes.So, as I know time is precious, how much would it take to buy those seconds?"she said, taking out a check from her brand purse.

He had to hand it to her;she knew her business,or the means to make it worth.

But, underneath that stoic act,Sunggyu could see a glimpse of hidden pain and maybe fear.Signs that he loved to spot,before giving his last strike.

Much to his dismay,he found himself leaning towards her.

Furtheron,he blamed it on his fatigue.

But, if he were to be true to himself,the tattooed humming bird behind her right ear had much more saying in his reckless action.

Never judge a book....

"Wouldn't Woosung be aware of the ..."

"HE never met his father.Only spoke on the phone."she hurried pitching in.

"For real?"he crooked an eyebrow.

"Well, the perks of wealth are incomensurable.who wouldn't like to be payed playing a prank once in a while?"she avoided his eyes.

"That's not very healthy for a child's development.

"Are you seriously judging me right now?"she spat.

"I'm sorry I don't meet your expectations in hiring a brainless fool.Maybe you should reconsider your choice."

"I usually read people well.'she frowned."Anyway, I'd only like it if you showed yourself to his Father-Day  school gathering.It would mean the world to him,for a chance not getting bullied,and actually putting a face to an omniscient father."

"Just one thing!Where does ...our engagement come in?"

"Ahh, that...well I kinda had to dodge a mine there."she chuckled."They'd never leave the matter of me showing up alone again in the place of my son's father."

"I wouldn't celebrate just yet."Sunggyu eyed the  crowd of heated reporters that stalked them all the way through the busy traffic."I fear you might've just stumbled on a bomb."he exhaled,mentally preparing himself for the aftermath.

As soon as the car stopped,he entwined his fingers with her slightly trembling hand,taking her out before she could muster the courage that seemed to have failed her.

Thanks to the gleaming sunrays,the cameras flashing weren't as bad as he recalled.However,something held him motionless.

He didn't have to ask,he had his answer(or the big question mark) right before his very own eyes.

A splitting image of a much younger self was standing patiently in their path.

Suddenly,he understood.Life would always come back and bite you in the .No matter how sure you were you had  your priorities set in their place.

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