Epilogue - Final

When You Can't Let Go
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Author's Note: I don't own anything.


Dara’s POV

All I felt was the pain. I woke up with a scream found myself alone in the room. ‘Oh God, it’s too soon. I’m not due for a month yet.’ My back bowed as another contraction hit. “Jiyong!” I cried out. Nana rushed in the room and went to my side immediately. “Nana, call Jiyong. Something’s wrong....arrgh! It hurts, Nana.” “Come on, Dara. Breathe through the pain. I’ll call Jiyong back from Jeju”, Nana said. She ran to the bedside phone and called my husband

I breathed through my nose and tried to keep myself calm like what they taught during our Lamaze classes. I heard Nana speaking hurriedly over the phone but I can’t understand what she’s saying. A particularly nasty contraction hit and I felt a sudden gush of wetness from in between my thighs. “Oh God, Nana! I think my water broke. Arrrgh, it really hurts!”, I cried out. I feel like my insides are going to be ripped in half, my vision dimming slowly. When I looked down, I saw red. As another contraction hit, I see black.



I’m thirsty. Everything hurts. What’s wrong with me? Something’s different, something’s wrong. I feel wrong. Oh God, what’s happening to me? Jiyong, I need Jiyong to help me! I hear a door bang. No! Don’t leave me! Please don’t go! Crap, I need to move! I focus with all might to open my eyes but they just won’t open. No, you’re okay. Just keep calm and you’ll be fine.

Maybe I’m just sick? Maybe I have one of those 24-hour flus or something. God, I hope the babies aren’t sick with me. Babies!!! With an effort, I wrench my heavy eyes open. Everything is foggy. Dark. I can’t get a focus on anything.

Then I hear voices calling out. Yelling. Soohyuk? Then Jiyong…I hear Jiyong. He’s back. Thank God.

“Dara.” He sounds fearful. “Dara, baby. I’m here.” Why does he sound so scared? Fear starts to prickle my skin. I need my eyes to work, darn it! Then Jiyong starts yelling again. “Get the doctor!” Doctor? Where the hell am I? I feel his fingers touch my face. “I’m right here, baby. I’ve  been here waiting for you. God, baby, I’ve missed you so much. He’s missed me? At the feel of Jiyong on my skin, my worry starts to ease. That man has the power of touch, I swear. I blink through the haze, desperate to see him. It feels like ages before my eyes focus.

Then they find his beautiful face. He looks really tired. Like he hasn’t slept for days. Worst of all, he looks afraid. I can see it clear in his eyes. Oh God, what happened, baby? I need to talk to him. With every ounce of strength left in me, I gather my thoughts and I force my lips to part. “Where am I?”

“You’re in the hospital, baby.” The hospital? Why? Are the babies okay? “Ba-bies?” I exhale, broken. I try to sit up. “No.” Jiyong gently eases me back down. Not that I had gotten very far. The pain in my lower region exploded the moment I tried to move. “Don’t try to get up,” he added.

My eyes move past Jiyong, down to my bump. My heart drops hollow. Wh

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Chapter 17: Almost a year now I remember this beautiful story ♥️
Chapter 17: One of my favorite daragon story and I never tired reading this beautiful story ❤️
phoenix3880 #3
Chapter 15: in the 1st place wl k nmn reason to grudge kiko bec d nmn mwawala kung company ninyo kundi rin s kagagawan mo ikaw un gumawa nyan
Chapter 17: This is very beautiful. But, I hope G-Dragon coming put to get a ‘proper’ revenge to that Mizuhara girl
Chapter 17: Thank you authornim for this beautiful story and i ❤️ Jiyong and Dara, they are both deeply in love and
their sacrifices results happiness with their family ❤️
Chapter 17: so much love ❤️?
Chapter 17: so much love ❤️?
xe2d2205 #8
Chapter 17: I like it! Thank you:)
Chapter 17: One year past but this beautiful story I never forget I was in love the character of Jiyong the true love and faith that he wanted most and Dara she sacrifice the love most because of two persons in her life Jiyong and their son and forgiveness of his mother in law.In the end their lives happy ever after with additional child.
Lette1022 #10
Chapter 17: Thank u for writing this story..i really love it